HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-06-30, Page 6THE LUCKNOW SENTINELLUCKNOW, ONTARIO .0•40...••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••44******** .. • • roue the . communitywill be 'held DURING` THE ; ' ifQ�. 'children of .,• 'MONTH OF, JULY at the LUCKNOW, TOWN r; ,11 Mf li 4�` •ii HALL. ••REPORTFROM. QUEEN'S • PARK 'BY MURRAY GAUNT• ':.', M.P.P. HURON -BRUCE, (Intended For Earlier- ,Issue) The Liberal Party will fight. for a universal, comprehensive medi- care edi care .program -for Ontario„ when' ♦ the ° ,government's. scheme for medical` services insurance comes • up ,for . debate in the House, • Leader Andrew' E: Thompson • described the :goverment • bill as • • `a timid ': and half-baked. ' ap- proa'ch... to . medicare. Both the Liberals and the New • Democratic Party favor the type of program outlined by . theHalal Commission report on medicare in Canada. Beginning Wednesday, duly 7t1i...j Morning Classes, From:: 9:00 ,to 12:00 • . For 'Ages <5 to 12 Years S No ; children under ' kindergarten age: ,.� Sponsored Free of Charge by; LUCKNOW RECREATIONAL. COMMITTEE. Leaders: Anne Ritchie *and. Peggy Button **••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1 REGI'STRATION uc now for reeswater Pool' ration will be in the ;Assembly Room ;of the Town :Hall FRIDAY, JULY 2nd - 8:00; .to 10:00 p.m. SATURDAY, JULY 3rd = 2:00 to 5;00 .p.m. Sponsored by Lucknow and District Lions Club $5.00 per.. Child $12.00 per ;Fami& HITECHURCH (. • (Intended For Last Week) Mr. and. Mrs. W. Nichel •of Cul- ross visited on. Sunday with Mrs. Wilbert G•alaway of 'Gorrie. ' :. • Family, ?Gathering Held ' Visitors .on Sunday with. Mr:., . and- Mrs: Walter Elliott and ''Wil- ily =were Mr. and Mrt. Ronald, Perrott and 'family, of Goderich, Mr. and . , Mrs. Norman Stewart and Mark of Benmiller, Mr.. and Mrs. Lorne ' Forster, West Waw - *nosh, Mr. and Mrs. Ross 'Hen- derson, Barbara and Brenda, Lucknow . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Far- , ster, Lucknow, Nand her ' father Bill Forster. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott held this family • reunion asNor- man Stewart: will be teaching' at Lambeth after summer holidays. ' Mr. and Mrs. Stewart. and family . will move. there as soon . as school ed by 19 members. The offering was received . by .' Barry Elliott, and the offertory prayer was giv- en by Debbie ' Reynolds.: Mrs: Earl Caslick, assistant leader, read a story: "The Boat Ride Mrs. Hugh Simpson, leader, : gave the- story "The Flower' ,Moon" from . the study book. All sang the C.O C song again and closed the,meeting by repeating •The Lord's Prayer in unison. U.C. Messengers Whitechurch ,United Church• Messengers held their meeting during ' church service on Sunday, June 20 in the ' school room ' of the church. The Call' to . Worship was given by ; the President John Gibb A' hymn was sung Charles Thompson , read, `the scripttue. The prayer was ' given. by Earl Thoiupson. Brian Purdon receiv- ed the offering which was dedi- cated ,.by 'Joyce . Tiffin.: The Roll closes so that, Norman will 'be 'Call was answered:' by 15. niem- close to . London where he . will bers. The minutes were. read by be taking .-'a: summer: course. , Charles Thompson. The Rally. • Calvin -Brick Messengers meeting ' is to be held the 1st Wed Calvin.Brrck . Messengers met in nesday of July in the church:; All the • church on Sunday; June 20 •• with Linda McGee leader and pianists Jim Robertson. The scrip- ture was read by Marian 'McGee; Mrs. Lawrence Taylor gave the story . of ' Helen Keller.,; Doris Coultes led in' prayer. The 'Her- ald's . Report ..was given ' by Bar- bara Pattison, Joyce Taylor• read a poem:.' The , offering was '" re- ' ceived by Phillip . Chandler and 'Dennis Thompson. The.' .offertory Lucknow Sentinel, prayer was: given by Linda Mc- Lucknow, Ontario, • • • . Dear .Mr. Thompson: Next' Sunday, June 27, • com- munion serVices' will be held , .it• Calvin -Brick. • •• d f y ; ._ Dimes : campaign, On June " 27: Anniversar ser- gni I want to say vices will be held •at Langside thank ou.p i . church -with services at 11 a.m.. y ' . and. 8 p.m. with Rev. R. D. A. 'You will be glad to. know .that ' CurrieWallaceburg as guest nearly $760,000 has been raised'. or of speaker. Rev: Currie- was a is in {sight, a tremendous trib- former ':minister for Whitechurch ute to all your • hard work, and a and Langside and will `receive a great' public endorsation ,of our . 'warm welcome back for the- an- cause. niversary. • , • • Rehabilitation is never 'a one- Chalmers 'Children •of the Church Chalmers •Presby, terian Child- ren of the: •Church met on Sunday. during church service in • the • Sunday School room. The meet- ing' was opened by, , the President Ruth .Elliott and pianist.Darlene Simpson. The call to worship was' given by the President.. Paul Laidlaw read the scripture. Jan it Laidlaw led in prayer. All sang the • C.O.G., . worship song.The minutes were read by Mary Lou• . Wall, The Roll Call was answer.• then went ,to their class. Mrs. Clarence ' Ritchie.: superintendent studied their. book "Mystery .in Brazil" with. , the, Seniors and the Juniors under' the .leadership' of Mrs. Slerghtholm: ' studied .their book.. • Letiers*,�Fa. Editor On behalf' . of the ,thousands .. of disabled citizens of this Province who will benefit from the pro- ceeds ro- cee s o our recent March of Man show, it takes donors . and fund raisers an army of sales- men of . good • causes, planners and trained staff, -= the all-im- portant efforts of the •disabled themselves, plus ` a warm=hearted coninitinity to, receive then:. ' ' Thank you for your ••part in this unique • "team". We .hope we . ma •count on your help 'next year too, ' Sincerely, • Howard C. Caine, k , : President Chief • Liberal objections are that the government . plan will.' be.. operated • by private insurance carriers. instead . of the govern- ment, that it involves . a segrega- tion of society to prove ;eligibility. for government? assistance and that, it :is not . sufficiently" com- rehensive ' in , coverage. private insurance carriers instead •of ,the government, that •it invol- ves a 'segregation, of .society' to prove : `eligibility • for •government' assistance and that it. is. not 'suffic- iently • . Comprehensive, ` in ' 'cover= age. Introduction, of :the government. bill, 'based ` primarily, on recom- mendationsof the ;Hagey Commis- sion, broke 'the lengthy debate on estimates of. the. 'A:ttorney‘en eral's • Department: in ' the House • this week. . `Liberal critic Vernon 'Singer'. (Downsview) .' kept * the 'estimates before the jlouse for. six days as •he'•probed • into every: as'pect'' of drew a aprom sefro s law. i.; • Attor Singer General. A.A. Wishart to investi- gate ' reports., police had. secretly; recorded conversations between a murder .suspect and . his , lawy- er in a Sturgeon Falls',Jail cell. The, Liberal critic' attacked thesystem of appointing . justices :of the.peace in. Ontario' on grounds. that :under the 'criminal` code a justice :of .the peace; can commit a `person to. jail for up to eight'' days for no reason .if he refuses without reasonable.. • excuse to ' be sworn, . ans:wer questions, sign his deposition . or produce. documents, requested of him' before a pre-. • liminary hearing; • One- 'Of the most important pieces of .legislation to • come be- fore • the Legislature 'this • session was presented by •Health 'Minister Matthew Dymond . on Tuesday. It 'was the. anitiously. awaited Medicare Bill. The .legislation will. take effect June 1,' 1966. • • The Medical Services Insurance Act 1965 provides for a voluntary: `plan under which the ' Government will pay the' full . premium - on 'a standard health insurance policy for • persons with • no taxable in - "come and part of the -premium: on a .sliding scale 'for. persons' liv= nig in families with up, .to $1,000 taxable income. • The Government, through ''a new division of the • :Health Department to be''called the "Medical Services Division" will become the insurer for. policies .On which it 'pays full' or para premium.. The bill. does not include dentaland eye care, the cost Qf long term drugs, spec- ial coverage for older persons.' and children under. 18. Only: doe-' tors services 'are covered. ' There' will undoubtedly;' be a lengthy . debate on the 13111; Both Liberals . and • New. Democratic 'favour the type of :plan by the Hall ' Commission report on Medi- care in Canada. Dr, Dymond ei- timates that 1,800,601 people will be eligible for subsidiesunder' the Medicare Plan • Thee Government's Milk Act, 1965, was approved unanimously `after 'a lengthy debate,. In deal- ing, with the Rill ori • second read- ing I pointed Out 'that Itad hoped this Bill would bring some • semb-. lance of order out of the chaotic Situation that now exists in the dairy industry,. • .E , Agriculture Minister. Wm, Stew. art told the Hottse he thought the formula system for pricing milk for bottling : should remain ., at least 'until a milk :inarketiing board' is set up under the. Act. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30th, 196$ the slipper,. ;BobCollins, Bruce Collins, • It was. decided to hold, the 1966, re -union, at 'Seaforth Lions •Park; The • officers.: for 1966 are: . presi- dent; . Percy' Harrison, sec. treas,: ' ' .Mrs.. Percy Harrison;' spo►rts, Le Roy Harrison, Jo Anne Harrison, Viola. and Bruce 'Collins; direc tors, Mr and ' Mrs, Charles Orr, 1V4r. and Mrs Jim' Harrison, ' Harrison Reunion Weld At Goderich Thethirtieth�annual 'picnic of* e the .Harrson' Reunion was held at 'Harbour 'Park, Goderich, with '70 in attendance. A delicious picnic •. dinner and supper •were enjoyed by all: • Winner for the lucky draw on a lawn chair was Stan, ,Collins; luc- ky-plate, ueky -plate, Stan Collins; ,youngest member present was Barrie Wil- ' lent; eldest, ;,.person present . was Mrs. '.George' Proctor; members conling the farthest distance were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Harrison of Brantford. • Races and games followed ' 'by a 'ball game, were conducted by the Sports Committee, Races were as follows: ''girls and boys 5 and under, George, L Collins, Kenny Ai- kenhead,;, girls, 8 and under,' Dar- lene Burdge; Bernice Willert; boys. 8 and' under, Murray "Sie-' mon, Jackie' . Aikenhead; girls 12. and .under,. Darlene' Willert, Bren- da Hodgert; boys 12 and under, .Jerry, Willert, Bill Collins; girls 15 ' and: under, • Darlene Willert,., Brenda Hodgert; boys 15 and un der, Bryan Hodgert, . Ricky Bur- dge; young ladies, Barbara ,`Wil- lert, Viola ' Collins; young men, Bruce ..Collins, Bryan : Hodgert; married ladies, Olive Siemon, El- izabeth ,Collins; ' married men, Stan Collins, Albert Taylor;. • cou- ples . back to' back, 'Bruce, .and Ha- zel Collins, Jim and Viola Collins; children's shoe. scramble, Dar- lene Willert, : Sharon 'Willert, • ;wo- men's : kick the slipper, Barbara;, Willert, Viola Collins; men's-; kick • KINLOUGH. (Intended;' For ''Zak' Week) Presbyterian W.M.S. The Presbyterian W.M.S. met at the. home .of Mrs. Jack Barr. The meeting opened by repeating the purpose in unison and hymn and scripture;. Mrs.. Stewart 'Mac-. Donald led in . prayer. Mrs. Alex Percy read .a letter from the .Ar- magh , home in Toronto. ,Mrs. `Don McEwan, was program, convener.. Jeanette Barr favoured with a pi- ano number;, Mrs. Perry Hodgins read "If you 'stand very, still." ., . Mrs. Gordon ' MacDonald, • ' Mrs. Stewart MacDonald,- Mrs. Lyman • Sutton and Joan Percy read from the Study book. The W.M.S. mo- tto was 'sung and the meeting closed with the Lord's prayer and Grace:: Lunch was served. Mrs. Frank Maulden and Keith visited with Mr. and Mrs. ; Ar- thur Phillips: at Font'nill. We are, sorry to report that, Mrs. ' Phillips has not . been in good , health. ` We hope she will• soon be feeling bet. ter. Have You Renewed Your Subscription? .KE vP TO, SAVINGS! DURING . SEALY'S 84th ANNIVERSARY.. , :SALE ONLY Sealy Firm Golden Sleep den '1 Deluxe e uxe • Edge Gards® end sagging edges • ButtDuraoble, n- freluestrs'lee ous iprintnsurf gcover • • ace p • Duro Flange construction . full ;.• or twin size mattress or box spring SetGuaranteed 12 yrs. If structurally defective, free repair first year. Proportionate annual use charges thereafter. (13 acKenzie F LUCKNOW ..: PHONE 528.3432 ; .