HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-05-19, Page 12•
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PIcm For Future
1Vleetingin the United Church,
Port;' Elgin, , recently, members, of
the executive of the united. Church'
Women of . Bruce Presbyterial dis-
cussed ' the•` work', of the Presby-
terial' andmade plans for 1965.
Mrs. W. Grant, Paisley, ° presided
and presented ..a thoughtful medi-
tation on Witnessing.. Mrs. R. A.
Carson; ' Clavering,•..read , the ,. min-
utes of . the ' November meeting.
and, Mrs. J. Miller, treasurer, re-
ported $3854. ' sent , to the. confer-
ence .treasurer, .for the first .quar
ter of 1965. Mrs: R. Fenton, fin-
ance . secretary, led a discussion
on: the allocation and urged the
women to,:. accept their responsi-
bility in raising it. A meeting is
being ' arranged•. when the ; presi-
dent;. the treasurer and .the fin-
ance secretary will meet `with a
representative : of the ; conference
U;C W.• to discuss a 'system/. ` of
financing;each ..local : organza-
tion is privileged to :send a rep-
resentative to. this. meeting.
A suggestion that local ..0 C.W.
treasurer's pay the : amount of the
allocation > directly ' 'to the ` M. and
M. ' treasurer of the local church,
thus; eliminating the cost of ex-
change was discussed . in ` detail
and the., pros and cons• of such. a
system were recorded for further
consideration ' •
Feeling that :resolutions. ' which
require thought andconsideration
are given insufficient time for dis-
cussion at the annual meeting, a
motion was approved that' 'resolu-
tions must be sent to the Presi
dent of the' Presbyterial, at 'least
a month prior to the meeting.
Mrs. S Ellis 'of Southampton,
spoke on Indian racial problems:,
Representatives were • named,' to
attend the school for leaders in
Waterloo : College . on May, ' 10-12
The ;meeting' was . closed with pra-
yer and a cup. of tea was served.
by the 'Port , Eligin
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4=H Honours
(Intendedi For` Last ..^Week)
Five .•girls'' received. •• provincial.
honour' •certific a�teS and- pins Sat-
urday" at ' the :Bruce •County ; 4-H,:
Homemaking , 'Club • achievement
day held ` in' Kincardine. '
Fifteen, clubs participated with
160 .girls in attendance. Mrs, Don=
na,' Holm, Walkerton, Bruce, . Coun-
ty home economist, w s: in
charge: •,
Comments" ; on ' skits and '-dem-
demonstrations .•was 'given by Mrs.
Ian :McAllister, of ‘R.R,' 1, Zurich,
former Huron County home ec-
onomist, Miss Irene Collins, Perth
County • home economist, com-
mented on the.. exhibits.' •
Winners of the : provinicial cer-
tificates were Karen Carruthers,
Ripley; Betty Convay, R.R. 50
Kincardine; ' June' Ackert, ' Holy -
rood; Wilma Sutton, R.R.. 3, Rip-
ley,. and Grace Ann MacDougall,
R.R. 6, Lucknow. Mrs. Gordon
Emmerton, Reid's Corners•, .. re-
ceived . a 'leadership award.
County honour -certificates' and.
pins were• presented. to 14 .girls;'
Barbara McTavish, . Janice Steele,
Brenda Humphrey, all of R.R.. 1,
Ripley; ' Judy Farrell, R:R.. 2,
Ripley; :; Anne; ' MacKay, ' R.R.: 3,,
Ripley;; Christine, Thompson, R.R.
1, Holyrood; Nancy McKay, R.R.
4 Ripley; Wendy Emberlin and
Janice. Brooks," Lucknow r Connie
McKenzie, R.R. 5. Lucknow, ,Car-
olyn Essrick R.R.. 5 Kincardine;'
Lillian Johnston,. R.R.2, *Kincar.
dine, and Gertrude Van -Beers,
R,R, 4, Kincardine. Susan .:McLay,
Ripley. .
Clubs participating included
Bervie,.: 'Silver Lake,. Whitechureli,
Ripley,, 'purple Grove, .Armow,
Lucknow, Kauahea, Afiisburn,
Reid's Corners, Clover : Valley
and: Holyrood;,
WEDNESDAY, ,• MAY 19th, 1965
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ited Sunday. with her' parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller. Mr.,
and Mrs Harvey •Miller, ' David
and Dean —visited ;_.the previous
week -end. Mr. and Mrs.' Clayton
Alton and. Anne were callers Sun-
day at the same home.
Win Honour Certificates
Mrs. Frank' McKenzie, Connie
and ' Heather, Mrs. Gordon Wall,
Marion . and Janice were in Kin-
cardine for 4=H ,Achievement
Day, Saturday. Our congratula-
tions to :Connie McKenzie on win-
ning her County Honour certificate
and • • Grace McDougall . on the
Provincial certificate. .
unday visitors at thehone of
and: Mrs. John 'Crowston were
t nrlow ''Crowston and John' of
Kincardine, Mr. ' and •' Mrs. Clay-,
Alton tonof Ashfield;
kto andfield,
Mr. .and_ ..Mrs.. Orland._irwin, : Ste-
ven and Fay, Lucknow, Mr, ,and.
Mrs.'. Ivan ' Laidlaw, ., Janet . and
Herb Laidlaw • of Whitechurch;
Mr. and Mrs. • Laidlaw had . their
'little daughter, Janet, christened
at the church servica in ' Whit,.
church, Sunday,
Friends • at . Langside, of. Mrs.
Wm. Kennedy of Wingham (Cec-
ilia ,Crowston)' are sorry to 'hear.
She. is 'still, a patient, in Wingham•
General Hospital and Mrs. Wil-
iam ' Emmerton .. of Kincardine
(Elora : Crowston)'. entered Victor-
ia Hospital, London last week as
a patient. Wewish them both bet-
ter health in.; the near future, •
St. ,Mary's:, C.W.L.Lucknow •
The May meeting, was, .held at
the home of. Mrs..!Pete MacDonald
with nine members' joining in
prayer.' Several articles ofcor
respondence . were dealt with ' and
it .was decided not to send a deb
egate to the : Annual C;W.L. Con
vention . to ' be held in Chatham ,
later -this , month. Mrs.. , MacDon-
aid gave the:financial„report and
read. a' poem entitled "Today A
religious. gift is . to be given ° each
Child ,making`; their Confirmation
in June at', Kingsbridge. 'with: Bis-,
Imp G Emmett Carter officiating.`
Mrs. O'Donnell read "Who can be
Lost''.:and 'led a discussion on .it.
Closing, prayers. were recited in
Unison ' and lunch served by the
hostess. .
The second meeting of. the ,Zip-
py. Zionettes was held on May 5th,
at the home,' of '.Mrs. ' Charlie An-
derson, The president.,:: Brenda
Ritchie, opened the meeting with
the 'repeating of the 4-H: pledge.'
The ., roll call was answered by
members, The minutes of the 'last•
meeting' Were read by Donna Rit-
chie. The next meeting, will be
held on June 1st at Wanda Hunt-
er's. .
' Mrs: Anderson demonstrated
how to plant flowers indoors, 'The
subjects • of the notes were "Prep-
aration of the Soil,". Planting the
Gaarden and Care of the Garden
and Flowers." The^:meeting .clos-
ad with the "Queen
.1 intended For Last Week)
The children of the Church
meeting will he held next Sunday.
Visit In , New York .
• Week -end visitors. with Mr.- abd
Mrs: Wm. Evans were Mrs.. Ed.
ith , Brown, and .Barbara, Irondon,
Mr. and . ,Mrs. Erie E ans- and
family of Hyde Park. ' . Mrs. Evans'
accompanied her daughter, Mrs.
Brown back to London • and on
Monday was going: to . New York.
to meet her sister from England
who had been visiting in. Iowa
and other points with relatives
and was on her return tripback
to England.
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Wall,
Marion, Janice, Douglas . and
Brian visited Sunday afternoon
with Mrs. Wall's mother, Mrs,,
Nit in Auburn, ' ••
r, and Mrs, Art. Hinschberger,
bale and . Lisa of Kitchener vis -
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