HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-05-12, Page 4at 'PAGE P0UR mir TH* -:LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,. ONTARIO � x WEDNESDAY, MAY 12th, '1965 PHONE .� i " ,t1 141 FC dh' i7 ;r^4T"ti ttYti Are1 , ...0 CIf,ROre g •11CCfa QOEK ee0 iCASHICKHEOCER Moo'6 4 241! 5' FOR SALE table: or•` seed 'po- tatoes. Wm. IV acIntosh,. Lucknow, phone 528-3015. • • FOR SALE - Oats and cob •corn. B. F. Green, St.. Helens, phone' 528=5854. • FOR SALE Electric: egg washer Mrs. John MacCharles, ` R.R. 1 • Ripley. • FOR' •SALE '-- Sebago .potatoes. Mrs. C. Weatherhead, Lu cknow, • `phone '528-2424. . : FOR SALE • - Complete. Guide uniform: 'Mrs. Gerald Wagner, Lucknow, phone 5284505. A FOR SALE--� •;,one ,.used 'Motorola ' television.; set, in ,good_ condition. Phone Barry . McDonagh, 77-r-5 Ripley. WOOD . FOR SALE Hardwood or softwood .slabs, ,in 10 •cord loads We deliver: Borden Litt, sawmill, phone 392-6895 Teeswater. VACUUM CLEANER. • SALES' • and • SERVICE For ` all ' makes = .Filter • Queen.. Sales, Varna, ;phone. 262=5350. • ' FOR SALE small kitchen range with pipes, suitable for summer • cottager Ada Webster, Lucknow, phone .`528-2478. NEED ,A NEW CAR? If you.. are interested in buying a new or used,', car, contact John- ston: MacLeod, Ripley, phone 102- r-20. 02-r20.. AUCTIONSALE Allan Maclntyre Licensed Auctioneer Lucknow . -'. Phone .5284519 • 'BULL FOR 'SALE Top iquality, Shorthorn :Bull, first calves canbe : seen ' at the .; farm. Douglas Graham, R.R. 5 Lucknow. FOR SALE' near' Whitechurch `on 'County . Road, 60 : acres;' 40 „workable,' some reseeded; water. supply. 'Apply " Box G, % The Lucknow' .Sentinel`. • FOR SALE - 1964 Mercury truck like new, . low , mileage also quan- tity ; of poultry; crates. A. Brown, phone 181 Kincardine after: 6:00' p.mr SEPTIC TAN KS CLEANED Septic. tanks., "cess pools,. .. etc., • pumped and cleaned with modern equipment. All work • guaranteed: Louis Blake, R': 2. Brussels, phone` 422-w-6. FOR ,SALE Massey Harris 13. run = grain and fertilizer • drill; 32 plate disc; 8 blade one • way' disc 3point hitch;;. Massey Harris tractor, 101 Super' Senior. Robert E. Irvin, Dungannon, phone. 529- 7911. , FOR SALE - Red \Clover seed, will trade for alfalfa; also Herta barley 'suitable for seed,will trade. On oats; Selkirk • . 'spring wheat cleaned and treated; also, 60 chicken feeders. Frank ' Alton,' phone, 529-7.218. Dungannon,. FOR SALE''- 14 foot boat, motor and trailer., boat tarp, complete, $250.00; 1954 International. (184) '• cab and : chassis, 308 motor, west coast ,mirrors, $375; Extension ladder, like new, $20.00; plywood cement forms. Contact 'JackFar rish, Lucknow, 5284711. • • TALE FOR " SALE', Table .and ;seed,, potatoes. John Rutherford, ' phone 528-6744., . CAR FOR SALE' - 1956. Ford, door standard, V-8, $175.00. Phone 16-r-3 Ripley. FOR SALE -- Used Admiral .. re- frigerator. Phone Wingham 357- 1448. FOR NT 95. acres, RE suitable Tor pasture;, Contact .. Mrs.. Art Clark, : Lucknow; phone 528-2184. ORDER YOUR :day-old and start .ed chickens; ._als'o 3 -week old ca- pons, Russell. Brooks, Ripley .phone 103-16, FOR SALE Shorthorn COW due to freshen.,June. 8th, hand milked; also 26 pigs ready to wean. Dan IYIcInnes, Holyrood`,. Ripley 8=30:, • HONDAS -FOR•,.;$ALE .` $50.00. down $12.90 per month.. P.L. and P.D ', Fire and....Theft $37.00.: CUNNINGHAM MOTORS,. Honda Sales • & Service, , Walker- ton 881-0740. SEED., FOR SALE, Price per lb., Alfalfa '45c, Red • Clover 30; timothy 30c, Empire type Birdsfoot trefoil $1,00. All. Nixie grown, Grade 1 seed, For a good hay crop try, 8 lb. alfalfa, 2 lb. Red Clover, :5 , lb. timothy, 4 . lb. • Bronie grass, total 19 lb., cost per acre- $6,82, Ourcomplete stock of clovers ' and grasses all at equally low prices. For your seed grain and grass, seed re quiret'nents, See Roy Cramm and Son• at Pinkerton. Phone Cargill 366x2394. FOOT TROUBLE? Aching feet, ° `pains in • legs,lips and back may .be. caused • by un- due n- du e pressure on your feet. Why not under no obligation contact J. A. Vickers F.C.,. 'Hanover. PLEASE NOTE as of now all. business done , by appointment ONLY.' Phone Hanover , '364-2280. or write care of Bob 387. CUSTOM .BUTCHERING, Beef and pork sold in any quan- ity: Custom . butchering in Govern- ment licensed abbattoir. Pigs every Tuesday. Beef from :M 'o n d a y `through Thursday. BUTTONS MEAT MARKET CHARLES:McLEAN R.R. , 4' 'Brussels: Agent For ' Smith Roles, Sask- atoon 'and Guelph, Manufactures,. of . Comet : welders, air : compres-, sors, electric motors, electric, drill, drill fill augers, etc PHONE BRUSSELS .489 W 1.3 SEPTIC TANKS`: CLEANED Vacuum cleaning ' and . pumping of septic • tanks, : Ronald Forster, Lucknow, phone 528-3002, manu- facturer of ' cement 'septic , .tanks .and well tile. GOOD': HOUSE FOR SMILE with all conveniences, new fur nace, new 3 -piece bath, built -in - cupboards, situated .at . Lurgan (across from Anglican Church) known as the Les • . Ray. property, worth the money, good terms:. Thomas Harris, • Ripley, phone. 141-r-1. 'HOUSE . FOR SALE -' in.' resort area, on Highway. 86, 1 mile from Amberley Beach, with : one acre. or More : of ground; • new 'garage, new three piece bath, ' garden and fruit, trees. ;High and' •elementary NEW CASH. ,BINGO • Legion Hall, Lucknow, 'every Thursday evening, '&45 p,m: 15 regular games $10.00 each. 4 Share -The -Wealth games• with jackpot included in each game: Jackpot •this week $85.00 on 57 calls. GODERICH LIONS BINGO The Goderich Lions will • hold a bingo ' on Wednesday, " May 19th, 8:30 p.m. 'at . the Harbour- lite Inn, seventeen regular 'games at $10, • one "share -the -wealth, •one $50 jackpot and the new • acceler- ating jackpot up to $250: and 2 door, • prizes. Admission :$1.00. HAM';: -AND ` SALAD SUPPER A Ham and Salad: supper • will be .held, at Nile United Church: on Wednesday, May ,' 19th, at 5:30 p.m.. Adults, ,$1.25, School children 50c. 'GARDEN` PARTY SUPPER ,.; Tuesday, May: 25th from '5:30' p.m. to , 8:00 .p.m. :Lucknow United Church .: Auspices United '.Church Women - Cakes • . Turkey &Ham � :., Pies & Adults $1.50 Public 'School , Children .75c • SPECIAL AUCTION NOTICE' McL-ELLAN[f SALE; BERV,-IE- Cow, '•heifer and' Calf sale;every Friday evening at ;8 300.. Choice .calves, •'9 .••'days to. a• month old,. delivered free in .lots, of 10: or' more. • Cow, and calves can be bought on :time: Interest rate ' as low: as 6%. BUSINESS MEN'S MEETING An important • ''meeting of the. Lucknow. ' Business. Men's Associa- tion will be ;held` in 'the Town Hall at 8:30 .on Wednesday, May 12th' Considerable interest;is :be- ing shown ' in a: special promotion'' for the ' business . life of the com- munity and a full. attendance ,is. requested to discuss this further. L.D.H.S. FASHION SHOW The • Annual ; Fashion Show; of the ' ucknow.District High .School will e held in .-the `school .audi- torium on Thursday, May 20th, , at. 8:30 :p.m. Shop Display, Gymnas- tics and Open House. Admission, 50e, children ..free. Proceeds for adoption fund: SPRING FLOWER SHOW The 'Spring Flower Show of the Lucknow Horticultural 'Society will be held on' ' Friday; May, 21st, in the Lucknow Town Hall: All., en tries to be In by 6 p.m, Open. to the. public at 8 ' p.m., silver collection. , Lucky door prize:' Ev= eryone welcome, FOR RENT. school bus service. Apply William Ferguson, Amberley, phone, Rip- ley 3043. . . FARMS FOR SALE 98 'acres with '30 acres, bush, bal- ance pasture, large barn - $6800, 100 acres 'rolling, . highly produc- tive, bush, 'stream, 3 bedroom .house • bank barn 50' x 60'' silo and pig ,pen . $11,000:-' 100 acre Dairy farm', ` 10 acres bush, stream •• crosses property, balance stone free , and slightly rolling, • 4 bedroom .modernized brick house, good barn - $12,500, 175 acres on •Ighway, clean modernized house,. barn 60' x 84' •with, steel and concrete• stabling, large silo, milk• house, good. hard Wood bush -. $22;500.' STAN KAY Phone 528-6493 AGENT' FOR Wilfred Mclntee & CoY mpan Ltd. ,Walkerton, Ontario • K FOR SALE.- Westinghouse hea ,vy duty electric stove..Mrs. Oli- ver McCharles, R.R. 3 Lucknow, phone Ripley 4-4. • CAR FOR SALE -- 1963 Dodge. sedan, one owner, excellent con- dition:. Phone 357-26974 er contact Edgar Gaunt, R.R. 1 Belgrave. FOR SALE - 30 pigs, nine weeks old,' weaned . 4 weeks.. L, Van Der Veen; and Son, Lochalsh, phone 12-r-17' Ripley. STOVE FOR . SALE -• 22" Beach electric stove. $15.00. : Jim ' 'Mc- Naughton,' Lucknow, phone 528-. 3040 after 5:30 p.m. -FOR• SAME , Seve�"�'n• -Hereford` an Durham steers about 750 pounds. Eldon Ritchie, : R;R 3 •.Lucknow, phone '529=7568: ; • SEWING ,MACHINE: FOR SAME • Zenith, console'. model, brand; new;.: wood, panel bed in ..good. ,condition: Mrs. • Fred : Emberlin,, Lucknow, : phone .528-3202. PLANNING. A PARTY? For serviettes, •placemats, coas- ters, paper; tablecovers and paper plates for all: occasions psee the selection • at, the Lucknow Sentin- el, phone 528=3134. CORN PLANTERSRFOR_SALE - one: 2 -row 'International; one:': -2- row John Deere one .'4 -row John. Deere; one .4 -row Minneapolis;. •in good condition. Call Ezra Stanley,. 2371- Bervie.• • FOR . SALE --$15.00 for • 31 win- dows and some screens; $15.00 for. . oil stove and ` 90 ',gal:. tank;•: Diston chain saw; several rolls of chicken wire $5.00,. small, •black. pony '$40:00. Contact Jack Far- rish, .:Lucknow, 528-3711: FOR SALE . - Two ' registered 'Hereford bulls 14: and 16 months of .age;also heifers; . and ` calves • of . all ages. All ' registered ' and guaranteed . breeders. 0. A. Mc- Charles',R.R. 3 Lucknow, phone FOR. RENTfront --•> apartment,i self contained,. ideal • for, couple: Apply Lucknow Fruit Market. APARTMENT 'FOR RENT in Lucknow, • ideally located, 3 rooms and • bath upstairs,, 3. rdoms on . main floor,partly furnished, available 'April 15th: W. L. Mac- Kenzie, Mrs, Jessie Allin, phone Lucknow , 528-3201. ' ' • HOUSE FOR SALE - 'one ,block from business section, shas .3 'bed- rooms upstairs; 1; bedroom,`. living room, 4 piece 'bath ,and new mod :ern kitchen: on main floor. Base inent with rec room and 2'year old :oil .furnace. R. , Alvin 'Hamil- ton,. phone, 528-3932 Lucknow:. LOST LOST DOG =- 2 year old German Sh herd,. answers to name .of PflAce. Contact 'Jim Clark, Luc. know, phone 52ff-2184. FOUND .FOUND Several weeks ago on the first hill on the Fourth of Kinloss arfield cus, • green chesterfield him, Ira pickle, phone 126-r-28 Ripley, FOR SALE 1957 Mercury pick- up; D-14 Allis. Chalmers • with . in- dustrial loader, power steering, etc.; Case • crawler' ,010) with loader and scarifier 1953 Inter- national (180) ••with platform; dump truck with: P!C.V.•• licence. Finance :or terms can be arrang- ed Contact ;Jack Farrish, 'Luck - now, 528=3711,' ' . • • In Dees eq�hers Wanted. TEACHER. WANTED • • The Kinross Township . Schon Area will require for Septerribei -1965 Male Principal For 4 -Room. Central School, One Teacher, Grades , 1-8 '. For , One Room School Apply stating qualifications, ex perience and 'name of present in spector, to Allister Hughes, secre Cary -treasurer, . R.R. 3 Holyrood. WANTED • WANTED scrap ''metal;' goose and duck feathers new and :used. bags. A Brown, 'p hone 181.Kincar dine after 6:00Y:p.m. GOOD HEAVY ' FOWL : WANTEI cash on the farm. 'Call,, Th( Ronnenburg Insurance' Office Brussels, Tuesday and Friday be tween the .hours of, 10:00 a.m. 5.00 :p.m: SALES HELP WANTED, MAL Rawleigh•'business' now open it Bruce County. Trade wellestab lished,',Excellent opportunity: Ful time. Write ' Rawleigh,' Dept, E. 271-189, , 4005 Richelieu St.,- St Henry, : Montreal. -COTTAGEWANTED= •-. Anyolr having: a cottage -.to rent • at Ain berley' or Point . Clark: for th, last two ,` weeks of .; July,. Contac Bruce Johnston, : ` Box 982 Aylmer. Ontario. . WANTED: - a good used 26 incl boy's bicycle.. 'Joe 'Courtney, Dun gannon, ' phone 529-7189. • MAN • WANTED -- . to be' trained as appliance service man. Some knowledge : of : electricity ' preferr ed, but'not essential. Apply Burk Electric; Wingham REQUIRE. "PASTURE - `'for. or :'3 'quiet 'riding:. horses : for months, as close to . .Kintail o 'Kelly's Beach as possible. Goa rental paid in advance, Reply t Ken Smith, .:427 . William St.,. Lon don, phone .432-3771, evenings 438 5973. CUCUMBER GROWERS; WANTED ' o Bicks : of Canada would lik more' acreage of cucumbers: Of ,tering five _ dollars more for No. 3 and. No, 0. Highest prices paid Free pickupat gate. Write or Phone Bicks Of Canada Dublin, Ontario Phone 30-r-3 ,Dublin or, John Van Rooy R.R. 3 Goderich Phone 529-7438 Dungannon;:. Ont. NOTICES A• TTENTION BANTAMS ` All, those • interested in playing BEAi1TY 'SALON : Bantam Bill softball,, Hunter, leavLeu• yourcknov' na,byme the ` Johnstone: Block on Main Saturday, May 15th. Players must Street, L• ucknow 4"Deaita Farrish, Proprietor) PHONE 528-3438 or 529-7305 " • TENDERS TENDER.' Marked sealed tenders vtill•be received by . the .Ashfield Town- ship' School •Area Board up to Saturday, May 22nd, 1965, for Ig cords of 16'dry body wood, w ' equal •parts maple and beech, to be -delivered, split and ,. piledto School No, 16 Crewe, - Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. .Toward' ' C. Blake, 'Secretary -Treasurer, R.R., 7 Lucknow,. be .not • older • than 15 Years of age as of ; January 1sti 1965. NOTICE, There will 'be .NO CLINIC in May for pre-school children and infants. The next Bruce County Health Clinic • will be held ,in' the Legion • Hall, Lucknow, ori Tues- • schday, •June lSth, • from 10:30 to 11:00 a,m, fo`r , infants and pre- . ool, children. . NOTICE; Beryl's Beauty Salon 4MM1 „he open for, business as usual,. start - mg Monday*. May_ -..17.th, ,at the. same plane. of business on Ross St., LucknoW. Far appointments call 528.3421 or 5283615. ADDITIONAL CLASSIFIED ON PAGE THIRTEEN