HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-06-02, Page 6•
zti :.amu z��ywr+.'a Epi
WEDNESDAY +IU.NR: 2nd, 1905:
The May meeting of iReids
*era `.W,T• met in the community
Ball en Wednesday evening of last
week: Mrs; William Ferguson pre
shied. Minutes and other corres-,
"pondenee were read by• the sec-
retary",'Mrs. Cecil Humphrey, and
items of business iwere were discussed,.
Mrs: William • Ferguson gave high-
lights of• t h e District , Annual
which was. held at Bervie May
An, interesting programme . op -4
ened with an Trish song Its a
Iong way to Tipperary," and an
informative topic on Institute
work . in Ireland was given by
Mrs. Wiliam Ferguson A. large
coloured map' of the island was
displayed. Many familiar 'names.
Were noted, being the same as
in " Ontario. An interesting quiz
on Current Events and Govern-
ment representatives, was given
by Mrs. 'Sam,' Snobelen. A :report.
of . the Officers Conference which.
'was. held at the University of
Guelph where nearly 700- dele-
gates attended, w a s given by
Mrs. . William Courtney.. Honorable
William Stewart's address was
interesting as he, &entioned many,
Canadian products which are be-
ing exported to London, England,
Ireland, and , other points and the
demand for canned goods is pop-
ular' he said: The Curators work-
shop was held in " the afternoon
on, Wednesday where enthusias-
tic groups` assembled. An ` inter-
esting highlight on Wednesday ev
$ening. was: the bus :trip to the
,Adelaide Hoodless. Home at St..
'George. After :the closing` 'ode,'
"grace was sung and lunch was
served by Mrs. Kelvin Hender-
son. and
ender-son;and Mrs. W. Courtney, after
which there wan: 'an .exchange of
gyp, 11, Miles, 'Agricultural .ep.
resentative for Huron. County re-
ports that' seeding of all crops is
progressing favourably to the ex-
tent ' that crop' plantings are near
normal Allcrops are making ex-
cellent growth and show good col-
our. ur.
Livestock is all out on pasture.
From Adopted 1, Bo. Y
'The °May uck
meeting of the twit -
now Presbyterian '.Evening Aux-
iliary was held on .Tuesday. even-
ing, May '18th, at the home of
Miss. Gladys,; MacDonald ' with
twenty ladies present. Mrs. Frank
Hawthornewho wasin the chair
opende. the meeting • with a poem
entitled "Faith" followed by .pray-
er. and " a hymn. Following the
scripture, read in unison, : Mrs.
Jim Aitchison gave.. the ' medita-
tion • with the. theme •"Go To
Church". Cash donations 'to the
Bale were received.' `
Mrs, -Stewart Jamieson, read,a
letter from. Priston Martin the 12
year old boy from India who was
adopted by the Evening Auxiliary.
He expressed his. gratitude .for the
help:. he is receiving. • Mrs. Noble
Johnston, volunteered, to carry;. on
a ` • correspondence with .Priston
Sentence . prayers were given
by all members. ' Mrs. Maud"
Sherwood. read' two articles :from.,
the Glad. Tidings "Our; Group
arid ' .. its, Members" and"You
Were Bought , With' A Price TA
very. pleasing ' trio, "The 'Forty
second: Psalm" was ;;sung by Gail
Jamieson, Nancy. Walden ' 'arid..
Deborah Corrin.
Mrs. .`Robert MacKenzie pre-
sented the - Topic on ..Overseas
it...NEED.. SHUR-lAI'N
Despite the fact 'dairy cattle were fed well ;all winter
they could' lose 'weight if fed • only lush,, green pasture.
Pastures are high in protein but low in carbohydrates
and energy.
bohydrates and . thus provides" the energylacking in Push',.
green pastures. , Maintain your herd production through-
out the earlyg
growls season with 5Hi7R-CfAIN PAS- . '
feed service
n,ders�:n Flax
LUCKNOW Phone 5284025
Trade any. Years.
The death ,occurred in 'Strath..
roy Hospital'. on Saturday, May
1st of William. S; Reid, a resident
f` Strathroy and for many years
a resident of Lucknow, He was
71 ' years of . age. Death was due
to a coronary attaclt,
Bill n was born in Lucknow .on
January • 20, .1094, . ,the son e
Thomas Reid and Margar.et Mil-
ler: His . father was a native of
County Tyrone in Ireland' and' his
mother was a. native of Roches-
' ter, New York..
The'vdeceased was a baker and
practiced his, trade . for . most of
his.: life; The Reid family.' Bakery,
Grocery and Ice ,Cream Parlor
was . operated for years in the
building ' now.. housing the Ander-
son Apartments,, "o f .Lucknow's,:
main street. Thee' closing . of;'this.
'business marked the .end of an
era for' •this 'particular • type of
"homey" retail outlet that was a,
link with anearlier generation .of
pioneer business men, in.' the ' .vil-
lage. Bill was.. associated with his
father in the baking business un-
til his father's death after which
,he , carried on in : Lucknow for :a
few years.
He was .an ardent sportsman
with a particular . liking for hoer
key and lawn'' bowling.. 'Bill . was. a
goal tender in :his : hockey playing
days , with above average ability.
He was, ;a member of a .191415.
Lueknow teamwhich won the
Lakeside League 'championship.';
The . two remaining members of
the team still. living are: his bro-.
ther Clyde 'Reid and Ernie ' Mill-
On June 9th, ` 1934 in Toronto, he
married :Jean 'Dustin, a native 'ot.
Manitoba, who, survives:
Mr. ' and Mrs: Reid and family
were living in their upstairs ap-
artment ,.where the , present Brec-
kles . apartment building stands,
when fire ' destroyed: the building
in October of •1947.. The site might
be known to -many now as that
occupied: by Gladys' ?Beauty Salon.
Mr.. and Mrs. Reid 'occupied the
upstairs ., and fire ' broke out .in
the downstairs portion in living
quarters: occupied' ,by Dr.C. C.
Eyely: :
In Augtist of 1948 the . Reid .:fam-
ily moved. oto Strathroy where Mr.
Reid. was employed' as a baker
With 'Hamilton's 'Bakery. He re-
tired in : January 'of ; 1964.
Besides his wife, lie is survived
by ''a son'' Robert and ''a . daughter
Karen, both' . living at : hen►e in
,Strathroy., He is, also curvived: by.
brothers John A. of London and
Clyde M. of Strathroy.
He was predeceased by. sisters
Mrs. Neil (May) McLeod, : Miss
Ida Reid and Miss ' Fern,: Reid.
The' funeral ' service was' con-
ducted from the Denning Broth-
ers Funeral Home in . Strathroy
on 'May 4th by :,Rev. R. T. AP
Marshall .of t h e ' Presbyterian.
'Church. Burial wase .in the family
plot in Greenhill Cemetery, Luc-
know. Pallbearers ,w a r. e Ross
Smith, Frank Hendry, .Jack Holt;
Clyde 'Reid Jr., Richard 'Reid,
Richard McMorrow and, Wilfred
Missions ;with particular empha-
sis , on India, tracing the. 6 work
from its beginning. ' In . 1876. the'
first Canadian missionaries ar-
rived 'in India.,' .
The . meeting closed with , a
hymn and prayer .by Mrs. Noble
Johnston, A social half hour fol-
Dui to the late :Seeding;:this dear
ark yov thinking of growing.
Beans? .. ,
1) ExcellentQuali :tY ,. High .Germination Seed's Available.
2)' Bean', Contracts. which Supplies Seed, Fertilizer and Eptam
• for your . Complete 'Program.:
3) Eptam' for Weed Control,
4) Harriston Fertilizer at -Competitive Prices.
5) "Up, to . Date 'handling Facilities (Improved Again , this.
6) ; Knowledge , of ` Domestic and Export; Markets. (We . visit
our '' Customers=.and survey their' heeds ).
PHONE 2624714:
Wallace of Blyth. Sympathy of
the . community` goes- to ,Mr. and
Mrs. E. •W Rice at this time.
Mr' . and Mrs. George Webster
and Mr. Wm. Webster' attended
the, funeral of Mr.: Wm. McMil-
lan at London on .Wednesday. The
deceased is a brother-in-law' of.
Mr. Webster.
Attend ,Graduation Anniversary
Mrs. Frank McQuillin ' and Mrs:
Gordon :Finlayson .of Lochalsh`: at-
tended their class reunion on ; Sat-
urday . at Stratford: Both were
graduates 25 years ago from
Stratford' General Hospital.
Terry . Wilson Graduates .'
Congratulations to Terry Wil-
son ,who received his University
results on Saturday. On friday,
he will be . amongthe graduates!
Wm. A. Humphrey visited with
friends . in Wiarton on the ;week-
Just a reminder. of the `WI..at
2:30 on Thursday in • the.'hall. ` This
is' Grandmother's Day.All; grand-
mothers in • the community are in-,
vited. •
Completes Hairdressing Course
Miss Nancy, Cranston,, has suc-
eessfully. passed her course : in
Hairdressing. Nancy also has. com-
pleted a month of Advanced Trai-
ning in Toronto' and she is visit
ing her parents at; present. Con-,
gratulations, Nancy.
Mr. and . Mrs.• Allah .Cranston'
and 'Corrine,. spent Saturday ' in
Toronto. While there they met
Mrs. Della MacFarlane ' .of" Ginili,•
Manitoba, 'at .Marton airport. Mrs'.
MacFarlane 'is visiting with ' her -
mOther Mrs. Emma' Cranston who.
has not beenenjoying: the best} •
.of . health: •
Recent visitors. with Miss Bea-
trice McQuillin' and . Charles and
Wm, McQuillin were George Mc-
Quillin of Toronto, Miss Ada. Hain-
es, Mrs.' Marjorie Parker and
Mr. and , Mr's. Gordon Jerrard
and boys of :Hamilton, '
' • Mr. and Mrs. Dari Rose, David
and Alison of Eino are holiday-
ing with Mr., and Mrs. Harvey
Webb and other, relatives.
Those ' attending the funeral Of
Mr, .G. A. Webb were Mr.,. and
Mrs. Wilson Bryan of . Orange-
ville; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bry-
an; Mrs. Wm. Redmond. of Or-
ton*: Mr. and Mrs. 'Harvey, West `
and: Mrs, Edward Carter of Grand
Valley and Mrs and Mrs: Robert
never ha
about: retirement"
Not this happy, couple! ' Man
P y ' years ago,
Bob invested in a Sun Life Retirement Ina
come, policy and, now that he, is 65, he will
be' receiving from Sun Life a $400 cheque
every month. And, when Bob dies, his wife
willreceive two-thirds of this amount each
=monthas long as she lives.
Chances are you too may look forward to
many happy retirement years. Follow •Bob'a
example, Why not give me a call today?
R.R. 2 Lucknow
Phone Wing'ham. 55 7.1 98 7