HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-05-12, Page 13• WEDNESDAY, MAY 12th, 1965: Hc.milt�n OPTOMETRIST EXT 'TO...."LYCEUM THEATRE WINGHAM. • PHON E • 3574361 H'AARPER. CHARTERED. ACCOUNTANT 55, 57 South Street, Goderich Telephone •524-7562 .• JO HNSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME Modern end , Convenient Lucknow; Phope 528-3013: Day or Night Serving: All Faiths, According to Their Wishes Moderate Prices Established. 1894 A:. R. DU VAL D.C.,': Sp. C. .. Chiropractor Physio and Electro Therapist Wingham Phone 357.3580 (Office located ted on John St West .next to Toronto Dominion Bank). Y INSURANCE FIRE WIND, 'CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE and . LI.FE'• To Protect "Your Jack, Insure `With' Jack Today; J. A. •• McDONAGH Lucknow, :.Phone 528-3423 ANDREW BRIDES-TO-BE ND R. W.A •THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL,' LUCKNOW, ONTARIO BRIDES-TO-BE The < Luck norw Sentinel'. has , the Moat com- plete ; selection of'' wedding invi- tations and accessories in the dis- trict.. Three sample .albums. to choose. '�, the privacy,. ' of o se .from' � in 'your home.if you wish With each order of invitations, or .announce- ments you receive a Free year's subscription to the' paper and a Free engagement announcement. Give us a ' call and .you'll be . wel- come to take the samples over= night 'to. your . ' home. The Luck - now Sentinel,.. phone 528-3134...• •• • Barrister and- Solicitor. • LISTOWEL, ONTARIO. IN . LUCKNOW Every Wednesday , and Saturday .Afternoon Office in •Kthe Joynt Block Telephone: ` Lucknow 528-3116 • CRAWFORD .axed HETHERINGTON, d 0. CRAWFQRD, 'Q C. 'Wingham ;'and Lucknow IN LUCKNOW MONDAY and :WEDNESDAY Located in Kilpatrick Block. • ,,Phone* W ingham Office 357.3630 -- Res. 351.2330-.. IMPERIAL,OIL PRODUCTS for prompt service, and quality, products, Winighcml Memorials GUARANTEED GRANITES CEMETERY, LETTERING. REASONABLE PRICES • ' Buy .Direct and Save Bus. Ph. 357-190 • Res. , Ph..: 357.1015: R.hair and ,Acheson CHARTERED •ACCOUNTANTS ,MUNICIPAL AUD1tORS Box 663 Phone 55 .; Kincardine Contact:, 'GRANT CHII;SHOLM 'Phone Collect Dungannon 529-7524 : "Always' Look To Imperial •• ' For The. Best''. ' • � W I•I IO. D,14 •Optometirist • 9 Patrick Street W. wINGHA1 . • none' 35::' 4282` Hadden's Studio.: PORTRAITS Weddings and ;Children G'ODERICH, ONTARIO • 118.,St.. David Street Dial 524=8787. . . . MacKenzie emarial ` Chapel. FUNERAL • SERVICE Services conducted according to your wishes . at your Home, • your Church, or at our Mem- orial, em-orial, Chapel at no . additional ' charge. Lucknow,. Phone .'528.3432 Day or Night K. J. MaCKENZIE, O.D • Optometrist . NOW. IN RIPLkY EVERY WE�DNESDAY Office.' Hours 10:00, .a.m..to 9:00 p.m. Phone Roy MacKenzie, Ripley, 96;r-24' for appointment. R..W 'B'EIL OPTOMETRIST GODERICH F T.: Armstrong Consulting Optometrist The Square (.Phone JAckson 47661.) NrI•f MINJ'�'�`� . • TED` COLLYE:R Registered Master. Electrician ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Specializing In Electric Heating, Electric Wiring and Repairs and 'Ali Electrical Appliances. Lucknow Phone 528-5182 Gaviiler McIntosh and W�rd' 'CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ' •R,Csident' Partner, J. M., Kennedy, C.A. •Opposite Post Office , Phone 881-3471 . — Walkerton • CARD :OF THANKS Pl, wish to thank -all those who re' me nv ered b me, with cards••and treats: while a patient hi Wing - ham hospital.• Special thanks.' to Drs' Corrin ,;and McKim and .the Staff' at the hospital. .. . • Darryl. Wisser. 'Ivan Cranston wishes'• to ex- press. his> thanks to all who 're Membered. him with cards and. gifts while he was- sick, ' Special thanks to Doctors Corrin .arid ,Mc- Kim ,and Mary MacIntyre I wish to thank my relatives, friends and, neighbors for gifts, cards and visits, while I. was a patient, in Goderich Hospital.: Mrs. Wm.. 'Johnston Beautiful blonde (to marriage counsellor); .I'm in love with him,' he loves me, we both 'enjoy' the same things, he. earns. plenty of money,, a n we're completely .happy together. My problem is what.shall. I. tell my . husband? WooL Realize the highest returns for your wool by patronizing your own Organization. SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No. 1 Weston, Ontario, Obtain. sacks and twine without charge from illip Steer (SHEARER) • t.R..5 LUCKNOW, or by writing to CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE. WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 40 St. Clair Avenue EaE-t, Toronto 7, Ontario. DEPARTMENT OF: PUBLIC WORKS OF 'CANADA TENDERS SEALED TENDER'S::addressed oto Secretary, . Department of Pu-. blit Works' of ,Canada, Room B322, Sir Charles• ,Tupper ; 'Build=- Ing, . Riverside Drive, Ottawa - 8, and ' endorsed. "TENDER FOR THE .SU'PPLY: • OF COAL, FUEL OIL AND • PROPANE GAS ,FOR. T H E. FEDERAL:. BUILDINGS, THROUGHOUT THE PROVINCE OF' ONTARIO, •1905-66", ' will be. received until 3:09 p,m:. (E.D.S.T ):' THURSDAY, MAY 27,' 1965. . Tender- documents can be ob- tained through:. ' •Chief •' of Purchasing and Stores, Room • C-459, Sir' Charles Tupper Building,, Riverside . Drive, Otta- wa; Office Managers. •at: 241 Jar- vis Street, Toronto; • P.O. Box 668, London Post ' Office Building, Fort William,,:Ont, ' . To, be considered each • tender must be submitted on the forms supplied by. the 'Department. in accordance 'with the .conditions set 'forth therein. . • '' 'The. successful contractor may be requested to. provide security, before the award of the contract, in 'an amount . and form .'accept . able to the Department. The lowest or any tender' not, necessarily accepted ROBERT FORTIER,, Secretary. Stationery Valoes The Lucknow Sentinel has• sonie' real bargains on display in boxed' writing paper, writing . pads, en- velopes, hasty •notes, etc: WE WERE , ABLE TO PUR- CHASE, A T CONSIDERABLE SAVINGS, A'• CLEARANCE OF STATIONERY, BY A MANUFAC- TURER: WE ARE OFFERING MANY 'BARGAINS. Up To 50% Off; on•many items OTHER ITEMS AT ONE-THIRD / OFFy Lucknow Sentinel .. 2: GRASS F POR •SALE 00 ACRES NEAR .LANGSI.DE AT $6,000 ' 95. ACRES NEAR POPLAR ' BEACH -- AT. $8,000. , • • SEVERAL GOOD HOMES' • FOR 'SALE WANTED 8 or 9 room modern house in Lucknow on .good location, :with all modern, conveniences, for cash *.* FARM'''LISTINGS WANTED FOR; SUMMER AND:: FALL POSSESSION * FOR EFFICIENT 'SERVICE IN ALL PROPERTIES ' FARMS, RESIDENTIAL AND COMMER- CIAL ' —. ,CONTACT F C. van EYL ••R R 1 CLIFFORD ' 'PHONE'•CLIFFORD• 127-W-4 AGENT FOR JOHN : B4OS'VELD,.. • "REALTOR BOX 353. MEAFORD, PHONE 428 PURPLE GROVE : „Mr. , :and Mrs. Earl , • Stubbs and family of •:Fort Franks visited Mr. and 'Mrs. Donald- Gillies: •,• Gladys Gawley,. Carolyn Fors; ter . of Toronto, 'Nancy` Dore,. Don- nie Thompson, Barbara , Leeson of "Kitchener, ;Evelyn darkness .of: Teeswater, spent -'the .week -end at their. homes in this vicinity. 1Vlrs ;Donald. Anderson, 'Water- ford, spent Saturday; •-.witlh Mr.' and Mrs. Morford' MacKay and family., , • • .,•. • ` Mrs,: "George. Emerson and .Bab Emerson visited . Miss • 'Margaret Robertson and Donald' Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Th"omp- son, , Miss Nancy 'Dore, :•Richard MCCosh .-Robert- Emerson,: : Miss Barbara Leeson ' 'and . Bill Taylor were guests at. the 'wedding, of Marlene Gawley. and Dewayne Grieg in Ripley United Church on •Saturday. :• Bryan Boyle and• Elliott Court-. ney visited Allan MacKay on .Sat- •urday on the . ' occasion of his birthday. ' Miss Shirley Anderson, Sea- forth, : spent the .week -end . with. Miss Gladys ;Gawley.• Dr. and Mrs. James . Emerson and; Frank of Charing Cross, spent, the week -end with, Mr.and ;Mrs. George Emerson. . Club, leaders Mrs.• George , Hark ness ,and ' Mrs. William. Arnold; along with members.' Joan Thomp son, Alda :Harkness, Susan . Far- rell, Sandra • Collins, Ann. 'Mac- Kay,' Valerie Gillies, `Iona Lee- son; -Wilma Sutton, Brenda . Cur-: ;rie and: Nancy Elliott, also moth- ers. and friends attended t}Ach- ievement' Day for. 4-H. "C1ulT Girl Stands: on Guard" in Kincardine on Saturday.. Mr, and. Mrs. Francis Boyle at= tended' the Farrell -Moffat wedd- Ing in Teeswater on, :Saturday. • Mr.: and Mrs. Donald McCosh' and Mrs. William. Bushell were .Sunday visitors with 1Vliss Eva Culbert. • Mrs. Frank Dore. and family. spent Sunday evening : with and Mrs., Lawrence Fry. • William Arnold, • Mrs, Donald 1VIcCosh, Mr.. and Mrs Ronald Slade attended, the Ontario folk School Council' annual meeting in Toronto on Thursday. Baptism At • Bervie . Baptized at Bervie 'on Sunday Were Patsy, dsughter,, of Mr, and Mrs. Bev. Fair; Debra, • daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs: R,oriald Hod- gins; David, son of Mr, and Mrs. Harold' Fair; Donald, 8611 of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Collins:.' • Peter Leeson held . an auction sale on Tuesday. • Mr. and Mrs.. Aurel Armstrong,. Dale, Lynn, Wayne . and Brent," • PAGE TilIRTEEE: s, ♦. ♦ • 'i, ' 1-e,....,• • tWE' SELL. RURAL ONTARIO'Z' • tg,000 down. 'and easy repay -t ;merit terms for 1% storey homey with conveniences, located "in• `the' village"of Whitechurch. Fully •price $4,900.001., • S$2,50Q., down paymeat f 116: *acre farm. 2 storey nine . oom• *home with conveniences ' such= •as 3 pc,. bath, . built in. 'cup-♦ •boards, .furnace,; etc: Ilouse has; ••been .redecorated recently. "T"• .shaped barn, 32' x 57' and 39' *x 57' equipped with' hydro and* •water. Fuli price only• .$9,900; • ♦ Cottage at Amberley, on Lake: ;Huron, on a '%well, landscaped; *lot. 100'' x 100'. This .cottage is• • *approximately 4 years old. It *has built., in .cupboards, 'water* •_•on .pressure, H,D .. viiiTing; etc: • Z :Full. . price' for .cottage and fur . Zriishmgs, $4,500. 'PAUL S Si'AKK. • COMPANY LTD REALTORS• WINGHAM, ' PHONE 3574840 • i•**♦**♦*4*•**e*s♦• • Mr. and Mrs., Ed Farrell attend- ed the ,baptism of • Kevin, . son,of Eof Mr., and Mrs. Francis Boyle -in Ripley United Church on 'Sunday. • . Jimmy; Cathy: and Vickie Dore were . Sunday. visitors with Ron- nie :onnie and Dianne bore: ` Mr. ; and. Mrs. ,Gordon MacDon- .j. ald, Mary.. Helen :and Judy: were Sunday visitors with Mr.. and, Mrs.• Harvey Radbourne, ' :Park. Head. • , • • BUYS LANGSIDE, FARM John Askes of the• Whitechurch area has purchased the Farish Moffat farm at ,Langside- He will 'obtain. `'possession at once. Vile transaction was ' completed by : F. C. van Eyl, local agent for, Bos - veld Real : Estate of • Meaford. Mr. and Mrs. Askes are ''mem- bers of • the Christian ''.'Reformed. Church. They ' have a' fainly :. of seven children. They plan to keep dairy cows: +••l••G*•• ••R•• i •io•E w ,• • i, • • • •: DON :TV S SERVICE i . Ecperienced • • A11 Work Guaranteed' . '• : Prompt' $'ervice • 'Reasonable • Rates � • • . • • .PHONE 184, RIPLEY, • • To•••••••••••I•I•••G•••• t. . • • : • ' •. •" .• • De Stock RemovaT Service We are . " licensed . to remove' your dead . or crippled farm animals. foo sanitary disposal:' GORDON YOUNG, Elmira Phone Collect to MRS. GORDON TAYLOR 528-5950 Lucknow. • 24 -'hour Service Licence Nos: ...b` 21;C63 and 22R63 Dead Animal' Removal ":'For .DEAD or DISABLED ANIMALS -- Call COLLECT y . Darling and` . Company of Canada Ltd. Minton 1 t3=2-7269 Dead Animal License No. 3sp-C-65