HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-05-19, Page 2a *AWE TWO it r In , Festival 1.1 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOWir . ON:TARIO Mary. Elizabeth •,and John Readerson , children. of Mr. ' and Igra, Jim ".„,Henderon; Lucknow;. ,were,_ Competitors in the . Grey ,County Festival of Music ; held in Owen Sound. May • 10th -15th., They ..are,: planapupils', of Mrs. ' Clara Shaddick of town, •Jim ,received second 'class hon- odes, '.76 marks,for, a. piano solo "Bach” , in the 13 years ' and un der class. Mar' Elizabeth receiv- ed l s honours ' 77 , sewn :. d c marks, for a piano .solo "Sona- tas" in the 13 years and under class. John received second class • ihonourS, 78 and ` 77 marks respec- .irvely, fora piano solo "Bach" in the 11 yearsand under .class and for sightreading ''.in the 12 years and under class. 'John ' also received;;" honours,. 74 marks, in the 11, years and , under class for a piano . solo, "Sonatina". The.: ad- judicator was Margaret ' Parsons Poole of '• Toronto. • Jim;•' who is '13; •is.:taking g Grade 7 ,piano; Mary, 12, IS; taking Grade 5 piano. and .John, 10, Grade 4 piano. ' Mr. and; Mrs., 'Henderson, Jim, Mary •Elizabeth; John and their twe • " other children . Ruth and Tommy attended. the "Festival of Stars" in Owen' 'Sound • •on 'Mon-' day,. evening when - a programme was: presented by.. the prize win- ners of the Festival, • • of local interest ' was 'a Grade 7 choir from: a Southampton Pub- lic School who had Dale Halden- by, formerly 'of Lucknow, . as their -conductor,:; • ;Dal'e's. • group ' were among the' prize :'winners. DELEGATE AT ASSEMBLY Mrs. James MacTavish of Luc* know attended the regional •as sembly - of the Federation: of Wo - Men Teachers' Association of 'On- tario held in Strathroy on . May 8th:; About 200 members were present. Miss Mary Graham, Dresden, was , presiding' F.W.T.- A.O. officer for the meeting.. Mrs.. MacTavis'h, 'a teacher. at • the Lucknow Public School, was a delegate for the .Kincardine Un- it of the F.W.T.A.O. of which she is president.:. • GODERICH — HIGHWAY 8 1P/a MILES EAST OF TOWN• 44. • BOK • OFFICE OPENS ,,AT' 8 O'CLOCK ' • • SUNSET DRIVE-IN THEATRE • s • • • •• •. • s"' •• $. • •: THURSDAY , FRIDAY, SATURDAY MAY 23.21=22 e• .•. • •• • • •Gina 'Lohobrigida and, Anthony Franco si "GO. NAKED . IN THE 'WORLD". adult. entertainment: — * * Tony Curtis and' Janet .Leigh "THE' BLACK SHIELD ' OF FALSWORTH" Color •i