HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-05-19, Page 4• PAGE 'FOUR +qa.-r,.—.n— r�.. i..:' . Y• �. mit+:—vmm em+x T�4 LUCKNONI SE,NTINL'L, LUCKNOW, .ONTARIO gay': m^ r ..� a • r. WEDNESDAY, MAY 19th, 1965 in ora.' ea. • wa ma 8:- FOR SALE: FOR SALE — •.Oats and cob. corn: B.. F. Green, St.. Helens, . phone 528-5854.. .BARN FOR SALE about 60 40: Phone 141-r-1 Ripley,. Mrs.: Margaret . Carruthers. . FOR SALE ' - . 2 open Holstein heifers. Hugh Mason, R.R. ,1 Rip ley, phone ,162-r-19. FOR SALE' — Bell piano, in good • condition. Mrs. Cliff Crawford, phone 528-2520, Lucknow:. FOR . SALE — A quantity of mix- ed grain. Bakker ..Broti}ers,: R.R. 3 Auburn, phone 529-7428. FOR SALE — frig and electric'. stove in• working condition; both, for :$5500. Just the thing :for a cottage! W. L. MacKenzie, phone 'Lucknow 528-3201. VACUUM 'CLEANER: SALES and SERVICE. For all makes —. Filter Queen Sales, . Varna, phone 262-5350.: , FOR ' SALE -- Holstein cross Hereford • :calves. Brian Doleman, R.R. 3 ;Hdlyrood; • phone 127-r-9 Ripley: FOR SALE Girl's. C.C.M. biz Cycle, good • as new. Mrs.. ' Clare Johnstone, . Lucknow; phone 528- 3833.: AUCTION :, .SALE., Allan ;:Macin tyre Licensed Auctioneer Lucknow' 'Y-- :.Phone 5283519 FOR SALE : - 20 Holstein heifers due ' . in about ' two weeks. Jack Curran, R.R. 1 Dungannon, phone 529-7559. FOR SALE • used.:'piping. and all, types of steel: Contact Rob-, ert__.E-..: Irmin-...Dungannon, ; phone 529-7911. ' FOR SALE Air coinpressor, complete with tank and: gauge. Contact Jack `: Farrish . Lucknow, phone 528-3711. ' SALE 'FOR % SALE T. *Table „and Seed potatoes:: John' 'Rutherford; 'phone 528-6744. WOOD FOR ` SALE — Hardwood or softwood slabs, in, 10 cord'. loads. ' We .deliver. "Borden Litt,. sawmill, phone 392-6895 Teeswater. SEPTIC TANKS ` CLEANED Septic tanks, cess pools, etc., pumped and cleanedwith modern -equipment. All,; work guaranteed: Louis Blake, R 2 Brussels, phone 422-w-6. FOR SALE 2 sportcoats, .one. off white' colour, size 14; one °.blueish gray, size 12; in excellent condition, worn only few :-times. Reasonable. Mrs._ Walter ,:_Scott, Lucknow, -"'phone 528-3315. A 99.c . BARGAIN. Readers Digest is now avail- able to NEW subscribers : at 8 months for 99c. We'd be' glad to handle : your order. The •Lucknow Sentinel, phone -528-3134. FOR SALE — ' 14 foot boat, motor and trailer, boat tarp, complete, $250.00; 1954 International (184), cab and chassis, 308 • motor., 'west coast mirrors, $375;... Extension ladder, like. new;' $20.00; ,plywood • cement forms. Contact Jack Far- rish, Lucknow, 528-3711; FOR SALE T a k'e advantage : of "MAY SALE" prices at the Schuett Mild- may Showrooms this .• Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 20,21, 22. , Save on a variety of • ehester Melds, .bedroom & kitchen suites, carpets, new pianos, • etc. Free delivery. Terms.:. ' GOOD HOUSE' FOR SALE With all•' •conveniences, large din'- ,ing room, good sized living. room, kitchen with new • builtn: clip- boards, uboards, large.. bedroom downstairs three upstairs, new 3 -piece 'bath,; .• new furnace, large garage . suit- able for boat -house, 1% mile from lake 'and boat club,situated •at Lurgan : (.across' , from Anglican church) known .as the. Les Ray property, Worth the money, good terms: • Thomas Harris, 'Ripley phone 141-r-1. FOR SALE _ $15.00 for 31 .win- win- dows and some screens; $15.00 for oil stove and 90 gal. . tank,; Diston chain saw;:' several rolls of chicken wire . $5.00 ' small, black pony $40.00. Contact Jack Far- rish . Lucknow, :; 528-3711: FOR SALE we still have a limited supply, of seed grain, . Re- gistered Rodney, Registered Her- ta, Registered Brant. Lucknow District .Co-op, phone.. 528-2125.. HONDAS FOR SALE $50.00 down, $12.00' per /month, P.L. and: P:D' ' Fire sand. Theft $37.00. C u INGHAM • MOTORS, Honda .Sales & Service, . Walker- ton 881-0740. FOOT TROUBLE? Aching feet,pains. in legs, hips and; back ..may. be caused by :un- due pressure on your feet. Why not under no obligation . contact A. Vickers F.C., Hanover. •. PLEASE 'NOTE: as of now all business done ' by ` appointment ONLY Phone Hanover ' 364-2280 or , write care 'of Box 387. CUSTOM BUTCHERING Beef and pork sold in any quan- ity. Custom butchering, in .Govern- ment licensed abbattoir Pigs every.. Tuesday. Beef from M coda, through Thursday.' BUTTONS MEAT MARKET CHARLES McLEAN R.R. 4 ; Brussels Agent For Smith -Roles, • Sask atoon. and Guelph, Manufactures. 'of ' Coinet welders, air compres- sors, electric motors, electric dri 1, •' drill fill .;;augers, etc. PHONE BRUSSELS 489 W 13. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Vacuum ; cleaning and pumping of septic tanks, Ronald Forster, Lucknow, ' $hone 528-2346, manu- facturer of 'cement septictanks' and , well tile. HOUSE FOR. SALE —: one block from business section, has 3 bed= rooms upstairs; 1 bedroom, living room, : 4 piece bath ' and riew mod- ern :kitchen . on main floor..': Base- ment with rec ' room and 2 year old oil, furnace: R. Alvin, • 1Iamil ton, phone ' 528-3932 Lucknow. FOR RENT FOR RENT •,— 95 acres,, 'suitable `for pasture:' Contact Mrs. Art Clark, Lucknow, phone , 528-2184., . FOR RENT — front' , apartment, self contained, ideal for couple.' Apply Lucknow Fruit Market. • FOR RENT = 10 acres of pas- ture, lots : of water. Sam Chislett,. R.R. 5. Lucknow,.. phone 528-3101. •COTTAGE'.. FOR RENT — Amber ly Beach, Lake Huron, sleep`s' five. Quiet location,, available any 2 or; 3 week period in July; Third cottage north of beach store. Op- en ..May 22-24 or write Mrs. F. R. MacDonald, 36 ' Tweedsmuir Ave. E., Chatham, Ontario. APARTMENT FOR RENT Clean,'comfortable, modern, one bedroom apartment,, : heated, hot water, prtitate bathroom: Avail- able • the middle of June,. Call • or s e e ' Robert Finlay, Lucknow, phone 528-3434. SPRING SPECIAL Ladies ,Home, Journal, 24 s - sues, $3.00, .40 issues, $5.00; Two Years For The Pride Of One, The Lucknow Sentinel.. " '' • ING EVE! N.EW, =CASH::: BINGO Legion'. Hall,: • Lucknow, , every Thursday evening, 8:45 : p.m. '15 regular games $10.00 each. 4 Share -The -Wealth games <w it h jackpot included in each game. Jackpot this week $75.00 on 55 calls. GODERICH . LIONS, ' BINGO •. The Goderich Lions will hold a bingo on : Wednesday, • May 26th; 8:30 p.m, at the - Harbour - lite Inn, seventeen regular games at $10, one share -the -wealth, one $60 jackpot and the new acceler- ating jackpot 'up to $250. and ' 2 door prizes. Admission- $1.00.. GARDEN. PARTY. SUPPER Tuesday, May 25th • from 5:30 p.m: to 8:00 p.m. Lucknow United': Church •Auspices -United: Church Women. Turkey & Ham Pies & Cakes Adults $1.50.• Public • School Children 75c FASHION `. SHOW The . Annual_ Fashion Show. ';of thea Lucknow District High School: will be held : in the school audi- torium on Thursday, May 20th, ' 'at 8:30 p.m. Shop Display, Gymnas t`cs and Open' House. Admission children . free. Proceeds for. adI ;tion fund. SPRING FLOWER SHOW.;' The Spring „Flower Show of the Lucknow Horticultural Society will be held on .;Friday, May 21st, in the ' Lucknow .Town.. Hall:. All en- tries to- be in:by 6 p.m. ' Open= to. the'public at 8 p.m.., silver collection. Lucky door prize. ; Ev- eryone welcome. FAREWELL DANCE . A, Farewell. Dance will =.. be held for ° Mr: -=and-Mr-s George-Wadel,° formerly of Langside, on Friday, May 28th, in Whitechurch Hall. •Ladies please bring lunch._._Musie Eby.' . Harvey Kuntz, ,' Allan Miller and the Rippling Water Boys. Ev- eryone v-eryone" welcome. RECEPTION.. A reception will be held . ' in Whitechurch Hall for Mr. and Mrs. B o b Struthers (Marlene Martin) •on Friday, May. 21st. Far- rier's orchestra. - Ladies please, bring sandwiches. Everyone :wel- come HACKETT'S ANNIVERSARY • Anniversary Services for Hac- kett's United Church will be held on : Sunday, May 23rd at 11:1.5 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Guest Preach- er, Rev. C: A. Dukelow of God- erich. Special music. • : r 'PEE WEE PRACTICE Pee Wee •Ball players :are urge ed to ttendpractice in the. ball : Thursday s pa rk oh of this week,. May 20th, at 7:00 p.m. SCHOOL MEETING A school meeting will be held on' Saturday, May 22nd, at ,8:30 p.m., in the St. Helens School. All interested persons in the North- ern 'sections of West Wawanosh Twp. Area are requested to at- tend. ANNUAL MEETING BRUCE LIBERAL ASSOCIATION The Annual Meeting, of 'Bruce Federal Liberal Association will be ' held in the ,Legion Hall, South- ampton, on Thursday, ' May 27th, 1965, at 8:30 p.m.,' D.S.T. Impor- tant business is to be transacted, including election of new officers Guest speaker will be Mr: Bruce. Beer, Parliamentary secretary to t h a Honourable Harry Hayes Minister ' of • Agriculture, Ottawa. Everyone welcome. FOR PLAYING CARDS double and single decks,. see ; , the selec- tion at the Sentinel Office, phone 528-3134. • Y. FOR SALE. CAR FOR • SALE 1956• Ford, 2 door standard, V-8, $175:00.•. Phone 16-r-3 Ripley. • FOR .SALE. - One ' purebred . Pol led Angus. bull, ' 26 ` months ,old, bred, by Stewart Middleton of Clinton. Wm..: Stothers, Dungan- non,' phone 529-7945. • PLANNING A ` PARTY? . . For serviettes, placemats, .coas- ters,.' paper: tablecovers and paper plates for all occasions see the selection at the Lucknow Sentin- el, phone 528-3134. FOR SALE 1957 Mercury pick- up; D-14 Allis Chalmers with in= dustrial loader, power steering, etc.; Case crawler. (310) with loader. and : scarifier; 1953' Inter- national (180) w i th platform; dump truck with P.C.V. licence Finance or terms can '.be Arrang- ed. ,.Contact Jack Parrish* .Luck - how, 528-37.11, • FARMS' FOR • SALE 30 acres • at edge . of Lucknow, good : 4 bedroom house, with hy- dro and built in cupboards, ' small barn, • garage and hen house •:'— $5500.00 ' terms: , • _ . 200 acres. 4 bedroom frame house, good barn with water bowls and silo, pig pen, drive shed. 140 'ac- res workable, balance pasture and bush. Bargain . at $12,600. • 100 ' acre " dairyfarm, large mod- ernized brick odernized.;brick house, good barn, bush, stream, 85 `; acres stone free workable land. $15,000.00 with low down , payment: 175 acres, dairy or beef, on high- way,: water'. and. .hydro in build- ings, good ; 4 bedroom house, ; barn 60 x 84 ` with water ' bowls, steel 'and ' concrete' stabling, litter . car- rier, silo, milk house, drive ; shed. $22,000.00 , with terms. STAN KAY Phone 528-6493 AGENT' FOR" ... Wilfred• Mclntee 8 Company. Ltd., Walkerton, Ontario D�e';S BEAUTY SALON In -the Johnstone Block on Main • Street, Lucknow (Deana Parrish,. proprietor) PHONE 528-3438 or 529.7308, • LOST LOST— A pair of ' lady's dark beige gloves last Saturday at Kin- loss Cemetery. • Finder lease leave at Sentinel. Office.. P • STRAYED about May;: 12 from Lot .3o2 Concession ' 6, Culross Township, one white faced black steer, ' approximately 800 pounds. nowmg i 's w ' ereabouts 134 ANTED WANTED scrap metal',. goose and duck feathers ; new and used bags., A Brown,' phone, 181 Kincar- dine after 6:00 p.m. :. • • GOOD HEAVY FOWL WANTED —• cash on the farm. Call, The Ronnenburg Insurance Office, Brussels, Tuesday and . Friday be- tween the hours of 10;.00 a.m. 5:00 p.rn.: ' • REQUIRE PASTURE — •for 2 or. 3 quietriding horses for 6 months, as close ' to Kintail or'. Kelly's . Beach as ° possible, Good rental paid. in advance. Reply to Ken Smith, 427 William St., Lon- don, phone. 432-3771, evenings 438= 5973. CUCUMBER.; .GROWERS. • • WANTED • Bicks of Canada would like more acreage of ; cucumbers. Of- fering five dollars more for No. 3 ' and No. 6: Highest prices' paid Free pickup at gate. • • •Write • or Phone Ricks' Canada ,,Dublin, Ontario ,Phone: 30-r-3 Dublin • or ;John Van Rooy R.R.:. 3 Goderich Phone '529-7438' Dungannon,:'.Onti WANTED _ Good home for- 2 :pups, part ' terrier.::Contact Eldon Welsh, : R.R. • 3 Holyrood, phone 27-r-29 .Ripley.. %. ,. WANTED` — a good, dry -building lot N in Lucknow: Roy MacKay, R:R . 3..; Goderich; . phone :73-r�22 Ripley: Goderich, HELP,`WANTED• PART TIME . clerk departmen- tal . dry goods. wanted. Prefer ma- ture lady, knowledge, ' yard goods. Reply Sentinel Box S. Anyone 'liv- ing convenient driving radius, re- ply confidence . ' Details, please. FEMALE ._ HELP-:- WANTED Mature woman to care for elder- ly residents. Wp. Newbold," .Luc - know 528-2136 or 528-2180:. SALES' 'HELP' WANTED. -. MALE MEN' . WANTED: Are you satis- fied. atis-fied. with your. work? Would : you like. a business . of your own? If yes, write ' Rawleigh, 'Dept:. . E -271 - GG, 4005 Richelieu St.,' St..Henry, Montreal. NOTICES NOTICE Beryl's Beauty Salon 'will' be open for' business: as usual, Start- ing. tart ing. Monday, May 17th; at' the same' place. of business • on . Ross call' 528-3421 'or, • 523-3615. r appointments St., Lucknow Fo ' 'NOTICE, HOSPITAL TAG DAY ' The Annual tag .day for the Wingham and. District Hospital will be held:on Saturday, . MaY , 22nd. Anyone • k ` 't h NOTICE notify A. W.+Bates •Teeswater, phone ,.392-6329'., ; STRAYED. — • from • the farm of John Rutherford two ,black and one :red Hereford steers.;: ' ' about 300. lbs,' Phone 528=6744. TENDERS ' . TENDER Marked sealed tenders will be received; by the. .Ashfield Town- ship School Area ;Board up to Saturday, May 22nd,1965,for 12 cords of 16" dry body wood, equal parts maple and beech to be .delivered, split and piled, to School No;. 16 Crewe. Lowest or any tender not nee-. essarily , aCCepted.. Howard O. Blake, Secretary -Treasurer, 7 Lucknow. • The Farmers Co-op Scales Co,, Lucknow, will' be shipping hogs on Tuesday, May 25th due to the holiday on Monday, May 24th, CLOSING NOTICE . Finlay Decorators, LueknoW, will be closed . 1Vlonday, ,Tuesday and Wednesday,; May 31st, June .1st, 2nd; while attending the Lions Convention. . • NOTICE • Due to . the ' recent vandalism on p p the ro erty of 'William• Griffin, north of , .: the .CNR station, the e "Old Swimming note" has b, closed to all public,and as no. trespassing signs have . been 'erec- ted, anyone found on this Prop' erty will' be severely dealt with., Signed, Wni Griffin ADDITIONAL CLASSIFIED ON PAGE. THIRTEEN