HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-05-12, Page 11r..
WEDNESDAY, MAY 12th, '1965
Allan: Nicholson has been • con closedby singing God' Save: the.
Queen ' and Grace., Lunch wasser ved, by'the hostess assisted by
her sister ,Miss. • Winnifred ' ,Percy
.• .'Mrs, 'Bob Brooks of ' Wingham.
.spent. Thursday at •the • home of
her parents Mr. and .Mrs. Perry
Hodgins, ...
• James Hodge went to London
on Friday ' for -a :further medical
check up.
Mrs. Gertrude Walsh was a
guest at the. Greig-Gavi►ley 'wedd-
ing 'at the Ripley United Church
on Saturday afternoon.
Friends of Mrs. Jack ' Hewitt
are pleased' to know • that she
was able to return home . from
Toronto General Hospital. on Thur-
sday. She has ' been' a patient in
the Hospital; following a hip ;frac
The 4-H girls : and their leaders
attended the Achievement day on
•Saturday.. • •
Mr. and Mrs. Harold` Haldenby'
Friday. Y
in. London:
Mr. and Mrs. 'Herman Fisher
and family . of Benmiller . visited:
on Sunday :-with. Mrs.. John Bush-
ell. : .. ' ,
Donald Barr of 'Waterloo spent
the week -end • at.. his home 'here.,
Brother Passes Away •
'We extend • sympathy. to Canon
and. 'Mrs R. W. StumR 'in the
sudden passing , of his brother at
White Fish, Falls, Ontario The
remains •rest'ed' . at '' Werden •Hall
fined tote house with. the Chick-
en. Pox.,
Mr. and • "Mrs . Russell Hewitt
attended the funeral •of • her cell-
ousinthe late Walter Blackwell
which was held on Tuesday after,
noon. at 'Walkerton;
Holyrood W.I.
The H.W.I. met on • Thursday
afternoon at the, home; of :Mrs..
Perry Hodgins. Mrs.'. Alex Percy.
presided and the meeting opened
with the ode and the Mary Stew-
, art
tew,art Collect: • Communications were
read and it was decided to 'Nave:
the piano I ned. The -roll call
.was Why continue to be.. an
Institute rnember year after
year," • Mrs. Lyman Sutton . gave
an account of the •'District Direc-
tors meeting which ' was held in
Belmore, Mrs. . Ellwood Elliott
was the convener for the . follow,
• ing pt og as •Readings "Scouting:
in Ac p d Farmers Wife's
Birthday" 'were given .. by Mrs.
William Eadie. Mrs: Ellwood .El-
liott gave the ' topic "Canadian,
Women in Public Positions." Mrs.
William Kempyn gave .a talk on
their recent trip through the Un
ted• ,States ,,1 contest on impor
taut people in the newspaper was
enjoyed.' iMiss Jean Sutton of 'the
Holyrood 441 club '-Net 2 gave a
talk on 6 books she had ready.
• She illustrated her. topic • with the
use of a poster.. The meeting
:at the home of Canon i and Mrs.
Stump" at' Walkerton for 3 hours
enroute ' to Niagara where' the
burial took place;
Mr..., and 'Mrs., Elhs. `. Gossef of
Ripley . visited • 'on Sunday' . with
Mrs. ;William ' Cox and,' -Rev.Ben-
,son Coxtal . • .
Mr. 'and, Mrs. Frank ' Currie,
Brenda and • Darlene, concession
10, Huron, Mr. and. Mrs. Miller
,Hartwick ' and Wayne of Kincar-
dine spent Sunday with Mrs.. •Ger-
trude Walsh. • .
Mrs. Charlie Hodgins of ing: ,
ham visited on Sunday -afternoon
,with• Edna and ' May Boyle.
Evelyn Nicholson ' of Toronto
spent the week -end at her home
Alex Hewitt' 1 s ' teaching in
Guelph this: , week. • .
The ;second meeting of the Hur=
on County 4-H . Swine Club . was
held Tuesday,.. May. 4th, at the
Ontario • Department of Agricul-
ture Board Room, Clinton. Don
Pullen, • introduced the new 'suin-.
mer: assistant Ron Trivers. "Les-
sons on care and management of
pigs : were taken, which was fol-
lowed • by Mr. • Malcolm Davis
showing how to tattoo ' the pigs.
There was a . quiz on the • lesson..
Newspapers are the. only : med-
ium offeringthe magnetic . appeaal
of classified , ads.. '
• .w
-message mi - ht-provi de -a- �.: ositive -answer. •=
If a major purchase costs more than you want to spend,
the' Bank of Montreal Family Finanee Plan might well
be the, difference between having it to' enjoy and going
without.' .
The Bank ' of 'Montreal t Family . Finance Plan is the
'modern, economical way to take care of all your credit
needs without putting a heavy strain on. your pay-
cheque. It puts cash in• your hands;for a new aptomo-
, bile, ',washing'': machine, TV set, wardrobe fo r your
family :; or for meeting emergencies and recurring
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r.,„1v;,•5,•�ix.; }. .. $:F.r.. '` •hy ;{.S:J,. i,�l�
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BRANCH Milton Rayner, Manager
o,.. bigger corn yie
For maximum yields, your ,corn requires,. Supplemental,
Nitrogen—that -is, • fertilizer nitrogen applied direct to the soil ..
in addition to that supplied by your mixed fertilizer. CO-OP
Aqua. Ammonia 20 % Nitrogen gets to the "root" of your corn'.
fertilization' problem. Injected below the soil' surface, it goes
to work quickly andsafely in all weather conditions. Your
crops receive ,an immediate "shot -in -the -aim" that ensures.
higher yields and greater profits. You don't have to invest in
time or equipment, your Co-operative will handle the h complete
operation for you!
For Top Dressing ,Too!'
Mk about Urea Nitrate 32% : Nitrogen
Solution: for top dressing fall wheat,
grass -type hay and pasture, corn, :etc. It's
another crop -boosting service : of your
Co=operative. '
oarawrameo TRW WANK
CO-OP serves you best with a Complete Fertilizer Service
Phone 528.2125
incur F NcLeod
pon Returement
Fred MacLeod .of:D..etroit ' has:
reached . retirement age. He has
spent- the' ' past 30, :years -with-the..
o.1 d •Detroit Infantry - Armory
which has been like home to him.
He ' was • ,maintenance and 'repair
man for many 'years
Fred' is .:a brother of Mrs. Har-
ry_ Nixon and Sandy MacLeod of
town..His' early life was .spent' .at:
the home farm on the ' 'second .of
Kinloss,the farm now: owned .by'
Mr.. and ' Mrs. Currie ''Colwell.
At a;luncheon, given•' in his 'hon
our, he was:. givenseveral gifts
His wife Irene and. daughter . Ru-
by were in attendance. ,
The following article was pub-
lished in.. the Detroit • News.:•
The cavernous, gray halls of
;the old Detroit Infantry Armory •
at 285 Piquette have been "home".
to Fred MacLeod.
He has spent the last 30 years
there, first watching ,over mili-
tary vehicles: and then ' working
with. commercial 'tenants.
' Yesterday at a luncheon given
by the . tenants MacLeod; 70, fin-
'` 'shed : his career which began in
1928 with the National Guard.
Major James Crosby, MacLeod's
;boss for 17 .years, came for . the.
luncheon from . his office ati.the
Light : Guard Armory,' 4400 East
Eight( Mile: '
Wins, Praise
`He's_ -one of•-= the- ,most conscien-
tious .men .I've worked with," said
the major., "Everything he did,
he did just so»: • /
"He's'n a wonderfully 'pleasant..
man who went out of . his way to
help us," said Albert Bolden; ' ow-
ner of Bolden Products and :plan-
ner of . the .luncheon.`•
MacLeod, who found, ' a' gift cer-
tificate for $50''. from the tenants
at his .luncheon plate, has.; watch-
ed the : armory change , from . a
place ; for. • vehicle.' storage and
Guard drills to a building now
leased by' "ninecommercial ten -
He has heard. the sounds
change from the . measured tread
of Army boots to the' whine of
machine tools.
Won't Be Idle
,'MacLeod won't be • leaving the
old. armory entirely, for he will
work •rat ..light jobs for Bolden,..
who.. says'. the'. caretaker knows
"where everything's ' hidden."
MacLeod lives at • 17161 Ontario
with :his wife, Irene, . and daugh-
ter, ',Ruby.
By the Ontario Tender Fruit Institute
"Buy Canada Choice Canned Fruit"
Lime PearSaI�d
tin Canada Choice cann 2 'cups cole slaw
"ed pears' 2 pkgs. lime gelatin
1 pint cottage cheese • 1/4 : cup chopped Walnuts
,(Serves . average family)
Drain pears arid.' set the ` juice •aside„ Fill centre, of 6
g with chopped
walnuts.. Carefully place the filled pear halves 'face down in
,'aleafshape mould, arranging them neatly, Cover with layer
of' cottage °cheese,, In a. separate ,bowl, dissolve one package
Of gelatin in ONE cup of ilia' liquid, using. pear juice, with
balance rof, , water,. Pour gelatin. into ' mould slowly, keping
the pear halves in place at bottom of mould, When slightly
set, .place the, tole slaw in the mould and pour in the second
package of dissolved gelatin (ONE cup of water) up to the
rim of the mould.Chill thoroughly,. irnmould, and garnish
• 'with remaining, pear haives ' fine& With cottage cheese and
• ti