HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-06-30, Page 8PAGd IEIGH I. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO roKen.ip .At' ey Field Day 1piey Huron Central `School field, Day ,was: held on Thursday,, une: 24th. .Competition was very, men: with ,I5 records broken: "This. the second . year for the field y are the results. slay .:: Junior .Boys., , 50 yarddash, Darwin Pollock, David • Middleton, Perry Elliott; Running Broad, John Huston, ; Darwin " Pollock, David 'MacDon- ald; ;: Standing : Broad, David 'Mid- Standing a letbn, John 'Huston, • Darwin Pol= hack; High Jump, Paul .Shantz,; Darwin Pollock, David MacDon- ald;', Ball. Throw, Darwin 'Pollock, 1"'au1''•S"antz, David,. MacDonald. Junior ':Boy's . Champion, 'Dar- win Dar -win.` Pollack, Interrediate : Boys 75 • yard' dash, • Allan Mackay, 1b71y Kirkpatrick, Norman;' "Ball; .Running Broad, Billy Kirkpatrick, Elliott 'Courtney,. Allan Mackay Standing; Broad, Billy . Kirkpatrick, Mari Mackay; Norman Ball; High Jump, Allan Mackay, Billy Trent- er, Elliott Courtney. • Hop,' Step . and JUmp, Allan Mac- lay, Elliott. Courtney, ,,Billy Tran - ter; Ball Throw, Elliott Court- ney, ' Allan Mackay, . 'Billy . Kirk- patriek;, Half Mile, Bryan Boyle,. Allan Mackay, Billy Kirkpatrick.. Intermediate ,: Boy's, Champion, Allan Mackay. Senior Boys , 100 yard dash, . Donald Pollard, : Brian Pollock, Dennis Martin; Running Broad, ' Donald.. Pollard, • Brian Pollard, Ian MacDonald;, Standing Broad, Mark MacAuley, Jake : Middlekamp, Dennis. Mar- tin; High Jiimp, Brian :Pollock, Dennis Martin, Mark' MacAuley. Hop, Step and; Jump, . Jake, Mid- delkamp, . Donald Pollard,: Brian Pollock; Ball' Throw, Wayne` Far-. rell . Brian ' Pollock, John D. Col- ling;• 'Half Mile, Don C1d. Pollard, Mark' MacAuleyBrian ' Pollock. Senior Boy's Champ ion, : Donald` P Pollard,'' Junior Girls !, ' 50 yard dash, Susan ' Walden, ll: Marjorie :Colling Kathy Farre , Jie . tt� . : G eert a '(tied);: and . Maureen.G sena Running 'Broad, Susan Walden, Kathy • Farrell,, Marjorie : Coiling; Standing 'Broad, Marjorie ': Coling, .Susan "Walde n:.. Kathy� Farrell; M• High, Jump, Susan .Walden, Mau- reen . Geertsa,' Kathy Farrell.;. Ball:'. Throw, Margie Collins; Bon- nie. Boyle, • Kathy Farrell... Junior Girl'sCham ion Susan Walden. i? Intermediate Girls. 75. yard, dash, Margo, Nicholson,. Karen . Lackey., ° Mary ' MaeCharr les and. Rachel. Rohrer,' (tiedY; Running •Broad;. Margo .. Naieolson' .... h .. , Kerry Farrell, Rhoda Rohrer';: Standing: ;Broad,; Margo. Nicholson$ Rachel Rohrer, Mary MacChar les; High Jump, Margo Nichol- son,, Jane Pollock, Karen Lackey; Hop, Step and, Jump, Margo Nicholson, Kerry Farrell, Jane Pollock; Ball' Throw, , Gail. -Court: ney, Janice Paquette, Susan•'Ei- 'liott; Half Mile, . Karen Lackey, Margo. Nicholson,. Susan, Bradley. Intermediate Girl's • , • Champion, Margo Nicholson.• Senior Girls :100 yard,- dash, Gloria Bushel, Mary. Rohrer, :Bertha Van. Dain;. Running Broad, Jackie Johnston,• Dianne Pollard, Mary Rohrer; Standing Broad, Mary Rohrer, Gloria Bushel, .Janice Wylds; High/ Jump, ..Gloria -Bushel, Gail Lock, 'Janice . Wylds. . Hop, . Step • and Jump, Gloria Bushel, _ Dianne Pollard, Bertha Van Dam; Ball Throw,Dianne Pollard, : Mary Rohrer, Jean Scott; Half Mile, Gloria Bushel. • Senior Girl's Champion, -Gloria. Bushel:' 1. The Best Week , To Advertise Is Every Week! " 0 ST. HELENS] Mr • and . Mrs. Glen McDonald of London were week -end Visitors 'with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold. Gaunt., • Little Jefferay Gilmour. of Tor- onto spent a . few days with his grandparents : Mr. and. Mrs. Har- vey Webb..' . The July meeting of the St. 'Hel- ens W.I. , will be ' held on Thurso.' day at the' hall, in the 'form of a picnic. This' is 'Children's Day and . all children , of the commun- ity: are . invited.' ,Picnic lunch. Sports:. in' charge of Jenny's .Girls: Mrs.: Hugh . McLaren and Chris- tine of Port ''Elgin were recent.. visitors with : Miss : W. D. Ruther- Mr,� and Mrs. Bert; Shopland . of Rochester, ' .Alta.; .i :Mr,. ' and ,Mr. George • Shopland of . Edmonton, Alta. and Irving Hunter ofo. d- erich were Sunday. .visitors with Mrs. W." I: Miller and. 'Isobel. / Little. Jill McQuillin of Hespeler spent a few'' days fast week • with her grandparents, . Mr. • and , Mrs.' Fred McQuillin:, • S :h e • returned: home with her parents on Satur- day. • WEDNESDAY, JUNE. 30th,. 1965 ' �Ecu . ■■■■11110 1■■ 1�A1 .1111 /11p■��AR*0■/11■s .114n■ rshea. Plans ■ For FalCair . McKEE CLAAS■ rhe W. COMI3INES'. HARVESTERS �. , Mrs Harold bampbell was• ■; hostess for .the Tweeasrnuir His �, . . y g which was ■i,• ; ., for CuratRrs meeting held in. the • Kairshea Institute T ANNOUNCEMENT■ Hall.. ■ Mrs. Ted Collyer a • . an Keith were . in :c 6ALL , FARMERS business of the mee g in teresting pieces of : .. ■ • , t .AI d Mra. Ev- arg e of the . Many in Welle were shown and . their tones . old, in answer to the roll calla "Wear ■ your oldest piece of jewellery and give • its history: It was decided, to quilt two quilts as requested Mrs; Harold Campbell and Mrs. Harry Levis were . appointed to. make ` tickets to sellon the Tulip quilt which ' was made las fall. Reports were beard ' fro,''r� e Standing Committee . C and the committee in . char e f the Bake Sale, Mrs. Levis repor -• ed that . the Kairshea ladies • had collected; $70 .for the Cancer Soc- iety. A committee of Mrs H. •Levis,- Mrs RoyFinlayson and Mrs. Evan Keth, .• was lappointed : to collect. . furniture etc. for '.. the ✓ ■ '. • ■ .. ■ • i ■ :▪ ' ✓ ■ . ■ . ■ 1 ■::Implement. Tractor :ani WE HAVE, PLEASURE IN:.ANNOUNCING THE ' APPOINTMENT OF OUR NEW DEALER room for which we 'are ,responible at the , Centennial: Fall Fair. In charge of the display • at the Fair will ' . be Mrs. Annie Maclntyre, Mrs ' Frank MacKenzie and Mrs. Currie Colwell. ` Mrs. Evan Keith . displayed the "slow . moving vehicle sign". pre- pared -by the Safety Council and. recommended. " that " all farmers have " one. These are quite rea sonable in cost ' and easily : attach- ed to vehicles when needed. Mrs. Harvey''`Houston gave a fine -..ac- count of the District Annual:: held in ,Bervie in May: Donations were made : to the Korean Child Fund and the F.W.LC:.' National. Dele- gate 'Fund. inter- esting Hughes gave . a very .anter- esting account of" the officers conference at. Guelph. As, curator of the Tweedsmuir ` ,History she was :'sent as..:a delegate from .the Kairshea ' W.I.' Janice sand Mar- ilyn' ilyn` Wali; sang' a duet which was much enjoyed'. The girls were dressed as ':'old ' time ' lady and gentleman and ' after : singing..,. a couple of numbers they asked all to join ;them;; in singing "Seeing Nellie' Home". Contests were . con- ducted by, Mrs. Finlayson and. Mrs. Gordon: Wall::' Mrs. Hughes and Mrs." Keith, ; thenconducted; a .contest where the ladies were asked to name ` some thirty odd ■ • .N• • ■.. : .. ■ . .■ LucknOw: 10.0..004, Dec( dry. ivision 5ERVIcE r. O . B. O 0 • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■ • ■ :' ■ . .■ ■ • • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ... ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ..:. • . : ■. ■ ' ■ ■ ■ - • ■ 1'6 .. • ■■ ■ u•uIau•■■au■■■••i■uo'm a■■■■■■mi, • 6u■i1■u ■■■■■fi u ■ E■■ articles used'. during pasty ears. ston; directors, Mrs. Morgan John - Mrs. Ira ;,Dickie named the lar- gest number.: ' Mrs. Wall thanked ..'Mrs.: Camp- bell and all ..those participating. Mrs. Finlayson and Mrs. Wall :as sisteti the hostess' in : serving ; a lovely lunch. Mrs. A MacIntyre will be''hostess for July at the hall. This is an evening, meeting: KINLOUGH We. are sorry . to ` report : that Mrs. Roy Schneller is a patient. in the Wingham " and District Hos-. oprtu�nt� " From. calves that grow & grow & grow LUCKNO You can grow .calves for the profitable. veal' •'calf"..market' in '-only, 10 - 12. weeks' with SHUR-GAIN Vealer. Approximately 200 pounds of thisexciting new product will raise a calf to market •weight calves that will g"rade `good' to "choice's... FORTIFIED WITH ANTIBI- OTICS' and ,with a special, high fat level; SHUR-GAIN, Vealer gives you :4aiiiazingly... low feed conversions. • TEST. FEED YOUR NEXT CALF .ON SHUR-GAIN" Vealer and learn • for your- self about the exciting new ' profit oppor-, tunities : from feeding for the Veal Calf Market. • • ASK US TO -DAY FOR THE. EASY FEED- ING PROGRAM AND A SPECIAL PER- FORMANCE RECORD CARD. ' n Flax invited One :$287026. Ir calf feeds pital. We wish' ., h'e.r; improved health. .' •• , Baptismal. Service At the Anglican Service on Sun- day, Debbie Lee, daughter: of Mr. ' and Mrs: Donald- Earle, ` and Doug- las Elgin,' son of 'Mr: and 'Virg. Elgin Hogg, were baptized. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Langford of London `;visited on Sunday With' Mr, and : Mrs. • Bert.•' Nicholson. ' Miss Evelyn Nicholson. of Tor- onto spent the weekend at... her home here. Youth . Rally • Held ' ' A Youth Rally and Sunday ev- ening service was held in. the An- glican Church with David" Ketch= an of Fergus,,, guest speaker. Alex Hewitt was in charge of . the; ser,, vice which was well attended. Has .91st ' Birthday On Monday a dinnerwas held at the home .of Mrs. William Cox and Rev.. , Benson Cox,' it being the occasion of his : 914 birthday. Those present were Mts. Ada Hod ins of Windsor, Mr. and 'Mrs. - John Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Scott, Mrs. Bill Scott, Edna. 'and May Boyle and' Charles Liddle: Mr. acid Mrs,. Howard Thomp- son • visited .on Sunday with . Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson and fam- ily. Sunday, callers at the. home of Mrs. William Cox and Rev. Ben- sore Cox were Mr, and Mrs. Don- ald Blue of Ripley; Mr. 'and Mrs. Ernest Ackert and Mrs. Charles Co ngram • of Lucknow.• Ji Mrs, . Jean Sutton visited. with s, Glen Groves at Zurich. Gary Sutton was .in London on Sunday and visited with Mrs: Gordon 'Far- rell who is a hospital, patient, fol- lowing her recent. accident. Note Change , of 'Date The H.W.I,, will meet on Tues- day ,evening, July 6th, instead of June 3rd,, •Hostesses, Mrs. 'Orville Elliott and *Mrs. Morgan' John - Ston . and Mrs.. ,Jack Ackert; roll call, One ',reason 'why I'buy Can- adian ` ,:made articles . when ` pos sible • contest-' unbaked •':cookies. FAIR. NOTES One `'final, note to those tear'l- ers who have ,. been busy guiding ;.' the 'students , who have exhibits now ready for judging - Please leave writing. art, etc., ,with Mrs: Fred ' McQuillin or Mrs. Bert ' Al- ton immediately as judging: will . be done at once. * * Have you seen the b'rilding of. the new :gates?. They are coming along nicely and will add greatly to, the entrance of ` the park and to the villagein general. * * If you are planning :to: enter a float in the .parade, :the prizes .will be. for. ;1st $25.00, 2nd $20.00, 3rd S15.00, a n d 4th, $10.00. ' : Gordon Brooks donated $50.00; toward this prize. For, ` decorated cars the . prizes will be $10 for first, 2nd $7.00, 3rd $5.00, $4th $300. There will be prizes as above ' for antique, cars prior . to 1,930.. For the schools. participating in the. parade •: in , costume deemed . • worthy, a prize of $8.00 will go / to each school'., USE SENTINEL :WANT -AD. TORONTO MAN INTERESTED, IN "LOOKING BACKWARDS S ntinel, thea columhn i of 50 oyears ago under'the caption of "Look- ing Backwards" held special i'ignificance for ' Ted Richards of Toronto. • 'Ted is employed in the same ' De Haviland Aircraft Plant in . Toronto as Dean McInnes, fol iTh erly of Lucknow: In. reading Dean's copy of the Sentinel, Ted discovered his father's name,.. George Richards, in a list of pupils of S. S. No. 6 Kinloss, 'tak- en from the April 8th; 1015, Sent iter issue. Mr, r H.. ;A. MacMillan • was the teacher. • Mr. George •Richards had been raised by • Jack MacKenzie of the 6th of Kinloss: Ted had ' little knowledge of his father's early life .aqte -sted' in finding his wfastherui's name atrndong the. ,listand of scholars.