HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-06-16, Page 4E ,POUt. 111121114 WEDNESDAY, .JUNE • 16th 1965 THE I:U HNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW . ONTARIO • sr.. • to 1 .���-��•�� rZ fix. ,j�'• FOR SALE, used refrigerator, Lucknow , Co-op, Phone ' 528-2125.: ' FOR SALE' -black how. Phoney 529-7122. FOR.. ;SALE 10 tons of Oats: Theodore Van ' Diepen, Lucknow FOR SALE -- • 'a side rake anti mower; • .a`'hereford bull. Archie' Bonnet, R.R. 1 Holyroed FOR• SALE - table' and 'buffet in good condition, Phone Luck now,' 528-2133. FOR a SALE TD -6 •International bulldozer ,and blade, ' $1500; 150 acres . 'of pasture; for , rent. Phone 529-7375. FOR SALE . several tons 'of , good heavy' mixed. grain.. Harold Campbell, R.R. 6 Lucknow,. phone `167.1:74tipley. AUCTION' SALE Allan: •Maelntyre Licensed. Auctioneer Lucknow . `Phone 528-3519' FOR SALE --' limited quantity of. irrigated strawberries, order ear-, ly. Harold Greer., phone 528-3810 Lucknow - ft.Westing- house estin FOR SALE,,.. 8' cu. W Fife refrigerator, Duncan':: Fife ',table' `and '•4 ,chairs... Mary Mac-' Intyre, Lucknow• phone .528.2949. HAY' FOR: SALE - . about •' 50 'ac- res' of mixed . hay.' Marshall- Gib- ., son,. R.R. 3 Lucknow, ' phone 529 7511. VACUUM CLEANER SALES and SERVICE For all . makes Filter • Queen Sales, Varna, phone ' 262-5350. ;FOR `: SALE boy's .'bicycle, blue,.. 24 ..wheel in good ; condi tion,: two new tires: Phone Terry 'Taylor, • .528-3216. : ' FOR . SALE;= Shallow • well jet • pressure system,.' used:: very little,. Jim Aitchison, ' phone Lucknow 528-5700; SEPTIC TANKS. CLEANED Septic' tanks, .cess...pools, etc.; pumped' sand .. cleaned • 'with modern equipment. All world, guaranteed. Lows:Blake, R. '2 Brussels, ';phone 422-w-6.: SPRING' SPECIAL Ladies.: Home Journal, .. 24 is, sues, °$3.00~, 40 issues,' .$500 Two . Years For The: Price. Of One. The ,Lucknow ; Sentinel. , FOR FAST GREEN 'CROP PASTURE, GRAZING,- HAY OR :SILAGE :Sow :Greenlan Sorghum ': Sudan Grass ' LUCKNOW 'GO.OP `, Phone;.. 528-2125 FOR SALE . 145 acre farm .at Village ;of' Kinlough, 6 ' room ' brick 'house with new bathroom, hot and cold •• .water, , good' drilled well, pressure: system, large "L" shaped 'barn, 140 acres under cultivation. Ap- ply' George' Graham, R.R. 1, Holyrood, Ontario,. phone; Bervie' 2313.' . FOR SALE $3,000 down buys good 100 acre farm, 10' acres bush; 40 acres spring crop, abalance , hay and pasture, 4 bedr`,00m brick house. with -4 ,pc,' bath, modern kitchen. and furnace, 'brn 40 x 60, with ties..for 23 cows. Ve also have' farms from 15' acres up;: all at reasonable ,prices. STAN . KAY Phone 528-6493 AGENT FOR Wilfred Mclntee & Company stAl. Walkerton; Ontario I ► :L.,,',ai'.'it •ti .'Sia!!va_:. gni ' 'i: liw4F''�r' '�$:„tRA��„IW.14 FOR :SAE ' WOOD'. FOR SALE ' Hardwood or softwood . slabs, • in 10... cord .loads _We deliver.' Borden . Litt, sawmill, phone 392-6895 Teeswater. FOR . ,SALE -. 1952 Ford Sedan, good .tires;: and in good •running condition; George' , . Thompson, Whitechurch,: phone•:. Wingham. 3574878: - • FOR PLAYING CARDS double. and single decks, see the Selec- tion at the Sentinel Office, . phone 528-3134. FOR SALE or trade, 4 : Hound pups,' Blue Tick cross Walker, ' 3 months old. Earl . 'Elliott, Elliott,. R.R. 3Rip�Yphone hone'8r5: '' FORSALE1957 Chev. 4 door, 5, good tires, body - in .good . condi • tion; automatic,' motor . good. R. Fisher,'. Lucknow, Telephone 528- 2321: • . :CUSTOM'" SPRAYING ' Midair Limited,: Aerial „Applica-. tors- Cross '•spraying • done ; on, spring grain ' and corn. Alex. Far- rich, R.R. 7 Lucknow, phone Dun-.' gannon 529=7305.. • PLANNING ' A PARTY? For serviettes', ,.placemats, coas- ters paper .tablecovers and `paper. ' plates for all occasion* see-.. the selection at the 'Lucknow Sentin- el,. phone 528-3134. ,_ CUSTOM • BUTCHERING, Beef and'. pork :sold `in any *len- ity. Custombutchering' in, „Govern- ment licensed.abbattoir. Pigs, every Tuesday. Beef from ' M ,on d a y through Thursday. BUTTONS. MEAT MARKET SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED • Vacuum . cleaning and pumping • of septic . 'tanks,' . Ronald, ,Forster, Lucknow,, phone 528-2346; ' manu- facturerof cement' septic tanks and well, tyle. • • . '. TIME FOR CAMPING- Over, ' 30 .million people ' camped, last- year.. Did , you? Rent or buy . a tent -trailer. APPLY GORDON' STEEPE •" " •Holmesville( R.R. 2 - Clinton) ' Phone 482-3364. FORSALE''. - Clare Jewel' elec- tric . stove in .•"excellent condition. Ideal' stove • fora church or hall kitchens, or ..large . farm .kitchen 39xwhite mel 4 z 26.. �': enamel recently new ring style burners cooking oven, warming oven and• 3 utility drawers, , also .. large °Sheivador (Crossley) •. • frig, 9 cu. ft; with freezer compartment, `•white ena= mel in excellent condition, also suitable .for large kitchen.' Apply. to Mrs. Laura McNain 30 r 17 or to Mrs. Robert • McNain,, 110 r 30 Ripley. NOTICE • NOTICE SAVE GLASS JUGS • The Kinloss • Boy Scouts would appreciate the ":people .of Lucknow, Kinloss arid surrounding areas, to save their., vinegar jugs. All sizes of• . glass •jugs with handles' are required: , These can . beleft at Silverwood Dairies Plant, FOR RENT. APARTMENT FOR RENT--- a ground -floor twobedroom heated. apartment, clean, with ,'hot wit-. er, available July 1st;. 'Fred Webb,, Lucknow, 'phone 528=2185. APARTMENT FOR.. RENT . -. Clean; comfortable, modern,. one bedroom apartment, .heated, hot water,. private bathrooni. Avail- able the Middle of ,1Une. Call or s e e Robert Finlay, Lucknow, phone 528.3434; 'MO 1lIM• -. r COMING, EVENTS Il T NEW. CASH BINGO Legion Hall,. ° Lucknow, every Thursday.' . evening, ' 8:45 ' Pan. 15 regular games _ $10.00. each. 4 Share-The=Wealthgannes with jackpot included in each game. Jackpot this week $75.00 on 55 calls. GODER1CH LIONS. BINGO The Goderich. Lions will: hold a. bingo:. on Wednesday,'. June 23rd,. '8:30 p.m.:` at. the' Harbour lite Inn, 'seventeen regular games at $10, one share=the-wealth, one $50 jackpot• and the new acceler- ating ' jackpot up to` $250, and 2 door ' prizes., Admission $1.00. 1 N SALE AUCTION SALE: AUCTION SALE of household ef= fects ` for the estate of` Mrs. George: -Brooks- ;'at the -residence, Rose Street in Lucknow, on . Sat- urday, , June 19th at, 2 p.m. Allan Maclntyre,, auctioneer. COTTAGE AUCTION SALE PORT ALBERT Y,. .Saturda • June .19th, ' 1965 . South side of ' river.' Fellow the .signs from Highway.21 General Electric Refrigerator, 4 Burner: white 'enamel Finlay el- ectric : stove: with oven, Combin- ation 17'.' TV' & Radio, 1 folding. table : • with 4/ folding ..chairs, : 3 piece chesterfield, one bed ches- terfield, 2. Beds, springs and spring filled • imattresses, 1' ;.Dresser, 1 Vanity, ' ' 1 ,electric hot plate, 2 cardtables; 2 living room lamps, Bridge lamp, ' 4 occasional 'chairs, table. lamp, Hoover vacuum clean- er, 1 bedroom` table, .2 living room tables, one' Den table` with ' 2 drawers; 3' wicker chairs, one -el- ectric mixer, dishes pots ,and pans , etc: proprietor„ Lorne• � : Matthews, p p 1 Mike Cummings, Auctioneer: Sale starts at 1:30•' p.m. CreditorsN do ' To WEBSTER REUNION The Webster : Family Reunion will ,be.. held at MacGregor's. Square, Bayfield, . on Saturday,. June '19th. Ball:; game to ' start 3 p.m., sharp, . Sports at 4. p.m: OLD TIME FIDDLER'S ,DANCE. An Old Time Fiddler's Dance illww. be• ,held : in the Holyrood Hall,heyr. ' on Friday, Joie 18th , sponsored by the. 'Kinloss ' Boy Scout 'Group Committee. Admission '75c,. Public School, Children free. • BAKE' SALE: The Kairshea Women's Institute will hold a bake sale on; Saturday, June 19th, at 2:30 pm. in the va- cant store next The. 'Sentinel Of f ice. • ;:THEY'RE HERE ' AGAIN 'The, Rippling, < Water' Boys •are back again: at the .Palace . Gardens, Formosa,, Sunday, : • June 20th. This will be their only 'appearance. Bring • • the family and enjoy a bionic'. ,lunch. RECEPTION.' •Kayopti 'e ion : and Dance. in .. ' the Blyth. Memorial. Hall for Mr. and Mrs. William : E. Hallahan (nee' Margaret: Sweeney) Friday night, June 18th. Farriers orchestra. Ladies' please, bring lunch.:: ' • 'STRAWBERRY .;SOCIAL • Sunday,- June 20th at St. Augustine, Parish Hall; Supper from 5 to 8 pm. Turke , Ham, ' `Salads Strawberries,.Cake, Tarts .. and Cookies. Adults $1.25, Children under 12,:75c, : Ticket draw :. at 7 p.m. Sponsored ;by , C.W.L. St. Augus- tine and 'Lucknow. BEAUTY SALON .. In the Johnstone Bleck on Main Street, ' Lucknow" ' (Deana 'Parrish, prop'riet'or' • P!•ION E. 528.3438 or 529.7305, 1 GreetingCards NOW ONE BOX FOR 75c Lucknow Sentinel BRIDES-TO-BE -= . 'the Luok now Sentinel has the . most dom- piete selection of wedding invi- tations and accessories in the dis- trict, Three sainple albums: to, choose from in "the privacy of your ' home if you wish. With each order of invitations. ,or announce. ments you 'receive a Free year's subscription to ' the paper atid a. Free engagement, announcement, Give us' a call and you'll be wel- conte to take the samples over-' night to your home, The Luck. now Sentinel, :phone 520134.• 'WANTED -- `standing bay. Joe Courtney, , `Dungannon, phone 529 7189, NOTICE TO CREDITORS In 'The ' Estate Of. Mary,:Alexan- dra `.:Smith. . ALL • PERSONS Having Clains Against The''Estate Of The .Above Mentioned, Late Of• •The Village; Of Lucknow In The .County :Of• Widow, Bruce, O dow, WhoDied n . The 7th Day Of May, ' 1965, Are Re- quired To File Proof Of Same With: The; Undersigned:' On . Or Re fore The 3rd Day Of July, : 1965. ' Afters That :Date The: Adminis-• tratrix ''With Will ' Annexed,. Will. Proceed 'To Distribute, The Es- tate Having Y `Regard Only To The • Claims Of .Which She .Shall Then Have- Had Notice ; Dated . At Wingham This 11th. Day'• Of June, .A.D, 1965. CRAWFORD & SHEPHERD Winghain,Ontario Solicitors For ' The Administrat- rix with Will. Annexed. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' ., In ;The Estate' Of 'Margaret Mc- Intosh. q: ; ALL PERSONS Having Claims Against The Estate Of The Above Mentioned, Late Of The, Village Of Lucknow In The County. Of Bruce, ' Spinster; Who Died ' On Thea llth Day Of March, 1965, Are Required-. To File Proof 'Of Same With The Undersigned .0n Or Be fore The 3rd ' Day Of.' July, 1965:: After That Date The Adminis- trator Will. Proceed To Distribute: The Estate Having Regard Only To The Claims Of Which He shall Then.. Have Had Notice: ,. Dated At Winghain 'this lith Day Of June, A:), 1965:. CRAWFORD ' & SHEPHERD'. • Wingham, Ontario Solicitor* For' . The Administrator,: NOTICE TO CREDITORS in The' Estate Of. Thomas" Wil- hALL PERSONS Having Claims Against The 'Estate Of The A- bove • Mentioned;. Late Of The Vit- lage Of' Lucknow In The County Of Bruce, : retired Garage Own- er, Who Died On The 27th . Day Of March, 1965, Are Required To File Prof, Of Same With The. Un- dersigned On Or Before 'The ' 3rd Day : Of July, 1965. After That Date The Executors Will Proceed To Distribute The Estate Having Regard Only To The Claims, Of Which He Shall Then Have Had Notice. , Dated At Winghain This 11th Day' Of June, A.D. 1965. CRAWFORD & SHEPHERD Wingham, Ontario Solicitors ': For The Executors, MAN WANTED for Beef • and Poultry. farm. Apply by Tetter to Box M, Lucknow, % The; Luck now' Sentinel. S LES HELP WANTED, MALE • `a HERE'S YOUR, 'KEY TO A BIG. INCOME - MAIL TODAY The W. T. Rawleigh Co. Ltd. Dept. G-271-HY 4005. Richelieu. St„ Montreal, P.Q. Gentlemen; 1• am interested in •' . the world-famous Rawleigh 'Line on: a' ( ) part-time bash's. (• ) full-time basis. (. '.) Pleasesend me FREE Cciok Book. and catalogue with. full details. Name Address ' ,City Prov:• MAN .'WANTED Gilchrist School -Furniture; of Thornbury a requires a wood -work- ing • forem.an and. Superintendent. Mustbe capable of • settin ` P g up machines and know the ";wood- working, complete ,to the 'Cabinet Assembly, with „ experience in planning and organizing product- ion. Permanent position in an ,ex- panding . eornpany. • F. W. GILCHRIS'T CO. LTD., 'THORNBURY,,' ONTARIO, , • A'' 99c :BARGAIN Readers Digest 4s now avail- able. to NEW , subscribers at 8 months. for 99c We'd be . glad . to. handle your order. The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 528-3134. otice ToCreditors NOTICE: TO CREDITORS :. In The Estate 'Of James . Albert' .Wraith;: Deceased All•. Persons. :Having • Claims' 'Against The • Estate Of JAMES ALBERT WRAITH, Late ..OF :The Village 'Of Lucknow. In The' County Of Bruce, Retired .'Farmer, 'De= ceased, Who .. Died On .Or ' About The 25th`: Day -Of .. June' 1964; Are Hereby Notified To Send To 'The - Undersigned Solicitor 'For The . •Executors, On Or Before The .18th Day. ?Of, June 1965; Full :Particul lars Of ' Their Claims:. Immediate-. ". ly. After The' :Said ',Date, The As- set*. Will Be Distributed .Among est The Parties 'Entitled Thereto, Having- . Regard Only To. The. Claims of Which The Executors Shall Then Have Notice. Dated At Listowel, Ontario this;' 25th Day. Of May 1965. ° . • R. W. ANDREW, Listowel, . Ontario, Solicitor For The Executors NOTICE ,TO CREDITORS.. In The •Matter ,Of The Estate' Of THOMAS JOHN MANSFIELD, Late Of The Village '`Of' Holyrood In The County Of Bruce, • Mech. anic; Deceased:. NOTICE IS 'HEREBY GIVEN Pursuant ` To The Trustee Act, That ' All . Creditors And Others' Having. iClaims • Against The Es- • 'tate Of The Late Thomas John Mansfield, are Required To Send Particulars Of Their Claims, Duly 'Verified, To J. T. Goodall,, .: Solic- itor ..1 The Executors . Of The Said Estate, On Or Before The 25th Day Of "June A.D. 1965, And; 'That' After .Such Date TheExe- cutors xe tutors Will Proceed To . Distrib- ute The"Assets Of The Said • Es= tate, ' Having Regard Only. , To The . Claims Of Which They Shsll_ Then "Have Had Notice. Dated At Wingham, Ontario this 1st Day Of June, A.D. 1965. Florence Mansfield:. and Ron- ald Edmonds, Executors of the' Estate Of, Thomas John Mans- field,- By Their Solicitor, J. T. Goodall,, Box 119,Winghana,• Ont-'. ario. -