HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-05-19, Page 14'PAGE FOURTEEN THE I UCKNOW SENTINEL,.'LUCKNOIIY , QN ARID n.EBIEE■.■EEB11E■EN■I�BBEE■.■al■■EE,.■■■■■■■!; u II II ■. ., . 111 A I . .. i . .. . , Smart Summer Footwear .. . .11 .. � ... 4444. �.. . ■ Y FOR THE COMING MONTHS OF WARM WEATHER i i u FEATURING • E ■, ■ 4 ■`■ An attractive assortment of Italian' Sandals m the most•. i. al wanted new- colours, in" three heel heights, N and M'' . widths. ■ i. ■ ▪ .. KAUFMAN•' FOAMTREAD CASUALS i. Fullywashable; in' slip-on or tie styles. A variety . of col "ours to choose ,from. ■ ■ BAR-FLEY CANVAS - SHOES ■ ■ Several col- ■> i. ■ ■ DOMINION RUBBER' WASHABLE CADETS In. four ..colours, >narrow. and medium widths. R' ■ U The 'most ,popular 'Sneaker on • the market:: =. ours . to .choose 'from. ' M'' '. ALWAYS IN ' STOCK'' w. ■ a n N. HPuppiesGreb ush ' � • ...• .. . :■ • ■. iti, MENS, LADIES, BOYS ..AND•MUSSES",' SIZES �`• i st , U0' .M.. •"." • 'LUCKNOW , e .PHONE 528-3117, i. ■t■ ■ ■iSUE ■■■■■■/t■■■/1 1/■■■.■■■:■1111■111■■■■•A■% ews From. Kinlail.. Mr. and Mrs. Dave ,Bentz ited .with 'Mrs. Bill McDonald ov er the, week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shiiltzson spent . the 'week -end at Dr. Wen- zel's cottage. Mrs.. Jim Allen of Toronto and her . daughter, Betty -Ann, ` who "is. recovering':. from a ; broken ankle,. are staying at their cottage • on TCintail Beach Mr. Bill ' McDonald is -absent- from. Kintail -these, days: He is .undergoing treatment for 'a Heart condition . at the' :Goderich A.M.: & G. 'Hospital. FI'BREGLASS SCREEN - -WILL NOt 'RUST, sail-kr-off',TARNIS.H 1.' SIZES UP TO 48" IN. STOCK Now Is The Time To ave Old Screens Repaired With fibreglass Screen INSULATION 2" MEDIUM THICK BATTS 3" FULL .THICK, BATTS MICAFIL (POUR :TYPE) Insulate For :A Cooler Home: . AllSummer ASPHALT ROOFING GIVE YOUR HOME _..COLOUR AS' WELL .AS'•:PROTECTION 210 Ib. SHINGLES . IN BLENDS OI 'RED,'GREEN AND BLUE,. A Complete Stock0n:"Hand FRESH CEM.ENT IN STOCK John W. Henderson. Lumber L' PHONE 528.3118 LUCKNOW - VVHITECHL.RCH We area' sorry to; report Herb Laidlaw and ' • DonHill . are• ' pa- tients in .. Wingham ., and: • pistrict Hospital ; ..The community . wish• them, a speedy recovery.. Kenneth` Morrison . has obtained employment at the, Western Foun- dry and started there last week. Jim Morrison has, been assisting: Mr.. C: Mahood of Teeswater the past. •week. ' • • Mr. • and Mrs. Leroy Rintoul vis- ited on Sunday with'Mr. -and Mrs° Douglas' Snell of Londesboro, 'Chalmers Presbyterian Church will ,hold their ;:W.M:r5. Jrreeting at the home .of Mrs. Dawson` Craig; on ' Friday afternoon at 2:00 p.m.: The ,date' of meeting had . to be changed owing, to : the Presbyter- ial. being held on- Wednesday at. Molesworth.. Mr... and Mrs. Angus MacDon- ald, St. Helens; Mrs. H. D: 'Mac- Donald . and' . Mrs. Andrew Gaunt spent. Sunday ' afternoon. in 'Lon- don, at Victoria' Hospital, visiting with' . their. - mother Mrs. `Lizzie MacDonald. Mrs. • ' Gaunt' visited her brother-in-law, 'Jim Barbour, also a ' ,patient there. t ustan Beecroft . returned home on. Wednesday from Victoria Hos- :pital,, London., On .Saturday Mrs.. F. ,L. !Creigh- ton to of Detroit and her., brother•. . Oliver Kirk of '.: Bir gingham, - vis- ited :with their ''sister Mrs. J. D. Beecroft and Mr. Beecroft. , Mr.. and" Mrs. A. E. Purdon: "of Lucknow, formerlyo f' White- church,. .are celebrating their 64th wedding anniversary on May. '23 with a, family. gathering, ; at'. the Some - of their daughter Mrs. Cas- sie . Falconer. ' ' • 0 We .are sorry to: report Mrs: patient Charles Robinson is a pat t in Wingham and District Hospital: The ' community.: wishes. her "a speedy recovery. . • Perry • Vincen t and Miss 'Marg- aret,, Jackson; of . Auburn 'were Thursdayy visitors with Misses, An- nie and Mary Laidraw. Mrs. Robert Ross spent . the week -end with''. Mrs. W. ' J. Coul... ter' of Wingham.. • ' , . Attendants At Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Jack, Coultes,, and Delra Ann" of. Dresden attended the wedding of her brother John Pipe and Miss • Edith Shaw • on' Saturday in° Bluevale Presbyter- ian - Church. 'Mrs., Coultes was a bridesmaid ' and Mr. Coultes was ,. an. usher.; Little Debra Ann -:was flower girl, * Their ' little son .Kev- in Kevin . remai-ied with, his grandpar- ents Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cou1, tes.: , "Mr.: and - Mrs. Walter Arscott on, Monday, accompanied. Mrs. Michael. Willie , of: Wingham . to Chatham where • the ladies atten- ded the C.W.L. convention, ' on Tuesday and Wednesday. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin and Joyce,' Mr. and- Mrs. Orville Tif- fin' were 'Sunday ' evening . visitors with Mr, and Mrs.. John McInnes of Holyrood. .. Anniversary, services are be- ang .held ' in, the United Church, June 6th, and in ' Chalmers Pres byterian on May ' 30th, with ser-. vices at. 11:00 a.m.' and 8:00_ p.m. Mr. and Mrs., Farish` Moffat of Wingham. 'and Gordon of .Toronto, visited on ,Sunday ,with/Mr. and :Mrs.: ftusseil Gaunt: Miss Mildred McClenaghan and. Miss Barbara. Milne of Milton spent .the week -end with the "for- mer's: mother Mrs. Lillian.: Mc Clenaghan.. . M and Mrs. Gersshom' John- stons Fent the ' week -end . with Mr. . and. Mrs. Jack Johnston -and fam- ily! of . London. Mr . and . Mrs Ira Wall,: Mary Lou ' and , Edna attended' the Un •WEDNESDAY, MAY'` 19th, 1965 • IRWIN''S CONSTRUCTION GENERAL CONTRACTING 'BULLDOZING -BACK HOE -SAND-GRAVEL HAULAGE'. 528-3048 LUCKNOW erton and visited ' with Mr, - 'and Mrs. George Needham. Visitors on Sunday . with ' 'Mrs; Emma' Coffin and .John were George • and Alex' Coffin; Galt, Cliff Well of Galt and Allan Cof- fin of ` Kitchener. They , were ac- companied .back to •the city by Paul . Geiger of Waterloo w h o spent . the week -end with. Mr. and Mrs. Carl.McClertaghan /and Be- van . Tiffin. Farm Sold Louie Kostrzewa has . sold ' his 200 acre farm to , Henry Ruby possession who' obtains May 20th:; This ' farm • was formerly ' owned by the late . Bill Henry.: Mr. and Mrs :'Kostrzewa and family:. are moving to ,'Oakville: Mr' . and - Mrs. Ruby , have- 8-' sons.. Miss. ':Gertrude Stewart of Wain-.' fleet visited" last week' with ' Mr. ited ' Church Anniversary at Pink ' and Mrs. Harold Walker., CADETS. ' (Continued From =Page 1) demonstrated different concepts of ;, the military 'world. • The- .diff- erent.. demonstrations and.. their. participants are as follow: L.M.- G. Display, by Donald . Andrew and Bruce., Colwell, -Rifle Display, Allen - Colwell,: Allan Cornish and Bob .Cornish; Signals ' Display, El- liott Whitby,; Bill. Chester,:, Wayne ' Jamieson and David' •Button;• -First Aid '`Demonstrations, Herbie ' Bar 'ger, . John. Cleland, , Ronald. Hogan, Douglas 'Cameron 'The L D.B,S. Band, • under:the. direction of:El-. v, in'inspectionHall,: added: , colour 'to`:the . Perhapsa` the biggest highlight' of the . day' was the giving' out of awards. The following • is a list of the ' awards presented along with: therecipient and the person who presented .`the award. -Best Cadet, ' Jima MacDonald; "present, ed by 'Gerald :Bathwell; . Best: Girl Cadet Shot, Peggy, •.Button, pre- sented by Mr Goyette, Paul Hen derson •Trophy ,and the Strathcona Award,: "Elliott : Whitby, '.presente by . Gerald 'Rathwell in. the ab- sence of Paul .: Henderson; . Strath- coria Service Rifle Match. -Award, was presented `to a team" of four boys 'who . ,competed.- against oth- er schools at ,Camp Ipperwash last year, and who brought pack the `cup for this area' to. the Luc- know . District - l'I gh' School. The:. four boys were Allan 'Cornish, Al- len Colwell, Roy Button . and El- liott 'Whitby. , . Elliott ' having . the highest score, accepted 'the award. Each boy was also •presentedwith a cash award and a 'medal.- • Upon. completion' of awards,' re- marks were given by the Review. ing `Officer, the Inspecting Offic- er' and the Principal of •the High School.' In brief, ' the boys were.. complimented f o l. their dress, 'their marching and their, Steadi- ness while on•.: parade. The Ite- - viewing ' Officer, . . Major Thorne- . 'son, stated that the Cadet .Corps is, dwindling in' number but for a small group, .the' boys ,put on, a fine performance, Captain. /Pis-, nook told. the Cadets 'that perhaps when other§ see them on parade they will' wish that they too had joined the ranks, He said .he, hop- ed that the numbers • would in- - crease in the : future. Mr. Goyette also commended t h•e boys on their performance. - As has been t h custoiri in previous years, the troop march. ed down through the 'main street and back to the school where re- freshments were served% our Grass HasBeen Growing Like; urs Then ,You: Should Read This - WILL SOLVE. YOUR -GRASS:' CUTTING' PROBLEMS_ The Jubilee 20" ` power •:mower is 'driven 'by a 2 1.1.13, 4` "cycle Briggs and Stratton engine. Easy -spin ' recoil :starter,. 14 guage steel deck with three step deck for .more rigidity, chrome plated 'tubular steel handle, 'front side discharge, '.ex-.' tended throttle control on handle; safety hub . ,on blade, .6' wheels of unbreakable' plasticwith' semi -pneumatic' rubhcr tires, .staggered' wheel :design, comes complete with 'leaf`. mil - cher, i ‘JUBILEE 18" MOWER HAS ALL . THE ABOVE-" FEATU055 E:XCEPT IT CUTS AIS' 18" SWATH AND DOES NOT HAVE A LEAF 'MUL,CHER, For Real "Crest" `Value See 4.LUCKN'OW - • PHONE. 528.3008