HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-06-30, Page 16PAST A$MX EEN: t • 4 • "1H1. ,L;UCKNOW SENT1NE1;, LUCKNOW, ONTARIA• • .W .... 0, • 1965 EDIN•ESDAY, JUNE 3th BUT STRETCH STRAPS THAT 'CONTINUE DOWN ,AND. OVER THE B•elST....FOR COMPLETE..FREEDOM. QF. MOVEMENT: AND ,LOOK AT THE LOW PRICE!•: k3 And more good news .: , Gothic's improved. stretch'straps;haveadjustable slides and velvety 'Shoulder. pads that feel',wonderful, won't curl:and "dig' in." Made .with exclusive Cordtex* "butter. - fly" inserts for fashionable support'and tailored with Canadian; care. of lovely all over embroidered fine Cotton. • Siizes 30-36 A, 32-38' a, 32=40 C, 32-40'D. $3.00 lies' and` Men's Wear PHONE .528.2126 AGENT FOR:; KINCARDINE' CLEANERS reek and. Delivery Monda and Thursda THAT Miss Ada Webster's class at Lucknow' United Church Sun ;;day School had the. mothers' as :;their • guests . Sunday... morning. •; This is : the, last Sunday Miss Webster will be their teacher. as the: girls all advance to ' an older group. • THAT. Barbara Caineron, daugh-: ter of postmaster.'. and Mrs. • `Ken Cameron, postmaster employed for the . summer at the post office here . 'THAT a• "mystery:, woman", whpse, `k.'• identity: was n'o't available at writing time, . has submitted' a claim', ,to the . $6,000,000' . Gaynor inheritance about which t: h' e Sentinel' . carried. a 'story 'last week. The -lady resides ',in 'Tor:. • onto. . THAT Mr. and Mrs. Toni Hac- kett of Lucknow and daughters 'Mrs Danalda " Jamieson. and Mrs:' Freda Errington of'' West Wawanosh, 'left Tuesday : morn- ing on, a motor trip to thee west. coast that will 'include a visit •to the Calgary Stampede • and the, Rockies. THAT Mrs. 0, Whitby, Mrs.•' :A. Wilson, Mrs. P. Stewart, Mrs. •E. Thom, Mrs. C. Downey and Mrs. E. Johnston,, members of the Lucknow Women's .Institute;' . were in Walkerton, on June '23,. and attended , the Food Fair, which held a demonstration _ on, the '.making' of casseroles, • the • theme . being "Never . a Dull .Meal:" " Ripley -Huron Legion arbec*.i Mern�rial Park, Ripky. Friday, July 9th SUPPER FROM 6;00 .to 8:30 p.m.. ,KINCARDINE. JUNIOR PIPE 'BAND IN' ATTENDANCE , Tak�:9ut orders Avd table Bingo and Supper. ALL WELCOME THAT the ' :teachers sof:: Kinloss Township. met- at the Hartley House, ' Walkerton; for ,a dinner last. Wednesday. evening. THAT Mr. and Mrs Jim 'Arnold :..and Susan of Lucknow left•. -last F.'riday of a tWo week's motor ' trip to Manitoba. • THAT ,Mr. and : Mrs. L. E. Goy-"' ette ' and family, Linda, Paul, Allan and Alison . moved "last week to their home on the 'cor- ner of Havelock and Rose„ Sts., . which they purchased ; frq n, W. B. Anderson. • THAT in glancing over our first run of this week's lasue, we. notice a typographical .error on Page seven. The.. article. in the "bottom right corner" ..under subscriber's note should be from James F. Parkes of • Mission =City, ' B.C.; not "Parker". • THAT Tom Andrew of Lucknow and Larry Hunter of ' Zion are' employed with : the . Bell Tele- phone •Co,. They - commenced ••' work ' last week 'at Meaford. THAT Miss. Marlene Carter. and Peter Richard .:Carter of ' Holy- rood, are'.. employed,. at ' Canada Packers in Walkerton, both. •.starting work there early last week. . . THAT a post • card brought: in to us. by ..Mrs.. Frank < Miller of :Langside :shows the main street .'.of Lucknow a ' good many years ago: The street ,was dirt with a couple of teams of horses in the. •foreground. ' .A couple ' of names . are . readable on the storefronts and include Hill's Hub "Grocery in `. the location of where Joe MacMillan's - recent- ly burned building ,stood and Little's Shoe` :.Store in the Wraight block' recently purchas- ed:by the Bank of Montreal. THAT the Wingham Gideon Camp at its annual • meeting elected. ' Richard T. Kilpatrick, formerly of . Dungannon, as president, and Dr. B. N. Corrin, former- ly of' :Lucknow as secretary. :THAT Brenner's who'ope rate the: store. at Lurgan Beach ' in the summer months, are planning '•toinstal a Laundromat there, this summer: . THAT Sharon . O'Donnell • is holi- daying. at the home .of her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Jim O'Don- nell.. Linda O'Donnell :is employ ed for the. summer months at the GolfvieW Restaurant, ; Grand : Bend. THAT. Mrs: G. E. Ball. of Ripley. will teach commercial • at the Wingham District . High School next 'terrh. 'THAT the saying "no news ' is 'good. news" • certainly doesn't: •.apply, around 'a ndwspaper' of- • f ice. Our • Whitechurch corres - pondent Mrs. Victor Emerson emailed 'her. valued weekly news contribution in Whitechurch on_. Monday .but tWo mails have passed, and. the news hasn't arrived late Tuesday afternoon. ' There's a slim chance. we • might have room for a bit of it if it comes Wednesday morning, but the chances of including much of it this.. week are slim. , THAT Sharyri Mowbray, daugh- ter of • Mr. and Mrs. Virden • Mowbray and Joan and Wendy MacKenzie, daughters 'of Mr. arid Mrs. 'Robert. • MacKetizie commenced work this week at private cottages ', at'. Bruce Beach ;THAT' the.,,promlt. '`action of Al Baker using a fire extinguisher from the Lucknow Co-op, ex- • thiguished a car fire on main street on the Silverwoods cor- ner last Wednesday afternoon. Frook of Kinloss who made on Driver of the car was ea quick: eidt from the ,car when the flash fire started under the seats.ster. • ' ' . � Is Your Subscription Renewed? JR "LOWESt ;PRICES" FOODLAND KRAFT 16 oz. Miracle. :W LIBBY'S 15 az... • Spughetii • in FANCY :16 oz. TALC Pink .Salmon: SAVE 6c lar 39c: GOOD :BUY,: '2 TINS 'omato Sauce 37c AYLMER..ASSORTED 9•/oz. Sale Jams on Sup SUPREME, ASSORTED Cookies . on Sale •,A SAVE' '10c tin 59c A WINNER. !ars 89c SAVE ,16c s. 89C ea quartersFresh Strawberries We Sell :For ,Leis 'Values Effective.' hone. Lucknow 528-3420 JUNE • 30, JULY 2, 3 ` THAT the village will see a'. coo pee . of. new houses erected in the future. Roy', MacKay, who recently lost his farm home by fire' .:in - •Ashfield Township,". has purchased- a' building : lot from. Art'Breckles on Standpipe Hill Excavatingwill: start any :.day. The . lot is. • located north of Pe? ter Connon's :residence -and ac - Orland i (the ross from' O and Irw n s (t e former Collyer home) Dr. Jack McKim has purchased a build- ing lot at the' rear and . to the west of • George Joynt's home on Quality Hill. The lot' was purchased . from George. • THAT Mrs. ' Gordon Mauer of • Lucknow was the winner of a hind•:`quarter of beef in a :: draw at Hall's Red and White Store last week -end. THAT'Sandra Cameron and . Joyce Thorburn are employed 'for the summer:. months • at Tamwood Lodge, . Bracebridge. Barbara Nelson is employed'' at Sham- rock Lodge, •Port ' Carling.' The girls: are all from• Ashfield. THAT. Ned ';Martin, 'son 9f Mr. • a ird ` Mrs: Al Martin . (.fears Thom) of Long Beach, Califor- nia, ;,has successfully completed his . first year at ' Long Beach State College. •Ned• is 'employed for ..the summer at Disneyland.. THAT Mr. and Mrs.= Jack Camp- • : bell of ' Kincardine, formerly of Lucknow, and his sister ,and her • husband, Mr.' and Mrs. Russell Frederick and Phyllis of 'Palmerston, left last week on a motor, trip • to the • West° Coast. ``attending the Stampede 'at Cal- ' gary enroute, They plan to re- turn ° the first: week of August. MEMBERS OF'LUCKNOW U.C.W. VISIT THE SUNBEAM ' HOME Two carloads of ladies from x Lucknow' United Church, visited the Sunbeam Home for mentally retarded infants in Waterloo, oh Tuesday afternoon, June 22nd. Over- 70 • organizations including The Red Cross were represented at the bake table, tea & handling the crowds. • The ladies took as gifts froin the U.C.W., . crib quilts, a jump chair and toys.. Those • • attending were.' "Mrs, 1Vlel Goyette, Mrs. Walter Cainpbell, Mrs.' Garfield MacDonald, Mrs, Ernest Lewis Mrs, Elwin Hall,, :Mrs. Chas. Hal- lam, - Mrs. Jim Arnold, Mrs, Bob Campbell' arid Mrs.. Harvey Web Dedicate. New BetheiChtrcIj At On. Sunday, ;';June 27th, idealSunday: Service weather a n d capacity .. crowds. combined to make the: dedication of Bethel United Church a mem. orable occasion.The :service was .. brought. to .the large number out- of-doors who /were unable, to. be' seated: in t h e':. auditorium and ' basement of the church by,. Don. Mason's public address. system. After 'a knocking at , the .door; Rev. Pillen. gave the opening nies 'sage and: the choir and ,visiting clergyman proceeded up' the aisle , during, the. singingof the hymn • "1 joyed 'when to . the' House of God." The architect, Mr. Howard call= ed .on Mr. W.. Mahood to: present. the keys . to the chairman' of ' the Building - Committee, Jim Elliott,. to the• chairman 'of ,the ',Board .of Trustees;, Murray Shelton 'and to • Rev. ` Pillen, who accepted the .keys on, behalf, of: the congrega- tion. . The chairman of Bruce : Presby :tery, Rev. Nelson, led in. prayer 'and, "Christ . is : made the sure. 'foundation" :was ,sung,The bless- ing df the new ediface' was taken by Rev. H. Stevenson,, President. of ' Conference. T, h e • responsive reading was Psalm 84, • afterwhich the Emmerton trio Dave,' Rod and Jim . sang "`God's House. During the,, offering, 't h e choir sang `'Building• for Thy Glory" With Mrs,. Leroy Walden • and JIM' Elliott taking the duet parts. Rev: MacDonald gave a very inspiring message followed by hymn `All things are Thine." Ray Walden, 'Clerk of Session, extended 'a mes- sage, of welcome' and expressed, appticipareted in ciation to 'the all whoservicehad 'par- . Greetings were .brought Pine • River' by Bert Irwin, Rev. Lawson;. London, a former min; ister, Mr. ?hair. from Kincardine Baptist `Chu(" R:. ns f roto. Confei'erchrice,evRev.StepheNelsonon from Presbytery,: Mr. Fry fron •CandargillRev, R;eOv, liver H. StrappStrapp. Lucknow, Mrs, Harold . Courtney capably. presided at the organ.