HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-06-16, Page 7WEDNESDAY; JUNE ' 16th,. 1965
PAGE Swot*.
Some of the : persons incharge
of the forthcoming Tuberculosis
'X-ray Survey are;:shown above.
.(Left to right) — .Jim, Powers,
Rev. 0. E. Broughton, Mrs. John
A. 'MacDonald,Mrs: Norma Mac-
Kay (secretary) of Ripley, Mrs.
Walter. Lock, Mr. Davide Good-
year of the .,Ontario Department
of Health, °Toronto who is. the'Sur-
vey Organizer, and Mr.. John -Hof-
er'mehl. Absent for 'the .photo Was
Mrs. Liddell and 'Dr. Allen.
The. second meetingof the Col
wanosh.; Learning lassies was held
on Mond'ay, May 24, 1965 at 2:30
p.m. at the home ofDianne Zinn.
The 4H Pledge opened the, meet-
ing, Roll call was answered by
eight members. The assistant
leader. Mrs. Carl 'Riegling` was' ab-
sent due to Hlness. A trip. to Strat-
ford to see.a Shakespeaeanplay
was discussed, and . it was decided
to make inquiriesabout it.
•Mrs. Warren Zinn gave a talk
on flowers and showed her lovely
flower bed; The . subject ,..matter
•was.read by Mrs.. MacDonald ':on
the Preparation of Soil, Planting
the:. Garden, Care of the Garden, -
Production. of Young Plants: for.
Transplanting and:' Planting -:-and
Care of Flowers. • .
• * ,:.:
The third meeting of the ;Col-
wanosh Learning Lassies: . was
held on .Monday, May .31st, 1965
at 4:30 pan. at the home : of Mrs.
MacDonald. The meeting was op-
ened with the ' 4H 'Pledge. Barbara
Riegling : read the minutes of the
previous meeting. The ,roll call
was answered'by eight members.
leaden .Mrs: Carl
.Riiegling was, absent due to illness.
`...A A. discussion was held on ,the
Garden Reference • File. Mrs.
MacDonald read the subject mat-
ter on : 'Weed 'Control, Insect
and Disease Control, and Freez-
ing . Fruit and 'Vegetables, ` The
members were advised to be on
the lookout for the leaders as they
will ' be around to look at : our gar-
dens. The next .meeting will not
be held ` until ..the end of June, or
early ` July . when the '. tomatoes
will • be. in . season. < The • meeting
closed with • the Queen.
Silver Lake. W.I.
Current events ' was the . theme
of the ,'June me .ting: of the -01-
ver Lake W.I. which , washeld in
Kinloss L.O.L. Hall. ' The presi-
dent Mrs. Ronald Thacker was
in 'charge 'of the meeting. The
roll' call was answered`. with "Re-
view of Happenings of the . Past
Year" which brought forth a var-
iety'' of news ,of the , last twelve
months: The`IVIotto "Is, the Pres-
ent Progress too;Rapid," was. giv-
en by Mrs Albert Colweli' The
standing committee reports •,were.
given by Mrs. John: Hodgins,
Ars. Ellison Hodgins, Mrs. James
McFwan and Mrs. Ray Stanley.
M timbers were reminded to keep
collecting friends names for the
Autograph quilt. Plans were made
to dressa doll for the 'Centennial
project of . Bruce County. `.Reports
of the. District Annual were given
by .she delegates. A motion was
'moved. to • send our apportion-
ment. to the District Secretary for,
the Korean .child and the .Nation-
al :' delegate fund.
Mrs. Ed Lizmore gave ' a report
of • the recently completed 411
course, ' "TheClub Girl Stands on
Guard." Janet Lizmore ' comment-
ed on the display of the : course
and Mrs. James 'McEwan thank-
ed Janet for coming to :show and.
display the girls' work and • to
congratulate her and the rest.- of'.
the girls -for -the -Work done in
their club.
The convenor Mrs.. Melvin Husk
gave the topic "The.: Life of Alex-
aider' Graham `Bell's wife". A pan-
el contest 'with the hidden object
being„ of . ' Animal, , Vegetable, or
Mineral was much : enjoyed. At the
dose , of the -meeting there was . an
exchange 'of flowers and garden
-plants, Lunch -was served -by -Mrs.
Doug Bannerman and Mrs: Frank
Colwell. o
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PAI Y roRF /11I1I �tillIlk
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�i�)i;i�a t`Ok\
MILK;>>/i,, ;,-I�EVN SWEEP
�,t•'olb o,� SODAS`
gee` raiiiimillVire MAI:T6
When you,tur.n 19
you're no longer cov-
ov ered by your parents'
Hospital Insurance.
To' keep: Insured, YOU *
must take: ;out ;indi-
vidual membership
within 30 days. Get
your application form
at a bank, a hospital,—
or from the Commis
The 'family' Hospital
Insurance premium
must ., now be paid to
cover husband and
wife. Notify your.
'group' wift'out•de-
lay OR, if.you-both pay
premiums direct, noti-
fy the.Commission
To keep insured follow
the instructions on the ::
Hospital Insurance
Certificate„of Payment
'Forrn 104' that your.
present employer is
required to' give you
man ,.
Ontario Hospital
Services` Commission
Toronto 7; Ontario
:I.T, Hold
R®se Banquet
On. Monday, May 31st, at 6:30
p.m. 'the C.G:I T.. held • a Rose
Banquet. The mothers and mys-
mothers • of the girls were
the guests. The room was beaut-
ifully decorated for the Rose Ban-
quent and a delicious turkey din-
ner was prepared • and served by
the girls.
After the toast 'to the Queen,:
Donna Forster . proposed a• • toast
to • the mothers and .mystery' moth-
ers. Mrs., R. Forster replied. Miss
• Gladys MacDonald addressed the
girls using .the purpose 1and matte
of the ,C.Gr LT. as her theme. Don-,
na Mullin presented” Miss MacDon-
lad with a gift.
The eveningcame to a close
with Mrs:' R. McDonagh pronounc-
ing the 'tnizpah benediction.
.Crops already planted are grow- '.
ing... favourably ,but soni'e areas,
are in had . meed of rain.
Most of the' corn planting is •
completedand bean 'planting is
'in full 'swing.
Some have begun haying ih the
south half of the, .county. ;,
Ron rivers Summer ; . ASSis-'
tant for Huron county.
Q, ,