HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-06-23, Page 11WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1.965.
EN'S :PA..._.RK
'The • anxiously , awaited Golden-
berg report on Metropolitan Tor
• 'onto was tabled in the, Legislature
on Thdrsday. 41r.; . Goldenberg re-
commended. ghat 9 of .the 13 :mun-
icipalities , of Metro -Toronto. dis--
appear to ,form the 4' cities- .of
Toronto, North h:York, Etobicoke
and ' Scarboro ;The: -next ' question
is whether the Provincial Govern-
ment will see fit :to implement the,
recommendations contained hi the
The Medicare Bill 'received 3rd.
reading in the . Legislature this
week but only .after a plodding;
detailed, clause by clause study,
which in many, cases provoked
bitter exchanges between the op-
position parties and the govern-
ment. The debate in. .Committee
of the whole House lasted about
20. hours, over a period of .six leg-
islative sitting days The.Bill will
'Rathwefl. On
.• Meeting in in . .
g , .Walkerton at; the
Hartley. House "Bruce Room" on
:The. health estimates came be-
fore the House this week:.' It was
pointed' out during the' estimates,
that . readmission :percentages :for
six of .the largest Ontario . mental
.hospitals ' in March. ranged -from
40-60.% and averaged 46% .corn -
pared to a •provincialavera e ,of
.38% in 1960. g
The current sessi -
n on of the .Leg
islature, already =a :record 96 :. sit-
ting ' day's long, may -fall just short.
of reaching the 100 day' mark..
Most 'members feel the present,
session will wind up. in the next
2 days; 3 ., days .at . the most, '
Yet to come are. 3 speeches
winding up the : budget debate, a
number of ,second readings and
third readings. '
The largest previous session,
1922 lasted '81, sitting' .days.
The length of the current ses-
sion will undoubtedly increase the
pressure for .a. 'fall session :
al -
come :
>mtoeffect on June 1st, 1966. houh the
Robarts is .opos-
Tuesday, May .25th, members ,,of
the Bruce County T uberculosis
Association returned Walter. Lock
..Ripley as their' President for
the. 1965-66 fiscal term, Immediate.
past,. president is Gerald Rothwell,
of Lttcknow and named as.. vice-.
president was .' Keith ' Waldie ` of
Walkerton. •
Also:. named to Association posts,
were: Mr. Waldie as their repre-
sentative at the.. O.T.A.. Connell;
Walter , Wagg' of Walkerton,. as
Treasurer.; Dr. E. J. Weiler of
Mildmay.: as - Chairman of Case
Finding; Forrest Craig of Claver-
ing as chairman of Health . Ed-
ucation; Gerald Rathwell as chair-
man of. Rehabilitation: ,and Social
Service; Mrs., John A. MacDonald
of Ripley as chairman of the
Christmas Seal ` • Campaign • and
Dr: J. T. H. Robinson ' of Walk-
erton ,.as Medical Advisor.
Each town . in the County has
representation .in ' the •Association
with 26 ..members gathering for
the annual session last week..
Mr. Waldie and the . secretary,
Mrs.:. McKay were named to at-
tend the ,. 0.T.A. Annual Conven-
tion which is ,to .take place . at the
King Edward . Hotel, Toronto,
next week (June 7-9) .•
Mrs. htlacDonald then introduc-
ed the recently appointed .chair-
men` for the . County survey arid'
added; thatplans were moving •a:
long splendidly' with, full,. co=Aper°
ation: being ,.received from an. per-
sons and groups asked to assist
In. the. Fall, survey: :
.Guest speaker . for the evening
was Dr. John Hawkins, 'Medical
Superintendent at the Freeport.
. Sanitorium ` at Kitchener, who -de-
liveretl a most interesting .address
on Research and Research Funds.
He also drew considerable interest
to the members when he displayed
a ° capsule of active T.B.. germs,
The.: speaker .was introduced :liy
Mr Waldie and '.thanked by Dr:
Robinson..' . • , .•
Miss Maureen P. ,O'Malley,
daughter of Mr. 1 and Mrs. ' Pat
O'Malley, Kingsville, received her.
Bachelor of Arts ' Degree at . the
Spring Convocation ..of Western
University, London, on Thursday;:
June 3rd. She ' will teach in Blen-
heim . and District High . ' School
commencing in ' September, _Ray-
mond' . Redmond,; ,Goderich, .attend-
ed . the Convocation : '
CANADA'S NEW LABOUR CODE/Hon. Allan<MacEacheht Minister ofLabour, answers some questions:
"Our new Canada Labour Code
has been called a.`first,': Mr.: MacEaclien.
:Would you agree?'
"Briefly; .who does thiis.new (Code
:apply to?"
"Let's get; down to specifics:
What; exactly, does it promise: to those
employees who are affected by it?"
"Yousaid the new Code applies
to.industries'.under Federal jurisdiction.
Would you•nanme them?'
'Yes, and it is one of the most al..embracing. Conde.
has and
to/be proud of it. It sets higher.,
standards than have been set for any other count* j► I know.).
Other countries are taking note of the way .:
Canadian Parliament is ensuring that more workers
share, in this country's growth."
"It applies to industries' which fall under:Fedetal jurisdiction
and may well prove to be a guide forother industries.
The Governnient,itself,. which is a large emplaoyer
In its own right, will take the lead byapplying
the. Code'sstandards to its own federal employees.":
"As we said,it:.setsririimum standards --and I stress
that these are minimum,because, of course, a lot of workers :
already enjoy higher standards than the -Code: sets.
First, itsetsa standard 8 hour day and`a 40 hour week,
with•;' overtime limited to 8 hours a week, and paidfor at •
Second,,it sets the minimum wage; rate for all men and
women over 17 years of age, at $1.25 an hour..:
Next, it provides for two weeks annual vacation' with pay,
after one year's service; or 4% of :wages as vacation pay
for those with from' 30 days to a year's service.
.Finally, it stipulates that each .employee shall get
eight statutory holidays with pay a year--
or'get,:a full day off;in lieu of the holiday."
"The Code covers interprovincial or international rail
and highway transport,: primary fishing where the fishermen
work forwages, air, transport, radio and TV, 'shipping,
banks, uranium. mining, grain elevators, flour and feed
mills and warehousing, seed cleaning mills,: interprovincial
or international pipelines and ferries, interprovincial or.
international. telegraphs and telephones, most Crown
corporations and, one or two other smaller industries."
If you are not sure whether you are covered by the Canada Labour (Standards) Code, write to Department ,of Labour, Ottawa.
Farmer Ashfie
' Mrs:. Jaines D. Little ' of Ash- . •
field Tpwnship . was laid to rest ' .
in ,Greenhill Cemetery on June ,.
12th. Funeral service was held
for her from MacKenzie Memor-
: ial Chapel, Lucknow, with Rev. G.
W. kaiser as 'officiating clergy-
man, assisted by Rev.- Neil , Me-
Combie . of ''Ripley, Mrs, Gordon
Montgomery was organist.
. b
.The 'former . Mabel Irene : Mc=
Quoid, Mrs.. Little was: the :daugh-'.
ter of Albert McQuoid and Caro ;
lyn Mallough. She was born ' at
Douglas, Manitoba on April 25th,',`
1902, but came to the Crewe area.
as : a small child: She.. married
James D. Little of Ashfield forty
one, years' ago ' last September.
She died in her 64th year in. Wing--:.
ham • Hospital; ,after a lengthy " it
loess,, •
—WC -Little was well known in
Ashfield ' Township, 'especially to. '
children, as. ,she, taught for many
years at S.S. No. 10 Ashfield.
Six of her former students there
were pallbearers . at her funeral,
Donald. Farrish, Marvin Scott,
Frank :,Scott and Desmond .Court
ney of : Ashfield Township, Jim
MacDonald: of- , Lucknow and
Murray ' Johnstone of . Goderich. ,
Mrs. Little :had retired from
teaching four years sago
Besides her husband she is
survived by six 1 daughters .Mrs.
Earl ' (Evelyn) Gray,: North Bay; '
Mrs. ;Ross ..(Elaine.)'. Errington,
St. Helens; •Mrsr Albert (Lorna)
Stroeder, Walkerton; Mrs. John
(Helen) Kuik, . and ,Mrs. ` 'Lorne ;
(Joyce) : Hackett of 'Ashfield
Township ' ` and Linda at home;
three sisters `Mrs. Warner (Lil-
lie) Smyth, Teeswater Mrs.
Gordon (Ruby) Guballa, Chilli
w'ack, .•'B,C;, Mrs.. Fred''(•Freda) '
Baxter, .Toronto; 14 grandchild-
One sister Mrs Claud (Etta)
Haughton,. Toronto, predeceased:.
528-3048 LUCKNOW
Present Gifts
At Euchre Party
(Intended• for Last woek)'
(Whitechorcih Newt,.
On Friday evening at . Currie's.
school a Progressive E'rchre par-
ty was'; held with 12 tables enter-
ing the 'contest. Results' of . the ,
games:: high lady, Mrs,' Gersh:
om Johnston. • low lady, Mrs. B.
Galbraith, high ' gent; ; Noble
Greenaway low gent, . Lawrence '
Taylor:, ladies luek;y draw, Mrs.
iicnrv. Pattison, ;gents lucky' dfaw,
Lloyd Montgomery.... T.,ench, was
served. After lunch, Jim Currie
And his . sister Mrs. Mima , Mc-
Rifehie were called''tn. the front •
and given seats while George'
Walker read an address and Roy
Pattison; Howard Walker , and
Gershom Johnston, presented Mr.
Currie With one large piece of
luggage and Mrs. IVIeRitchie with
They, two smaller pieces. Theleft on
Monday to attend a nephew's
wedding at Moosejaw, Mr. Cur -
'He intends going north as ,fat as
the ; Yukon before returning ` to
Wingharn where they.. will make
their home.•