HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-07-21, Page 3• 4 .0 WEDNESDAY, ..JULY .:21st;.. '1965: • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. PAGE :THREE'. • 111 SALE Y111J1E IJS1i.IESS INCLUDING ONE CONVEYOR, AND ONE: TRIMMER`, BOTH WITH GAS ENGINES " ONE CEMENT BUILDING AND TWO .FRAME. BUILDINGS:, `. FOR STORAGE OR, SALE; AT' RE ASONAB"LE� PRICES'..� ray sc FQr food Clean 6 qt Bas�Cefs Strawberry Jam AYLMER NEW PACK, SAVE 12c, 24 o;. Spaghetti h HEINZ, COOKED • SAVE 13c, 15 oz. Cheese:' Del Monte Drinks PINEAPPLE, GRAPEFRUIT, PINEAPPLE ANGE, 48 oz Tomalo Soup HEINZ, SAVE 9c, .'1Q oz.; RIPLEY .. Ir-eckernr„ PHONE66 r30 • SQ�Driflks _ t ROYAL CROWN IN CANS 10: oz. .CRACKER BARREL '12 oz. MILD. CHEDDAR, SAVE • orders. Taken Now FOR • PAILS. OF CHERRIES For MilkingUtensils, Try Purina I 0, Dairy AN •IODINE=TYPE 'DETERGENT,. S'ANITIZER AND MILK-. 'STONE. REMOVER.. USE IT. TO WASH UDDERS BEFORE MILKING "AND • ALSO AS .'AN ANTISEPTIC TREATMENT FOR CUTS: AND WOUNDS.: IT IS NON -IRRITATING, ACTIVE IN COLD WATER:AND DOES NOT LEAVE: A RESIDUE. Beans YORK, W1 PORK,' SAVE. 46„*.15 oz• • Peas • c, 41:01.•TI 1S - GREEN. GIANT FCY 'MED: .SMALL, NEW 'PACK, SAVE 19c,' 15 oz. TINS Tissue ^ PURER,'. WHITE OR COLOURED, SAVE 27c ROLLS Tissue KLEENEX, FLAT FOLD,. SAVE`. .Peanut Butter YORK' HOMO, 16 oz. • ICE BOX Dog •Food DR. BALLARDSCHAMPION, 'SAVE.` lOc, 15" oz.. Instant :Coffee. RED & WHITE,,• SAVE 14c, ,5 oz Shrimp DE JEAN SMALL, SAVE SEE •a/ ORDON JOHNSTONE Your Purina Dealer` 7 LUCKNOW PHONE. 528.3719.. FEATURE. , 400's Donuts SUPREME, REGULAR, 29c DOZ. Dinner Rolle W.ESTON OLD MILL BUTTER RI;NG,. REG. 33c' doz. k, r r. Newlyweds To Lig At :Port :Albert /HAYDEN McNEE • Donna Pearl McNee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' Graham McNee, R.R.. 3 Auburn, and James Mere- dith Hayden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carman . FHayden of R.R.1 Port Alkert, were 'united in marriage.. at Nile United ':Church on July • 10th at 7:30 p.m. e• ChocIat� Bars 6-44c CURTISS . • BABY . RUTH, BUTTERFINGERS SAVE 11c,': 10c •SIZE �ineppple LEE BRAND`CHO`ICE;' CRUSHED -- TD -BITS'. SLICED, 20: oz. Special' .K„ KELLOGGS, SAVE 2c, lloz. kernel Corn YORK FANCY, SAVE • 13c, ;14 oz. Tomato Juice • FROZEN FOODS Dinners 49c 'MORTONS..TASTY,: BEEF,' CHICKEN, TU.R- • KEY SAVE 4c, EACH Mixed Vegetabies . .SUPREME,'2 Ib. BAG MEAT. SPECIALS 9c 'Red: HotWieners SCHNEIDER'S • 9C' Roast of• Pork BONELESS• •S.P. LOIN- P�ameal Bacon LIBBY'S FANCY,- SAVE 104 10 oz. lb. 53c 79c b 85c PI-IONE 528-3001,—, FREE pELIVERY °tat and General, Mrs., John Cowan of ,Cortinna was. a visitor last week with Mr.. and Mrs. ,Ewart, Jamieson. She /i8 at present visiting ,with het sister Mrs, Dan Wylds and Mr. Wyld$ s. Hewat'' and Ardonna af Toronto have* been visiting friends in Edmonton. and with her ton* Robert and Mrs. ifewat at Vancouver, B.C. Alb. and 'Mrs. Goraon Dailey and Brent of Peterborough were callers in town on Mofiday. ,Brent remained arid will holiday , Luckilow and in Goderich with his aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs. ' ?MI McGregor, • Mr. and 'Mrs. Albert Taylor, R.R. 'Lulnow, 1`,,.1r. and Mrs. 'and .Mrs. Keith Finnigan of Lon- don, visite a.. we ives in OttaWa. •• Mr. .and Mrs, 'Melvin Stewfart and Dawn of Guelph attended the Hackett reunion on Sundav. Judy Stewart, who had been holidaying with relatives here, returned home with •them to attend a catty at Brantford. Mrs. Murray McDonagh, Deb: bie and Sharon of Angus spent a few days last week wit r, d Mrs. tarry McDonagb and fam- ily 'and Mr. and ,Mrs. Jack Me: •Donagh and' Rhoddy. Murray is taking a &tinnier .course at Tor- onto University, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Steward -Of London, spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs, Charles Stew - Jack Johnston of Elmira, 'visit- ed' last Friday With hit brother F.." M. Johnston and while here re. newe0 acquaintances With friends hi hit home town. :Miss Alma Alton of London, Mrs. Tom Alton of Walkerton and Mrs. , Irene Shannon . of Fernie, Mrs, Albert Alton •and *Mr, and Mrs -Leonard Ritchie, Mrs. Shang, non . remained with Mrs. Albert,' Alton and during the week, visit- ed with''Yfr. and' Mrs. Gordon Johnstone ind Mr. and Mrs, Blake. Alton returning to London with Alma Alton on Friday., The church was deccrated with' ferns,, blue delphinium, madonna lilies and candelabra. •Rev: J. A. Veldhuis of Dungannon was the officiating clergyman:` Mrs. Ger- ald. erald. Dustow was organist: Bill Stiles of Auburn sang "0 Perfect Love" and "Wedding Prayer.:. The bride was given in. marri- age : by her father, She '. wore a white lagotta gown with control-:. led skirt, scooped, in front, falling to 'a small train: The gown. fea- tured •elbow length• sleeves with ,lace tatting trim ' on the sleeves and waistline. The ;bride's five tiered •veil ` `of 'pure French silk was held by a .tiara of pearls and crvstal. She carried.' a white ';Bible with,, a white orchid and stream-': ers. • ' ' The 'mE tron of honour was .Mrs. Allan McNee of Scarborough. Mrs. Lawrence Black of • Exeter, and' Helen • M^Nee of Nile, . cousin, of the bride, were`'bridemaids. •They• were:. similarly' ;attired/ inn .blue crystal charm street length dres ses with an overskirt of imported Italian lace. They carried pink roses. ___,_. Bill Hayden of R.R. 1 Port Al- bert and • . twin` . brother of th e groom •was' best man. Allan Mc- Nee of Scarboro, ,and Ken McNee of R.R.' 3 . Auburn, 'brothers of the bride were ushers..• The wedding dinner was . held in the church' parlours where the bride's mother., ,received gues in a 'dress of aqua crystal. char / with lace , with white accessories and a corsage of pink roses. The . Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mor- rissey and Cindy, of St, Cathar- ines visited over the Week -end with Mrs, Betty nglarid. Mrs. Allan Turner, Aurora, for-, merly of Lucknow and her nep- hew Alex Smith, .Mrg. Smith and Sylvia of Owen Sound visited in toWn last Thursday, „ Lannan 'returned to Toronto last week where he lives with his son Clare; Mr„,".I.annari has been on his farth Ashfield for a month and a half. Mrs. It. V. MacXenzie 'return. ed to her home Saturday after being hospitalited in Winghaft„ groom's . mother . wore a two piece pink lace dress with white acces- sories and corsage of . white roses.` For a wedding trip to Northern; Ontario, . the bride ,chose :a three piece blue linen, suit with white accessories. The newlyweds will reside on the groom's farm, formerly. own- ed by Bert Crawford, at Port Al- bert on Highway. 21. The bride is a graduate of Stratford Teachers' College. After • the wedding ; rehersal on Friday evening, the •wedding pain ty was entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carman Hayden. BANTAM . SOFTBALL, The Lucknow. . Bantams " soft ball, team ' downed ,the ' Brussels squad on ,Tuesday. of last week with a score of 16-2 They were to play in Wingh'an last Saturday but the • game :was rained out:. Lucknow Presbyterian Churc Rev. 'Roderick M4cLeod: 'SUNDAY, JULY 25th. 10:06 a.m. Sunday School I11:00 a.m. Morning Worship • •U NITED ,CHURCH SerVices During July in St. Peter!e Anglican Church Each ,Sunday at 11:00 a.m. • PETER'S Sixth Sonday after Trinity ' Church School 10:15 a.M, Morning .Prayer 11:00 a.m. Joint 'SerViCeS tneknOw., United' Church,, with. Rev. 8, Jay, Preaching Rector