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Phone' 528-2125
rother Assists In''
-in C�rernony.� Wedd.
Bessie :Graham,daughter. of
Mr.' and Mrs. -.Graham : Moffatt,
•: R.R., : 3' . Teeswater, .'and , Thomas;.
Albert. Farrell, son of'Mr .and
Mrs. Edward Farrell, Kincar-
dine; were, wed at Knox Presby-
• terian Church,, Teeswater, on
Saturday; : ' May 8th. ,The.. church
was . decorated with pink . snap-
dragons and ''white' "mums.:Rev.-
T. J.
T.::J. McKinney, . assisted ' by: the
groom's: brother, 'Rev. K. 'Farrell,•
London, performed'' the ceremony.
• Mrs: R. H. King was' organist,
and Wallace Ballagh •'soloist, sing=
,ing "0 Perfect Love", and "Wed-
ding Prayer". • .
'Gi ven in marriage •. by her
father,`•the' bride's 'gown was trade
itional peau. 'de' sole with, rnodif
led, ;bell .; skirt with . ,embroidered
, lace on bodice, elbow length, :veil
held " by a' • glittering Sabrina
crown.''Her flowers were red ,roses
and ivy.:
Mrs. Mervyn Conley, ,Harriston,
the bride's twin sister; was mat-
ron of honor, ' and . bridemaids
' were 'Miss Marilyne Moffat, R.R.
3 Teeswater, sister' of . the bride, -
and Miss Marion Ruttan,' of Tees
water. They were dressed alike
in turquoise opaque , , nylon : sheer
over taffeta, with sheath skirts',
bateau necklines and three-quar-
ter length sleeves. Their head-
dresses were; ` of,, rosette : design,
and their flowers cascades"' of
tinted turquoise :carnations and
essengeCs Give
Money For M. .
(Whitechurch : News)
(Intended For Last Week)
The Merseengers ' of the' United
Church. held. their Thankoffering
in the. Sunday Schoolroom of
the church on Monday, May 24th,
John Gibb gave the call to wor-
ship and :all sang See The . Shin-
ing Dew Drops with Mrs, Dan
Tiffin,' pianist,; Marlene Weber;
read the scripture.'' . Prayer was
given by. Thelma. Purdon.% John.
Wall gave the poem, 8A' Fisher-
man's Day: n
Mrs. Clarence' Ritchie, Super-
intendent, thanked all for coming.
and called. on Janet Sleightholm
and Mrs. Milan Moore to come
to the . front. As both, U.C.W. and
the.. Messengers , are . studying
Trinidad and :Brazil Janet Sleight-
holm, presented Mrs. Moore, pres-
res•ident. of U:CW, with' a gift of.
money , ,for Mission . Work • in:
countries' •be i n•g studied. Mrs.
Moore.graciously accepted the:
gift and showed some pictures
from papers ,of what, these gifts
.do.. ' .
Joyce, Tiffin sang a Br.•azlian
song : ' The Juniors gave a play -
Otte `entitled. "A Salute To Trini-
dad." Ronnie Soloman, Brenda
Ritchie, Linda.. Purdon ' Barbara
Ritchie, ;Irene .Wall:. Jetta .Sleight -
holm, .Mary Lou: 'Adams, ";Robert
Wall, Brenda ':Soloman . & . Stephen
Ritchie took part in .this. The sen
fors, .' Cathy Soloman, Marlene
Weber; John. Gibb,.. Barbara ,Rit-
chie, Bryan Purdon , and:. Phyllis'
Sleightholm gave readings ex-
plaining .
x-plaining:. Palm Sunday and Easter
The 'offering was ; received . by.
Brenda Ritchie. and Joyce Tiffin
with Milton"•Purdon giving the' Of-.
fertory ` Prayer. ,
Nfrs,.:..Sleightholm,, su a rp rinten
dent,. introduced :the ' guest speak-
er. Mrs.. George Mitchell of Blue -
vale. She first had .all the child-
ren, take.. part in, an action song
The first.," story was. about plant-
ing ; small . • ,potatoes • insteadof
large ones and this : was, compar-
ed to our givings. We are apt
to' give what ; is left over. The
next story she introduced Why ,a
Holiday? Where is 'the . Queen?
What relation was Queen Victoria
to present. Queen? This story was
of a King .whowatched.. the; birth
of 'what . he ' thought would be. a
butterfly bit' it said it was Hope.
Every year at this time we have
a message ,o of . Hope, and she • clos-
ed ..with prayer. .er. Mrs.: ,Ritchie pre-
sented . Mrs.' Mitchell with the gift
of a ' cup and ' saucer.
white mums
Miss. Kimberley McLeod ' of
Guelph; . niece : " of the bride, was
flower girl, dressed in white ny-
lon with turquoise cumberbund
and rosette headdress.. She- car-
arried. a basket of white mums and
tinted turquoise carnations..
'Groomsman was Mr., Hugh
Lane of R.R..2 ' Holyrood, *.and us-
hers were Roy. McLeod of. Guel-
ph, brother-in-law of ' the bride,
and Murray, Wilson 'of Ripley.
For a reception in the church
parlours the' bride's, mother . wore.
a 3 -piece pink double-knit suit
with • navy accessories' and cor-
sage of pink carnationsand white
mums: The groom's mother wore
a turquoise crepe dress With lace
jacket,. pink accessories and cor-
sage of pink • carnations Nand .white
For a trip to 'northern United
States . the bride donned a light
blue double-knit ' suit, • light 'blue
hat,black accessories' and. cor-
sage • of pink carnations.. Upon.
their . return they will reside at
the groom's farm,' R.R. 1, Kincar
Custom Butchering.:'
Mondays Hogs, in by 4:00 pm.
We do Curing and Smoking r Beef, Pork and Lamb.,
Sold • Whole, Half or Quarterc, For Better Service/
And Lower Prices CaII Ripley 100. ` '
WEDNESDAY JUNg; 2nd, 1465
ungannon (hurci
This is my Fathers. World was
sung 'Mrs. Mitchell gave the
closing prayer. All were invited
to • remain : for . lunch.' Attendance
Was 42. Mrs. Earl Caslick and
Mrs. Hugh Simpson, ;leaders'
C.O:C., were guests present with
a number .of ;the . C.0 C'. children.
.Tlie May meeting was held.' :on
•Thursday, May 20th, at the.. home
of . Mrs., Frank; Alton„ .,Mrs. Opened
1Vlenary presided and opened the,
meeting . with a call to ''worship
•and;prrayer. "The Lord's My Shep-
herd" was'sung, followed by the•
Lord's prayer a n d prayer for
family life •by. Mrs. Alex Hack-
ett. The ° scripture was : read by
wet THEeon YOU
mss` Ar
t 71,44
• A • lovely wedding: was solem- • maid of 'honour. Their flowers-
nized . in Erskine PresbyterianI werebronze mums.' _,,Susan Irvin,'
Church,, Dungannon, on Saturday, niece of the groom was flower
May . 15th,. .when, Mary. Lou Mc-, girl,, .Her, dress was ; ;•similar to.
Allister became the. bride ., of the , maid of. honour...Bill NIcAl'-_
Do las Nelson Raynard, 'lister; brother ` of the bride 'was.
ring . bearer.
Mrs." Bruce Raynard of R.R. 1 :..
Lucknow . was .. organist and Mr.. .
Cyril. Boyle of ; R.R. 2 Auburn ,as:,
soloist .;sang "The Lord's My Shep-_
her'' ..and "O , Perfect ` Leve."
The best- man was Bruce ; Ray-
nard of Islington, brother of the
groom Ushers .' were Chris •Ray-
nard, brother of the , groom and
Murray McKenzie, ' cousin of'. the
The wedding dinner"followed ' at
the Lucknow Legion Hall. • Mrs.;
McAllister received ina • jacket ',
dress of. deep pink shantung • silk'
with black accessories. She was
assisted. by ° the groom's mother
dressed in a dint green 'linens jac
ket. dress .w th beige accessories:
'For :travelling the: .bride 'chose
a white ":wool snit and hat with.
rose accessories. Aftera trip to
:Ottawa and Eastern. Ontario, Mr.
and Mrs. Raynard will` reside on
thegroom's, 'farm R.R., 3 Luck.
Guests were +' resent from. • Sud ...
aterl o' I51 n ton Listo-
wel, ' Teeswater, Molesworth and:
Three miscellaneous. aneous°
held for the bride, previous.
to her marriage, RelatiVe show-
ers. were held at .the ,homes of
Mr's. Nelson :.Raynard of . R,R: 3
Lucknow . 'and Mrs.: Roderick Mc-..
Kenzie of ' .R R. 3 Goderich 'A ,.
community shower was .held' in.
West Wawanosh' 'Community .Ha11
and was• arranged by Mrs: Mur-
ray ' 'Wilson ' and Mrs. Theodore
Redmond and daughters, Corrine
The bride is' the .1 daughter of
Mr.. and : Mrs. rs.: Robert McAllister
of ,R.R. `? Auburn . and the .groom
is the .'son Of Mr. and' Mrs. Nel-
son Raynard of R R Y 3 Lucknow.
The .ceremony was performed.
at 1:30 • p.m. by Rev. R. H: Mac-'
:Lend, before. the altar ''adorned
with spring flowers . •
The bride 'was, given ;in mar-
ar riage by:her father` and chose a
floor length ; gown Jof - white taf-
feta . with fitted bodice, rounded'
neckline, furl ' 'skirt . and .lace ap-
pliques in lily of the valley motif
downfront of dress. She = wore a
wedding ring :. headdress : from
which fell an elbow length• veil. of.
French illusion.
The bride ' carried a white lea-
ther Bible crested with white satin.
ribbons and '-'red. rose buds. She,
also carried an Irish linen. hand-
kerchief ; which belonged to , her
maternal grandmother. ' (it' ` was
brought from . Ireland by . the
Quaid;, family in 1;,830), The bride
wore on her right hand,her great
• grandmother McAllister's ... wed-
ding ring of 75 , years. ago.
Miss Eileen Foran . of R.R. 2
Auburn was, maid of "honour. She
was gowned in pale green, taffeta
brocade with fitted bodice, " bell
skirt and .matching .jacket. Her
headdress was wedding ring
style with net 'veiling.. She car-
ried bronze . button chrysanthe-
mums. The bridemaids were Miss
Karen " McKenzie of '"R.R. ` 3 :God-.
rich and" Miss Jean Dahmer of
Waterloocousins of the bride:
They wore. . dresses of pale yel-
low similarly styled to that of the , and Zita.
Plywood, Prefinished Wall. Panels,
Flame Resistant • Ceiling Tile:.
PHONE 528.2909• ,
Mrs. Donald, Hackett; followed . by
commentary and prayer of con-
fession by Mrs. Chester Hackett:
Mrs. Bert Alton • conducted 'a
'contest' on ,MOthers of the Bible,
and Mrs. Jim Nelson and Mrs.
Alex 'Hackett had perfect. papers,
14 members,. 3' 'visitors , and 6
children were present and 'the roll
call was answered with the word
"Mother" • The tall bazaar is- to
beheld on the last Saturday in
November.' The Garden Party will
be on June h,. Chapter 7 of God
and His Purpose was.' discussed
by Mrs. Bert: Alton and prepared
answers to the questions in. the''
study book. were mead by each
Member. A • peeln.. "Little Roy: .
was read by Mrs. Blake Alton
and "title. Girls"' by. Mrs, Barry
Hackett.. The net .meeting will,
be the Grandmothers . 'meeting,.
The meeting closed with hymn
364. used as a prayer.
Lunch was served by the hos-
tens and TVIrs. Barry Hackett,. aid
a plant and baking sale was held,