HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-06-23, Page 16IXTEEN p THE LUCKNOW ;SENTINEL; LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 'r, • • • . ;t SF c;' ies anisses NEW STYLES BY' "SEA QUEEN" Pc. • Tunle; Sheath, 2 Fc., 'Malliott, 2\ Pc. Nassau, ,.Relax: Sheath Drop . In And : Look : Over These New Numbers, • $14.98, .to $16.98. :ew numbers from educed, 25r to sTocI `; CATALINA: 'ASSORTED' SHADES, $ M -L & -XL.. THE 'LATEST *TYLES AS: SURF RIDER at $5.98 Double knit " Helenca surfing•.'. trunk With contrast trim 'and,::. panel support: SHIP SHAPE ,at . $5.,00 • :Square rig seainfree boxer, with check, pattern and solid' stripe at side panel ".support JET.' STREAM at $5.0O Square rig. 'seamfree boxer '. with bright pencil dark . background ,: — ,panel support. HIGH DIVE at' $6.98' r r Denim lastex surfer , trunk withcontrast trim • TRIDENT` at $6.98 stripe :on Panel, sup ' Long Hawauari. •lengthlastex trunk, vertical .'stripe, solid• front waistband,, .panel :support A few Cabana insets -=. in new styles as the Navigator at $14'.98.. and •Check This' at' $15.96. ` Extra Tops as the Viking at $698, the Windansea at $10.00 4 May Be -Worn ,With Any Trunks . . iris ec (BASEMENT) Tank Suits $2.98 and $3.98 2 Pc . Suits $4.95 — 8 `to ,,14 2 Pc. Suits 8-10 $2:98 Ati .colorful assortment in. all styles.. �(dren's Wear INFANTS -- Stretchy' bathers in .Terrycloth GIRLS Z to 3X - One piece " cotton, plaid and pastel' shades GIRLS 24 4.6X r ,One.piece stretchies in plain colours or stripes, $1.98 to $2.98 Special group' in the above sizes, carried overfrom last ,year.. TO CLEAR AT.. 1/2 PRICE Boys' stretchy cottons and Terrycloth.• 2-4 and 6-6X 98c Stretchy bathing'trunks —' 2-3X and 4 to 6X - $1.49 'and up • Stretchy Briefs from. 98c and' up .in 4 to 6X B�ys;8'to14. In 'Semi -stretch and Regiar Styles. Shades as red, black, • royal, white' and ' green. Good value at $1.98 SHT Ladies' and Men's Wear Lucknow PHONE 5284126~ AGEN•'I' FOR KINCARDINE CLEAN' rite, Pick -Up and Delivery Monday, and Thursdal • 6 • 'WEDNESDAY, •;/,UNE: 2304 1965 THAT work has' started on "'''the Lucknow Agricultural Society Memorial gates being built ' at theentrance AO the Caledonian Park. • THAT friends from' the area will. be interested to • know that an "at home" in : 'honour of 'retir- ing principal of the J. L. Mit- •.choler Public School in Cayuga, John Ross,, . was held in Cayuga on Tuesday of this. week. John; A: Ross was a former principal of the ' public school here: • THAT Donnie Johnstone, 15 -year- old, son of Mr. and Mrs., 'J . C. Johnstone of Lucknow, cola- menced work at the, Lucknow Sentinel ' Monday. Donnie- is . a student at Lucknow. District High School and will return to school in the Fall.' His brother Tony Johnstone •has been 'a` member .Of The ,Sentinel. staff for a 'year now. THAT' Carol Stanley, left' :re cent ly for Calgary where she is em' ployedat , the . Calgary hospital. 'Carol is a registered nurse, a graduate of Stratford General:` .THAT Bill Haldenby of the 4th of Kinloss is carrying his arm in • a sling. He .suffered a broken collar bone in' a fall '/off 'a horse on June .5th, ,THAT The Sentinel received a very appreciated offer of assis- tance on; Friday from;:` Don. Steeves of Kitchener: Don had noticed in the. paper that we were, havingsickness problems on The Sentinel Staff and: very generously phoned and . offered to • help:, out on his , days off. Don; a former member of The. Sentinel staff, ;is now, employed:. by Merchant Printers in Kitcli ever. THAT m,- printing the Pee Wee softball schedule 'recently,: an error on our part caused the last two games, of the schedule to be left off. On Ju)y 14- 'Mild may will play here and on July 1.6th, . Lucknow will .'go .back to Mildmay for • a game.. • THAT Mrs. Wm Hunter of :Luck- ' now -.has -commenced secretarial work at the office of Drs.- Cor rin ` and McKim: Mrs. , ' Currie Colwell of. Kinloss and Mrs. Don Cameron 'of Lucknow will. share .the: duties of office„ nurse: there for : the. summer months. . THAT• it was • a leanweek at the Legion. Bingo last Thursday. The', jackpot of $75 went twice, dar- ing the evening, , both on 52 num- bers. 'being .called_ • THAT :'im. McNaughton, .Son. of , Mr. and Mrs. Jim McNaughton of Lucknow, last week finished the 1st year .of a 2 year course' at • the Ontario • Vocational 'School at London, as an Arch- itectural . Drafting Technician. Jim is employed for the .sum- mer sum mer in the City Engineer's Of- fice at the City Hall• in Kitche-, ever. THAT Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Elliott, Bay, Jamie and Graeme of town plan to leave Friday, mor- . ning for a motor trip west. '.They hope to go right to the • coast. THAT\o,Miss Joyce MeNay was made. president of the Winghana Unit of the Federation sof Wom en Teachers Association of ,Ont- ario at, their annual spring ban= quet. Joyce, the daughter, of Mr, and Mit. Kelso 'McNay of Par- amount'teaches at 'Howick Cen- tral School. ' THAT Phyllis Clayton; daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Herb Clayton of Olivet,waspictured ' this week in 'the daily press as one of a group of nurses at Strat- ford Hospital that washed cars to earn money for the nursing year "book. The girls took in a- bout. $70 last Saturday. YOUR "LOWEST PRICES,'. FOOD' o from Procter & Gamble FEGUARD EFFECTIVE DEODORANT PROTECTION PLUS GENTLE SKIN CARE, BATH ZIZI- comorm 1ZE 2-55c 241c SUNKIST; 'GOOD SIZE. LARGE 64 oz. • Liquid Javex Sale AYLMER 20 oz. Cream Corn Sale Oranges on Sale dozen dozen 9$C SHIRRIFF INSTANT •8 SERVINGS'' Mashed' Potato Stile. 1' MAXWELL :FRESHLY GROUND Pure Coffee Sale W ESTON'S SAVE :¢ bottle'43c ti ,SAV E Ic GOOD BUY ;.'• SAVE,:14c. Bund 79c: PIES, . CHERRY APPLE, RAISIN., 10c 'OFF WITH $5.00 CASH PURCHASE SAVE 24c f o etHaIf-G�llon Ice Cream onl ..Phone. Latioiow' 528-3420 THAT 'Mr.' and Mrs. W. B. Ander- son of Luckaow nioved last Sat- urday to their neW home THAT at the recent' dispersal sale of the Holstein herd of Vernon Hunter of Ludmowi 20 cows averaged $365. Gordon Inglis of • Walkerton bought the, top coW at $600. 'Glen W,alden of Luck - now purchased two cows. -and three heifer calves. . THAT Tom Nicholson, 15 -year-old son of Mr, and Mrs. Chester Nicholson. - of , Belfast, had a Piece of steel go in his eye as he waS grinding it Saturday. The piece of steel was removed from his eye in Wingham Hos-. Your Subscription' Reneweil? TEEN DEL -RAYS" Saturday Nite, June 26th LUCKNOVV ARENA DANCING 9-12 p.m. ON NEWLY INSTALLED FLOOR . ADMISSION $1.50 PER COUPLE qr $1. siriaLE ADMISSION SPONSORED, BY LUCKNOW 'at' DISTRICT LIONS CLUB , ' •