HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-05-19, Page 11
$4,00 A Year ,I.n: Advance$1.00 Extra'
WEDNESDAY, MAY 19th, 1965
Single Copy 10c : 16 •Pages,
A severe wind, hail and rain
storm, .that has .been described by
some" as a "baby tornado"; ; cut; a.
path, of destruction : ` through, this'
area` shortly after 4:00 p.m. Sun
'day- afternoon .leaving a consid-
erable .toll'.of property. damage,
The storm ' came up quickly and
•ended just_. as.r,.c uickly. Most-- sev-
ere damage was ' done. to homes
in the village resulting from top
pled trees.
Part of a large tree toppled in
the wind. and lit on the roof df
Harold "Toby" Greer's house on
. '.Outrdm .. Street. ' The 'Greer •fam
ily' were in the • house at the time
but no one was . injured. The ::tree.
'severely .damaged ,the roof of the
homeand punched a hole,'through
the ,roof,.. into. a clothes ; ` closet;
where rain poured in., The frame-
work of the house' was visibly
shifted . and was apparent in ex-
amining a,' .picture window in ..the
Extensive damage was 'done to
.the roof of the . house of Nellie:
Smith .on Gough St. when 'a tree;
•roots and, all, was blown over the
house. • •
Jim : Boyle's car - was ' covered'
by: a ;portion of a tree while park-
ed in his driveway on. Willoughby,
• St, Damage 'was done to the back.
fender and:. roof of. the car.
Steve. Stothers ; garage, located
.b t een his property : and .the . new
house • being constructed . by Wil
fred Anderson: just off .Quality
Hill, . was• flattened'' by the, wind.
Steve's car • wasnot:. in , the' gar-
age at the time,
We will attempt to list ' some.
of the destruction done ' in the
brief':, twister. We know we' will
amiss • much: and .re west that we
q be advised of any additional ma'
jor: , damage done throughout 'the
area . •
The storm, as we ,know of. it,
cut :' across the Township of Ash-
field. and as well as, toppling mango
trees, blew out hundreds of panes
of glass'. in farm homes,:'- barns
and `other, buildings. Among' these
are Clifford Crozier, ` Bert 'Reid,
Jim Little. The Belfast area was
-extensively- --hit--and damage —was
done.. at the places of Jack Alton,
Harvey Kilpatrick, : Chester Nic-
holson; Blake Alton, Jerry. Cran-
ston, Harry Irwin; and. •the • $el
A • number of: panes - of glass
were smashed at Blakes and Hac-
ketts churches. In most cases, it
was the .south windows that took
the beating. Getting ..closer- to
town property damage was done
at: Gordon •Kirkland's, and Har
:v .e y Ritchie's . Where windows.
were• broken ••
Besides ''.the already 'mentioned
damage in town, • trees. were ' blown
down atEldon Wraith's with wa-.,
ter flooding, in the 'windows bro-
ken , by, ' the tree. „A, • tree came
down at Fred Emberlin's . resi-
dence: and. William „Wharry had
two toppled' at the rear of . their
louse: A tree came; down at Vir'
den Mowbray's ,house and •anoth-
er: at BillSproul's. Cliff . Craw-
ford .has a •large ; tree down in
his back yard, Otto Pederson one
in • his . and. Pete, Johnston and
Jim McNaughton had one income.
down:; between` them.
Window s were , blown out' at the
residence of 'Clarence Greer and
one. of.:th'e . windows struck Mrs.
Greer who was in the sunporch
at ;the time. .Numerous TV aer-
ials toppled in the wind. Among
those noticed down: were George
Newboidf .Mrs. William Webster,
Fred,- •Emberlin Bill Johnstone,
Cyril 'Campbell: At the., residence
of : .Ted. McClenaghan, the wind
(Continued On P. e ' 1
Gordon . Pannabecker of St Hel-
ens, son of Mrs. Don Pannabeck-
er and the late Mr. Pannabecker,
received his Diploma . at the gra-
duation exercises of the Western
Ontario : Agricultural . School a t
ge own. . Seventy-nine .m e tu-
bers of the Year 65 graduated on
Tuesday of this . week. Thedip-
loma is for completion 1 n
eto of� a t
omp wo-
year course.' at the school. .Mrs.
Pannabecker, brothers 'Ross arid
Roger and. sister Mary attended
the ' graduation exercises. '
In an advertisement in this
issue, Bill' Griffin of Lucknow
has announced that the "old
swimming hole" h a s been..
closed to'the public and :'-that'
no trespassing assing signs h a v e'
been placed'on his 'ro. •rt
Lucknow Foursome Win' Strathcona Rifle
Award; Presented At: Cadet 'Inspection
The Lucknow District High ette and Gerald Rathwell of the'
School' Cadet • Corps,' held • their Lucknow.. ,District. High . School
-annual inspection at the Lucknow; Board.
District High School ,on ",Friday,4 „• Cadet,. • Major Jim MpcDonald.
May 14th at 2:00 p.m.. -Major H. and. Cadet Sgt. Wallace Houston;
D. Thompson, O.C. 97th Battery, directed the cadets ''through. the
21st Field Regiment: R.C.A. (M) ceremonial parade, The colour
was 'the-, reviewing; officer. Inspec party was made up of Lieut. El- .
ting ; from Headquarters at Lon- er and. Lieut, Officer' was Captain C. Pis- liott Whitby, Lieut. Donald Fish
OtherIn-.. -Following To m. Andrew.
o , • members ' of the Following the inspection and
spection Party included Lieut. ceremonial parade, t h e cadets
Bob Dowsett, Principal L. E. Goy- '(Continued On Page 14)
Jim Reed, formerly : of. CKNX •
Television '• in 'Wingharn,' and son
of ; Mr. and Mrs, Allan Reed of
Lucknow, . is currently producing
the Toronto portion of the show
entitled "The Observer" which ap
pears . live in Toronto: from . Chan-
nel -6 CBC on Tuesday and Thurs-
day evenings at 6:30 p.m,.
The show can be viewed on
CKNX `Channel .8. the following
Wednesday : and Friday. mornings
10:30 to 11:00, on the show titled
"Across Canada"
Js Beach Storeoan•B a
Changes• Handy.
Mr. and Mrs. • John D. MacKay
of Ripley have 'sold their. ` beach`.
store at the foot of the 4th, of
Huron in the Point .Clark-Lurgan-
Beach area to • Mr. Strupp,' who'
has been 'in the butcher business
in Atwood. . .
The new owner will •: take pi's -
session immediately 'and" will be
open , for the May 24th weekend.
The.,�,store ; ` own as
4:..• .hta+ir...l 4 • :i+r� *n .' :.y,. � ,.K �... ,"4:40
Store", was built ' by. Lloyd Court
Hey about 12 years • ago. •
rs:—ago-he sold`l
property ; to ' -his sister and broth-
er-in-law, Mr.. and Mrs. MacKay,
andthey' have. operated the bus-
iness for the past:eight summers.
nor o e
The spot, known -to the old-
er generation of SWimrperS as
"Millers" • has been a popu-
lar . swimming area for years.,.
Bill was forced : to take ac
tion because of a weekend out
,break of . vandalism' on the
property in which the house
was broken into and windows
,and 'property smashed in Asenseless' Manner., ' •seenfs
that a few' hoodlems. have de-
prived : the . majority of kids
from a summer. swimming;
Spot R :
'Rev. H. W. Strapp of •Lucknow,
United Church received. nine into•
membership at the Sunday mor-
ning service •
Received • by .,profession of faith
were Susan . Arnold, Donna But-
ton, Murray' Morrison, Douglas,
Porter, Glen Porter, Marlene Por-
ter, Ricky Pritchard and Jane
Joynt. Mrs. Albert Porter' was re-,
ceived by transfer of me' ership
from Belmore .United Ch ch. ` r
Alex Andrew, on beha of the
session of the • church, welcomed
the new members.. The Junior
Choir , sang:at the service. ,
Father 'asses
FI T.c England
'Mr, and: Mrs: Albert Morton
left by plane 'from Malton 'on
Sunday for Engl°and. Albert had
'received ,.word on Saturday of the
death of his father, which had
'occurred early that . morning in
Manchester, England. He was 78
years of . age.. The, funeral was•,
to be held on Tuesday. r'
It is nineteen years since Mr.
and Mrs. 'Morten came to Can-
ada ' to • make their home, Albert
had been here fora few .years
When a teenager, being employed.
in the Amberley district. They 6X
'vet toremain for a shorttime
fs they have other brothers and
ilters in• England.. •
Eldon Millers
Years'30 . Married
A ' family dinner : was ;held ; on
Sunday at the home of Mr. and ,
Mrs. Don ` Cameron in honour of
Mr,' and. Mrs. Eldon `,Miller of
Lucknow who were 30 years mar-
ried Saturday, May 15th:: •
,Mr. ' and Mrs. Miller were mar-
ried at . St. Helens.: Mrs. Miller is
the former': Dorothy McDonald'
daughter of the late Mr.. and.' Mrs.
Colin McDonald of St. -Helens.
don: is the son of Mrs. John Mil
ler of town ..and the late Mr:: Mil-
ler (formerly of West Wawanosh5
"Eldie" and Mrs. Miller, farmed
On.. the 12th; of West Wawanosh
until 31/2 years'. • ago when they
came.' to. Lucknow when they pun"
chased the ' home of Joe Irwn
on Outram. St. near the Main St.
They , have 'three .daughters . and
seven grandchildren all .'of.whom
were ..at the family ..dinner.
"Eldie" is the . local CNR ; ex-
pressman and' Mrs. Miller'. is eook
at . the Lucknow..'District. : High
• Those. at the ` dinner ' were Mrs.
John Miller' Mr. and: Mrs.. Don ;
(Margaret)`aCameron; ` Barbara
and Colin of Lucknow Mr. and
rs; r l mer . l oris) Nicholson,
Cathy, Randy, Cheryl and Greg-
ory cf Holstein, Mr. and 'Mrs,.
Ross (Lois) Durnin and Steven
of:West Wawanosh:
Kinloss Tax -Rate Remains Uirchange
Bruce County Rate Up One :Mill.
-.(Kinloss Township, Council)
.'.Kinloss Township Council struck
their' 1965, tax rate at the '•`May.
meeting at the Holyrood. Hall.
There is, no 'change inthe local
farm and residential rate or the
commercial rate.. The county .rate
has : increased . ;1 mill from last.
year. By-law . No, .:3,..1965, sets
the county rate at 15.3 mills,'
township farm and residential at
17.5 mills, • commercial 20 mills,
Federation of Agriculture .5 mills'
and ' public and high school accor-
dingto their several requisitions.
Kinloss '.Councilmet in regular
session on May 3rd, all members
present, Reeve . P. A. Murray pre=
siding. •
• The following motions, were pas-
sed:arid accounts authorized' paid.
That the minutes of the last.
regular meeting of April, 5th •and
special meeting of April 19th and
28th be approved as read.
That we raise the Township
fence bonus from $1.00. ,to $1.50
per rd. for fence` taken down for,
construction' work on 'road.
That we adjourn to meet June
7th or at 'the .call of the. Reeve.
General ace.: Cities Service Oil for
hall, $105.16; 'McLennan and Mac-.
Kenzie; repairing chair, $3,00; G •
H. Wall, part salary, $70.00; Jim
McFarlan, 2 fox bounties, -$8.00;
Anderson Flax. Products; warbi-
cide, $276,00; Wallace Conn, part •
salary and. trip to Walkerton,
$56.00; Wm. Evans,. part salary
and trip to Walkerton, $61.00; •
(Continued' On Page 3)
.Eleven. Perfect Attendance . Awards
AtLucknow .Pres4by terian 'Sunda, School
An ,annual and very important youth .:of • the Church and their
event in the year of the Lucknow part- in the Church, the awards
Presbyterian ' Sunday, School was were given out ;by .Mr. Haldenby,,
held on Sunday morning, May 9th; assisted by Mr. MacLeod. The' a'
As' has been the custom in past ward system is as 'follows: • a
years, :the. Sunday ',School classes pupil must first attend • at least
along with their teachers attend 40. Sundays to receive. a 'certificate'
the•` church ' service in a body. '.01' a seal, depending on '.the num-
Th;Ts service could, be termed. as ber - of years the pupil ,has' attend
being the biggest day of the 'year, ed the Sunday School.. For those
for the.. pupils who . have attended who are more consistent in their
Sunday School • regularly, • ,' • • ;attendance, namely at least 45,
The, : service. this .year was con- Sundays, the pupil will riot only
ducted by the Sunday School receive a • certificate or pin, • but
Superintendent Dale Haldenby, they will also receive a pin or
and Rev, R. MacLeod. The Scrip-• year guard depending again on
ture Lesson, was 'read in unison the number of years the pupil has .
by •,Mrs. N. MacCormick's class. been attending the Sunday School.
As this . Sunday also marked Some of . the pupils are- not' satis ,;
Mother's .Day,' the choir was made, fled at making 45 Sundays, so they
up of mothers of the Church con.- went .all out for a perfect attend
gregation,• ance, 52 ^Sundays. Thd •xund',ay.
Following Rev. MacLeod's ad School is .proud to have .11 such
dress, which was directed. to the (Continued on page to