HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-06-16, Page 1$4.00 A .Year, In, Advance -+ .
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1,00 ' Extra, 40
•WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16th,1965 Siingie Copy .10c;
The Rev. Stanley Ernest Jay,.
L Th., . B.A., has. been appointed
Rector of the Parish •:of St. Peters
Anglican Church, Lucknow; St.
,,Paul's Dungannon; Christ Church
Port Albert;and St. Paul's, Rip-
ley. The appointment, effective
June'. 15th, was announced by . the
Rt. Rev. G N. Luxton, -Bishop
of Huron. He succeeds the Rev. J.
R. King, who was recently ap-
pointed , Rector ' of St. Thomas'
Church, Walkerton
Mr. Jay was born ,in Milton,
Ontario. '.
He is a ; graduate of Huron Col-
lege and 'the .University of, 'West-
ern Ontario. Mr. Jay was ordain-
ed Deacon in 1954 and Priest in
1956 by+ Bishop Luxton.,Following
ordination. he Was Deacon -in -Char-
ge of the Parish of 'St. Mary's,
Warwick; St. Stephen's; Arkona;
and St. M'aul's Wisbeach . until
495,5, when e became
of •t11 MPat sh
of ';St.. Philip's ; Wal-
ter's, Falls;. St. Matthew's, Bog-
nor; and ` St., James', Fairmount.;
where he ` served for : three years.
He : was then appointd ' to the Par-
ish of St. David's and St. Luke -
in -the -Fields, ' Windsor, prior to ` be.
coming Rector of Trinity'. Church,
Blenheim on November 1st, 1959.
Mr. Jay is married to the form-
er Pauline Jane Broughton. They'.
have four children, Margaret.
Kathleen ' 11, Lawrence ' Stanley. 9,
,Mary. Gwendolyn • 6, and. Stephen
Paul 5.
Mrs. ' James D. '.Little of Ashfield •
Township passed away in Wing
ham and . District Hospital last.
Wednesday, June 9th, in her 64th
year. She ' was the former 'Mabel
Irene M Quoid. -
The mineral : service was tori
ducted • from MacKerfie: Memor-
ial .Chapel, Lucknow, on Satur-
day. Interment 'was in Greenhill
Cemetery. '
Claude Dore Jr. of Kinloss has
been appointed' grader operator
for the township and- commenced
his .w
uties this eek. He was .one
of . six applications. for the posi-
tion, '
.Claude :resides west of, Kin -
lough_ buts plans, --to •r>iove shortly:
to • the'. "Everett Whytock farm"
on the 8th concession east of
P. A, Murray Will ...
Seek Wardenship:
It will .be another seven months
before Bruce County council el-
ects its 1966. warden, but already
two aspirants have announced
their . interest in the post. •
In Bruce, the 'policy is to al
eternate . between . urban andrur-
al reeves for the top county post.
'As Mrs. Tessie : Greig; the, cur-
rent warden • represents the ' vil-
lage .. of Lion's Head -:this year, the
rural reeves, will have their in-
nings next..
The, two announced ; contenders
are P. A. Murray' of Kinloss
Township and Roswell Smith; of
Amabel Township.
Mr. Murray who has . been Kin-
loss Township reeve for four terms:
and has eleven years experience':
as . a councillor,:. is a member of
the finance, agricultural andwar-
den's committees.,1Ir. Smith in
his fifth term, representing Am-
abel Township, is chairman of
finances and a member of the
health unit, equalization and con
sultative; committees.
It .is 30 years since 'Mr. Smith's=
nunicipality.. of Amabel has had
the' wardenship. Wellington Ard
sat at that '. time.
Kinloss has not been represent
s ,WL A. n •wden s. .sin . . x the• ar ,; :cha,�r �.; „,
1912, when Dan 'MacDonald held
that office:!'
To:SeII: Remaini
Schools In Huron
The one -room ` rural school in
Huron Township will soon cease.
,t9, be a part :,of the . community.
A sale. of . the three remaining
• schools and.' their contents is plan-
Pied by • the Ripley -Huron school
• area board.' for Saturday, July '3.
• The three schools and contents
are No. 1, Lurgan, located near
Mrs; ThernaS.Stewart, the form_.
er °Nellie •' Kernick of 'Dungannon,
died at the Pineerest Manor.
Nursing . Home last Thursday. She
was . in her 97th,. year.
The funeral service' was held
MacKenzie M .
ernorial Cha -
el, . Lucknow, on Saturday with..
burial . in Dungannon Cemetery:
„44.44s,(4 ,
R. B.- Quance Dies.
on Roadway.�
R. B. "Dick." Quante died.
suddenly. > shortly 'before six ' o'
clock Tuesday, night on the road
atthe", foot of L idgard Street.
Bruce Hamilton, who resides
on. Highway 86 west of ' Lucknow,
had. ' left work at Silverwood.
Dairies and was proceeding west
on Ludgard and had made the turn.
onto. the Holyrood road; to go south
downtown. As he pulled up at the
corner, he heard .someone calling
for help and• at first did not know
where the call was coming from.
Looking .back; he noticed . Mr.
Quance' in the ditch close to the
bridge which crosses the Nine:.
Mile' River at this point.
Mr. Quance was endeavouring to
get out of the ditch and was
kneeling when Bruce noticed him.
He told Bruce he had been 'hurry-
ing to• try and hail -a car when he
suffered a - heart attack. Bruce
suggested 'he take him ,to see a"
doctor but Mr. Quance said he
would be 'alright if helped home.
Bruce was assisting him to ': his
car when he collapsed on the'
roadway . ' and died. Among the
first , on .the scene were Mrs.
Fraser MacKinnon of : Kinloss and
Bob, ' Reid, . highway '86 west, who
summoned . the doctor.
Mr. ' Quance has, been a Luck-
now resident .for a number of
years residing : presently just,
north-west. of , Pinecrest : Manor. He
was a native of the Exeter area
and Johnston.' Funeral Home . were
making :arrangements for the fun-'
eral when this was written Tues-
day. It is believed service will be
held in Exeter.
Jahn aame&'YErringtQni fias tea
his farm, W :1 lot '1'7, Concession
4, West Wawanosh Township;' to.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Neves.
Mr. an Mrs. Neves and three
'Children : came 'from Europe four
years ago & since then have been
working . on a ' farm at Venessa,
Ontario for three years ` .and for
the past year have•been in Tor-
onto. They /obtain possession on
June.., 17.
Mr. . and Mrs. "Errington have
resided on : the farm .: since Sept-
ember 1933. They are now retir-
ing : to....Dungannon
The sale was : made • by F: C.
Van Eyl, agent for John Bosveld•
Realtor, Meaford.
A* lifelong resident of Lucknow
and .' distri,•ct, Wellington Hender-
son passed . away in Wingham and
District Hospital in Thursday in
his. 82nd year. .
The funeral service was con-
ducted on . Sunday from ' MacKen-
zie Memorial •. Chapel, Lucknow.
Interment was Vin, Greenhill Cem
the .lake on the 4th concession;
No: 4; Purple Grove, located west
of Kinlough on , the 12th conces
sion; No: 7, The French 'school,,
located on the lakeshore between
the, 10th and'112th concessions.
,In':theyah,•,all pupils will attend
r tlie. Pine River or . p y
Huron Central . Schools and the,
dayof the
"little. red school
house" in Huron will be' •gone for-
ever, •
Wm. Biislien of 'RM. 3. Tees-
water has. sold 'hisfarm to
Young of the Langside area, who
obtained possession the middle . of
May, Mr, Bushell has been esti;
ployed iii ICarruther's Bakery,
Ripley, . .
Carolyn Elaine Mathers', 'daugh
ter 'of Mr•. and Mrs. Pharis .Math-
ers • R.R. 1 Lucknow, graduated;
June 5th . from the• Kitchener
W'Vatet loo Hospital, . after• complet-
ing a three year course, •.:
The • graduation waa• held at o3
o'clock •• at Kitchener -Waterloo
Hospital School of .Nursing' Aud;
itorium. All ' of the thirty-nine
numbers, graduated, Following ,
the'. reireYi ony a reception .for.
450 guests was held en, the lawn
beside the residence.
Friends and relatives from
Goderich, Port Elgin, Kitchener,
Lucknow:. and Surrounding com-
munity attended the reception
held in' her honour,, at her home,
later. •
nor Steve .Irwin
Steve `'Irwin; of ', Ripley, who: re-
• cently gave ' up his position . as
road superintendent of : • Huron
Township after about • ten . years'
service. was honoured at a soc-
ial gathering at the Ripley Leg-
ion Hall last Friday night.
The evening' was arranged by
those who had been associated
with him . in his township work,
The evening was spent in card
playing and dancing with a smog-
'gasberg lunch being served.
Chester • Emmerton acted as
master .of ceremonies and Pill
Kempton and Gordon ,Stewart pre-
sented Steve with a, lazy boy
chair. Mrs, 'Bill Kempton present
ed Mrs. Irwin with pin and. ear-
ring set.
Past and presentofficials „ of
the township were present • and a
few informal speecheswere giv-
en to which Steve replied, Wayne
Lowry recently took over StevVe's
job as road superintendent 'follow-
ing his .resignation.
Rages -
The community " was saddened .
last, week end to learn of the •
death' of James Murray,. ° eight
day old, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gor-
or don'Barger 'Of", Lucknow. Mrs. •
Barger ' is the'' former Mary, Lou
Collinson' of. Kintail
The child was born in, Wingham
Hospital on Friday,;' June 4th. The
following Monday he was: taken .to.
.Sick Children's 'Hospital' in " Lon-,
don where he • died an Saturday.
�A privatefuneral service' Was
conducted from ' ..the MacKenzie,
Memorial Chapel in. Lucknow on •
Monday.. with .burial' in , Greenhill
Cemetery: ,.
Allan . L. MacDougall, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd . MacDougall
'Kinloss, received .his .Bachelor of
Arts degree from Western Univer-
sity, London, on June ' 4th. Allan
will be. ;onthe teaching staff at
Lucknow .District ' High School,
duties commencing in. September.
'Came To
Bl wAcrosso s- � ''Lake
The workers in ` "the First Mis-
sionary Church in Flint, Michi-
gan certainly could not, be ac-
cused . of not "spreading the
.Word." .
When Charlie McQuillin was
walking: back to the bush on. the
home -farm in: the St. Helens area
a week` ago last Sunday, he spot
ted a . balloon bobbing up` '' and
. -
e h
�r •.
investigating", e -
found half a doz-
en ',ballc;ons attached to a '. string
with only one still being: intact.
Inside the .balloon he `found 'a
message' froth the church !quot-
ing •a verse of scripture and invit
ging the 'reader to : worshiip with
thein and,. attend church' Sun
It day.:
It s believed , that . the strong
winds of that day carried the
balloons . across Lake. Huron from
Flint. :
Ripley Lady Visits
Son's Grave As'
butch Pay Tribute:
It. was . a Gail . moment blit' filled
with pride for. 141 Canadians' as
they stood In silent reverence re-
cently. ,Thev • were watching Hol-
land pay ' tribute to Men' who lib-
erated them ` from tyranny . 20
years agw►; and now ' lie buried in
the Canadian Military Cemetery
in - Holland:
Mrs. May MacDonald • of Rip-
ley was one !honoured to, be pres-
ent. • Flight ,'Sergeant Colin M,
MVlacDonaidl. son of Mrs , MacDon=.
ald and. the late D. A. MacDon
was killed over' D'isseld"?.rf, Nov-
ember 3, 1943 ' and is buried in.
Rotterdam Cemetery.
The pilgrims flew overseas' by
Dutch KT -.M ' airways. Each.
Pilgrims' has a Dutch host- Who
looks • ..after. their every need..
Tours of . Holland are arranged,
dinners held in their Honour; all
at t
he expense of the Dutch
people, All the money is raised by
the sale of Poppies and donations
in Tolland. • '•
During the Remembrance Ser-
vice, 1400 Dutch school children,
each beside their :adopted grave,
stood in complete silence through-
out the service. At a given sig-
si -:
nal, each ' placed a . bou et of
flowers beneath the headstone.
The 'bouquets are presented by-
th. Bulb Growing Association of
Holland 'as their offering to the
•Canadian dead. ••
The MacDonald family were
residents of the 8th of Huron,
west 'of Ripley„,at the time their
son was lost over 20 years ago.
Preach - Farewell
Service. Sunday.
.rte„. J. R. Xing preached his
farewell- address last' Sunday. ev-
ening in St. Peters Anglican
Church, ,` -Lucknow. The church'.
was- filled to . capacity with repre
sentatives from the fourParishes,
St. Pauls, Ripley; St: Paul's ' Dunf.
gannon; Christ Church, ' Port` Al-
bert; and St. Peters,. Lucknow;
as .well as friends from other : con-.
gregations. The ''choir rendered
an anthem
After,: the service :a social ',time
was held in the Parish - Hall . with . .
lunch being served by:. members
of. all. -.Parishes.
. During . "the evening . ' Mr. ' and
Mrs. -King were honoured with a
presentation of- a "purse ° of Money
and best wishes extended to them...
Pied. McQuillin ' read the address
and- Ed McQuillin,' on . behalf of
the parishes of Ripley, Dungan-
non, Port ' Albert and Lucknow;
made ' the presentation.. ,,Mr .and.
Mrs: 3 ing each ` replied rot Tanking '
everyone fortheir kindness best
wishes, & frr the 'fellowship they
had ' enjoyed ;during their pastor-
ate here.
Kenneth Roulston presented
Greg, Kathy and ' Nancy King
with gifts 'on behalf of :`the ;Sun-
day School. ,
Rev. J. R. 'and Mrs. , King and.
three children moved to their'
new parish at Walkerton on Mon--- . .
day .of'' this week.
nhv JurT.:iSV'si//.�!%•w.w:a>J lrwrsca:3'w.....,•.n&,R..n.t�,+.:.".i.":-<uv r�i
•Jo • Anne Alton, the daughter of •
Mw.' and ' Mrs. Bert : Altan of Ash- '•
field, was among 99”. student
nu;. ses of . Victoria 'Hospital, Lon-
don, to graduate on May 21st.; The
'graduation , Was . held in Thames •
Hall London on the ;University
campus.. Tea 'was served ,.to the
parents and . guests in the after-
noon at ' the Nurses' Residence
and again in , the evening, • after:.'
graduation at :the University.
Mrs, • G. Wheeler, ,( the former
Winnie Lane : of : Ashfield) who
now lives 'in London, entertained
all Jo Anne's :friends Iater that
evening at her home on West
Mile Road, • where 'a social ' time
was enjoyed.
Joanne plans' on coming back
to Lucknow to work in the office
of Doctors Corrin and McKim a-
bout .
-bout'. the first of September,