HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-06-30, Page 5oNgsgpAyt: JUNE: 400;•,, 196$ • RICE WISE SPENOMS:. WILL ENJOY 1311Y/NG iffRE ref 1/ SHOPPER'S THEIR FAIR DIALINGS LEAVE NO'• NON FOR FEAR " . • THE .L.UCKNOW •SENTINEki 1411.11CKNOW, ONTARIO , CHESTERF1E And BEDROOM TES North Ashfield • PUblic . School Id Field Day on Friday, June th with the following.. results. Junier Girls Standing Broad, , Mary Bradley, '.Lissette Van •Diepenbeek,.. Debbie Willdns; Dash, Flora Simpson, Lissette Nan Diepenbeek, Lor- raine ' MacDonald; High Jump, einie Reurink, Mary Bradley, onalda .Hathilton. Wheelbarrow, Sheryl. MacLell- an a n d Lorraine : MacDonald,' ebble... Wilkins. and ,Reinie R,eu- rink, Donalda Hamilton' and Deb- . bie MacDonald; .Softball . Throw, Helen • Eskritt, Mary Bradley, Donalcla Hamilton; Running Bread. t. -Mary Bradley, Lissette •Van .-Die- penbeek aId'y Lorraine 1VlacDon- ald (tied), . Sheryl 'MacDonald. Junior Girl's Champion; Mary 'Bradley 10 points; Lissette Van- iepenbeek- 6 points; Lorraine acDonald.,6'peints. . Junior Bays' . Standing-B.road,'• David --Parrish, len *Gibson,..Roddy MacLennan; ash; David Fairish, Roddy Mac- nnan; John Anderson; i g h- iimp, Itiekey Irwin; •ROddy Mac- nnan Glen Gibson. . . • Wheelbarrow, • • David Farrish nd Roddy MacLennan; Alex actiOnalcl and Jim Forten; •Ric- ey Ir.win and Ian -MaCKenzie: oftball Throw', . David Farrish, ddy MacLennan, Rickey Irwin. tinning Broad,, David Famish, illy ,Simpson, 'Glen 'Gibson: . • Junior: Boy's' Champion,. David. arrish. 15 points; Roddy , Mac-' nnan 10. points. • , .• Intermediate Girls , Standing 'Broad,. Carol Finlay- on,Jean Webster, Janet Gib- • , . ' THE gtfi_rimee 41i t• o) • 7WE SECRET TO RICCESS /S: TOSTilla WII/tE• me INN Nor W/TROOT 6EMN TOI/RFIRSERS BOOM. a ito1 CONSTRUCTION GENERAL CO TRACTING BULLDOZING.. BACK. HOE' SAND -GRAVEL 'HAULAGE 528-3048 LUCKNOW son; Dash, ,Jean, Webster, Janet Gibson, ,Carol Finlayson; High Jump, Jean'Webster, Janet Gib- son, Carol Finlayson. Wheelbarrow", Leona Hogan and Henriette Van Diepenbeek, • Di - Anne. MacKenzie D.and' Anita .Ho- gan, '.Donna.' Burroughs and Bren- da MacLennan; Softball Throw, Jean • WebSter • Marion MacDon- ald, Norina' Anderson; Running Broad, Jean Webster,' Carol Fin- layson, ' Leona Hogan. . • Intermediate Chanipion, 'Jean Webster ,14 points; Carol. Finlayson '7 points. ' . Intermediate Boys '.;Standing'Broad, Michael Hogan, Russell 'IVIonerief, Ian Finlayson;' Dash, Russell Moncrief, Michael Hogan, Robbie MacDonald; High Jump,: Russell IVIoncrief,'' Bobby Simpson, • Doug Anderson.. - Wheelbarrow, Russell .Monerief and Bradley *MacKenzie, Robbie MacDonald . and Michael • Hogan, Kenny Farrish and Glenn Robb; Softball • Throw., Michael Hogan, Graham . Hamilton, 'Dennis Dren- nan; Running 'Broad,.. Michael Ho- gan, Russell Moncrief, -.Robbie MacDonald. ' . Intermediate .Boy's ,Champion, Michael Hogan -13 Obits; Russell Moncrief 13 points; Robbie Mac- Donald • 4 points. . Senior Girls* •• Standing Broad, Donna Wyld, Christine,- MacLennan, Kathleen Hogan; Dash,. Christine. MacLen- . nan, Mary Anderson, %Shirley Robb; -High Jump, Christine Mac- Lennan, Jane Moncrief, Mary An- derson. • Wheelb'arrow, 'Mary Anderson and ?Janice Robb, Mary Barger and' Alma Farrish, Shirley 'Robb • and Kathleen Hogan; , • ,Softball Throw, anice Robb, • Mary An-.• derson, Carol Burroughs; Run- ning Broad, Christine MacLennan, Donna Wylds,'Kathleen Hogan. ,Senior Girl's. ,Champion, • Chris tine MacLennan. 11 points;. Mary • Anderson 8 points. , Senior Boys , Standing Broad; Desmond Cour- tney, Allan.Finlayson, Kenny,Mac-. Lennari; DaSh, Allan Finlayson, Donnie, Robb, Desmond' Courtney; High Jump, Allan FinlaysOn, Den- nie Robb, Kenny MadLenzian„ ' Wheelbarrow, • Kenny ,MacLen- nan and Allan Finlayson, Des - Mond Courtney and Garry Mac- Kenzie, Donnie Robb.: and. elfin Simpson.; Softball * Throw, Des.: mond Courtney, Allan Drennan; Francis Hogan; Running Broad, Allan- Finlayson, • Jim Simpson • and Desmond Courtney (tied); Kenny. MacL2nnan, Senior Boy's ' Champion, Allan Finlayson 15 ilointS; Desmond Courtney 13. points. • ' Open1wIiie Hugh Eskritt, Milan Finlayson, Desmond. Courtney. .1s. Your Spbscription Renewed? Music Festival At North;.Aslifilet The third ,annual. music feativtl was held in North Ashfield Pub - lie School on FridaY,,. juke 4th,' • with Ir.. • G..Roy,,FenWick of. Tor- onto as adjudicator. Mr, J. H. Kinkead inspeCtor Of public Schools Was chairman., Mrs. Wm. Scott, Langskle is music supervis- or in the school, .• •• . , ThefolloWhig, Is 'a 'list :Of the classes' with the 'student's names and standing: Girls .6...and 7; years — •Was' • 'Young ,LadY," • • Flora, Simpson, 84, Donalcla Hamilton, 83, Lorraine MacDonald, 82; Boy's 6 and 7 years -- "The Cowboy' , • Bobby, MacKenzie' 84, TOmmy Barger, 83, • Paul Simpson, 82. ' Girls 8 and 9 years -- "Kittens," • Brenda . MacLennan, 84, Jackie. Collinson, 8,3; Marion 'MacDonald,. 8.2; Boys 8 and 9 years — "When I . Am ig", Ian' MacKenzie,' 85, • Dennis Drennan. 84, David Far- rish 83. • , , 10 and 11. years — Folk Dance"; Sharon NfacNay, 86;., 'Janet Gibson., 85, Ursula COurtney; 84; l3oys' 19, and „11 years ,— ..The Song. of the Shep- 'herd Boy", . •Moncrief, 85, John Simpson, 84, Allan Drennan, 'Duet, Room ' 3 •—• • ``To. . the. Moon";. Ursula • CourtneY__ and .Jane t Gibson; 85, • Mary. Louise 'Simpson and Donald ...Simpson, 84; Kenny, .'VVylds and Allan Dren- nan,. 83. • • . Duet,:Room 4 -- .`!Do You Know?", Kenny MacLennan and Judy ThOrburn 84; Mary Barger and Susan. Rankin, 8.3, :Jane Mon-, crief and 1VIirian, Weigand 82. Girla Solos,' 12 years. and 'o'ver, "Fairest L'otd Jesus," Judy Thorbtirn,:,85; Jane lyloncrief, 84, Christine . MacLennan, and Susan. .Rankin . Boys • Solo, Unchanged Voices, 12 yearsand over, "On.. the. Le- vee", - Kenneth :MacLennan, 84, JaCk Hayes, 80, Steven. Forten, 80; .',Jinimy Simpson 80.. .:Boys Changed Voices, "On The Le- vee,' Donald :Robb, 60, " Sandy. SiMpion, 79, .Alan 'Finlayson, 78, DOug;Scott, 78, . Hugh Es.kritt• 78, ' and Jim Webster' 78. • , Double Trio — • "Softly , Now the, Light of Day," .Judy Thor - burn, Janice Robb, Mary' Barger, Alma 'Farrish, Donna Wylds, Ken MacLennan; Jane Moncrief, Ursula Courtney, • Christine Mac- Lennan; Margie Simpson, Susan Rankin, Mary' Anderson. -• KINLO$S. FOr• the month of. :July, church service at SOuth ,Kinloss.. Presby- terian Church 'will be. at 9:30 Lin. with' Sunday School' following. • Mr. andMrs. Harvey MacDou- gall of Guelph Visited Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall, Allan and. Grace.. • • Miss Eileen "Burt commenced .stuniner work, 'at the Lime Kiln lodge last week, . • " Passes Exams - Congratulations. 65. Denver Dic- kie who successfully passed • his 3A tern' 'in Mechanical Engineer- ing at the University' of Waterloo. • Mrs. Tom MacKenzie is visiting with her mother in North .Bay .enroute to Smooth Rcick Falls where Tom is employed.' - Plays In Band Competition • As a member of the Goderich pipe band; Ian MacKenzie played in band competitions. at Renfrew on the June 19th week-6nd. and in Niagara Falls , last Saturday. The band placed fourth at Ren- frew and third. at Niagara, Falls. Those registered- for the Grade September class at Kinloss Cen- • tral School attended' school on . . Douglas Dickie Is employed at Dominion Road )Machinery Co: Ltd. at Goderich. ' , PAGE F11114.• • For any floorr.inside-or outside • High gloss fihish that stays brighi • kasy washing—will not watertept ...Murdie LUCICNOW / PHONE 528-2906 MONUIVIEWS For sound counsel and a fair price on a monument correctly 'designed. from quality material, rely on SKELTON NIEMO !ALS Pat O'Hagan, Prop, Established Over Sixkli Years Walkerton • Phone 881-0234 Plan For rea .1. Convention one year convention committee members this, year are from Sub- ' division .16. . These -.representatives " are hi Charge of registration as- sisted by their District votingdel- e ates also provide e tert inm nt .Plans 'virere finalized, for the Grey-Arnce• Area Convention when they/Met in the church 'parlors 'of. St, Andrew's' Presbyterian church, Oyven. Sound, Friday, June 18th. .The president Mrs. A. Maundrel, Southampton, and Secretary, Mrs:, VictOr Emerson, Whitechurch, were in charge of the day. king 'Session:: ' The convention' will be held in. _ . • the Colliseuin, Owen Sound,. Tues- day and , Wednesday, 16th and 17th..Novernber, The Opine chos- en . "Our influence is. as broad as our love". A bang:lid' will be .held on. the' 16th at 6:31 The guest Speaker will. be Ethel Brant • Monture, who is a grand- daughter of ' Joe Brant, Indian • Chief of Seven Natio* Mohawk' tribe: She was :else the first. pre- sident Of the Seven Section of the Ontario • Agriculture Society. The Ovven Sound String •Ensem- ble will also be heard in *several selections. Deadline for banquet 'tickets ; and billetts is October 25th, and these requests ' should. be 'forwarded to the • treasurer; Mrs. Gordon Crawford, ,R,R, .2, Port. Elgin. All 14 niernbers Of'' ' the Area ttoaid attended, which also inclu- ded .past Pres. Mrs. Ivor Spencer, Tara; 1st vice pres. Mrs, Emer- SQII: •Knott, Meaford; • 2nd vice pres. Mrs. Percy Radbourne, Ow- en Sound; 3rd Vice .pres. Mrs. Harold Biasing, Neustadt; Public 'Relations Officer,' Mrs. Harvey Ilobston,• .Holyro,od. The F.W.I.O. representatives are Subdivision 14, Mrs, Jas: Copp, Elmwood; Subdivision 15 •---. Mrs: Fred Moy- er, ',Owen Sound; Subdivision 16 ,— Mrs. Don:. McCogh, Ripley, The g , xi a e number during t 1i e coilventiOn from their district. Mrs. ,Emer- son Emke, Hanover, (convener), Mrs. George Whitby, Luckno* and Mrs.- George Woelfe, There will again be a 'display and sale Of F.W.I.O. supplies. '• Attendance at last year's con- , ventiOn at Wiarton, Bruce Comma ty„ was 450, and, an even larger. group Is: anticipated:1°r 1965. In Grey County there are 5 districts with 77 branches; Bruce County, 4 ,districts with 60 Sr. and 2 Jr. Institutes. DUNGANNON Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne • Ivers on Sunday were Mr. •• .and Mrs. James Milian; Misses' Patsy,. laniee,. Judith and David • of Stratford', Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Congrarn and Barbara of Kitchen:- . er' and Mr. and Mrs. Hargld gram John and Marilyn 'el Ming- , • ham. ' • • '..' . • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Andrew and family of Toronto spent:the weekend."at the home' of Mr. and. .Mrs. Wilfred .Pentland. •Mrs. Otto Popp of Goderich was • a guest bf Mr. 'and Mrs. ,Thomas . Webster. on. Sunday. • Mr. Donald Ross of Oakville at- tended the 'memorial service at. the cemetery and visited with.for- mer friends. . Mr. and Mrs, George. Gibson .or London spent Sunday with Mr. . Frank Pentland, .Roger and Don,• • Mrs. IL -Culbert and ' Mrs. r..*, Hodges visited Mrs. Frank Pent-, land in Victoria Hospital, London„ during the week. ° ' ' • d ;, •