HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-06-30, Page 12f1
Delegation Request
Removal From Area
West Wawdnosh Council; :Minutes.
West Wawanosh Township 'Coun-
cil held the regular" June meeting
' . on June: 8 with all . members pre-
sent. • The minutes of the May
meeting were 'read • and adopted
on a motion by' Councillors Smyth
and:.Iefferson. •
A: 'report on the ' cost `-of` con-
structing a ' bridge ori` Concession
11 wasbrought,before Council by
the Road'. Superintendent, and the
'need . fox a supplementary by-law
to cover, road •expenditures in
1965was, discussed:..
Bert . Thompson, Clerk of East
Wawanosh Township, and a dele-
gation of 'ratepayers from U.S.S.
No.• 14: 'East 'and' West Wawanosh,
appeared before council with a'
petition from the ratepayers of
that section in East ;Wawanosh to
have :. their • properties detached
from the. West' Wawanosh,'Town-.
shin School Area.• • •
John H. Rivett, 1965 Warble 'Fly
Inspector, was in attendance and
'reported on tlie, season's ' Warble
Fly campaign.. .
J. A. McDonagh .of Lucknow,
was present with regard, to the
renewal of compensation' poheies;
covering. ' t o w n's h i .p, employees
while on duty. -
A rather lengthy, discussion took
place regarding' cutting roadside
- grass and . also procedure to fol-
low.. for weed -eradication ;on 'the
township roadsides. It. was ,agreed.
that the' grass along village roads
should be:., cut'°at this time. The
road --superintendent. reported to
council 'that one load of'calcium
chloride had been applied in front
of farmhomes' in �he southern
part of.. the township, 'and that.
two ` moreloads would be applied
within a short' time on the re-
- twining. roads in, the .stownshi , p
The .'road accounts were .Passed
for.:, payment on, a motion- by coun-
ciller Jefferson and seconded: by
.councillor :Smyth:
The following general accounts
were orderedpaid on a motion by.
councillors Lyons and • Smyth
Waterloo , Insurance e Co,
fidelity ,bond, ',$15.00; W. J., ;I in-.
ahan, fox bounty, $4,00; George,
Humohrey, fort' bounty, $4.00; Har-
old Errington,. 11 fox • bounties,
$44.00;.' Louise : Blake, warble.. fly
spr i 939.10;. K. K. Dawson
ay ng,; . $
relief account, $60.03; W: A. Stew-
art, auditin ' Rivett books,$3:00;.'
C ®. 'warble fly broadcasts, ; $3.-
75; Catholic Women's League,
light. grant, $35.00; 'Pinecrest. Man-
' Nursing Home,: indigent pa
tient �$ 5,. John H. Rivett
, ...
warble. fly inspector., salary, $300.-
00; Town of Goderich, ' High School
debenture, $3,194.43'; J. A. Mc -
Dona h, compensation policy, $80:
Road Accounts: Harvey. Culbert,
salary, ::$113.85; Angus McDonald,
operating grader, $254.15; Robt:
Jefferson, snow fence; .$9.00;',Ed-
, ward.Robinson, . snow fence,. $7.00;
Jas. Le1dy, snow fence, $7.00;'
Cecil Cranston, snow fence, $3.25;
Robt ' •McAllister, , snow fence, $4.-
25; Alex Finleon, snow ; fence, $3.-
.25; '.Chas. Rivett, shovelling snow,
Huron Township
Resident Dien
8. There_ passed away in Kincar-
dine General hospital on Sunday,.
June 20,:'• 1965;: in his 90th ' year,
the late George David Thompson.
He was born in Huron Township.
on the 'Huron, 'Kincardine bound-
ary east, on February • 4, 1876,
where he; ."has . spent los . entire
life as a 'farther. He . was the, son
of' Robert. Thompson •.and Liza
'Emerson.. •
He was .' a member. of Purple
Grove • Methodist Church until. it
'closed in 1925, ',then went to Ber-
Ber-vie United Church and was also
a member of •''the' Bervie L.O.L.'
He married Sarah Nesbit'
in April.
1904 who passed, away in 1934..
He leaves to • mourn . his passing
a family of 'four daughters and
two sons, Mrs. Alvin (.Olive) Ir-
win and: Mrs: William (Viola)
Stanley of. Lucknow,. . Mrs. ; Albert
(Mary) Trafford, Hanover; Mrs.:
Alex (Myrtle)' Percy, Kinlough;
Howard who lives on thehome-
Stead where the deceased was•
born;, Harvie with whom-• he made
his : home: On. the . `farm ,where, he
brought his :bride 61 . years ago;
one, brother (Clifford) of ,Calgary,:,
Alberta; 23/ :grandchildren, . 42.
great grandchildren;
. He ' was: predeceased by five , sis-
ters, ' six brothers land 1. grand-
Eric Percy ''
'An L:O.L. . Service wase held for
Mr. Thompson at '.9:00 o'clock
Monday, evening.
The funeral service • was . con-
ducted •from . the 'MacLennanFun-
eral ..Home; Ripley,: on 'Tuesday,
•June 22nd, at 2:00 p.n: , .by ' Rev..
Martin - Rule . of Bervie United
Church: Mrs. Clarence Cerson,
isothe,, deceased, sang
my, Task"ac ompanied,'b hr
daughter Linda,•
• Burial was in Ripley. Cemetery,
with . six grandsons ;as: pallbearers,
George Stanleys Rbbert Thomp-
son, Bert'; Thompson, Roy.' Stan.
ley; Delbert Trafford and"Robert
'Flower bearers were twog .rand-
children:Wayne' Percy and Wray
Thompson and fourgreat " grand=:
children, Dennis Trafford, John
Coiling; Susan Coiling and Ronald
Stanley: .
;Paul :James 'Black .of London
says "I' look forward to' your: pa-
per weekly, and enjoy it.<thorough-
•WEDNESDAY, JUNE '30th, 1965
�uu Summer
e Kids.
The Season's Dere For..•
Swing Play Sets=
Outdoor swimming Pools
$3.00; Imperial 'Oil: Ltd.,. fuel and
tax, :$61.35; Grant:Chisholm, hy-
ydraulic •.oil and tax, $14.68; D.R.
MC O Ltd:, cutting edges ' (gra-
der), $72.33; 'DRMCO Ltd., ser-
vice, • $15.25 Norman 'McDonald,
hauling:gravel, '$164.00; Brophy
Bros., tire' and tube $325.07;• On-
tario Culvert, galvanized ..C.M.
pipe, $347.49; Corrugated .PiPe Co'.,'.
'hel-cor :pipe, .$47.40;. :R.E.. • For
ster, +instal culvert,: $26.00; God
erich Radiator, flush : and repair.
radiator, $7.50; Carl A. Cox, rad-
iator 'repair, $3.00; Chas. Rivett,'.
hauling; gravel, .00, J. A. Mc-
Donagh, compensation . insurance,
farmers In L1Jtkn0w'Ar�a
A. J�hflst�ne.:.
PHONE 528=619
• i.
i •
• •
8 '•
PHON Et' ' 528 3008.
Speaker Taught
in Bella: Bella
• The last 'general meetinig 'prior
to the :summer vacation months of
the Lucknow, U CW., was,held on
Tuesday evening, June 15th,
Mrs. Wharry • opened . the meet-
ing with a poem, `.`Stepping Where
I' Have:;. 'Stepped" -and prayer.
When business was completed and
reports finished, Mrs.; :Whar,y.
asked ::.the Christian '�Cttlianshtp
Committee with Mrs. .11. Hunter
as convenor, to take. charge . of
the meeting: She was assisted;. by
Mrs. W. B. ' Anderson ' who : read
the Scripture :lesson from Acts.
and gave, . the -commentary : on
same. The' . offering was • received
by Mrs:. ' C. Bell and+ Mrs. H. Web -
ger. and dedicatory
ebseer.'and.dedicatory; remarks were
given. by Mrs; G. Ritchie,
A very.' pleasing : solo by Mrs.
Dennis • was . much. enjoyed. Mrs.
Jas. MacTavish then :'was :called
upon to introduce the guest 'spea-
ker, .' Miss Lois . Hunter, 'Of Armow.
Miss Hunter taught school for two
'years in 'Bella Bella Indian School
in British . Columbia:: • She showed
pictures of .the town which was
started in '1904 and consists' of
OM, long streets, but reports that,
a. third. 'street has ``begun: In ' ad-
dition: to the school . they, 'have;
a' 25 -bed •hospital with two doc-
tors in charge. The:hospital 'hospital . and
school staffs are the ;only whites
in Bella Bella. Fishing is the
main •, industry and salmon,' ;kali-
but and herring n are caught. • Zn
,addition to her pictures, Miss Hun-
un-ter, had an interesting display • of
handwork done by the Indians,
e.g. a totem: pole, trays. of . ply -
Wood, leathercraft, . shellwork, em-
broidery and crochet work: in very
fine 'and intricate patterns.
She explained that when ' a wed-
ding takes place in Bella Bella
the groom provides all the,
wedding gown, cake, dinner, etc.
Mrs. Treleaven thanked t e
speaker for, her . lecture, pictures;
and'. display: table, also Mrs.. Den-
tals for her solo. •
Mrs. Hunter closed the meet-
ing with a short Nein, "Do 'Some-
thing",, a hynin and. the Mizpah
Explorers Meet
-The Explorers met on: Friday
after school at the home of Mich
ael Hamilton. Taking ',part in the
program were: Mary MacCharles,
:May White and Brian' McGuire.
and.; leaders, ,Mrs. 'Walter Black;
and Mrs:...Jack. McGuire: The.'hos-
•tess, Mrs. ,'.Gary Hoffman,' `• and.
'helpers served 'refreshments:,
Mr. and Mrs. Lee' "Bennett' and:
daughter of , Armstrong, "Ontario,
••and -Mr, and Mrs. Roy,'Garvy • and
daughter of' Kamloops; .B.C., ; are
guests .of Mr. and 'Mrs. Herman
Anger.?Roy; and.Lee` are: attend-
ing a, two: .weeks course at the.
RCAF . Base;: Clinton. .
. Mr. and Mrs. Walter ,'Dexter
spent "Friday in , Detroit. • 8
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Howes of
Clinton visited on Sunday :with.
Mr.. ' and Mrs,,' Walter Black and
family. They also` attended the,
Opening of •Bethel Church. Others
from here 'attending the opening
were ;Mr. and Mrs,. Walter Dex-
ter and. Mr. and Mrs., Sandy Macy
Charles and :family.
Mr. and'. Mrs. Herb' Clayton 'and
Lynn • attended a' .family reunion
picnic at Paisley on Sunday.
Mr and. Mrs:' Earl Stacy .• of
London spent • .the . week -end at
their home here, 4:'
Mr and 'Mrs.' Oscar White and
family visited. on ,Sunday with. Mr.
and Mrs.: James McNairn" of Sea-
forth' and also called on Mr. and
Mrs., Joseph •: