HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-05-26, Page 1$4.00 -A Year In Advance — $1,00 Extra io U.S.A..,•
Hint Three Sch�I For County
Luckn�w. To Southampton M
ght Be Ofle-.
A , repo rter, for the„ Kitchener day period ,'•
Record, is, speculating' that ; the ' 'Prominent'. on the . agenda
County of Bruce might be. divid be a -.l.
. the � reports ' of ,the educational
ed into three school w. -areas with consultative *committee. This . com
'Lucknow' included in' a ,county ' ar-• mittee has received recommenda=
ea .from 'Lucknow to Southamp-, tions from ' different '•school sec -
ten. What .:.this . would actually tions in .Bruce; asking that : more
mean, in • termsof school admin' than one municipality be combin
istration,•,we are not completely, . ed into a county area,
clearon, but . if it came to be
it .would be a far cry from pre- The committee however is re
sent::. school. administration; ;within ported to have ideas' and recom-
the county. mendations of its own. They have
The article, as .it .appeared'. in not been made public, but it. has
the Record, read as follows: ' ' been learned . that the committee
'WALKERTON The June ses- may ask for the ; county to •be
• sion of Bruce county ” council are, divided into three ;public school
'normally not as busy as the oth- areas.
er meetings : during the year, but The : areas would' be. the penin -
the , sitting ,which . will open, at sula, the southwest of' the' county
Lions Head, June 1st, gives in- from Lucknow north'. to Southamp-
dication': of keeping' : the ' council- ton and the southeast from Mild
lois:;, occupied for the full. four- may, north to Tara.
Eighteen Register
For Kindergarten
Registration for kindergarten for
the ' 1965-66 term ' was held at the
Lucknow Public School :on Fri-
day. Eighteen children have '; re-
gistered. Mrs. Lloyd Hall is teas
• ' cher'•of the 'kindergarten'.'. class.
Following is the list of child
ren registered with the parent's
name in brackets. Ruth Ann : Al-
ton (Mrs. Arnold Alton), : Barb-
ara Cameron ` (Don Cameron),
Arlene Corrin (Dr. M. H., Cor-
rin), Rhonda Gibson ,(Bill Gibson),
Gail Gollan (Grant Gollan), . Kim-
berley Haldenby (Douglas Held-
enby), Douglas :Hamilton (W. A.
'Bud' . Hamilton) ` Sandra Hender
son, (Garnet Henderson), Freder-
ick ftlaw ald µ' ('Harold Howald),`.
Raymond Hunter (John Hunter),
Patti. • Lou ' Irwin (Ross Irwin),
Steven Irwin (Orland .Irwin), Tom
Johnstone (Bill Johnstone), Mi-
chael McDonagh• ,(`Barry ' M.eDon-
agh), Gary McInnes. (George, Mc-
c-Innes), . Heather Nicholson (Ken-
neth Nicholson), Jackie Wilkins
(Charles. ,Wilkins.), _':. Beth:.-Wisser;
(Ron Wisser).
Eric Cox . of Palmerston died at
s : Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital- o n
Sunday. He was 50 years of age.
Eric . was' knownto many . "in•
this- area < where he operated a
wholesale ' sanitation_. supply deal-
,ership.. 'He was a regular caller
on this • route untilsuffering a
heart attack. some r enths sago..
He was employed as a ''salesman
with W. L. MacKenzie of Luck=
now a number of years ago
Eric pis survived . by his ..wife,
the 'former Frances Mallett, . a
son .Jams' of . Galt and twin dau-
ghters Jane and Judy at °'home.
The . funeral was held in Palm-
' erston on: Wednesday •
• •
t TE
Grant : Chisholm,. reporting at
the father and son. minor hockey
banquet ''last week, 'gave some in-
teresting figures as they pertain
to the work of the .Lucknow and
District • Lions Club in sports ev-
ents in the area,
The 'Lions . recently. '.com• mitted
themselves to a $10,000 expendi-
x ndi-ture for the installation of a per-
manent ;'floor in the arena. $624
was spent. on . swimming instruc-
tion for •the children `.of Lucknow
and, district, $315 ice time • was
secured for the kids at the arena
this past. winter and. $100 was
spent in the : promotionof minor
ball ' last summer. Grant is chair-
man of the winter sports ` com-
mittee. •
Local '
Attend��`c�m o � , ree
Lucknow and Holyrood,' . Scouts
attended the •Camporee held lat.
Camp Marlyn, ' at Inverhuron over•
the week=end. Camp. was " held
'from Saturday morning, u n :t i 1
Monday afternoon
'Lucknow Scouts attending were
• Tom O'Donnell, • David and Jim
Button, Roddy :McDonagh, Terry.
Taylor, Bill, Howald, Jim Hender-
son and . Don 'MacKinnon under
leader- George Whitby,
The •Ho yrood Scouts, with Curs
Col ell. and'. Wall Breckles:
re . C y.
sharing t h e leadership • duties,
were, 'David .MacKinnon; Donald,
Elliott,,. Ken Roulston, George Mof-
fat, Allan Rhody, Kenneth' Ead-
ie, . Steven Donaidson and John.
Ackert. These. boys are from the
Junior• troop of the Kinloss Roy•
Scouts:' n •
.Ken Roulston, of,� the : Kinloss
troop,. took the chicken -pox on
Saturday night and had to return
to his. home...
Huton Township Family Are hijured
In, Sundpy � Fatal c'a
Two people are dead, , two are
in hospitaland three' others were
injured in a two -car :collision Sun-
day at. Morrisbank, eight miles
east of: Wingham on Highway 86.
John ,'W. Lane, 74, of 463 Rue-
nymede Rd., Toronto, died, a few
minutes after the accident. His
WifeMary, ' 72, died three hours
later in Wingham Hospital.
Gordon ,Farrell, 50, of wh.R. 4,
Ripley, is in 'Wingham ` Hospital
with fractured facial, bones, sev-
ere, concussion and facial cuts.
His wife, Jean, was taken to St.
Joseph's :Hospital, • London, with
factured legs 'a fractured right
' and: severe facial cuts. Mr.
Farrell's . condition • was reported
Tuesday as slightly improved and
•Mrs. Farrell was reported as sat•
• isfactory,
Dianne' Farrell, 21, their daugh-
ter, was released froth Winghatn
hospital Monday after being treaty
ted` overnight for leg .and •facial.
cutsd ' .
Their song, Douglas; 19,, of Tor-
onto, and i a. 'companion, Thomas
Sullivan, 26,, also of Toronto, were
treated for minor injuries imme-
diately diatelfollowing the accident and
were• not admitted to hospital.
The Lane vehicle: was' appar-
ently travelling south from Wrox-
ete�r when it crossed the . high
truck .broadside by. Ed Btis.
hell Sell;way and was t
the FarrcIl' car' which was tr'av- , ,
"in east from' Wingham.. The
ell ;.Fa'rrn Kinloss
WEDNESDAY. MAY „26th, .1965•
• ,t
Everett Fraser Ashton, son of
Mr. and Mrs._ Lloyd Ashton of
Lucknow, graduated from'. the. Un-
iversity of Guelph at ; their first
,convocation ceremonies ..last. Fri-
ri day.
Fraser - has completed four years
at the "Ontario Agricultural Col-
lege . which became the Univer-
sity of Guelph during his time
The ` degree ' of Bachelor of Bei-
ence in Agriculture was conferr-
ed on 'him Friday.
He has accepted a :position with
the Federal Department of .Nat-
ionalal •h andWelfare t We]f e m •Qtr
taws He "specialized in Microb i
ology atGuelph ' and his ' duties
will involve the ' participation in
testing and research projects as-
sociated with the control of drugs.
Hestarts his, new work on Mon
da3 of f next eels 4 • i ; •$ 4 .
Triplets 'arrived -at the' home
of.: Don , Cameron at Maple
Lane at the southern outskirts
• of.•Lucknow on Monday -night. °.
Disregarding the ,fireworks by- •
lawbecause he resided in
Wawanosh,'.not 'Lucknow, the '
..• household cat ' "Charlie" end
ed the ' 24th.' weekend with a
real bang• and became a mo
ther : of three. ,
Don found the stray cat be-
hind- the downtown store of
'Webster and MacKinnon' some
'months . ago and named the
new memberf the . family
"Charlie"after the senior•
member of 'the firm where
the . feline was picked' up.
.It 'was soon realized that
"Charlie" should :have been .
. "Charline" but' the name stuck.
and. "who would 'know ' the dif-
ference".• . Apparently Charlie •
did and presented, the: house-
hold .with its new members.
Don forgot' to put the cat
down cellar Monday night and
the threesome. were born on
a chair ;' in the' kitchen. They
were . in the right spot for
;breakfast ' on Tuesday morn-
The '.birth • notice was phon'
ed to . the • writer's family
Tuesday.. morning. The . writ-
er's. kids are very fond of.
Charlie but we imagine Char-
',lie will take .a back' seat now
to "his" 'three ' offspring.
Line ear rolled over several
times before coming to rest .ag-
ainst the 'fence along the high-
ere called
• mbutances w
Threen r Bern • Corrin and
to the scene, D
Dr: Klahsen both . of Wingham,
were also called: n the 6tli.
The ' Farrella reside o
of Huron, just east of Highway
21. They were en -route to the
Listowel area to •attend a fun-
eral, •
Edburt Bushell has sold the 150
acre farrn where he resides on'
the , 12th ,of Kinloss to Stewart
Lane, son " of Mr. and' Mrs. "Mae
Lane of Kinloss..
Ed is holding an auction sale
of dairy, and beef cows on. Sat-
urday-, June 5th. At this thne lie
will• also n offer for 'sale the 100-
acre farm across the road from
where he resides, Allan Macdn-
tyre is . the auctioneer,.
.Single Copy 10c
6 Pages
June Collyer Wins At Flower Show,
Recent Hail Storm Curtailed Entries
Fourteen' exhibitors made 73 en-'
tries in the Spring Flower Show
,held in .the Town' Hall Friday.'ev-
ening The recent 'hail, storm' air -
tailed the show due. to .the ex-
tensive damage to the tulips and
other early • bloon.
, M is s June Collyer captured
first place:' with nine firsts' & two,
seconds. Mrs A. E. ,McKim was
second with : seven firsts and one
The; arrangements were most
'interesting this year and: one or
two were outstanding.' . •
The -committee in charge of the
show. were Mrs.- Frank Ritchie
Mrs.. Gordon Kirkland and Mrs.
Warren Zinn. The 'committee's •
door .'prize, . a .red -geranium, ' was '
won' by Mrs:. John Adams.
TULIPS - 1 yellow, Mrs.' Frank
Ritchie, Mrs. Ross Cumming;.
red, June Collyer, Mrs. Leonard.
Ritchie; 1 ' white, Mrs.` McKim,
Nancy Ritchie; 1 pink, .June Col-
ol lyer, Mrs. • Cumming; 1 purple,
Mrs. Cumming; 1 bicolour, June.
Collyer, Mrs. • Cumming; 3 red,
June, Collyer, < Mrs. Kirkland;; 3.
white, 'Mrs.' •McKim; 3 yellow,
Mrs. Wilfred Drennan, ; Mrs. 'W.
F. MacDonald; ', 3 pink, June Col
?lyes, ,. Mrs. Morgan' Henderson; 3
purple, Mrs. Cumining,, June Col,'
lYer; 3 bi-colqur.;, June .'Collyer,,
Mrs, Cumming; 3 :parrot•" tulips,
Elizabeth Ritchie, Mrs. Cumming.
3 ,yellow trumpet, Mrs. Mc-
Kim; '3 white. trumpet, Mrs. Mc-
Kim ; •. 3 narcissus. AOV, Mrs. Mc- .
I1YAC1NTIIS — 1 white, • Mrs.
W. F. 111;. ^Donald.
BASKETS • — daffodils •andjor
nay cissus, 'Mrs. ' McKim;„ arrange= • •
ment of tulips and ' their foliage,
June Collyer,. Nancy ,Ritchie; of
spa ing . flowers, June Collyer.
arrangement featuring tulips, Miss
Margaret Malcolm, Mrs. Kirk-
land, Mrs. Drennan; coffee " .ta-'.
ble • arrangement featuring tulips,
Mrs. McKim, June . Collyer, Mary
Elizabeth•' , 'Hender• dining'•.table'
arrangement . featuring daffodils
or narcissus,. Miss .Malcolm, • Mrs.
McKim, Nancy Ritchie; coffee.;, ta-
o ble arrangement, featuring pans-
ies, June Collyer, Elizabeth. Rit-
--- �. Gloxinia,
Mrs. ; W. F. MacDonald; single
african . violet, Mary ; Elizabeth
Henderson, Miss . `Malcolm; double'
african violet, Mrs. ` Drennan.
Wawanosh Group
Favour Joining
LUcknow Area
No • definite action was taken
following a meeting of ratepayers
of, the northern section:' of •: West
"Wawanosh. 'Township at • the St.
Helens :school Saturday., night"
-The-itra3oi,ty o�tsez, attending
wish to become. part •of the ;Luck
now school.:' area and , • withdraw
from, .the' West' Wawanoshy School
Area. While :alk•'the legal details
are not completely clear, • it _ is
felt that the.. procedure is to 'cir
plate a ' petition 'requesting : re-.
moval--from the area. It is 'the.
feeling of manyof the northern.
ratepayers that such • a petition
would . meet with no • success..:
The meeting ended•.. with no .ac
tion : taken `
The 76th Anniversary Services
were • observed at . the ' Lucknow
• .
Presbyterian Church on. Sundays
May 16th. Guest speaker for the.
occasionSur; rise . Part On
was Rev. N D. Mac- p, y
Donald minister
. of St.. John's � •. .
Church.; Hamilton, for :the ,:.ast'
p 64th.. .Anniversarythirty. years:
Special music:for , the Morning(Whitechurch News)
service ' was rendered '. by ' soloist f'. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Mrs. Bill Scott of Ripley, and by Purdon of Lucknow were. brought
the church choir. Rev. MacDon- to the ' •home .of ' their :daughter,
ald's sermpn, for the morning ser- , Mrs. •Cassie , Falconer of ' . White=
vice centred , on "The, Christian church, who had arranged for
Church . in the Second Half of the them a, complete surprise• 64th
20th Century". This'' most inter- wedding anniversary which they
esting .address depicted the Cor- 'knew nothing of. until their' son.,
ruption and entanglement in the called for them.
minds .of people today, and how Attending `the, pnniversar wetyre;
the . church is' lacking, support. Mr. and Mrs. John 11ZcInre
Rev., Rod :Mac'Leod, minister • of (Florence), Wingham,• Mr... and
•the. Lucknow church, also parti- Mrs. George Tiffin (Isobel), Luc
citrated in, the 'service. knows •Mr,` and .Mrs. 'Jack Cle -.
.. At the -evening service, special. horn • (Clara), Wingham, Mr. and
music was supplied by the church Mrs, Hector Purdon and family,
choir. •Rev. '.'MacDonald'ssermon Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Athole Pur
was' ,entitled "The One Thing \That don and family; Sarnia, Mrs. co -
Matters." This sermon presented Oil , Falconer., - (Cassie), Mr. and
qualities which a Christian Mrs.• Bill McIntyre, Mr. and Mrs.
must possess to ' be faithful . to Grant ,McIntyre, Mr. and Mrs.
God and their' Church.' Rev. Mac- Angus'F,alconer,. Allan and Kevin
Donald was also assisted by Rev. Streetsville, Mr., and Mrs. Relison
MacLeod •at the evening ,service.,. ' Falconer, Brian Paul, Susan,
Lynn, Blights drove, Mr. and •
DEVELOPS BEACH AREA Mrs'. Hugh MacMillan,' Paul, Gre-
gory and David, Sarnia, Mrs.
Orville Douglas recently ' , pur- . Myrtle. Dawson, Mr. and Mrs.
chased a mile di beach property Wesley Tiffin,. Mrs. Eunice Gilles -front Blaise' Martin of Ashfield pie • and ; Mrs. Mary Coulter.
Township and. is developing the A weddin • .cake adorns -.
p � g ed the to ..
area in .cottages and lots. blc, The couple•' received various`
Mr. Douglas, is no 'stranger a- gifts. The ' 'community extends
long having been coni-. congratulations and best wishes .'
• the �heach � for many .. „
ing to this area for 15 years. for many more years of health.
eeve :� m �im�s
n# ::,
o e
Business For.Men'
Posltive Approach
A new idea for business people
ef, the: community, .a dinner .meet
ing, ' was held at. the Anglican
Parish Hall ;on. Saturday night and
a .beef; ,,dinner wasatered. b the
et, the ` chu3rch: Y
There has been renewed inter-
est in 'the- businessmen's associa-
tion in : recent weeks' and the 'din-
ner meeting was one 'of a series
'"of meetings that have been held'
over 'the past weeks..
About -50 -business people, their
wives, or " : friends attended the
meeting and heard further plans
f or a . co-operative ,advertising
promotion ' that is being planned:
for the group.. •
Lloyd. Ashton, president of the
group, ' explained .pi;evious plans
in this regard and Bob Finlay
and. Don h
Thompson, a committee
appointed to secure information on
a . co-operative ad scheme, 'out-
lined plans to -date. It is the.. in-
tention of the association to. go
(Continued on Page 14)