HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-07-21, Page 43 s VAGUE FOUR ;ter He LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW . ONTARIO - WEDNESDAY:, •JULY 2lst, 1965 rr _,i•1t,4!°, ..ny {sti i7+;Y�"swl*ir`iAtt t .,ca�I o370 4..; LICEA"11 •$r4 FOR SALE well bred York:. !hogs .of serviceable age. Gordon Kirkland R.R. 2 Lucknow, phone 529-7508. WOOD FOR SALE •-. Hardwood or ' softwood slabs, in 10 cord loads. We ` deliver. Borden Litt, sawmill, phone 392-6895, Teeswater. KILL •WEAVIL and disinfect granaries' • `withHoward's - bin. n<'treat $1.70 will. do 1000 Bus. bin; available ;at ,the Lucknow Co-op. FOR SALE — purebred Hereford .bulls, ' can be registered, , Service- able ,age ;Bob McNain, 110 r30: Ripley. ,SALE . —. - two 7.50 14 4. ,ply tubeless tires, • standard tread,' in- A-1 shape., Harold ' Tanner, Lucknow, : phone 528-2536: VACUUM ,CLEANER" SALES and SERVICE For.' all makes — Filter; Queen. ,Sales,:- Varna; phone' .262-5356.:. CUSTOM COMBINING $6 . an acre with grain boxes supplied, •• Ken Stocking,` ,Dungannon, phone- 5297569:. FOR PLAYING CARDS double. and 'single; ;;decks, see : the selec- tion at the Sentinel Office, ; phone •528-3134 • • AUCTION SALE Allan: Maclntyre Licensed Auctioneer Lucknow - Phone 528-3519 RASPBERRIES FOR SALE `'in now r'"come Phone. your order .. and pick your own for a reduc-ed , Price- • Ken Elplick, , R.R. ' 3 Lucknow, phone Ripley . • 12 r 11. FOR SALE - ; Holstein • cows, and springing heifers, three year terms, with no'money down, satis- faction guaranteed. , Apply . Stan Horsburgh, ; phone Wingham,; 357- 2744. SEPTIC TANKS .CLEANED Septic tanks, , cess pools, . etc., . pumped and cleaned with. modern :equipment: All' work `guaranteed.' Louis Blake, R. 2 Brussels, phone 422-w-6:. . CHARLES, McLEAN' • R.R. 4 `Brussels: : '` • Agent For Smith -Roles, Sask- atoon and Guelph, Manufacturers sof-. Comet welders, air compres- sorS, ' electric motors, • eleotric drills, drill. fillaugers, . bird 'scare, cannons: etc. , 'PHONE BRUSSELS 409.W 13 CUSTOM . BUTCHERING( Beef and pork sold in anyquant, ity. Custom butchering in Govern ment licensed abbattoir. Pigs every Tuesday. Beef, from M o n d ay: ' through , Thursday. BUTTONS MEAT MARKET 'FURNITURE FOR SALE , .. PROMPT DELIVERY • 'from •a LARGE STOCK ON 'HAND' Schuett's sell Kitchen, • Bedroom, Livingroom Suites) . ` Appliances,. Pianos,. etc: • Trade-ins accepted. Godfrey Schuett Mildmay FOR SALE. =- used refrigerator, ideal for cooling . cream, will hold 3 cans, in good working •condi- tion. Mrs. Donald Farrish, R.R. 7 Lucknow, phone •75 r 18 Ripley. FOR SALE three piece ches-, terfield suite in ° ' good condition, ideal for ; cottage, priced reason- able. Mrs. Ross Irwin, Lucknow phone 528-3132. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Vacuum cleaning ' and pumping of septic ' tanks, ` Ronald Forster, Lucknow, ` phone 528-2346, manu- facturer of cement septic .. tanks and well tile. FOR 'SALE HONDAS IN STOCK —, immed-• fate delivery. - Insurance' avail- able. Ponies :from $25.00 up. ;CUN- NINGHAM MOTORS, Rambler Sales and Service, ®881-0740, Walk- erton. • FOR SALE - one. ton 1957 Chev - truck with racks; flat rack 7' x9' for one ton truck; airbox to fit on threshing machine : feeder for -use with • McKee harvester. Or- ville , Elliott, Holyrood, phone 24 r 26 Ripley. • • FOR SALE tiro 1010 Case corn " - bine, one year old; Cockshutt Com- bine no. 431, •.one ' year old; also several new .1010 combines.'' Five year : terms on all machines. 'Ap- ply Stan ; Horsburgh, phone Wing - ham 357-2744. PROPERTIES ,FOR SALE 16acresat edge of Lucknow with 7 room house, double garage, small barn, other buildings, river crosses' rear of property $5;500, ,15: acres,' 6 room instil' • stone house, garage, barn ties 16 cattle, water and hydro in both barn '.: and house $6900. • ' We also have farms from ;70 acres and, up at reasonable prices, • for information call: ' . STAN. KAY Phone 523-6493 . AGENT FOR Wilfred Mclntee & 'Company Ltd., ' Walkerton, Ontario BARGAINIII Subscribe 'to .'the Family:.Herald, $4.O0._ for.:. 5 • years;- ':$3.00 " for.. a years and three. months; $2.00 for 2 -years;'.$1:00 for 1,'year Place. your : orded: at: The .Lucknow ,Sen-. tinel. KILL YOUR. EARWIGS Pest; spray, .for earwigs, ants 'and all crawling., insects. -• OPPORTUNITY Special price --• ' a Combination Ironing -Board' Cover andPad:S.et, Regular $4.95, special $3'.95: 'Or- der now to be delivered August 21st` or 28th.. For these Specials see'or phone P •� , your ::• Fuller Brush: dealer, Jim Ellis; Kincardine, phone 628J col lett. WANTED HAY: _WANTED : -4 will take in shares;: T. Vander Velde, „R..R: 3 Lucknow, phone 529-7465: WANTED. `= used 'lady's bicycle, reasonable, phone 528-5151, Luck- now, . after 5 p.m. , STUDENTS WANTED. Boys or girls,. 15 years and over, to •. hoe beans. Employmentfor two weeks, earn extra money' for va- cation time. Contact Mike Penich,. Kingsbridge, phone 529-7278. HERE'S YOUR KEY Td :A BIG • INCOME — MAIL : TODAY The W. T. Rawleigh Co. Ltd. 'Dept. G-271-HY 4005 Richelieu St., Montreal, P.Q Gentlemen: I am interested .in •the world-famous.Rawleigh Line on °a (' . )part-time'.' basis '(.'� )full-time • basis' (. ) Please ' send : me FREE Cook Book and catalogue with full details. Name' •. • Address City • AVON CALLING ;Word's . largest cosmetic ,Company Has .immediate openings for. womenen• ergetic . 'to earn excellent weeklyo` Openings hr Kinloss and • Huron Townships: Write Mrs, Shirley Craig, Avon "Manager, 875.15th' Street EaSt OWen Sound, Ontario. NEW CASH BINGO .. Legion Hall,. Lucknow,; every Thursday evening, 8;45. p.m. 15 regular ames — $10.00' each. 4 Share -The -Wealth , games with jackpot included in each game, Jackpot this week ;$85.00 on -57.' calls. GODERICH • LIONS: BINGO. The Goderich Lions will hold a ' . bingo. on , . Wednesday; July 28th, 8:30 p.m. at • the Harbour:, lite Inn, seventeen regular games at $10, oneshare-the-wealth, one $50 jackpot and the new acceler- ating jackpot jackpot . up to . $250. and 2 door prizes. . Admission. $L00.. BACK TO THE BIBLE • . Listen to "Back to . the Bible Broadcast from Monday • Friday inclusive, at 7:00 p.m Saturday at 9:30 a.m. from St. ' Thomas, 680 on your radio dial. - CHICKEN: and PIG TAILS ' BARBECUE At , Elliottt Beach '.Bar Arber.loy Beach . • " EVERY; 'SATURDAY NIGHT 6:00 p.m..: to ???? Chicken $1.50 , Pig Tails $1.25 children's portion OPEN, HOUSE Mr. and Mrs. Peter ' Dahmer, will be ; "At:'. Home" to ."•their friends " and neighbours on July 15 from 2 to: 5 in the afternoon and and from 8 •to 10 . in the evening on the occasion of their Fiftieth Wedding, anniversary. No' gifts please. Mr. and Mrs. • Dahmer re- side at: R.R. '4- Kincardine. .BAKE SALE The members of the ;Ladies. Legion ''Auxiliary are holding; 'a bake sale in the Legion Rooms, Lucknow, on Saturday, July 24th Auxiliary.. members •are remind- ed of the picnic to' be held at the, bowling green park, Lucknow, on Thursday, . July 22nd. ' ANDREW -• LANE PICNIC .` The . Andrew -Lane Picnic will be. held at the Ashfield Park, Sat- urday, August 7th. Programme will begin. at 3 . p.m., All members of the clan please accept this, -in- vitation. ' RECEPTION There will be a rception . held .on. Friday, . July 223rd' in Dungannon Agricultural :Hall 'for Mr. and. •Mrs. 'Jim Hayden (formerly Don-' na. McNee). Lunch will be served. Everyone welcome. CARD OF THANKS THANK YOU appreciate very much the kind! . help of everyone concerned during . haying and ' wish to ex - Press my sincere thanks. Bill• Farrish 0 Dee s BEAUTY 'SALON', In the Johnstone Block on Main Street, Lucknow (Deana (Deana Parrish,:'proprietor) PHONE 528:3438 or 529-7305., • AUcTIOP.$ALE AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE — +1f Real Es- tate, Household. Effector and An- tique .Articles n-tique.Articles will be held far:. The Estate Of 'The' Late MRS. NELLIE STEWART in Dungannon on Saturday, July 24, ' at' 1:30 p.m. Antiques Hanging lamp, :. end ,: table, hall rack, : dropleaf table, dishes,. spool bed, . wooden bed ; and dres- ser, wash stand, steel bed, hand washing machine, , glass -cup- board. Furniture Dining rooms, `table and. ° chairs, rockingchairs,hot' plate,`itch en cook stove,'.oil burner, oil tank, kitchen table and chairs, coal and ' woadand numerous small articles, ; The Real Estate . includes the 6 room frame house, with good wat- er supplied, sells subject to ':re- serve bid requiring ` :10% cash day of sale balance in 30 ' days.'' Allan Maclrttyre, . Auctioneer Terms Cash `AUCTIO.N SALE Under and by virtue of the :Pow- er' of Sale ' contained, in . a certain Chattel Mortgage which will be produced at the time of • `sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction on:• • FRIDAY,' JULY 30th, 1965 at' 1:30 p.m. E.D.T. Certain. livestock and farm equip- ment' situate on the farm of Wil- liam John Moulton, , R.R.° 4, Kin- cardine,- incardine,• Ontario, being parts . of Lots 20,:.21 and 22, Concession' 1, •S.DR., in the .'Township of Kin- cardine in the' Count of :$ruce� Y •••♦♦••♦♦•s••••♦l►ih•♦♦+4 TERMS. CASH Z • , ♦•• ♦ ♦ ♦. . ♦ •'WE'• . ♦ SELL RURAL'ONTARIO, ♦.. i. •$2,500 'down, and the balance! :in easy repayment terms for; an eye appealing extra ',spat=±- tan home situated on. a double; •landscaped lot close to the•. :main street in4 Lucknow.' The♦ •full asking price for this .mod -I, ern comienienced home is; only $8,0Q0.. • $2,500 down payment ' for a s126' acre 'farm. close to.Wing- ham.. The 4 bedroom home has. ♦beencompletely redecorated. • *The: large "L" shaped barn is; *equipped ' with hydra and wet -I. ter. There isa spring. fed• ;strewn running through the! :farm. Full price $9,900. ♦ • _. • PAUL S . ' .STARR z •& COMPANY LTD. REALTORS♦ WINGHAM, PHONE 357-3840 t. ••♦••+•••••••••♦••••4 CONDITIONS OF SALE: TO BE READ AT AUCTION - For further particulars appply to: Farm Credit Corporation, %/% 20 Eglinton Avenue East, Toronto 12, ,Ontario The Lucknow 'Sentinel has soine real bargains . on &Splay inboxed. writing., paper, writing pads, 'en- velopes, •hasty'. notes, etc.• HQ$DAS' $1.0.000 `P DOWNER WEEK AND ".• OR IF,:NOT 16 PONIES. SELL OR RENT COLTS'' $25.00 UP (uiinLflghurn Motors RAMBLER ' SALES & SERVICE • WALKERTON -} PHONE 881.0140 +•ter ... _... , LOST .a black and.' tan °hound, • three weeks• ago. Anyone know- ing of its whereabouts . call ''Har- old Fowler, R.R. 2 : Lucknow, phone 528-5684.. . ' • FOR RENT APARTMENT '` FQR RENT available' August:1st.: Apply W.m, Murdie. and • Son. ' GRASS FARM FOR . RENT With running.water:. James Dev-' ereaux, R.R4 2 Lucknow: FOR RENT -. ' 2 apartments, one heated, both ''centrally located; a- vailable immediately. - Apply Luck - now Market ' :hon now Fruit , phone e 528-3420. TENDERS.W.�NJEt TENDERS Tenders' for: transportation of.' approximately approximately twenty-three three 'pu- pils to'•R.C. S.S. No. 1 West Waw- anosh. Tenders to' be in the hands, 'of secretary -treasurer by Wednes- day, July 28th. Cyril . Boyle; 'Secretary -treasurer,' R.R.: 2 Auburn,. Ontario Notice �'o 'Creditors NOTICE TO` .CREDITORS In the- Estate of -RICHARD BAYLEY : QUANTE Otherwise• Known As RICHARD BAILEY QUANCE •.deceased 4 •� All persons `having claims . against the ' estate . of Richard. Bayley': Quance otherwise:` . known' as Richard:. Bailey, Quance,, late,. of the Village of Lucknow ,: ,in the County'' of'' Bruce, Retired' Cutter, who'' died:. on` :or about'the ' 15th day of June, 1965,:are required.to. file particulars of , same with Bell . • and Laughton Solicitors; . of Ex- eter, '.Ontario, {by the :31st' day of July, •.1965,. after which date the estate:. will' be distributed laving, regard only''to.' those ; claims ..of. . which notice has been received. j BELL & LAUGHTON,. SOLICITORS FOR THE EXECU- TORS, EXETER, ONTARIO. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In -The Estate Of WILLIAM' ERNEST BLAKE All Persons haxing claims a-' a-' gainst the Estate . of William Er- nest`. Blake, Retired Farmer, Iate of the =Village' "of • Lucknow, in thee• County. 'of 'Huron, who died 'on or about the :21st day: of June,.1965,. are required to file:the•same'with full particulars with the under- signed by the 7th • day `'of August, 1965, 'as after that' date the assets of the estate' ;will: be distributed; Dated at Goderich,- Ontario, this •7th day.of July, 1965. • .. HAYS, PREST- . & HAYS, • Barristers, etc. 33' Montreal Street, - t. -- Goderich, Ontario. 'NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND 'OTHERS IN ' THE ESTATE of , ELIZA ANN WALKER, Deceased. l 'otice Is Hereby Given That All Persons Having Claims Against The' Estate Of Eliza Ann Walker, Late Of The Village Of • Lucknow, County • Of - Bruce,Widow, , De- ceased, Are Required To ' .File The 'Same With The, Undersign- ed, oOth3 Day . Of AugustOnOr 1965Bef, Afre terThe Whilch Date Thea Executors • Will . Distribute The. Assets Of The Estate Among The Persons Entitled Thereto, Have Having RNoticeeg.- ard Only To The Claims Of. Which They Shall Then Dated . At Walkerton- ' This Std° Day Of July;• A.D.' 1965. mA, • Gvenool'' ytJohn SterlingAl, er Executorsckert. By - x': J .: McNab, • S'Q,C:' Walkerton,AleOntario, Their olid tor,