HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-05-19, Page 7WEDNESDAY; MAY 19th, 1965
by Bill Smiley
Among adults,though few would
admit lt,, there is :a great deal of
• jealousy of, today's•' teen-agers,
This is revealed by the adults'
oft -expressed, wish that kids' 'n
their teens could, act like , then:;
by their q reaction to any hint of
change in.:the • ruies for their' chil-
dren; and especially by their end-
less prating about, how soft a'
time the ' youngsters have now,
and how hard it -was in their day,
To •hear most adults ' talk, you'd
think they'd never had any . fun.
at all, .When they were ,kids, or
ever :done anything,' foolish. There's
a steady stream of ' 'poppycock
about how far ' they walked to
school 'through,the snow; how
scanty.' were their wardrobes; .how
early they had to be. , in at; night;
how hard their • parents worked'
them;• how good their marks were
in school. :
There's a:. modicum of truth in
all of this, of course, 'because life
was a ,.lot more simple and fru;
gal a quarter-century •ago,But
With. the passing-oftime the mor-
sel ° of truth: becomes a bit 'of
malarkey. Personally, I : think we:
had a 1nt "lessto cope ,,with, soc-
ially and
oc=ially'.and ' psychologically,; 'if ' not
physically; • than ' ,today's:' teenag-
ers. ••.
But this attitude. •received , a
jolt this 'week, when my . son an
nounced, that• he had nailed down
a summer job"; It' was difficult to
keep: my upper lip both stiff and
buttoned, when I compared • his.
first real job with. mine. , • '
There are parallels. Both' ofus
got the- job at • age 17; and both
jobs .wereon the upper 'Great
'Lakes boats. There the' parallel
For instance;. I .:hitch -hiked 480
miles, With $2.50 .cash, ,to . meet
my • boat. He will . be driven three
miles,' by his father, 'to.. catch ''his.
•And the. hours aren't '.quite the
Sante. ' I worked, the graveyard
shift, '.midnight to noon, .seven
days a week. He'll work a• cou-
pie of , hours ' morning and after-
noon, -.about, three hours in the
evening; and have a day and, a
half ^! off each week.
That's all •r)'ght I" don't. bear a
grudge/I. Nobodyshould have to
• work like a 'dog. , But there's a '
slight difference in the' pay I' pul-
uhled , down $30 •a ' month, even on
the 31 -day months. A dollar a
day And keep. My son will' be
knocking off just over nine times
as much. '
However; ' that's • OK. Wages
have gone up, a lot,- ' Why should.:
hework for peanuts? I must ad
mit, though, that I was a little
disturbed/ by° the difference in
our duties,.
scrubbed floors,', cleared, out
lavatories, polished brass. • and
sorted, dirty: linen. 'spare 'mo-
ments i; ' helped, sling ou# the
gangplank, ' or 'made the officers'
beds. MY kid will organize shut
tleboard. • games, play the . piano
for ,singsongs and run. a :movie.
projector,. In spare moments,: he
will chat to ,nice old. ladies;
That's fine. No hard :feelings:
We can't all be • aristocrats in
our first •job: 'But *hat about this?'
I wore'• a scuffy old. smock, cov-
ered wit1i brass palish. He'll •wear
a ` snappy blue uniform, covered.
with 'brass buttons, •
• And, what, y about this? My of -
;ficial title ` was Night Porter. His
is: Entertainment. .Steward I. ate '
with the deckha'nds and firemen
He'll eat : in the diningroom. I
slept with seven other, scullions
in„ a stall •large enough for one
Shetland pony. Iie'11 share ,E ca-
bin ."With one otho..r, softy of . the'
Sikties ,•
I was forbidden,' • on pain of.
keelhauling ' and 16 years • in the
hulks, to. have anything to do with
the passengers, except mop up af-
ter them. The. kid, in, the. cap-
own .words, `Vili have the ,
girls 'following you; all ` over the
Oh 'well ,• No use being
The good old . days of' the 'Depres- •
sioa, when you knew you were
a .slave,. but were happy, to . be a
working . slave, are gone forever,
. However, I can't help, 'hoping
the kid will get •good and seasick
all over that _uniform, • the first
'time • he hits' a . roll: in Lake Sup-
erior. ' At least . we'd have that
much in common in our first
summer . jobs,.
L...._ CH
� ►LSH :. •
.Mondaynight; of last week 'was
the time *men for the fathe r=
and son , banquet for the junior
hockey : players . Several • from this
area. attended . and enjoyed hear-
ing' and seeing. Paul; Henderson::
Visiting K. L. 'MacKenzie for a
few days was Hugh; MacKenzie
How do y
vivant-:your Buick?
Vie, trim: and thrift
Buick Skylark .Sport Coupe
L .i k e y our: ,1 u x:u r y in t r i m Deluxe; Sportwagon or Skylark,
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Big, bold and: a �..venau�rous?
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Electra 225. Or the classic Riviera, make'Buick'so desirable.: Like: year ''rolind'Air Condi
Each one offers its own kind of adventure." And, With a ' boning, 6 -Way Power Seats, and a Tilt Steering
widei of power teams and a ; lengthy list of • Wheel:. So whether you like your luxury trim and.
selection .
fen tures Buick is sure to have just thrifty or big and bold, ....� '�
optional fide -car a
the right kind of adventure for you. Choose oneof the Buick has just the .right
five Vit, engines that delivers 210, 250, 325, 340 or 360 car for you. Wouldn't you
Horsepower: And one of the three"°fine' transmissions,. •
really rather have, a Buick?
Whichever you choose, buy now...
take. advantage of Success Car 'Sales ati
on deals l
• p
Be supe to watch "Telescope" and. "The Rogues noW showing en television: Check :focal listings for time and channel.
S arage
of North Bay
Seeding operations 'were in full.
swing by the week -end, but the
drenching. rain .of 'Sunday brought
them; to ' a , halt again.
Visiting Mr. and Mrs Tom Far-
rell for the past week was. 1VIrs
E. Farrell of Kincardine, also vis-
iting in thesame home were `Mrs. . • .
Della , Worthy ' of ' Sudbury a n tl
Mrs. Robert McCormick of :Kin•
'.Friends • . ' of Dianne MacKenzie,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack
MacKenzie, were : sorry ,to hear
of.. her. : misfortune and accident
which , sent. her : to Wingham. hos
pital 'for : a few days.
• Spending the week -,end with Mr... '.
and Mrs, Dan 'MacLean were Mr.
and: Mrs. Allan 'MacLean. of Col
Beginners' &. Parents Visit School
Children who .will begin ° school
at North 'Ashfield Public School
in the' . fall, , 'spent a . day at the
school the :first .of the week, along
with• parents' -.and, met', the ,teach-
each-ers and Public Health . Nurse
. ' Recent :.visitors ;with. Mr. and,.
Mie.' -'Henry MacKenzie were 1Vir.
and Mrs; Allan MacKenzie of
Kincardine. .
Mr. and 'Mrs." Lorne Luther
, were visiting . in 'Ridgetown re-:
cently. :
Dislocates 'Shoulder In. Fall ,
. Friends of Mrs.. Daisy Medlar --
les _Will' be sorry _to .hear :she is --
in 'Kincardine hospital, , having drs:
located her shoulder... ' • `•
Mrs. Annie MacDonaldhas re-
tur ned to Ripley from . London and
is presently t the Thompson. n
sing. 'home..
• K. 'L. MacKenzie . is` again work
ing in Goderich• at the Salt Mines.
Mr.- and Mrsi Victor- Taylor of
Clinton were Sunday visitors with
Mr: and Mrs. Lorne Woods. ' ,
• Underwent . Eye Surgery Recently
Mr.. ;an& Mrs: Angus :McDonald
visited with his . mother, Mrs.
Donald ''McDonald'in. -Victoria: Hos-
pital, London, ' on Sunday. • Mrs. ,
McDonald. " had eye ..surgery 'on
Receives'. Diploma At
Graduation, Exercises
• Mts. Don Pannabecker, ' Ross,
Roger . and Mary . attended the
graduation exercises' of Western
Ontario . Agricultural School ' at
Ridgetown '. on Tuesday. Gordon
Pannabecker •received,, his diplo-
ma :'having 'completed the two
year course. 'Congratulations
r •
Observe 'Wedding reddinr Anniversary
Mr, and Mrs.. E ldon Miller
tests of 'honour at a 'famil ga-
thering on Sunday . at the home
of ,their daughter, Mrs. Don Cam-
eron and Mr. Cameron. on the
occasion of their 30th wedding
annit+ersary• • .
Mrs. `-David' .Gilmour . and Jet-
feray of Toronto spent a . few
days with her parents Mr. .and
Mrs. Harvey Webb.
Mr. and Mrsr' Ale* Nolan of
Regina, Sask.,; ,and Mr. and Mrs.
Willis Corrigan of Barrie visited.
'ort Wednesday with Mr., and Mrs.
Allan Miller
Congratulations are extended to
Mr,and Mrs. fi.obert Struthers •
! and Mr, and Mrs, Larry Salkeld
who were recently married.