HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-06-30, Page 11• WEDN. ESDAY, JUNE .30th 1.965: •," • THE LUCK,NOW SENTINEL,• LUCKNOW," ONTARIO Georgi Gear Rep -ts Ori �ver�eas; Trip •With• ,;Juniors. • • . most readers, :alreadyknew, merit. ,They were discuss' Fr the As I ' was selected; • to accompany the tax on•, liquor,:.; The opposition sta Ontario • Junior Partner- • Delega- ted that •it would hinder trade tion from Ontario to Great Brit- In, . essence. it resembled County alit on .an . exchange visit This Council; .in . session except t .h e has received• so much publicity members were more relaxed, Ty and .I received- .so many ' expres- pical of the discussion was, by signs, of good wishes that:- it seems . the opposition "Scotchmen like that all of Bruce County •and Scotch on the Rocks and if Gov - many friends, outside the County ernment don't mend; their ways coming with ..me. The least • they will soon ` be on the rocks" 1 can do is• to report and 'share We head the opportunity .to: at some 'of my "experiences,.n,as nl go .tend a,.reception by Ontario House • along, perhaps a 'letter . once a . and met' representatives of all our week. If this is possible, so much., mayor; banks and' trade" represen activity and hospitality may inter- •tatives from both . Great .Britain vene, I 'will write to the Depart- and Canada.. Ontario House. seems ment in Walkerton where,, the• sec- to be quite active :in :promoting retarieS. are adept at interpreting Ontario products. Ted Marrit who .my writing. This .will' be made looks ' after farm •produce states available to • all publications wish- that to break into this ' trade we ing to use it all or in part; need to produce in larger ' quan- The four : Junior Farmers, two -boys 'and two girls, Barbara Mac- Rae, Sarnia - Lambton County; Patricia Knox, Hampton, Durham County; . `James Moore, Belmont,. Elgin .County; and .Barton. •Mac Lean, Napanee,. !Lennox :and' Ad- dington County, a: r e all smart personable young people: and will make 'worthy representatives in .Great -Britain.. ;.They , spend, most of .: the . time visiting farm fam- ilies a 'n-ilies 'in : England,. - Ireland, and. Scotland: Other than arranging for meals, 'hotel bills,. etc.,• going from one place to another for the group, I.:am .free to go anywhere to see what , is interesting., We'. left Malton, • Airport. : at 8:15 p.m .on,, Friday,. `May 14th., After taxiing : around, this montrous plane of : well- over 100 ° passen- gers: took off into the wild blue yonder:. Climbing at a: steep angle. to about .6 '• mileshigh, we crossed the Atlantic and ' didn't <see it; : we• flew over the *clouds., Darkness took over as soon as we left and • it became daylight at ' 2:00 Lin.. by • our . tim'e.. We .'arrived in - Lon- don: 'at 8:30 London time and . I. had to change my. watch 5 hrs. ,0n the lane, they feed 'you at P, Y. 1400 p.m. and served breakfast at 2:30 a.m. The ,difficulty . ever, since is:.:that they feed youtoo often', • and.. don't let- , you sleep u en h ` Too ' ch to see nd . do enough..�mu , •a and eating .. is always, a pleasant pastime. We explored, London -with Miss Jenny Hinson, a. :young farmer .re presentative from Devon, . Many places -are familiar from hearing of 'them so :often and seeing .them. on television, ete: • For 'example, Buckingham: Palace, The Mall, Trafalgar Square, Westminster Abbey, 'l'he Tower built by. Wm. the .Conqueror, and • where • Henry VIII beheaded his wives, boating on. the Thames. River,. London • Bridge,. Tower Bridge.'On Sunday,' w Mar- . attended .: worship . at ;St. M . tit's` in' the Field.' The Queen at- tends this ' ebureb, but she was at 'her: summer 'residence` and we did not see .her: • Ontario House arranged an in- teresting program on 'Monday which •included a visit .to Parlia- tity. The market is there . if we produce .large quantities of qual- ity products. . Tuesday we flew to ,Belfast, missed the first plane and caught the next oiie two hrs. later, air traffic is such to allow this. Tref, fic -- London traffic, was the main cause of missing the plane. After .a° •pleasant . meal. 'at • Drum- kin House, we went home to our• host families in various parts of Northern Ireland Oh yes, the : grass is very green but contrary : to previous reports the ' sun. has ,hone for two days and believe it or not I' got ..sun- burned at .a grass : silage denlon- stration • yesterday. The season is .late here They are just starting to. put up grass silage. They are expert: in grass .silage.. The :farmers: name to the. demonstration' at Greenmount'"Ag ricultural School in large: • num- bers;. approximately 2,000 attend- ed. I.. am staying with Eric . Croz ier, Lurgan, juste beside • the town.: His wife, son John who.: runs. the farm,' daughter • Dianne .:studying. the equivalent of Grade XIII ex-' ams, • and , James, • 5. , They are a' wonderful. family. They . have- a new house 'with all. modern con- veniences _which would.. fit in. well in any locality .in Bruce Cdunty.• e c • .Eric is Group Secretary S c Y of the Farmers Union of . the, County, the equivalent of . Fieldman, of,: Feder ation ° of Agriculture -' : the. job Ronald. Slade _,does in Bruce Coun- ty,.. At the Lurgan. Streamline. Milk Depot, farmers : bring • ' in their •. rnilk in cans in ;trailers.. Trucks bring • some and, some comes in• tank tik cks,.. The Milk. Marketing Board here buys : all lst. grade 'milk at the :. same• price. and ' a lesser price is paid for 2nd. grade. Bottled •milk , is the main outlet and 2nd • grade is. ,manufactured :into butter. • The ,price, is 50c, per - 100 higher.than: our ,manufactur•. -ed . milk price and there are no quotas as yet'. I • visited .a Community , Sales Barn :selling;'. feeder pigs, 75 lb.. . b ringing `• $23.00:.• The Feeder Pig:• Au 'et Port, pigs bringing .adpwn ,:sells 1,000. -to 2,000 pigs a week. ,90% ♦ . i' $ • . i•' 2 •4 • i • • •• 6 • •• ATLAS BATTERIES AND DUNLOP TIRES • AT REASONABLE PRICES': We HavePurchased New Precision Wheel Balancing' Equipmenf TO BALAN'CE''ALL. *HEELS FROM' .13" TO• 18" • e• 4 ♦. i ♦• ••.• 4 .• • 4 •�* • • • • • • • ,• •• i See. US For' 'Wheel Balancing. And Wheel Alignment , • ' Repairs' To All• Makes Cars And Tractors • . 2 LICENSED .MECHANICS• Nt ***••••••••••••••••••••44••••••••••••••••••0 Kiiiiiss Purchase: 'actor. A:fldM�w�r (Kinloss Council .Minutes).:"' Kinloss Council met in. regular session Monday, June ,7th, 1955 with Reeve F '• A.:' Murray and Councillors Conn, Evans, Elliott and Haldenby, present. The following motions •were• pas- sed and bills :. authorized paid. That , the minutes of the . reg- iller .meeting "of May 3rd and sne cial meeting of May 28th be adop- ted as read:; • • That we pay 'Mrs•Mary Button;.` :•fence_, bonus on Lot- 1, 'Con54, •where fence was removed for road construction, 140 rods @. $1;- per rod. That we return t h e - .deposit; cheque -of Durham Stone •and Pav- ing Limited for gravel tender, That we pay Wm. Eadie fence., bonus on EH Lot 2 and.3 where fence was . removed for ,construc- tion .purposes, .120. rods @ $1.00 per. rod. ' • That we pay the balance of'.In- specter's. warrant of 1962° .trustees levy due to:S.S. No. 1 ' Kinloss in `,the amount of $199.84 to the. Township -School Area , That 'the Kinloss Council accept the report ,of the Bruce County, Library Board. That the••Kinloss 'Council assures;. the Walkerton and District Assoc- iation for retarded :children of our' grant of $399.00. That .we pay John' Inglis $2855.00 being contract in full for2nd con= cession "drain. • •• That we accept the application of Claude Dore for grader ''oper- ator Tor, the 'Township of Kinloss. That we pay the allowances :to owners under Section 8 of the Municipal Drainage . Act 1962-1963 on; 2nd . Con.., drain —.Pearl Car Iter $135:00; Jack. Ackert $942.00; Allan Macintyre $123.00. . That we pay Willex; King. $75.- 00 as : per.. Section .:8 ' of Drainage Act, 1962-63 for . land.' taken for. drain: on Sterling Drain.: Improve - That . we `accept : the . tender of 'Thomas : •- Hackett.' Jr.. for tractor and mower as'' per specifications with. tir s 14.9. x 24. six .ply., at'" $28- -70.00. S •ect to D.H.O.•' approval. �J That wead"o rn J, u • .. to ' meet July. 5th. or, at the call .of the reeve: General Accopnts: Carruthers Nursing, Home, $122.25; Perry Ho- dgiins, •Warble Fly Inspector, -$400 .60; ' Garnet Farrier, tuning piano, $13.50; Dr. , Bruee, dental', care.; $35.00; Anderson Flak Products, ,warbicide, $53.25; 'Lloyd Johnston, work at twp.-; hall, $39.76;• Village of :Lucknow, fire. 'call,.' $75.00; Fra- ser McKinnon, .hydro at twp. been - ties, •$10.12 : 'Robert . •Orr, 2 fox boen- ties, $8:00;; Leonard 1VIeFarlari. 4. Mx bounties, $16.00;, Gloria . 'Gil lespie, ,1 fox bounty, $4.00, Luck-. neW, Sentinel, supplies, $21.46:, • Ed. Thompson, repair 3'ohnston Drain,' '$4.80 Prov Treas., insulin, $2.19; 'G. H. Wall,part' salary and tele- phone .$:71.70; Kinloss Twp. School Area;, .balance 1962 trustees levy, $199.84; John Inglis,. :2nd Con. drain • contract, $2855.00; ., Harold Stanley, C min: fees on 2nd Con, drain $ 5 -1 0.0 0, • Culross Mutual Ms..' Co., insurance en twp.° hall,. $54.00; Skelton, Gibson and Associates, superintendence" 2nd Con: . drain; $150.00; ' Pearl Carter,' allowance•; on, 2nd Con, drain, $135.00: Jack• Ackert, 'allowance on 2nd Con, drain, $942.00; Allan Macintyre, allowance 2nd Con. dram, •$123:00; of the: pigs ;fed in Northern" Ire- land are: produced' by • sow farrow- ing units and sold to pig feeders through such auctions. • Finished Steers are sold through a Fat Steer Auction at Lurgan. They a r e rougher, cross -bred. . steers Mostly, not carrying.' as much fin- ish as ours) selling for .; ,only a slightly higher price .than burs.' ' Fa; mens have the same' :prob- lems problems as at home high taxes; low prices, • land ekpropriation for new • town , sites and highways, faring too small, etc.„ However, they have 2 months longer to do their snit mer work. Presently the surf gets up over one hour earlier and it :doesn't 'get dark until 10:00 . .PAGE; E L EY.EN • L • WHY YOU' SHOULD CONVERT. ' YOUR. PRESENT: EQUIPMENT TO SAFE, ECONOMICAL ••• OIL. HEAT It's easy to convert to oil: We have a complete,. line of top quality Esso Heating Equipment to choose from + Esso burner -$1.85 a month • Complete Esso oil . furnace unit- $4.95* a month. And now, with Esso heating equipment,' we can arrange for you to get Esso Home. Heat Service, at no cost. Your best guarantee for continued home heating comfort. ` *installedw your a hti►u duet molt ROY .HAVENS :Plumbing :and Keating, Phone., 528-3012. 'Lucknow ESSO OIL" BURNER SALES and SERVICE HOME 'HEAT SERVICE • Willex' King, allowance Stirling drain . improvement, $75:00.. Ei hwa . Accounts: Lorne Ivers : g Y. supply. grader operator, $84.09; El - I den Welsh, labour,. $133:20; . Ed - Thompson, : labour; 21.60 • , A, .. u p. b � $ � H ghes, road. superintendent, $115:00.; Wingham- Advance Times, adver- tiling,.. $4.05; Ray Stanley,truck- ing gravel,. $73.35; Lucknow: Sen- tinel, advertising, • $4.00;• .Kincar- dine Kincardine Mews, ` advertising, $5.00; Mc- Donagh Agency, ,Ins.: twp. :truck,: $60.90; S. J.. Fader,: supplies, wire, posts, ;$81:70; Montgomery Motors, .fan. belt, ;$3.25; Corruga- ted •Pipe Co., culvert, $9.4.30; .Onto Culvert Products; culverts, '$1,54.- 59; Valley Blades Ltd:, ,$12.54; A. Hughes,' •.supplies, $1.39; Ra9nraid .A.ckert, ..snow blowing and bulldoz- ing, $47:75.. . G. ; H. Wall, .clerk In one week's rim* ' we tra'vel to • Scotland for a whole new set of : experienceS, and. if • this' has, been any indication so far, AboSe experience's' Will be pleasant and • profitable. $T PETER'S LADIE'S GUILD 'WELCOME . REV. and MRS. JAY. The June meeting of, $t.. Peters Ladle's ' Guild was • held : on. June 17 in the Parish, Hall. Hall: ' Mrs.. E. Gaunt opened the meet- ing . with , the • Guild Prayer and the Lord's Prayer: The Roll ,Call was answered by 14. • members and 6 visitors with a, verse from the Bible.. A ;hymn- was sung: The ,Secretary -Treasurer read the min- utes and• the. Treasurer's Report. Thank -you notes were acknow- edged. • The ' Business wasas follows: Plans were made for the Sunday School picnic which will, be held on July. 4th at the home of . Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Pritchard, weath- er permitting; Plans were'.made to take .. order for Turkey Pies,. to be Made within- the ;next; couple: of weeks. .. Mrs. . Elmo Pritchard read the Scripture. ' Mrs. F Connon, fav- • . oared � us with a :lovely :solo "The , Sound of Music." Mrs,. If . 'Cooper gave. . a reading. "Two. Magic • Words." ; Committtees were., form- ed for =next' .meeting, Mrs.. E. . . Gaunt .:wel Lomed`: Rev. and Mrs..S:. Jay to our meeting; and. our . Parish. Rev. Jay • replied.. Rev. S. :ay closed our . meeting with • Prayer, . and a social periodl followed with lunch served :by the hostesses: `Daughter �f Aria pioneer is i 00 (Whitechurch News) Mrs, Edward St. -John of Kan- sas City recently celebrated. her :100th birthday.: with her., daughter Mrs. -Gladys Kelmwhere; 'many.: friends gathered . for, the- special :occasion. Mrs St.. John was for- merly Mary' Robinson, daughter of the late Mr. and ;Mrs., Ed. Rob- in'son who . pioneered in this country on the - 9th con, East Wawanosh. • Her • sisters the late. Mrs. Wil - nein Beecroft (Agnes) and, Mrs. Joseph Cuinberland ' (Nell) of Manitou, Manitoba, and brothers. William;. -and Tom. of ,East Waw-. ahosh and James of Wingham'` passed away . many ' years• ago: Mrs., St. John has many. nieces and nephews in this community. • • RIPLEY MEAT MARKET Gusto .Butcherhij\ Mondays — Hogs, in by 4:00' p,m. CATTLE, . CALVES and LAMES EVERY PAY, EXCEPT SATURDAY We •do Curing `and Smoking •.. . Beef, Pork ,an d Lamb. Sold Whole, Half or • Quarter . . For' Better Service, And 'Lower Prices - Call t Ripley .100. CITAS, } OO SMA - Prop, •