The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-07-21, Page 5• WEDNESDAY •JW .21st1065 CUsI�m' MARKET Iiu..tciierlflg,'. THE:.LUCKN0.1. SEN.TIkEL, [,UCKN;OW, .ONTARIO:. • ' Mondays -.Hogs,,; in, by 4;00 p.m.• CATTLE, CALVES and LAMBS' EVERY DAY, EXCEPT SATURDAY' • We doCuring and :Smoking , . Beef, Pork 'and Lamb: Sold •Whole, Half 'or ' Quarter For Better Service And Lower�*Prices Caf1 Ripley:. 100. CAS .0 • • Y HOgISMA • .prop„ ' KINLOUGH Jack Webster of ' Edmonton vis ited during 'the week with rela. tivesand: friends. here. Visitors at . the home of Mrs. `William- Cox and -Rev. Benson. Cox were Mr. and Mrs. William Lloyd of London. Mrs. Ethel Run- chy ,, of , .Toronto, Mrs.• Robert Thompson and Miss Helen Thomp- son of. Lucknow, Mrs.,. Blanche Bell of Prince Albert, Sask., Mr. 'and' Mrs. Victor Haines , and . Mr' and • Mrs: Roy . Bennett; Barbara and "David of . Wingham. LOTTA LOVELINESAS `1 WHEREVER LADIESMEET YOWL HEA R THEM MENT/ON.THEYLIKE:' OUR •.HAIR 'STYLING MD PERSONAL SUGGESTIONS G L A DYS' BEAUTY SALON 52313-3078 L- U C It rC a W Clo Tammy Hodgins is holidaying with her grandparents at Wind- sor. Bob.and.-Barry' Haldenby pent a few days at Smooth Rock . Friends from here attended the reception for 'Mr. and Mrs. Geo- rge Bushell on Friday ..evening: at; the Holyrood Hall.: Mr.. James . Hodge:, is .visiting with relatives at 'Dunnville.: Mr. and 'Mrs. Elgin. Hogg and children ' of . Wingham • . visited on Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. .Roy' Schneller, Jim and .Betty. Relatives from _ here • attended the Percy family re=union at Kin -c cardine 'on Sunday. CULROSS{ORNERS Miss Virginia, Benedict return- ed home after visiting. Miss Lin- da Rudger, . Georgetown, 'Virgin- ia, :, then .:.attended . the ': camp •at Miramichi • • Mrs:, Ian McPherson has return- ed home from Wingham and: Dis- trict 'Hospital: Mr. and Mrs. Bob '`Fischer, and .family, ' Kitchener. are holidaying 'with Mrs: Catherine O'Neill' and• 'Miss Mary ,Collinson. Mrs. Frank Brown .spent the week -end with 'Mrs... Harry Mc Kague,, Teeswater: Mrs. Gordon Emerson, Hamio-' ta,.; Manitoba, spent, a couple' of days .. with her sister, Mrs. Wes. Thompson, at the' home of " Mr. and Mrs: Jim Wilson, 's: Your, ;Subscripi..on Renewed?. • • or ,.uc :cc' little She looks up at ,•.Mumrny and Daddy with complete trust, • and 'that' trust is well placed. For notonly is she given' love and understanding, but financial protection as well: cH"er family are Su Life policyholders and her father makes 'sure that their life insurance portfolio is. carefully checked, gu tre''bf changing heeds. at re lar' intervals. to take c� ngin• • I'm' associated with , Sttn Life of Canada,. the Company /.with th r olicy tight Why not' ca7l me tadayfiyoj� family. W!LtiMi. J. KINAHAN R. F2. . 2 Lucknow Phone Wingham 357.1987 • SUFI LIFE ASSURANCE :COMPANY' •OE CANADA. :A ii,t0::NAL :ObMP'ANV• IUlarne. In • t Vie' Live In Exeter BLACK :MATTHEWS-1• Mr. and Mrs.. Lawrence' 'Victor "Larry" Black, who were mar- ried in. Nile United Church, Wed- nesday, June 30 at 4 p.m., will. Make. their 'home . in Exeter where the 'groom is on' the' teaching' staff and the bride an M employee of British. Mortgage ..and .•Trust Company. . Mrs. Black is. theformer Joyce. Elaine Matthews: of '•Goderich, daughter of • Mrs, Henry . H. Mat- thews andthe late Mr.. Matthews;. Goderich. " Mr. and.. Mrs. Victor Black, R.R. 1. Port Albert, are • parents of the groom. Baskets • of white mums, pink 'sweet. willam ' and. delphinium formed, the setting for4 t he , double.' ring ceremony performed by Rev. J. A. Veldhuis, • Dungannon,: .Wal ter Tigert, Goderich,-. played the wedding. music, ' and accompanied the soloist, Mrs. Betty . Wilkins, of Goderich•,who sang The Lord's. My Shepherd. and Wedding: Pray= er. Given in marriage by' her unele Mr.' Sam „Anderson, of :Arcola, Sask., , the . bride wore •, a floor - length . gown of : Chantilly lace sheath designed with tiered, skirt, scalloped .neckline and lilypoint sleeves. From the nape of . the neck a full Watteau lace/ train cas- caded to the floor.' Her .scalloped - five -tier .full . shoulder -length • veil fell from a cornet of pearls' and florets, and . she carried a long cresent 'of • gardenias, pink. varie- gated miniature' 'carnations' and `trailing green ivy, Maid ' of honor ' was •• Miss Bar- bara Taylor of Walton wearing a ;floor -length portrait gown of sky blue chiffon over taffeta with the empire waistline' . trimmed with Alencon lace.. The modified ,bell.: skirt swept to .a fullness :in, the centre back. ; Headpiece was a". :matching flower of sky blue' chif- fon and taffeta •with . nialine veil: White :.shoes and; wrist length white gloves; completed; the cost: ume:. Bridesmaids, Miss Jean Drennan, niece of the bride, Strat- ford, and ' Miss' Donna McNee of Nile were . gowned identically the maid ,of honor. All three'. car-' ried . crescent • bouquets of, • pink' • .;PAGE::FIVE• • •'• • ♦••♦♦*i#+♦••••♦•e•e•♦♦•oo••••♦i•♦♦•••♦••*• s►'�i•• ;variegated carnations : 'and ,'ivy. • They each wore. a 'cul'tured pearl. . choker :• and earrings, .a 'gift of the bride: ' ,' Flower :girl : was. • Valerie .Mat_ .thews, niece ° of tine : bride and groom, R.R. , 3 .Auburn, wearing yellow nylon chiffon over, 'taffeta with bouffant skirt, ='puff sleeves and. yellow roses 'appliqued en . the front. bodice . and. ' white accessor.-. ies. She carried'. a ' nosegay of, white carnations with streamers: Her brother, Roger W. Matthews, was ringbearer.. 'Groomsman.: was .Horace.. M. Crawford, • R.R. 6 Goder. ich and Ushers ,were. Ralph W. Matthews, R.R. 3 • Auburn, `' .brother of the bride, `and..Bryon Black, R.B. 1 Port .Albert, brother of the groom;, A reception •was held in the church rooms where ,.the bride's , mother received, 120 guests in. 'a street length • lameo peach sheath. ' dress of Chantilly dace with navy . accessories and ; corsage of. white ''Kilarney ' roses. ' The , , groom's mother assisted in a navy shan- tung .jacket --.-sheath 'dress --with' white accessories and corsage • 'of pink Sensation roses; Mrs:. Sam Anderson 'of Arcola, Sask., -aunt of the bride also assisted in re- ceiving:.. She wore . a.. two-piece'. sheath 'dress of pale blue touched With lace. white accessories & cor- sage of pink carnations. 'Miss. Mar- lene Drennan, "niece of the bride, attended the guest book.. The church parlour was decorated with pink .and white bells and 'stream- 'ers withbaskets of. Mums' and Sweet William The tables were 'decorated with ' pink rose buds,' pink candies ' and rosebuds on pink tulle. A three tier wedding cake, touched. on' :the cornets with pink centred the, setting: Waitresses at, the'reception were Sally ' Neves, Dorothy Brown, Melba Stiles, Bonnie Robinson, Suzanne Straughan, Annette Kerr, Helen Sager and Dolly /Kerr. Guests .dere present from Ar - Cola, Saskatchewan;: Sinclair, Manitdba, Moorefield, . Stratford, Exeter, Monktori',,•Atwood, .. Au- burn, Lucknow, ' Ktndardirie,. Clin- ton,. Oshawa, •.Dungannon, •Ripley, 1 ATLAS BATTERIES'' AND DUNLOP TIRI=S" ,.• •.-0Afi REASONABLE" PRICES• e HavePurchased.. r i Pec sion . Wheel Balancing Equipment • TO BALANCE ALL WHEELS FROM 13" TO. 18" See Us For ' Wheel Balancing And Wheel Alignment Repairs <To All Makes Cars And Tractors, 2 LICENSED MECHANICS �. • INGSBRIDGE • Mr. .:and' Mrs.John O'Neill, Tor • onto, are - vacationing• here. • Mrs. Desmond,' O'Donnell and Mrs. 'M MacLennan •, spent • Last: Bluevale; Britton, Kitchener, Pt. Albert,' Goderich and• .Winghan.• •For • a wedding.trip. to points in Western.. Ontario: the ;'bride: don ned : a . ,petal' pink .' silk sheath' with.. scoop • ' neckline and • 3/4 length sleeves, with white accessories and `white: carnation . corsage. Her jewellery was cultured pearls and earrings SHOWERS HELD • Several events took' .place in honour of, •Miss Matthews prior to. .her ,:marriage A ' miscellaneous shower • 'was :held by, Miss': Eileen Fellows, 'Goderich, a dinner party by .Mrs. 'Edith' .Craig, Goderich; a miscellaneous 'shower. with 100 in attendance was held in the. Nile United Church; • a shower -birthday party was '.held by' Miss Olive: Shields and Miss • Donna, McNee; a supper party was held at Mait- land Golf. 'Club with fellow em= ployees of the :BBritish Mortgage and ' Trust, .` Goderich: • ' • week '-in ,'Algonac, Mich. Wm Fitzpatrick is home ' after being. a patient in. Goderich hos pital, - Mrs.. Thomas Pye Died John.. O'Connor, Mr- and Mrs. '. Leo . Courtney, Mr. . and Mrs. Ray- mond ',Leddy, Lucknow, attended the funeral of . their aunt;: Mrs Thomas ' Pye.-, 'at Sacred:, Heart Church Walkerton on Saturday morning. Mrs. Pye was the form- er ormer Catherine O'Connor. Mrs. ' I. O'Leary, London, Miss.. Elizabeth Bowler, Toronto, vis- ited here. during . the past . week.. Mr. and Mrs.., Emmett O'Neill, Jackson, visited' the O'Neill and Howard .families over the :.week- •,.4 Mrs. Joe Garvey, :Toronto re- • turned to : Toronto after; spending the. ' past week . here Mr.. and Mrs. . Mike 'Garvey and family, Toronto;' are holidaying• at• their., : home here. . Mr. and 1VIrs. P. E. Murray, and. Patti -O'Connor returned horne of-. tertroitspending the past week in De- . •Vivian Bryan .returned home af- ter spending the past . two weeks. with Fay Hogan:: • ' 1964 ' MERCURY METEOR'. 6 Stick, Radio 1963 T, 'OR15 SEDAN 6 ;Standard,. 1963 VOLkSWAGE� N One Owner 1962. CHEVROLET. 4 -Door, 6 Standard 1962 CONSUL 4 -Door, Radio ° 1961' VALIANT .. SUBURBAN 4 -Door " 1959. " FORD 2 -DOOR 6 Standard . .',. 2 - .1959 -PLYMOUTH 4 -DOOR 8 Standard 1959 PONTIAC PARISIENNE Automatic, Radio, 1959' • CHRYSLER 4 -DOOR Sedan 1956 CONSUL In A-1: Shape 1959 G.M.C. 1 'ton , truck • V MOTORS Your Dodge x Plymouth ,,. Chrysler! Valiant beaier JOSEPHINE STREET WINGNAM PHONE 304862 • r?