HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-05-12, Page 6his Summer irnake it a �; ±,I Discover the .'unexpected' m 0ntar�o s exciting Northeast l: Northeast in your,onteric is a land of adventure .. "a family, vacation- land filled .with ,history, natural wonders and .unparalleted beauty. See the mammoth "Sault Ste Marie docki that give ocean;ves'sels entrance'. to. Lake •,Superior: ' Relax amid the splendour of Manitoulin Island ... . Indian country, and a sportsman.'s paradise of hunting and fishing., Then; `visit : North' Bay, gateway to the un-' •spoiled beauty of 'Ontario's great '. north.' • Visit•.Cobalt, Timmins and Kirkland'. take;'buitt. on hidden -treasures 01, precious minerals: See the mines . in `, operation: Then on:past,.th:e "Arctic Wats?shed" beyond' which. all waters. A';. '' flowto:the;ArcticOcean,toCochrane where.,Ontario. Northland Railway's "Polar Bear' Express" takes you oh q,• day -long excursion: to 'Moosonee :on the •James Bay frontier.. Here you re turn _ to. thea earliest` days: _of :the fur • trade and. visit Moose Factory, an out- post of the : Hudson's • Bay Company since 1673.'r • We'd liketo help you plana rewaid- Ing. Adventure,' Vacation in`:Ontario' : excitingmNortheast. Send •us this, coe- pon and we'll mail : you , our ,Great Northeast Ontario'' :Adventure Vacation• booklet 124: pages. in colour)... `- - 1 Province of Ontario; 1 1 Dept. of Tourism 8 Information, �' a 1 Parliament Buildings, •Roor 1402 ' Toronto 2, •Ontario. s 1 Please, send' me complete information ` 'on Great Northeast Ontario Adventure ' Vacations. . . 7. 1.1 Name .. Address 1:cit.1:9. _• Province 1 Fair Notes •(Contributed). UTn Family.. (Kinloss. News) " There was a splendid attend- ance at the Family Day Service. at * South '. Kinlos's Presbyterian Church on :Sunday; 'Rev. R. Mac- Leod "based. his address ' on. the, text, "Remember now.' thy Cre- atrmdaysthyY4to the ofyoti - ,Mr,: Frank'`. MacKenzie, superin- tendent of the Sunday School, presented attendance : awards. Sunday . School and ..Church: ser. vice are withdrawn . for next Sun- day as Anniversary services `ate being held; in'. the . Presbyterian Church .in. Lucknow. Win Homemaking. Club Honors Members of the .Kairshea. 441 Homemaking Club; leaders, Mrs:. Currie. Colwell,, Mrs. Gordon Wall and several mothers attended. Achievement Day,, . held in Kin- cardine on 'Saturday. Congratula- tions :.to Grace MacDougallwho received provincial honours and .received Connie MacKenzie Who ob- stain d__eounty honour's; ' Mr. and; Mr=s. _.Ron , Chapelle .and .Cheryl • of Sudbury spent a few days' lastweek with Mt. and: Mrs. Ira Dickie 'and. boys. BOWLING BANQUET Kinloss bowlers enjoyed' a tuts - key :banquet at- the. Knotty, Pine u voliniummaz THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, .LUCKNQW, ONTARIO Have' you ' remembered. : ,which comnnittee you : serve' on . for the Centennial Fair to• be . held.' Sep-' tember 17 and. 18? • programmes should be ..well' planned by . now. However, ifyou haven't asked for. `what .you want to see at the Pair,. 'how about' contacting :Lloyd Ac- kert, or• Mr. and Mrs. Evan Keith • 'or. perhaps' Mr. and. Mrs, ,Frank Alton.. r Parade. plans ' are 'underway and ideas would b e` welcomed , by Charles Webster, Omar Brooks, . Lloyd • Ashton, W Schmid; Jim Henderson., ;Concession That. is if' you vivant a space at ' fair to dis- , play your wares, it would be well to contact. Gordon . , Kirkland or ;1VIrs: ,,Arnold Alton.' Remember there is only , so much space to be had, so the earlier you .make arrangements, the better chance you have of obtaining a space. Teachers; are. you- preparing your entries for ' the school sec- . tion? Mrs, Bert. Alton and Mrs. lCharles e , to answer any kquest ons you be a might have, Remember all these entries ',must be in for judging by the 'eat day of school, in June,. Your Subscription Renewed? utcbe Greet 1nspection . The, second' meeting of the Iiur-. ron County Abattoir Operators' Association was: held' ' at the ag- ricultural . board room hi Clinton; March arch 30th 1965, Thirteen... , ow n ers were, present or ,represented. Interest :in the Meat Inspection Act (Ontario) prompted lively and interesting ' discussion. The Act ,..and ;Regulations' were explained. Innat /Kincardine recently. Mr, Austin, Martin was master : of 'cer- emonies and trophies were pre- sented by the president, Bill. Se- arle. The large trophy, donated by Teeswater Creamery, was {pre- sented' to the'. top. team for the year. Membersofthis team. are Bill Searle, Mrs. J. De Jong, Mr. and Mrs. Evan Keith, . and Mr. a n d Mrs. FraserMacKinnon. Eachmember also received ' four coffee mugs as . did the . members of the team winning the play-offs namely: .Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd' Mac- Dougall, Mr., and . Mrs.' Wm. Hal- 'denby.and: Mr. and .Mrs.; Austin; Martin. Individual 'trophies were. won. by Mrs. Fraser ',MacKinnon; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Searle, John Mowbray . and Mr, and . Mrs: Ro- bert Gilchrist.: The evening con- cluded, with dancing; by Dr. K. A. ,MoDermld, Direr tor, . Regulatory Division,- Ontario Department of Agricidturei of , the. Veterinary.' Services Branch. , His department will, take over the supervision of • 'slaughtering plants except those under federal inspection • and theplants •engaged: solely in' slaughtering anneals ex- empted from the Act. and .Regula - tient, The • Huron County. Abat- toirs have been under. .the 'super vision oty:the Health. Unit since its inception in. 1949.. Because of the requirements:' enforced. ' 'and the. progressiveness of the operators, it • is, expected that.' :a - .minrmuln of - change in facilities and 'prac- tices will be necessary. The .God- erich Abattoir has • been under veterinary meat • inspection since 1948. :This has been provided by the . .town. coffers a n d National Health',Grants. The butchers .:express optimism in' that •the public would : place the. same- confidence '.in . Provinc- ial. lay' and : veterinary. meat in-: spection . aS .they. have held ..for Federal and local meat . inspec- tion. The acceptance . hp_e Ontario Approved • Inspection Leg Leg - 'end 'by the ,public will, open up new' markets for" some of the operators. The officers of the Op- erators' .Associationare: Press- dent, , Ron 'Wilier of Dashwood and . Secretary -Treasurer,:. Albert Deichert of Zurich. WEDNESDAY, MAY 0th,, 19651 E Mrs and Mrs. Orville Guy: and Miss Bonnie East :of Clinton vis. ited On Sunday ,with ,Mrs and Mrs W. T. Roulston and. ,Jack.. , Mr.. and;• Mrs. Harold. Johnston and Bert' of Teeswater visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Harry and family, ly,•, Mr. Clayton Nicholson and Bonnie of Ripley visited on Sun. -day with Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Coiling and family, . Mr:.and • Mrs Earl Stacy of. London . spent' the weekend. , at their home here: Sympathy is extended. to Mr. and. Mrs, Herb Clayton and fam ily in.• •the death of .Mrs. Clayton's uncle, Mr. Frank Mills. Mark Christian Family Sunday Christian'_family Sunday was marked at .Olivet by the baptism of ' two -'small cousins. •, Darlene:., Marie infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Colling and Shawn Melvin, son of Mr. and; Mrs. Harry. Colling Mr. Robert `- Osborne, :Superintendent of. the Sunday , School, , . Janet' Harr Ilton : and • Bill' Black of the Sunday ' School as- sisted in the service of worship. The choir, with Sharon Colling; at 1 the organ, sang 'SMy. Redeemer." Mrs.' :.Melvin Colling ; :read story and Reverend 'George 'Ball • preached the' sermon. • 4 :. 114 :NX urin Admiring a..picture'of the.'65 Oldsmobile, is one th.rng. Eventually, you will turn the page. But sitting behind th , wheel. of a beautiful new olds— now that's something:. else. If you don't believeius, try it. Come in now, during•Tr:ade'N' Travel Time and slip into •a new:,Oids: Take -a moment or two to admire your, surroundings. Then • ease it . ,out; onto the open 'road:' Feel. the q , 'smooth, luxurious quiet comfort,. smooth,; powerful response to your slightest touch. It gets to you—this ''65 Oldsmobile A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE '( The,one in the picture is a Dye auric 88 G el� y ebrit Sedan) Going to New York? See the: GENERAL MOTORS FUTURAMA. at the New York Vibrio s Fair. s -resistan ravel Something else; when you ask about the price you'll get a surprise too: You'II find �, b it's much easier. than you ever thought. to become an Oldsmobile owner. Especially' . now during Trade'N' Travel Time when your present car can bring top dollar. So go see Stour Oldsmobile dealer. Trade today.;.. and travel away in a, luxurious new Olds.. l It's Trade 'N' Travel Time... At Your Chevrolet -Dealer's.. ' 1_ � � •� bile Feeler sNoulr l mo AuTHORI±ED, oLDSIVt081 E DEALIN WINGHAM. iuuNr .:• Y MOTORS. UMITEDMcCLURE Y15. aOSfrPHINB STREP `ININGHAM, ONTARIO •--r-- onanza,tn the CBC -TV network each Sunday:, Che, k your local listing for channel and time.. sure to see. B '0.465-D •