HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-07-07, Page 4r. iy! It PAGE FOUR THE ' LUCKNOWSENTINEL, •LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 41. ',44r114 ah WEDNESDA' COO $1015 CAR' FOR SALE — 1957 ',NT -81 good shape. Roy Ernberlin, • FOR SALE — 1956 Ford coach, 4 good tires, priced $125. Phone . FOR SALE — used refrigerator, Al condition: , R. Alvin Hamilton, Fort, SALE — nine piece walnut dining room suite, Mrs. George WOOD FOR SALE -- HardWood or softwood slabs, 'in 10 cord loads. We deliver. 'Borden Litt, sawmill, phone 392-6895 Teeswater. FOR SALE — 6 room house, newly remodelled. Apply Goldie .Carter, Nile, Ontario. Phone 524- 6496 'after 6:30 p.m. FOR SALE 1952 G.M.C. 3/4 ton truck, grain racks and 8 ply snow Urea. David Keith, Teeswater, phone 392-6474. ( VACUuM CLEANER SALES and SERVICE For all makes — Filter Queen Sales, Varna, phone 262-5350., FOR PLAYING CARDS — double and single decks,`, see the selec- tion at the Sentinel Office, phone 'FOR SALE — a quantity of hay, priced "bales at the field." Percy Garbutt R.R. 5 Lueknow phone GRAIN FOR SALE -- oats and barley, Gerry Van Beers, l3ervie 2474. FOR SALE -- Case manure spreader for a tractor, in good condition; phone 127 r 20 Ripley; ,Delbert Hedley, R.R. 3 Holyrood. FOR . SALE -- International Cub" Motor. with Pulley,' good running order. Cecil Cranston phone 529 - _AUCTION SALE Allan Mac Intyre Licensed Auctioneer tucknow ,Phone 528-3519 . FOR SALE — one Holstein heif- er," due to -freshen.soon. also 9 ft' Case pull type swither in good condition. Lloyd 1VIabDougall, R: R. 6 Lucknow, phone 126 30 Ripley. • A -99c BARGAIN Readers Digest is now avail- able . to NEW! subscribers at 8 months for 99c. We'd, be' glad to handle your order. The. Lucknow Sentineh phone 528-3134. FOR SALE — 3 year old„ proven,. purebred York boar, with excel-. lent Tecords,' priced reasonable; 2 grade Holstein, heifer calves, from good producing dams and - unit bulls, L. Vander Veen, Loch-, alsh, 'phone 12 r 17 Ripley. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Septic tanks Is pools etc 528-6140. . pumped and cleane .with modern PIGS FOR SALE ,— Purehred Yorkshire 'gilts and • premium boars from R.O.P. tested stock. David Keith. • Teeswater phone FOR SALE — hot water, heater, „ , copper lined, 20 gallen, fuse box and switch complete, suitable for milk' house or cottage. Jim, Er- rington,phone 529-7270. FOR SALE 7— 2 Coleinans oil heating stoves; 1 wood or coal cook stove; several other items for sale. Call and see them.' Mrs.• FOR SALE — 2 bridesmaid's dresses, worn ' once, sizes 11-12, one Mauve with hat and mittens to match, one aqua,`, reasonaVly priced. Phone 528-2123 after 5 CUSTOM BUTCHERING Beef and pork sold in any quan-• ity. Custom butchering in Govern- ment licensed abbattmr. Pigs'every Tuesday. Beef from M ondiy through. Thursday. - BUTTONS MEAT MARKET SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED, Vacuum 'cleaning ,and Pumping ot • septic tanks, Ronald Forster, Lucknow; phone 528-2346, •raanu- „. facture'. of cement septic tanks and well tile. • . FARMS 50 .acres on 86 HighWay, 6 •1740in brick house, new oil fur- .nace, large L shaped barn, Im- mediate 'possession, $6500.00. 100 cres, 3 bedroom house, barn 50 x 60, silo, litter., carrier, •100 acres 4 bedroom brick house, furnace; bath, barn ties 23 cows, balance pens, (now va- cant with: 10 acres bush, stream, .balance workable '$12,500 low doWn payment, 175 'acres oh Highway rolling land, highly. productive, Hard-, bath, oil furnace, barn 60 84 conerete and steel stabling, lit- ter carrier, silo $22,500; terms, STAN KAY Phone 528-6493. AGENT FoR Walkerton, Ontario • equipnient. All work guaranteed. . Blake, R. 2 Brussels, phone FOR 'RENT room. house with .modern conven- iences. on 7th Concession of Ash-, field. -Mike Penich, Dungannon phone 529-7278. FARM FOR RENT.; or On Shares,- tWa. hundred. acre '7 larin.. CentaCt. Percy Garbutt, R.It. '5 LticknoW, :Phone' 520-6140: Dee's: BEAUTY SALON n 'the Johnstone Block on Main (Deana Parrish, proprietor) PHONE $28:3438. or 5294305 WANTED IN EVE NEW CASH BINGO Legion ' Hall,. Lucknow, every Thursday .evening, 8:45 p.m. 15 regular games — $10.00 each, 4 Share -The -Wealth games with jackpot included in each game; Jackpot this week $85,00 on 57. calls. The Goderich Lions , will hold a bingo • on Wednesday, July 14th, 8.30 p.m. at the, Harbour - lite Inn, seventeen regular games at $10, . one share -the -wealth, one $50 jackpOt and. the new ' acceler-k ating jackpot up to $250: and 2 door prizeS. Admission $1.00. Listen to "Back to the Bible Broadcast" from Monday - Friday inclusiVe, at 7:00 p.m., Saturday at 9:30 a.m. from St. Thomas, 680 on your radio 'dial. . CHICKEN:. and PIG TAILS BARBECUE At 'Elliotts Beach 'Bar Amberley Beach 6:00 p.m. to ???? Chicken $1.50 Pig ,Tails $1.25 children's portion / RECEPTION A reception will be held for Mr. and Mrs. gd Brophy on Satur- day evening, July 10th, at St: Aug- ustine Hall. Boyd's Orchestra. Everyone welcome. KINTAIL MEETING • An opening meeting is to be held Monday, July 12, 1965, 8:30 p.m. at MIAMI Community Centre to, elect a new hall committee' and other business matters. All interested persons please be pres- ent. NOTICE CTION SALE 'AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE -- ef Real Es- tate; Household Effect,' and An- tique Articles will' be held for:' The Estate Of The Late in Dungannon on Saturday, July Antiqoes Hanging lamp, end table, hall rack, drop leafa table, dishes, spool bed, wooden' \bed and dres, ser, wash stand, Steel bed, "hand washing machine, glass cup - Furniture -Dining room table ' and chairs, rocking' chairs, hot plate, kitch- en cook stove, oil burner, oil tank, kitchen table and chairs, coal and wood and numerous. small The ,Real Estate includes the .6 morn frame house, with good wat-. serye bid requiring . 10% . cash day of sale 'balance in 30 days. Terms Cash CLOSING NOTICE . Lorraine's Beauty Salon in Luc - know *ill be closed from July 12th to 19th. Maple Grove L.O.L. 1044 reg- ular :meeting will be ,held July 8, IN E ORIA FARRISH — in loving memory Mrs. Lorne , Farrish 'who pas d away three years ago, July 5th; Just .when ,your life was bright - Just when your years were best you were called from this world 'To a home of. eternal rest. ' •Ever remembered by husband4 and family. ' • HUNTER — In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Jac- ob Hunter, who passed away six In our home he is always remem- bered • Sweet memories cling to his Those who loved hint in 'life sin- cerely Still 'love him in death just the Ever remembered and sadly missed by wife and, family. All MeMbers are Urged to 'attend. ' Tom' Helm, Master. Due to recent damage to School Property, anyone playing on the upper playground at' the Luclmow Public School. at any time of the day or evening during July and AugUst is strictly prohibited. The Board will not he respon- ible 'for any •accidents to those playing on the. lower let during the Summer Holidays. ' Lucknow Public School Board: Isobel C. MacKenzie Secretary WORK WANTED%,— general house work or babysitting. Phone 528- 2391 Lucknow. WANTED —. good used ,piano for' United Xhurch Stinday School. Contact James MacTavish, Luc - know, phone' 528-3320'. SALES HELP WANTED — MALE — FREE cook BOOK Get, your Rawleigh Cook Book now and information how to make money selling Rawleigh Products, full or part Aime. Write Raw- leigh,. Dept. G -271: -FC, 4005 Rich- elieu St,, St. Henry . Montreal AVON CALLING World's largest cosmetic Company 'Has immediate openings for en- ergetic wemen to earn, excellent weekly income. ' ' Openings in MfiloSs and Huron Write Mit. Shirley draig, Avon Manager, 075 -15th Street East ' Owen Sound, Ontario LOST STRAYED — frOm lot i4, Co” 1,4 Ashfield township, one • red here- ford- heifer 'weighing approximat- ely 425 lbs., ,on or about June 17. Anyone knewing Of its where- abouts please notify Bill Ross, R. APPLICATIONS Applications, .stating, salary , ex- pected, will .be received by the undersigned until Monday, July nth; .19650 for caretaker, for the fellowing schools, S.S. .No, 1, tist 1st, 1965. Further information received from the • secretary, Lowest or any )application not necessarily accepted,' AlliSter Hughes, Secretary -Treasurer, Kin-. loSS Township School Area, R.R.' CARD It• 7th,, 1965: who visited me and sent cards, •. flowers and gifts while I was in Victoria Hospital, London. Thanks also to Dr. Jack McKim, Dr. Me- Larty and the nursing staff, My wife also wishes to thank every- one concerned for taking her to . London and attending. to the home and farm, . which waS 'all kindly appreciated: Bill 'and Jean Farrish I wigh to express my sincere' , thanks to all who so kindly rem- embered me' in various ways, while I was hospitalized... Mrs. Herman , Phillips We wish to express out sincere ,thanks to neighbours and other friends, for so kindly remember- ing us before our departure from Lucknow. . Cecil Garniss and family ; cieditOrs: NOTICE TO CREoiTORS in the Estate of LULU NIAE SANDY All persons havjng claims against the estate of Lulu Mae Sandy, late of the' Village of Lucknow, married woman, who :died on or about -the, 19th day Of November 1964, are required to send , full particulars of their claims to the undersigned 'solicitor, for the Ad- ministrator on or before the 16th day . of. July 19651 after which date- the Estate will be dist .ted having regard only to_eftt's ' that have,then been received. ROBERT W. ANDREW, Listo- wel, Ontario, Solicitor for the Ad- ministrator. NOTICE TO COEDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE, 'GEORGE ALFRED, WEBB late of the 'Village of St. Helens in the County of Huron, Retired Miller, deceased.' NOTICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the Trustee Act, that 'all creditors- and others .havink • Is Your SubscriptiOn Renewedt, claims, against the Estate of the . late George Alfred Webb are re- quired to send particulars of their claims duly verified to J. T., GOODALL, .Solicitor • for the Ex- ecutrix of. the said Estate on or befere the 10th day of July, A.D. 1965, and that after snch date the , Executrix Will proceed to 'distri- bute the'assets of the said Estate, having regard. only to the claims of which she shall them have had notice. ' DATED at' Wingham, Ontario; this Greta Margaret Rice, Executrix of the above estate; By her Solicitor, ' Box 119, Wingham, Ontario. , • • • • • • • rWE SELL RURAL ONTARICI :NEW LISTING only • $2,500; *down payment for an eye ap-t :pealing • home situated on a; *double nicely, ' landscaped , lot • *close to the main street of •Lucknow. This ektra nice home •is equipped with modern cOn- *veniences 4nd is being seer' *hoed at the low full price ofi •$8,000 because' it is an estate *and the present 'owner is* an- •xiinis for a• quick sale. on *miss this ..opportunitY to own! sa home that you can be proud. • *SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY. to. *own your own home. For a• Iey home can be all yourai. 'It. *has such conVeniences such, al :built in cuPboards; 4 pc.' bath, •H,D. wiring, water under pres-:. :ure, etc. The full asking price* *is only $10960, This home is• :situated'. the village, of : PAUL S STARR ; :& 'dOMPANY • :WINGHAM, PHONE .357-3840 NOTIcE TO CREDITORS 'AND OTHERS IN THE• ESTATE DE ELIZA ANN WALKER,- Deceased. Notice Is Hereby Given That All Persons Having Claims Against The Estate Of Eliza Ann Walker, Late Of The Village Of Lucknow, County Of ruce, Widow De- ceased, Are Required • To File The Same With The Undersign-. ed, On Or' Before The 10th Day, Of August 1965, After Which Date, The Executors' Will Distribute The Assets Of The Estate Among% The ,PersonS Entitled Thereto, Having Regard Only To The Claims' Of Which They $hall, Then Have Make, • Dated At Walkerton, Thig ad. Day Of Julyo Axle 1065, . john Abner Ackert, Owendoi- Walkerton% Ontarloo Their Solid..