HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-06-16, Page 6VAS* 8,1X
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tarn "err. is played .Cranbrook Pee "Wee 'tem
At the 'close of the 7th inning they
• were • ted. In •• the. overtime .play
Whiteclioo f0 and Cranbrook
1 �
. 1:.
On Friday evenings White
(Whitechurch: Nein)
• .church' Midgets played Belgrave
The regolm' meeting m ''White -
Midgets with.,.,Jipi Coulter plate
clitiTeh ] omens Institute was held
WbitechUrch Community : Mem-
orlai hall, on Tuesday evening
June 8th with the president Mrs.'
Emma Coffin. presiding. After ,the
Opening , exercises, : Mrs. Coffin
welcomed members and visitors..:
On; Saturday, July, 17 Whitechurch
ladies. are to be hostesses at; the
Log. Cabin at'
cuOn: June . 23' the food forum,
"Never a' Dull Meal is being
field in the. Legion Hall .Walkerton.
and, all are to, register between
7.:15 and. 7:30. It was .decidedto
cater for Mr, and :.Mrs. Ben Mc
CG'lenaghan's . .50th • Wedding An-
niversary supper tp. beheld in
-Whitechurch Community Memor-
ial Hall on July24th and Mrs Ez-
ra Scholtz and, ,Mrs,. Dave Gibb
were appointed. convenors. It ' was.
voted to send'' money to support
the:. District Foster child and the.
fund. for :Delegate' from,'District
oto : coming . 'National Convention.,
• 'The roll call "Do's and Dont's"
for the Institute was answered by
18 members. Captain Feiaris, Mrs.
Ferris and Mrs. Horace : Aitch-
ism of Wingham were' introduced.'
Captain Ferris told". of the work
accomplished with donations re:'
ceived from' the Red Shield.. Drive..
Slides were' shown and a com-
mentary given '.of the work as
well as. slides .taken in Winnipeg
when the captain was stationed
there. The 'drive in this commun-
ity under . the leadership of ' the
W.I. netted around $107:70 which
amount was .presented to Captain
,]Ferris~ The meeting closed with
the singing ,of the Queen.
U.C.W. Meet
The U.C.W. held their June
'meeting at 'the home` of, Mrs. Al-
bert Coulter on . Wednesday, June.
9th:; While the ' ladies were assem-
bling the president .. Mrs., . Millan:
Moore : asked questions Concern-
ing : last month's lesson. Mrs. Rus-
sel Gaunt Convener. of Member-
ship Mid, Community . Friendship,
had charge Of- the . Worship Serv-
ice. The . call to' worship and sing-
ing .:of a hymn opened the meet
ing. Mrs. Russel Chapman read
the. "scripture Mrs. Russel ,Gaunt
led in prayer. The Story of 'Com--
upity Friendship' from ; Over
and poem was given by Mrs.
Ezra Scholtz: Mrs. George Mit
ehell 'gave • a humorous poem,
"The Shape ',I =am in". and also
gavea report of the .'London . Con-
• ' ference''she and Mr.' Mitchell at-
tended.. Mrs '.'Millan Mooregave.
the. next : chapter 'M the ; Study
Book, op' Brazil. Mrs. Ezra Sch-
oltz' on 'behalf of the 'society ;ex-
tended 'sympathy to 'Mrs. George
Thompson •on • :the passing of her
mother-in-law • at. •Markdale last
week. Mrs.. ' Russel . Gaunt expres-
sed thanks to the hostess andalso,
for her work in having the church
so well decorated • with , flowers on
Anniversary Sunday, and to Mrs.
Garnet Farrier for her work with
the ' choir . for anniversary song
message. 'She closed this service
,with • prayer. The president .Mrs,
Moore, presided for .' the. business.
The' roll • call :was answered with'
a verse with '"Come" by 18 mem-
bers. °It. was decided to. 'make a
quilt An invitation to" visit St.
Helens . U.C.WW" on June 17th at'
2:30' was. accepted. Rev. 'Mitchell
closed the, meeting with prayer.
The birthday' tea and '.lunch was.
Mr a and MrAllan Coffind by all. ' and
Kirk, and Mr,: Richard Coffin sur-
prised Mrs. Emma Coffin on
Tuesday evening ' by arriving in
time • for supper . which they
brought with them .as well as a
ihdy cake to celebrate their
mother's birthday.
Born In .Wingham, and Dis-
trict Hospital on 'Thursday, June
10th,• 1965 to Mr. and Mrs. Keith
Collyer Whitechurch .a daughter,
a sister for Rose Mary,•
• The engine 'of E. S. Watts Feed'
Mil which had been 'away for a
couple of weeks being repaired,
Was re -installed on. Tuesday even -
and is again in working order.
Brian King , bas' begun work at
the Campbell. Soup factory, Lis-
towel. • ,
. '1
On Thursday„evening evening' ' White-
church: Pee Wee Softball team
umpire. • The. score was' Belgrave
7, Whitechurch 2. Belgrave .cat
eher was' Grant Coultes.,with pit-
cher Grant. Currie, • Whitechurch•
catcher was • Kenneth Morrison
with pitcher' Hugh Todd and also
pitcher .: •Doug : Tiffin: with Hugh
Todd 'catcher: •
On Friday evening in . Wingham.
ball park Whitechurch and Tees
water Intermediates played an
exhibition • game with. a score
Teeswater , 11, Whit4,church ' 9.
,Pitchers for Whitechurch, Ken
HoustonHOuston and Hugh ' or.:1,, Catcher.
G, Shinn,
Belgrave Pee Nees will play
Whitechurch. Pee ; Wee in , White•.r
church 'ball park. Saturday, June
19th at 7 p.m. Q w
The 'Best Week„ T'o .Advertise:
Is Every 'Week!.
The Parliament of':Canada .has ` amended 'the Old Age Sectur ity AO
Over :the. next 'five years; the .age; at which, the .014,Age: Securi
pension becomes payable is to: be. gradually• reduced_ to 65. Elgi+
ity.for pension is subject to. certain residence'requ, irements.
In :Janury,:1966 the Old. Age Security Pension of .$75°'a month w h
be::payable xto'those aged69; in 1967. to,those aged ,68; in'1968. to
. those aged:67; in 1969 to those aged 66; .in 1970 and:thereafter .to
those:aged 65
' ' 'Deo 1895 to
August 1896.9
Sept, 1896.to
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February 1.897' .
March `. ' '1897
April ' . 1897 '•
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June 1897
July • 1897.
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'January ;1898
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".March' . 1898;
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May 1898.
June ' 1898•.
,July, 1898
August 1898
September 1898
October • 1898
• . November 1898
December .1898•
June 1965.
July • 1965.
August 1965
September. 1965 1
October .. 1965.
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December 1965.
'January: 1966
February , 1966
March. ' 1966
April , 1966 '
'May ' 1966-
... June
June 1966.
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'February . 1966
March ;.1966
April 1966
May • 1966
June 19664
.July. 1966
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Your: pension
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January • 1967..
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January 1967
• January '1967
January 1967
January . 1967
January • 1.967'.
January 1967
January 1.967
January : 196r
'How to apply
You ma. obtain an Old Age Security a 'plication form at your local
Post 0 ce. Persons who are not in. Canada mayobtain •
y,wr 4 n an appli-
cation o a
cation form by,writing to. the Regional Director of:Old Age Sec .. ity
*rix the capital city bf the:. province m which p they formerly lived.
the Department of National Health and Welfare`
• by authority of
Minister, The Hono trabie.'Judy.L lgarsh