HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-06-30, Page 7yj(SDNESDAY, • JUNE 30th, 1965' • LOKING.. B.ACKWA THROUGH THE 'O �YEAt2S,, G0'-. 194'. � . . .. ,•-......•.�. ,. 2 A 5 frons Norman; :O • '945', ' � • . , .. 'Connor,. Aril 20th;. 194 � The P � ��� power_ was turned:. -'on at. w, C.; King of Brussels was el- Heinlock City School, ected C:C.F, candidate for'. Huron- Col. Philip ' D, •,MacMillan son Bruce, of M��s. P. J; MacMillan ,and the At 'a business';. men's ' Meeting,late M". MacMillan hours arrived. home, the closing h .u, s for the summer froze overseas on crutches, ' were Monday, Tuesday, and Fri -.Deaths; Miss. Annie Meikle ohn' 6 .p.m; Wednesday 10 91; Vancouver (Kinloss ' pioneer.); • day, p.m.; ' Tuhursday 12;15 • noon, '.:Saturday Allan. ,MacTa.vish,' . 63_. • L` 'kno • , • uc , w, 11 p,irl, W C., Finlayson.; was. elect- David Andrew lluston, 47, Toron- ed president of the Association. to;. eJohn Clubb, 83, Whitechurch; ''Lorne Cook, a:10 year; old Ash- Mrs, Dave 'Cook; Toronto . (10m- ...field lad, picked itp a roll of bills , er'ly ' of Nile) tQ school,, He .turned the money .The following• people made 'over' to bis :teacher., ; their: lnth .blood :donation at, the Total contributions to the. Luck- Lucknow Clinic:.' Chas, Shaddick now and ;Vicinity Branch of : the Kenneth Mowbray,' Edward. Mac - Red, Cross were ,$5,238,20, ' • E nz1e, William Ketchabaw 'Otte Wii'liain J. MacKay,a Hurori� ,H. Popp, Albert 13. .Alton, Fussell •Township farmer, was chosen,•as E. Alton, Virden 1)4owbray,, .Car- r Huron- , man Farrier, 'James K. `Farrish• the. Liberal candidate f'o Bruce •riding in •the provincial el Jas, 'Ketchabaw . Orville' Elliott, ection; Milvert. J.' Reid, Thomas Webster, Horace Aitcheson received a F:` ,. inlay ; MacDonald.. There were gold button for: making his tenth 185 donors in all. blood donation. bi'Wingham..Frank ` Bain Ste .:art a - .w Lochalsh sat :Johnston .made his 15th donation. ! ive,. was . named Huron Count Y Wilfred . Francey, Ashfield, •pur- Agricultural Representative to chased a farm on the , Bluewater -.succeed Bruce 'Matheson. THE iLUCKNOW .SENTINEL,,-.II,UCKNOW. ONTARIO. amounting to .over $100, on ,his 'way ; may 3rd, 1945 • EASIER TO APPLY! SAFE TO USE! Here's the fast, efficient t way:" . apply su pp plemeltal nitrogen yto• to your corn. CO=OP Aqua "Ammonia 20% Nitrogen injects 3" to4" below the surface... gets right to the roots,:to give the crop an immediate boost.. And there's no waste.' The soil retains all of the am ne li ible"Ioss during,applicatiofl." monis applied .with g g Ani... big You have a longer period of nother big advantage.. , , , , time to apply CO=OP liquid ammonia without 'danger of disturbing -the roots. Suitable for a... wide range of .soil types, it can be applied as a.pre-plant application or a side dressing.. .For bgof corn yields at loOecost, have CO-OPAqua Ammonia'applied Soon. ' Another fertilizer sgrv'iceof your ' • Co=operative, deVelopedin co-operation with United Co=operatives .of Ontario. 4RQ&istercid Trade Mark. Miss Lillian' Carruthers was .ap- pointed organist ' of the ,Lucknow Presbyterian Church,; succeeding Mrs. D. H. MacKenzie. May. was ushered in with cold winds :and snow flurries... l After being.. •em to ed'�'bby . the 'Village for most 26y .Be." years,. rt Ward • ecause of 111 'had had resi ned his, •post. ' • .Mr. • and Mrs. . Robert- Ross; Whitechurch, received; word . that their son Donald was . wounded in. Holland, Mr. and Mrs;'Art , Moore received word: 'that their ; son had been ' wounded 'for the second time. ' Mr.. and, Mrs. Jacob Reid 're- ceived word that their. son Alvin, who had been reported missin was 'alive • in England. There were over' 200, donors at ,the 'bl'ood' donor clinic ‘held, in' Rip - "With The Troops" . Melvin Stewart •of. the. RCA:F. 'arrived. overseas Darrell Riggs 'of' Wing- ham was reported as a prisoner of, war. Grant 'Fraser, son ,of Mr. and Mrs. Howell Fraser of Huron Township, ° had ' been' liberated from a Gerinan prison camp ,and. was in England. The four Taylor. Brothers, •Edwin, Lewis, Albert and' Norman, sons of George Tay- lor .Wete ay-lor..were all' fighting , on the . WeSt- ern` 'Front. • Ted and Bob, Burt,, sons . of : Mr, _, and Mrs...�harles Burt of Kiplough : had a "brief ' but happy. .meeting' .on 'the Western front. Pte. Earl.. Robert 'Mugford,. son of ' Mrs Youngblut was killed in action' at the age of 22. ' Melvin' Johnstone',' :son of, Mr;'.. and Mrs. James' ' Johnstone:. Was wounded. Alvin Hamilton; son of Mr. & Mrs. W R. 'Hamilton, ' Con 2 . Huron ° Twp. arrived home. . from over- seas.' ver-seas.' ' Jim •Hamiiton, Lloyd Mc-. •Auley, .. Orland 'Paterson and .: Ir- vine . Eedy were all in :the same, convalescent camp: Deaths • -: Thos: , Glazier, Galt (native of . Ashfield); John .° .R. MacKay, 53, . Toronto;' Thomas H. Abell, 78,. Listowel;' Albert Smith 75 Detroit (native' of Huron Town- ship, ` taught at:. one time at Luck - now Public School); ' 'Benjamin Moulton, 88., ' Greenock Township; Mrs: Thos. Percy, X92, formerly of Westford 40 .YEAR A• GO May; 1925 a Lucknow had' nine :softball teams, composed of men ' and ' four of women. ' The names.. of the- - men'. s teams.were North, South, '.Bank-• ers, .Continuation. School, ;< Silver- woods, 'Panthers, : Boy . Scouts; Factory; ' Puiblic School. The wom- en's ` teams. . were Continuation School 1,, Public ' School, •Town;' Continuation , School 2. ' Wilson Hamilton ofHuron Twp:,. bought the lot on, the corner of Gough and • Outran"Streets '. to build a residence on it.., Rev. • Robert .MacCallum, Min- ister of the Presbyterian Church in 'Lucknow, became .111 while visiting .in Ailsa 'Craig. He took pneumonia and died in the early hours of a Sunday, the' day of his church's anniversary.. He Was ' a little over 50; :years, .of ages, He was' survived.. by his wife, daugh- s ter•'Joan, •a ,teacher in Hamilton; Martha.of London, Margaret, a teacher ` in Ashfield,. and , sons. James , of Detroit and • Robert . . at home. : . Dungannon `'Methodist`' Church held centenary and reunion ..ser - 'vices marking the closing of Methodism ' before : entering The United. Church of Canada. .,SilverwOods' . Ltd of.. Lucknow established' .an egg grading. 'stat- ion/at, stat-ion/at, Ripley. . Will Kearney bought out a shoe business in Drayton. J. Cannon ' Stothers, a former Ashfield ` boy, was appointed . as' sis.tant inspector of public schools in .London. ' • ' , Weather • authorities • at Toronto reported the oldest, 24th, of .May on record. • ` Murdie.: and" Son secured the Contract of installing the heating and plumbing; work in • connection in remodelling, the Lucknow Pub- lic School. Tenders were . receiv- ed from Toronto and a, number of .surrounding' towns, Ronald Forster; son- of Mr, aril Mrs, James' Forster was severely bitten by a , hound. `while . at a neighbour.,'S ,house.. James .Kirby bought the gar- age .business of C, Green of, Tees - Water, Mrs., Ann .McV;car .of Tees' water celebrated' her 190th, birth day. . ' • AA barn on' .ahe farm.. formerly occupied.''by: Sam Scott, burned in an.: electrical storm. . . . • Rev.. - K. A. Gollan. preached his farewell .sermon in:South, Kin-•. loss. Roderick McCrea shot' -a- large white owl.. From wing tip to wing tip, .it •measured •42 inches.. •. • . Deaths, John. Reid,47v Ashfield; Mrs, ••John Wintersein, .72, ,Km loss; John. IL Ackert,. 69; Luck- now;- ucknow;- Charlie, Rintoul, 56,. White- church; . Alexander McNab,,.. 49; (Police , :magistrate,; . of "' Bruce! County); Norman > MadLean, 21, 'Ripley; Mrs. James 'Johnston, 78, Ashfield, ; . Mrs. " Robert McKeith, 87, Saskatchewan (formerly of, Ashfield); Mrs. John Reiss, 52; Pennsylvania (formerly ' of Rip- ley area) ; • Mrs. Aliza Reid, 83, Dungannon; Thomas Joyce, Ash- field. • 6-. YEARS ; AGO - Q G.. May and June, 1905 . The large •saw., mill. of Thomas H. Treleaven on Havelock St. was . ,destroyed'by fire.. Loss was about' $3000 with .only : $1.00` car- ried on ,the property. Besides the. Milli a new. chopping house, .was destroyed; • , DuncanMelcayof Laurier :was. rendered unconscious• and was in critical condition °following a ;hay- ing : accident: While hauling • a .load with his brother John, the load . ' upset and Duncan, struck his., head' on the cross.;, piece ,of • 'the rack., • .Rev. A. ` MacKay accepted : ,a call to the Free ghurch `at , Kin= gussie, 'Scotland : ` . William McDonald, son of a former. Whitechurch .hotel. keeper, and a former hockey'player in Lucknow, was; °killed. in a railway accident, 'at. Chesley. A !brakeman, he: was switching when his foot became caught and the train 'pas - Sed over, hiin. ' Rev.,S. M. Whaley resigned . as minister of ' St. Helens ' Presbyter .ran . Church because 'of, poor health .: Miss ' :Harris 'sold . her , millinery business to : Miss McColl., . • PAGE SEVER; .A . garden party was" held .at • John McDonagh's:. barn on the 12th • of. Ashfield and featured at , football game between ' Zion. and St: Helens.: The: Loyal • Orange bodge , No 1044. sponsored the ev ent,. Music ,was provided ,by the • Paramount string band. • •°., John Langley'of . Niagara•'Falls• was awarded ,a "'contract for gran- olithic sidewalks in' the • village at- a tender price 'of .83/4 cents •per square loot.' O y 89 YEARS AGO 'April,;;.. 1,885. • . ' .• Dr,. D. Aw::McCrmmon',. ected by %acclamation. to fill the vacancy of the school . board: caused. • by the death of George Dougla's... , D. MacDonald was rebuilding the shop on Stauffer St. destroy • at . by Fire . and, 'formerly owned • by. John J ewitt.. :Mr. MacDonald. intended using, the building for .a boot and shoe. shop: 'Ice in.the. arena ..was in', good shape p ha .e onApril 3 'and skating .was , g scheduled for April 5. . Arran metas•' ;were made for the:establishing of. a •.cheese fac • tory on the farm' ' of George Dien man in the Lanes ,eornrnunity.. •, W Allan purchased from James Sommerville, M.P.; ' an . entire". row , of :buildings on Campbell St' ` Mr: Allis intended using the. whole. block ;> 'as ' implement vvarerooms Mr. Waterous, jeweler, purchas- ed from Colin MacDonald in. Rip ley the shop : formerly . occupied'• by Mr. MaoLeod, ;tailor. ' • Who needed artificial ice? .Curb . ing. , was held in (the , arena. on, April ' 19th Edward Durnin 0of . West Waw anosli ' let . the, : contract fer,' the construction : of a ..new stone rest ' dence. at -a cost of'. about .$2500- A petition was sent the Post- master' Post master' General by . Ashfield' resi- dents requesting a. past office, on the . 6th, 3% miles south of Lanes, with Matthew Shackleton .as post master. Jared , Dryden sold his 100 acre f a r,;m in Huron Township to • George S. Robinson of Clinton for .$7000. • Bruce ;Historical Society. To Sponsor Centennial Competitrons Bruce County's Historical. Socie- ty .is ociety.is invitilig everybody to.'partic- ipate . in. at , least one of the .five Centennial :competitions.. `. being conducted; .in honour of the Can- adian Centennial Year,; 1967 Prizes ,are' attractive, rules .are as simple. as possible and- the var- let. of interests is,endless This 'week we`' are publishing the rules of : the Snapshot, competition and: a list of suggested `themes.. is included. As. can, ,be seen, almost any i' subject of special. interest can qualify,.. as long: as the rules are followed. " For `example, if you are. interes- ted in. houses, you may` take as 'your \theme, such subjects: as, .(:1) From Log . Houses to Modern Houses; (2) Unusual House Styl- es; (3)., . Patterns in Brick Work; • (4.) Scroll 'Patterns. on Houses; (5) • .Homes of Important Bruce People,, etc. , . , Sources' .:of 'pictures need not be Confined to your, own camera. Ex- cellent copies of old pictures can be made by ' photographers; and these would add to the continuity ,of your picture story. Your friends might enjoy helping yon hunt for good pictures. If 'you are interested,. but wish to ask questions 'about the rules, contact ` any Member 'of the corn- mittee, or of the Society .execu- tive. Pharis Mothers is the` Luck - now area representative of the Society • and will gladly help in, any, way possible. 1 Contest open to anyone; con- testant' to' state corfnection, it any; to Bruce County, nty, . • .. : . 2• Snapshots . 'must pertain , to. Bruce County. 3 Each entry to embrace 'one theme --- i.e. each collection. to portray a specific aspect ' of Bruce County's . history. Theme to be. shown on entry 4 Size •and type , of snapshot op- tional ... black and white, colour- ed, ' or both; reproduction of old photographs' • permittedl 5 Snapshots to be mounted ing album • form. 6 'Caption 'below each .snapshot to State identity►, location, period. :; 7 Contestant may collect ''snap- shots from .. any source. • 8 Contestant:. may .submiit;•anore than one collection. • 9 The 'society . is , to ',have . the right. to .procure , copies .:of any, snap used: " 10 Ther society is' to , have • the right to display. any or, all' • col- lections • ;during t h 'e ' .:centennial year • 11 'Contestant is to be ngtified .as. to: when.. collection may. ,,be re claimed: ],2 Entries to be:submitted by, September' ';1, 1966 to a member of the Snapshot committee.. ,8uggested Themes (Other them- es, may • be used) : • 'Historic Sites. • Styles ; arid, fashions in ':last 109 years. Industries Past- and Present. Transportation 'roads, bridges,. railways, vehicles,., oxen, horses.. Types of Buildings -Past' and Present. ' .Livestock—showing` trend I'from, pioneer days to present:' ' Events; Family . Life; Educa- ..tion; ,Organizations ; Retail. Busi- ; nes'ses. Points for Judging: 10, points— The theme, how • displaye'd, and: how appropriate; .45 points Gen- .eral appearance; the, mounting:,. originality . of; arrangement; 'cap- tions, cap tions, quality and number of snap- shots; 45 points—The . , story as portrayed by snapshots, and' the historical 'significance. First Prize is $50.00. . Snapshot Competition Commit tee Mrs. Frank Stinson, "R.R. 3, Chesley, Ont.; ''Miss Beulah Ruth- ven, R.R. 2, . Chesley, Ont; Mrs. Victor .Dudgeon, R:R. 2, Dobbin- ton; obbin-ton, Ont, • Subscribers Note • • • `James 1'., . Parker of" R.R.. Mission City, B.C., -in renewing his Sentinel, saysy,- "We are hav- ing very good weather . this last month, *le 'finished• filling the si- los a week ago; then we fertilze ' the grass for the second crop" of •hay, se this farming' keeps us out of mischief.