HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-06-30, Page 9WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30th, ..1965
by Bill Smiley
In one, small town, after anoth-
er, the local •movie -house, once
the gown's foremost center, ,of
second --Band • sin' and sex,'" vio-
ence .and valor,,; excitement .and•
ecstasy, .:,is . darkening its''.' form
erbrightspot 'on .the main, street,.
• and, closing Its doors, to stand
• there in bleak reproach, mute
testimonyto the havoc that is' be-
•ing wrought on our' 'culture toy.
• that -one-eYed , Monster.; .. '.the tel-
evision Set,
I ' read the other day that the
theatre .'.had been . closed ' in my
old, home town, and it gave • :me
quite a pang, like :'• learning of the
• 'death of , aboyhood friend still in
his best . years For some .ofthe
most formative ..days. of my life,'
that theatre' drew . me into its
' black znaw with the awesome
ease of a whale 'yawning to, let;
one ,small, .: herring swim inside •
As a small bey,.' I wept, .shiv-
ered ' •with fear, screamed, , with
laughter ; and . almost died of .sus-
pense, , in that theatre. • 1 chased'
-.Indians with . Tom Mix, fell .des
'perately in love with Marlene,
Dietric. h and thundered ' through.
We • jungle on ,the 'bask of Tantor
the Elephant :.with Tarzan
I. rememberg oing to every mat-
inee r
atinee.:1 could Manage: Money was
scarce in those days,' and rais-
ing a dime was harder for a kid,:
than ' raising a —dollar, now.. ` Some-
times it took me a solid.. hour to,
wwheedle the sum:. . out . of ` my kid
brother, an industrious' type who
had .a newspaper route. '
There was' ,'a. matinee . Monday,
• Wednesday and: °Saturday. in those,
• . days, , and . it .taxed my.. ingenuity
to make all.; three, but ' I seldom .,
missed. If I. couldn't find any em�
'pty beer.. bottlestosell, and . my
:brother, wasadamant in refusal,
I'd ' hit' -up: my 'pal "Egg" Slegg,
and equally ardent aficionada of
the, silent screen, but one with 'a
little more money., If he had only
one dime, wed buy . one ticket,
and' both try; to , squeeze' past the
ticket -.taker. ' ' He knew what . we
were, doing, and if'`he..was' in -a
•good mood, let us'both in.
One time,, I was. -completely'
stymied..I. 'had- to go to the „show'
to see if Tarzan : got ,away ,from;
the, croiodiies who' were .convey -.
i tg .on;. him fast Saturday:-• 1.. ;got
his last six cents: from' my broth-.
er, but couldn't , raise :another
sou.. It's 'about 30. years ago. so.
I. guess 'nothing will happen if
I. admit 1 swiped: the. other . four
from: =my,• mother's purse Ifi was
the, one time the show wasn't. wor.- '
th it. The sunofagun :.got •:away..
from, the ,crocodiles, and 1 stiffer -
.ed deep, .pangs 'of .remorse for
A wonderful ' part of " ,my cultu
,ral education in ' those • d a y s,
though I . didn't realize it' at the
time; was .the music instilled in
me .at ; the , show, when they were
still running silent ,pictures. Down.
in ,the: pit, ,watching the :picture
and ' matching its every . mood,
with : consummate. skill : ; on the
piano,. sat .Lornie Noonan. How
he could make. you' sweat as the
wheels started • coming, off the
stagecoach. How he . could. make
you ` weak with hot, salty tears. at
a touching moment! •
During the ' teens the theatre.
was a different, but ': equally
thrilling" place., 'In its .comforting'
'darkness,: ' the most timid boy
would, 'find the courage . to reach
shyly .'for th e hand. of his girl sand'
sit there,;. clutching '.it ' .fiercely
until 'both their paws mere slip-
pery with sweat. •
And ' if. the .girl ::whose hand 1
';clung` . to on manya. wonderful;
Saturday afternoon, with ;he, teen=.
age • crowd in, 'the gallery, reads
this, .I, hope she won't'' be embar-
'It 'was one of the very: nicest'
.parts , of growing .up
I'm sorry .if /You've been. bored•
by these ' 'reminiscences. 'They.,
'started from .my horror at the
rapid,' ' decline. • of the,. smalltown'
theatre. How people can sit and
watch thatappalling junk on TV,,
when there's .a first-rate movie
at •'the'.` local: show I . can't under-
NOTICE ,is HEREBY' GIVEN to proper
ty owners in urban -and' subdivided areas to• -des- #.
troy all Noxious Weeds as often .as necessary in
each season to prevent their• going to 'seed
.• 'after July 10,
1965, proceedings will
be taken' 'to destroy : Noxi in " accord
.,ous . Weeds
ance' with the. Weed Control Act.
Aiex C��sney
Huron County Weed Inspector
Awards In Ohio
COLUMBUS, 'OHIO:. Certificates,
of achievement were awarded to
more i than 135 persons ',during
"graduation" ' ceremonies at, •a
Regional Institute on Nursing.
Home . Care at Columbus, ' Ohio,
on Friday, . June 11. '
The: "graduating class" ` repre
sented .66' long-term medical care,
facilities' with • a : combined bed
capacity ' of 7,060in a nine -state
area " including ' Illinois, , Indiana,
Kentucky, IVfaryfand,' Ohio,' Pen-
nsylvania, Virgina and - ' 'West
Virginia, .Michigan,flus the., Dis--
trict of Columbia and Canada:
Local residents' receiving cert-
ifleates—were;--Mary -R. Newbold,,
Reg. N , and George' A. Newbold,.
of Pinecrest . Manor, Nursing.
Rothe,' Lucknow, Ontario.
The Institute, ' . held at The Neil.
House, June 9 -ii.' and, attended by.
over 150 persons, was sponsoreed.
by :, the Joint . Council '.to : improve.
Health Care' of 'the Aging. ' It is
the • first in the Council's Second
Series. of Regional' Institutes and
is part ofa nationwide education
program designed• to. improve
patient care' in nursing homes.
Purpose of the Institute is to as-
sist :.'administrators and super-
vising nurses and 'others with
major. -responibility in: perfecting
care of the long-term, patient, to
probe through an intensive ' sem-
inar experience the 'immediate
needs, of nursing. homes,: to. ident-
ify and 'solve. specific. problems.
encountered in patient care,• and
to provide those with previous
Joint ;Council Institute experience
an, .,opportunity for advanced:.
study. '
• The. curriculum . include s'' a sym-
posium on care of the long-term
patient, conrcurrent :;:elective. , cour-
ses : in patient care,' management,
and advanced administration -med-
ical economics, case studies, 'and
two formal, luncheons.
stand. When the theatre in : their.
owrf -town goes : dark, those who
have enjoyed a' thousand exper-
iences in it will .be sorry. And
none will more bitterlyregret it
than : your ,:humble servant.
We extend our sympathy to the
Benedict family in the.. passing` of
Mr. ` Benedict's father, William:
Benedict.; .Mr. and . Mrs7, Elmer
Benedict and • Martin attended • the
funeral on :'Wednesday in Wallace-'
burg. .
Sympathy , is also extended . to
the . relatives of' George Thomp-
son . of . Purple Grove. , Mrs. Jim
Wilson and • Mrs: John .:Ho dgins
attended, the funeral in .Ripley on
Jackie Thompson held a birth=
day party for• his ,boy, friends Men -
day after school. • . '
Mrs. • Frank ' Brown,and Reg
;spent Monday eveninwith . Mr.,
and ' Mrs Harvey Nicholson ' . and
family, Berve
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer' Benedict
and Virginia were ' guests recently
at a wedding in Detroit.
On Friday Mr. and, Mrs. Ezra
Stanley and , Sharon' motored to.
Parry Sound' • where, • Sharon• is,
employed fpr the •summer.
Mr. Wilfred Benedict, Windsor,
visited with ' his' brother, Elmer
Benedict. •
,Mr; and Mrs Morley Wall,
Mr: and .Mrs. Ted Hal'denhv Were
guests Saturday at the Shewfelt
Anderson wedding in Kincar-
dine. • ,•
Mr. and Mrs.. ' Elmer Benedict
and Virginia spent Monday in
Georgetown: ` •
Mr: and . Mrs, Tom Stewartand:
Ha oId . spent. • a few days • wii;h
F.O and Mrs.. Russel Stewart and.
family, Trenton. ,
'Most farmers are busy salvag-
ing. their hayThough we haven't
.had much rain 'we should be very
thankful for what we have, when
we think of the unfortunate k peo-
ple in, the drought stricken areasb
Week -end visitors' with Mr. and
Mrs:Everett Everett Parker and family
were: Mr. and Mrs.. Gary Ed-
wards,' Toronto, Ronald and Har-
vey.- Parker, Fort William and
Mr. and Mrs: Lloyd Dwinell, Pres
ton, •
Bob ,Green, Fort William;''pent
the week -end with Mr, and Mrs.
Applications for the positions.. listed: below. will be re
ceived by the :undersigned until Wednesday, Jiily ' 1965.
Applicants should- state •age, ,marital, status, schooling, present
employment, previous. - experience and salary expected, , and
be in handwriting.. „
... 4
(a) Bookkeeper Responsible for ' accounts and records of
County Highways: Office, alaiy payroll, some .purchasing, ;•.:
and annual statement.' Starting salary•$330000 to $3900:00;
(b)• . Licensed Mechanic. Deisel experience preferred. To , be
in, charge of repairs in County garage; Walkerton, •On-
• tario. Five day, 50. hour week. Starting rate $1.;60 to $1.90
Two weeks holidays, ten, s.tatuator " holidays,s,siek credit
plan, county 'contributing , pension plan. •
BOX 398,
Frank Green and family,
Bruce parker , spent the ` week-
end at Marquette, in Northern
Michigan.. •
Raymond Schumacher and . Jun,
:Windsor,.` were week -end .visitors
with Mr. and. Mrs.' Frank Schu-
macher -awl 'girls,.
Mrs. Bob ; Fischer and 'three
children, Kitchener, :visited` over
the . week -end with '`Mrs... Cather-
ine O'Neil and . • Miss Mary :Col-
lison. • •
Mr. and Mrs. Ed 'Collins, Port
Elgin, visited Sunday with . Mr.
and Mrs. Midford Wall.
Sunday .:evening visitors With
Mr. and Mrs. Tom-. Stewart and
boys were: Mr. and Mr,s. Gerald
Stewart and Mrs. Kelly, Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Goesel and Susan, and
Alex Stewart and family, all. of
CIirNX, Wingham. Some of the
adults, also accompanied , them. •
Mrs. Ada' Hodgins of Windsor,
Mrs:,. Rudy 'Sieloff and son 'Calvin •'
of Detroit visited. on Saturday
with Mrs.'William Cox and Rev..
Benson Cox.' :Mrs. ''Hodgins re-
mained for a visit with her bro-
ther on ; the occasion ' .of his 91st
Miss Sandra Percy of. Toronto
was home • during the week ,"and
ed the funeral of her ..grand
father the : late George Thbmp-
soaitendn:` . '
Mr; . and Mrs:`' Dan Tollefson of'
Islington visited. over, ; the' Week-
end with Mr and Mrs. Ezra Stan-
ley ; and. family.
Mr. and Mrs. George. Gilbert
and ' his sister Agnes'' from : .Strat-
Stratford, Mr. and - Mrs. 1'.. A. Murray,
Mr: and 1VIrs:.Howard Thompson
visited on ' Saturday with ' .Mrs.:
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Graham
of Lucknow. visited, on Wednesday
with .:Mrs: William: Cox:,- and ,Rev.'
Benson ..Cox: '
'Pupils On' Bus ',Trip.
Miss 'tettHunter and u4)Y�' pi
of • S.S. No. 2 enjoyed a bus trip
an Friday.' They visited Douglas
Point, the' Museum at' Southamp-
ton, the Teeswater Creamery: and.
f D,
holsonthe week -end : with Lois. Nic-
Mr. and Mrs. 11. Syder of Or-
egon .. visited with ' Mr. : and. Mrs.
James Hodgins and other rela-
tives. . ' •
Sunday .,visitors with Edna and:
May : Boyle, Were Mr. ' and Mrs:.
W. ' Simpson ' of : Clandeboye, ; Mr,.
and . Mrs. G. "Eaton of 'London..
AIM It Mete
the �eo'a9, $'i?igs 4re
6 Stick, Radio
2. -Door •Hardtop; 6 Standard;" with. Radio
1963 -FORD. ,SEDAN
6 . Standard •
4 -Door,. 6 Standard
4 -Door, Radio..
:Automatic,' 8, With P,oWer Steering and, •
Brakes, Radio
445.9.. CHRYSLER. 4 -DOOR
Sedanr '
+Door. Radio
G.M.C.. 1• ton truck
Your Dodge ?. Plymouth. + Chrysler + Valia'nt beaier R