HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-05-26, Page 11WEDNESDAY,. MAY . 26th, 1965
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Canadian_ .InsP ,uranc:e.-Com art•ies-, ..••-..:
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372 .Bay St., • . 35` Dunlop .5t:;
• Toronto Barrie''
73 ,Mississaga 0E.,
(Intended , For ;Last' .Week)
Mrs. John 'Scott, Mrs, William
Cox, .Rev.. Benson Cox and ' Miss
May Boyle spent 'Friday in Lon-
don; They visited' . with Mrs. 'Karl
ai l
Boyle who. has been a patient. in
St. Josephs 'Hospital for the past
six weeks.` : She' underwent major
surgery, friends from here will.
be 'pleased to know that she ' was
able to return home • on Saturd•ay.,
Messrs. 'Keith Madden and Bill
Zettler spent. Wednesday. in Ham-
Mr. and Mrs. ,William Haldenby
visited:. on , Sunday with '.Mrs: -M...
Dudley, who is a ' .patient in the.
W ingham and . District Hospital,
Lois Nicholson has been cions
fined to the house with the. chick
en pox.
Attend Wedding :In West
James . Hodge has gone to the
West : to =attend .his nieces• wed-
Jacob ,Reimer stands in thick: growth •of weeds
next to clean Atrazine -treated field.
trctzine keeps . the corn :clean' ,
saves precious labour
says Jacob Reimer;;.r . Rowan
"Atrazine has, given 'us excellent weed control on our
140 acres of corn, We combined a bumper crop, •
tiveraging 135-14.0 bus, to the -acre"; lgrReimer reports.
"Ne applied Attazine, when the corn was 4" to 5"
. high, because we like to hit the weeds that are already
up."The' trouble is the weeds co'ne up so fast, We
thought we were in for trouble. liut Atrazine knocked
them out in short order." '
",l used to go through the corn two or, three times
with the cultivator, but my time is too precious putting
On Nitrogen, to have:'to worry about cultivating , •
especially when Atrazine does the job better.
"Although I plant tomatoes on some fields, follow-.
ing corn,by working up the soil well, I have never had .
• any trouble with reside%s.., 0
, "1, certainly Wouldn't watt, togo backoto growing : •
corn without Atrazine.
Use the one herbicide that keeps corn clean through.
to harvest. Ask your dealer for, descriptive literature and
don't forget.to get' your sprayer, ready on time. .
tfrailNt I5W.k 9ratlahiobl 5 lb. ban ted 50 Ib. cartostt!tm i r. i supe!~ aeilert
fb r ..g4 od" farming
�M11oN� tQA.NADA), 'rlki$TrtDi•etot:iNTON'nv6NUrr 091tr`•IPORONTO 12, ONTAltto
: ii.
Rep�rtOn Proiect:'
Mrs.' George . Whitby • presided
for the lVlay meeting of: the Luc -
know • Wotnen's Institute, 1 h e
theme being "Mother., The min-
utes were read by. the secretary,
Mrs, A. Wilson, and the roll call
was answered by an exchange of
plants and 'bulbs. Mrs. A. McNay
• reported an the meeting with' the
council in regard to : the railing
for, the • Town, Hall steps, which
was planned. as ,a centennial 'pro-
ject, but .nothing can . be done un;
til the architect comes. ' -
Mrs, Barkwell and . 'Mrs. 0..
Brooks were chosen to make
plans ' for the picnic which is to
be held June'. 22nd. Delegates to
the District annual at Bervie: on
May 20th, :are ' Mrs. Wm. ..Mac-
Donald and Mrs. .N...1. MacKen-
zie, :Instead of sending flowers at
the time of a bereavement` it was,
decided to give ' a donation. to the
'cancer or heart fund.
Mrs. A. McNay 'took the chair
fore the following ..,program; a po-
em "Mother" was . given 'by Mrs.
L. Ritchie,, aid. Miss Helen Thom-
pson. accompanied by, `Mrs:. R.
Cummings ' sang.: a lovely: solo
"Wonderful . Mother o f ': Mine."
Miss Liella ' Finlayson gave the
motto, • "A gbod Motheris worth
one hundred • .' .school masters",
which was prepared 'by Miss Mary
MacLeod, .. A . comic'. reading;: by'
Mrs.: J. 'MacNaughton,current 'ev-
ents by Mrs. J. W. Joynt and a
reading. by Mrs. S. Stothers were
'all '`enjoyed. A: demonstration on
the' making hof fancy, sandwiches.
was very ablygiven by Mrs:; Et-
ta Roberta 4;;Mrs.',: A. McNay. . than-
ked. Mrs.. Roberts ` and presented.
her with, .gift. Following Thee
Queen, and Grace, lunch. was ' ser
wed by the ladies in; charge.
Wm. MacDonald is !home after
a . week in.Goderich Hospital:
Alex • MacKenzie. of : Hamilton'
Was : home:' for the week -end. •
Mr; and,' Mrs. Philip Goer. of
Batavia, spent a' few days. ' last
week : with Mrs... Earl Hawes.:
The' C.G.I.T. held a :.Mother: and
daughter banquet. on Monday ev-
,Church service .in'.Ashfield .Pre-
sbyterian Church will be . cancel-
led ' on May . 30th when ' Ripley
;Knox:, congregation- hold •anniver-
sary . services.
A number of the W.M.S. mem-
bers attended the Presbyterial .in.
Molesworth• on Wednesday.'.''
Mr. and Mrs. David Bunce of
Toronto spent the week -end with.
Wm. •MacDonald..
Bruce Co Plans
Mass, T. B'. Surve
Mr:.Walter'' Lock, Ripley, Pres-
ident of•. the Bruce .'County Tub
erculosis , ' Association .announced,
this week . that plans are being
laid for, a mass .tuberculosis .de-
Lection ..survey following 'the sum -
trier znonths. M.S. John. A, Mad -
Donald, also, of 'Ripley, has been
ppointedeae,r L Ehairman oft
the Survey Committee
In a statement, Mr. Lock .said:
"The Bruce County ',Tuberculosis
Association, in co=operation with,.
the'. Ontario 'Department of Health;
will be conducting a ' tube=rculin,
testing ' and 'x-ray. survey .of Bruce
County. • The Tuberculosis picture
in Ontario cannot be • taken too
lightly. It is a constant 'battle • to.
keep the. incidence rate under
control: Currently, approximately'
5 :people per : day enter 'Ontario's
sanatoria, 70% of wbem are in
an'advanced '• stage of tuberculo-
sis, It is only through the efforts
of the public that we can hope • to
'keep these figures down, a n d
Bruce is ,prepared to offer' its
citizens the opportunity of being'
a part of this international fight
against tuberculosis*" ' .
Mr. Lock .added : the fact that
the relatively:new "Heaf'i meth-
od of testing will be ,used in tho
xBruee County survey. ``T.he De-
partment has trained three spec-
ial teams of" registered nurses in
I3eaf testing, an absolutely pain-
less Method et. administering the
test," '
The tuberculin test will indicate.
if any person has ever been in
(Intended For Last,•:Week),.'
United .'Church Messengers • a
The. Messengers held their'May
'meting on Sunday during church
service, in the. United Church Sun-
day School room. The president,
John. Gibb, gave the call to wor-
ship. A hymn was repeated in
unison. The scripture • was read
by Janet Sleightholm.' 'Brenda
Soloman led in prayer, 'Theoffer-
ing was received by Ricky. Hand
and dedicated by. Milton Purdon.
The roil call was answered . by 26
members: The minutes of the° last
meeting were read by secretary,,
Charles Thompson. , 'The Messen-
ger Thankoffering is to' be
Monday, May 24th, at 2:30 p.m.
in the United Church. The ?res
'byterian Children of the Church,
U.C.W. and the Mothers are in-
vited to attend. The.ountry la-
dies are to., bring sandwiches and•
the village ' ladies, cookies. The
Sr. group with their leader.,' Mrs.
C. ' Ritchie, studied Brazil, • and
the Juniors. ' with their .:.leader,.
Mrs. E. " Sleightholm, studied a.
chapter in their study ' book.
Sister Breaks : Hip • •
Mrs. Mary Galbraith of Wing -
ham spent a few days , last week•.:
with her brother James 1.1. Cur-
rie.' They received ' word • that their
sister, . Mrs.: John' Aitken, Moose
jaw, 1560 , Stadacona. West," Sask.,
had fallen' and broken her . hip
and. was a'; patient in Moosejaw
The. stormy :,on ,:Sunday of wind
and' rain'. varied in .the "'eommun-
ity. In the ' village ' the•' wind was'.
direct ' contact with :tuberculosis.
It will not show active, disease,.
but all persons. who show 'a. re-
action :will be x-rayed, and peo
pie. 40 years . of age and over will
'be• advisedthatthey, too should
have :a chest x-ray. It is in this,
age • groiltp that the highest 'rate-
ate"of other Jung and chest, abnormal-,
ities .is located. The' chest x-ray
:is capable of finding lung and
chest ' area tumors, enlarged
hearts, etc...
strong and rain{ wag heavy At,
Russel taunt's there' were haul -w
stones . as ,large - aa: golf balls and,
the hydro •m that locality, was
off till 6:30.
*, , and Mrs; George : Currey
of East Wawanosh spent Mothers
Day yWeek-end .with their family~
in London. .
Mr. and Mrs. Earl ' ' Caslick;, .•
Mrs. Wallace Conn and . Mr. and
Mrs. Douglas Conley were.: Sun--• ,
day, .callers ,,at Moorefield.
George Conn ; of Toronto; ,spent,
the . week -end -athis home here °
Mr. ,and Mrs': 'Carl: Weber, An-. "
ne, Marlene\ and Clair were Sun-
day visitors with Mr. , and. Mrs.
Jim Ketchum of Palmerston.
Mrs.. Emerson Austin of Lon-
owdon visited, relatives in • the com-
munity : on Sunday. •
Mr. and Mrs: Bill: Evans were
Sunday evening visitors with Mr....
and' Mrs. Wesley. Tiffin. Mrs. Ev
ans returned on Friday ,after
visiting in a New ; York hotel
for an evening, and 'day. with her
sister ` ' and • her daughter ,from :.
England 1 ,
Mr: and ;Mrs:: Alex Buttler of
Goderich were Sunday visitors
with Mr._,and Mrs. Jas. McInnes..
,Mr.and Mrs. George Tiffin" 'of'
Luckn'ow were Sunday , visitor.
with .Mrs: ,Cassie Falconer..
Mr and 'Mr.S. Carl MMClenag•
han and Paul Geiger of Water-
loo ;attended the Horse Show.; ha -
Kitchener on . Saturday evening.
..On Sunday,visitors with Mr_'
and' Mrs. Bill,. Neable were Mr..
and . Mrs. Gene Turney,,:, Ricky~
and Shirl Ann of .Inglewsed, Miss
Helen .Neable, London, .Miss ,Judy
Neable and Mr.', and Mrs.. Gerald
McKnight of Listowel. ,
Hospitalized 'After Fall
Miss Lila . Emerson ,had' the mis-
fortune to , fall on, Wednesday of
ternoon while coming dawn tMei
ladder from the : attic in her
home. Her right ankle and heel
were '. bruised but. ,no . bones . were
broken as.. x-rays revealed. 'on
Thursday •morning '1 . Winghant.:
and: District Hospital.: She 'expect-,
ed • to ' be' released. from• . 'hospital:
in.. a' week.
. °.
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