HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-06-30, Page 15• , WEDNESOAX.t.11,IINg. ord ntgomery istruc hairman James PoWars, Chairman ,of Districts for. the Bruce County T.,B, Survey, has announced the appointment of District Chairmen • for the surveyorganization pro- gramur slated for . this corning Fop • •. The County has 'been,divided up into six districts with the follow- • ing named to each: DISTRICT A, • TobermorY to Wiarton, FINLAY CAMERON, ,Wiarton, . Chairman; .11 DISTRICT 13,, Satigeen. Twp., Southampton, •Bruce Port Elgin and Tiverton will have ALLAN McKENZIE and WOOD - ROW IVIUIR Of Port • Elgin; DIS- TRICT C, Huron twp., Ripley, KincardineTwp., Kincardine, Kin- loss Twp., and LUcknow will be headed by GORDON MONIVOM: ERY; DISTRICT D,• Part of • Greenock Twp., Elclerslie Twp.., Arran Twp., Tara, Chesle_3r and Paisley.- will be 'headed by. E. ROTH• of Tara; DISTRICT E; Brant Twp., Greenock and •Walkerton — JIM.. FLEMING, • Walkerton; DISTRICT F, Culross Twp., Carrick' Twp., • Teeswater and 1Viildinay will be under the supervision, ,Of HERB KUNTZ, • Formosa. •• At ',..a . recent meeting in For- • mosa • and •Paisley, •qhe District Chairmen ,were given full instruc- tong by David Goodyear, Survey Organizer of Toronto, who .is with the Ontario Department of Health, on g method of • organizing their districts and were briefed onthe importance' of: the .. survey in Bruce. ialkeld 'Neighbotirs Make 'Presentation Mr. and Mrs. Thonias. J. Salk - old were presented with two fold, ing. •chairs • by their neighbours; • upon leaving •their West •Wawan- osh home. • • Mr. and .Mrs. Salkeld .now • re- side in Lucknow .the former• , Little • home on Gough St. Which • they purchased some months ago.. Mr.. and Mrs. Elmo, Pritchard and and . Mrs. Gordon `Stru- •.thers called .at, ,the .Salkeld :home •. and made the presentation on be- half of . Mr. and Mrs. SalkekVs former immediate :neighbours. THE. LUCKNOW 6ENTI.NEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 560 Wifne$ses *Markdale Meeting. "Rejection "of Bible ' principles has heen, the chief cause of, mor- al breakdown", •saidoloseph Scag- lione, Toronto District 'Supervisor of more than 150 congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses in Southern Ontario. • Speaking, to an audience of 566 persons in.the IViarkclale Com/nun- ity Centre this past week -end Mr. Scaglione.!' pointed out that, "Ap- plying Bible principles. hae-been a' tried and peOyon ',method of "combating' Moral' breakdown- in business dealings, juvenile delin- quency 'and 'in -marital affairs. True Christians follow the Bibli- cal. examples and abandon the practices .a,n d conduct of this world".•. Concluding hi s discourse •Mr. Scaglione sounded a note of ur- gency by, saying; "Jehovah IS. a righteous .',God and will nOt •al - 'ways tolerate Wickedness . ..• therefore it, is urgent nOw..to void moral breakdown in order to live in a righteous new order. To do :this .one 'needs to study the ,whole Bible to learn its principles. of righteousness and, then apply The. Bible's counsel in every fac-' et of one's life", he said. • The local 'congregation of lievah's.Witnesses sent .several de- legates to Markdale for the three. day assembly which included a programof Bible instruction for membez.s of the familyfol-. PAGE FIFTEEN Lucknow Lady I.T. Speaker ( AS F.I E L.13)• . The c.G.ig. held ,an taffiliati�n Service ' last Monday evening In the Church School room.: Jan Siinpson was leader, , with. Flor- ence , MacLennan, ' Lynda Wyld, Jean MacDonald and Betty Simp- son taking part. A solo was sung • by Florence 'MacLennan, and a quartet 133r, Janice •Robb, Chris- tine MacLennan, Domia Wyld' and. Jane' .1VIoncrief with.:Nancy Mac- Lennan • as.pianist. • Mrs. Henry •MacKenzie, Presbyterial secretary for Girl's' • Work, conducted the Act of Dedication.. Miss Sadie • Johnson presented the • badges. •Miss Gladys lVfacDonkld. of., Luck - now addressed the girls on the hnportance • of decisions. Mrs. Ewan MacLean gave a brief sum- mary of the 50 years of • activities. • Mrs. 'Wm. Ross and Mrs. Stuart MacLennan, former leaders, told • of the work done .here since the group was begun by WS. J. R. MacDonald when Mrs. • Reuben Wilson was • presi- dent. Beverly MacKenzie 'was „the' first. president. Lunch was served, including a 50th anniversary •birth- day . cake.• . • Mtg. •Reuben Wilson is a , pa- tient in. Victoria Hospital, London. Audrey • Ross of •Peterborough is . visiting, at her home before starting on .a trip tto' Europe.- , Bill • Johnson spent 4 days in •Goderich Hospital. after injuring lowing the theme, "Willingly•ftd- a finger with a mower' fill. Your Ministry". The assem- bly. alsa provided opportunity for Sharon West of. London is holi- daying at her home here. • . Mrs, Steve Elliott, Bill and Bar- bara of. Port Huron are visiting • Bill MacDonald: . •• • Barbara •Jean' MacKenzie • is wOrking ',in •Inverhuton for the summer. . • Alex • MacKenzie,. of Hamilton was home for the week -end. Mrs. •Colin MacGregor •came home from •Wingh•arn Hospital • on Saturday.• '• .• .Mr. and -.Mrs. Gordon Ronald 'spent the week -end with Bill Johnsol- , • m new milbe rs of Jeh ovah' s Wit- nesses to be baptized in water. Addressing these baptismal can-. didates • Mr. Scaglione,, explained that, "Jehovah's 'Witnesses copy the example of Cluist Jesus ,in the matter of water baptism. Be- ing dipped completely • beneath the Water symbolizes their burial to their past course Of life and being raised up from ,the water :symbolizes their coming forth to a new course of life • to do the will of •God henceforth. For Je- hovah's Witnesses the 'act 6f wa- ter' •baptism constitutes their cer- emony of - ordination as 'ministers. No age limit is set for •baptism but the, candidate musthave made a ;prior dedication to God in his own heart so by the act of;'bap- tism lie, merely gives an outward testimony before witnesses of that • II*. MST WITH US TO -DAY •START.. SELLING::. TOMORROW:I: Platits Pre d- fadt": , Mr. E. Falconer, the presiding minister of the •local' congrega- tion said, "These past three days have been a great stimulation to Jeliovalfs people. A 11 persons need an anchor today because we live in such uncertain times. Our anchor comes' from our mutual understanding of Jehovah's word and purpose. Now that we are home the congregation is ready. to resume its functions at the Kingdo• m 5 FARMS WANTED Between 100 and '250 acres in Langside district • *. * * 3 FARMS WANTED Near. Dungannon * * *,, WANTED ,--- 400 -Acre. Farm In West .-.WawanOsli *Township •* *„ ***• a , • •• AL$0 WE HAVE CUSTOMERS'fOR HOUSES IN LUCKNOW • • * * * ' . • • • • . FOR EFFICIENT SERVICE IN , ALL PROPERTIES „ ; ,FARMS, I.tESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL — CONTACT. g • • • • • • • • • ., • , • .• • • . • • • a • .. m .0 • * Am - ill • ' II,Jii • •II, ' \ „ . ' 1 , R.R. 1 CLIFFORD . !HONE CLIFFORD, 127-W-4 m •: AGENT. FOR JOHN 1305VEID., RAt..'.rOk .• ..i. 41::* • •..'. • . . . ., .BOX.. 153 MEAF0,*12.0, pliONE..,428 El • ,iin. •m-tmaailm•immi.• lis1 smITallmi• • To Grandmot ers , (Hackett's •U.C.W.) •Hackett'S United Church Wo- men •held their Grandmother's Meeting in the church on June 24th. A hymn was sung, followed by prayer by thel president, Mrs. Cliff Menary. The. devotion and prayer Was taken by Mrs. Frank Alton. The roll Call was answered by• 13 members, 9 "grandmothers and 9 children' by 'nazning their grandmother's maiden name. Mrs. Bert Alton led in the study of 'God and His Purpose, with each member answering a ques- tion. , Mrs. /Donald • Hackett gave a reading/ ."Typical Grandma." The .treasurer's report was given -by. Mrs. Russel Alton. The cor- respondence w,as read , by Mrs. Ralph Cameron, Mrs. Bert Alton gave . remarks on the executive .meeting •of Huron Presbyterial beld at Clinton. Mrs. Ken Alton favoured with ;a ' solo, '"If Your heart keeps right..'' A:hymn was • sung, f011oVved by •the LOrd's pray- , er, . ••••1,,,,4444.4444444.04#40#0#0••••••• EARI ouseho mplents.. WPLL..0E...110140 FOR • 'ASHF101:3) MPS, DIRECTLY WEST OF KINQSBRIDGE., .CHIJRCH, OFF THE BLUEWATER . • , • , • 1E •Sciturdayi July 3r4 AT 1;00 p.m. • LIVING ROOM FURNITURE, ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR; ELECTRIC STOVE, OUTBOARD MOTOR, 2 GUNS, ANTIQUE CUTTER,', DINING ROOM FURNITURE,. „BEDROOM FUR- NITURE,. ANTIQUE ORGAN!!' ELECTRIC, WASHING, :MACH- INE; TABLES OF ALL KINDS, BEDDING, AND LINENS; . CHAIRS ALL: ,KINDS; LAMPS; DISHES, HORSE BINDER, RUBBER TIRED WAGON,HAYLOADER, ETC. n MANY ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS ;TO MENTION THIS IS ALL.TOBE SOLD: WITHOUT RESERVE. TERMS ..CASH PROV. • TAX 3% APPLICABLE Auctioneer Newlyweds To Live At Lan. g$ide, .YOUNG JOHNSTON. A 'pretty wedding was held in Trinity Anglican ...Church, 'Bel - grave, on Saturday when:Linda, Carolyn, Johnston,, •daughter of, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Johnston of RzIt. , 1, Belgraire, became :the. bride of Donald Gecitge Young, son of Mr. • and Mrs. WesleY Young, R.R. 3 Teeswater: . The church Was decorated with' bouquetsof pink and white flow- ers: .Rev, G. E. Pakenham offic- iated. . Organist was Mts. .Law- rence Vannan of..,Belgrave. • The bride was given in mar- riage, by her father,' She , wore..a •street-lenkth dress of nylon net over satin with cuniberbund waist a' scoop necklineand full skirt, with .a jacket Of French illusion lace. A tiara of seed pearls held her' finger-tip veil. She carried a white Bible crestedwith red/ Swee • • 4 theart roses • -•- , . ••• • Maid' of honor was ' her sister, Janette Johnston, who wore .a. 'street -length dress of pink organ- za over taffeta with three-quartef length sleeves and a bell shaped 'skirt. She wore a hat of •pink or- ganza rosettes and *carried a. 'nosegay Of, White mums withpink' carnations and streamers.' • • Best man was Robert Young of Schefferville, ,Quebec, brother of the groom., The' usher wai James LOvett of* St. Marys, Receiving the guests was the bride's mother who Chose- a pink linen sheath dress with jacket' and white andpink accessories. \ Her corsage was, of/ pink carnations: Assisting her was the groom's mo- ther, :attired in a rose . linen suit With •white accessOries and '.a cot - sage of; pink carnations. , The Weddingdinner was held, in the Sunday • school rooms of the ,United Church which •was de- corated in the:'pink and white theme, the table centred with the wedding' • cake: AsSisting .at," the dinner were Joyce Procter, Mary Isobel Nethery, Mrs, James ,Young „- At the close of the Meeting each Granchnother was presented with. a beautiful potted plant, and a' plant was taken to the Grandmci- thers unable ' to he preknt. Lunch was served by Mrs. Wil- fred Hackett and Mrs. Alex Hac- kett.. t Betty and Shirley Johnston. ' For travelling, the bride chang- ed to a navy bltie linen suit with white accessories. They will re - 'side on the groom's farm atFt.R. • 3 Teeswater. ' Guests were the bride's grand- parents, Mr. •and Mrs. William Brown:of Lucknow, .Mrs. Mabel, Johnston of Huronview and Airs. 'Ella Reid of Kincardine, grand- mother of the groom. Other guests were present from •Lucknow, St. Marys, Clinton Teesikater Kit- chener, Waterloo, •London and Schefferville. . arilyn Henderson on Bronze Medal'. • Wises, 'Siberian Iris, and can-: • dies formed the decoration for. • the graduation dinner of the God-. erich Business College, Which•was held at The Little Inn, Bayfield, on Saturday evening. . . Typewriting awards f o r , the year were preSented by the Prin- cipal, Mrs. F MWeaijer, with the Complimept5 of the Business Educators' Association of Can- ada. Mrs. Mar3ralice Pearson won .the Gold Medal' Award for 73 words per minute on A 10 -minute test• with two errors. This is the. second gold medal . award that has been earned at the Goderich Business College: Silver Medal Awards for 60-69 wordsper min- ute were won by, Teresa J. 'Gun- „ dari, Mary Alice Babb, and Bet- va Allin Bronze Medal Awards for 5:-59 words. per minute were Won by Leny • Westerhout, Bette McConnell, Heather Winter, Don- ' na Healy, Neil Josling; June Gov- • ler,: Donna Fritzley, 'Carol Adkin, • Gayle. Collins,. Marilyn Bender- s o n, :Heather Mowat, Patricia Stovve, Gregory McDonald, Lynda Croft, Marlene'•White and Emmie Wilccix, • As soori as the examination rer,„, sults for June are received from the Association,: diplornas will. be • issued .6y The Business Educa- tors' Association of Canada Jo 'Graduates'. Gifts were presented to the teachers, of the School and to those who assisted, in appree. lation 'of their excellent work.' ' • The Heywood§ led In a sing -song • accompanied by the guitar,' which formed a happy conclusion to a pleasant and enjoyable evening. USE SENTINEL WANT -ADS, ,