The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-05-05, Page 16THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL LUCKNOlk ONTARIO WEDNESDAY' MAY '5t11, 1965 • • • s■;: • ai ■. i,. . 11 ■ at ■ • ■ a• ■ • ■ ■ ■ ;MAY WE OFFER A FEW SUGGESTIONS Handbags Scarves Gloves Blouses Sets Sweaters Mies Stips Tablecloths Sheets �rice d'at 39c 59c end $1:19 Ladies' and Men's Wear Lucknow PHONE 528=2126 • • ■ . • ■ ■ AGENT; FOR KINCARDINECLEANERS • Fred Pick -Up and `: De•livery `,.Monday ; anal. Thursday ■ ■ ■ iE■.■: ■...Ii■r ::■ :■ a.L■ ■■■..B.E■BE ivaau Itui THAT. a grass fire -Saturday at-, THAT: 'Donna Nicholson of ..13e1=- the .Bel' the residence of Mr: and: Mrs:. Albeit Morningstar, ., north of Lucknow, : •''got • out . of control about ;noon and . Lucknow Fire Departnient ` w a s summoned. Concern was felt that the fire might be . a serious threat_ oto' buildings closeby: . THAT. "Bill Smiley" fans , who have.. missed his column for the past couple of weeks will • be •;pleased to know . that . Bill is. still with its, but because of eroWded , conditiona ht recent is- sues, he had to be set aside At least twig, maybe' three of his columns Will appear in this week's paper' to bring. the Smi- ley lovers , uri fo date. and pas- .sibly : cause' the Smiley" haters to .. cancel their subscriptions. Judging . from ; those who asked .about the missing columns, .we imagine 'the , 'lovers outnumber the 'haters.. • THAT Gladys' •.McDonald of Gladys' Beauty Salon, Luck - now, attended a .hair, styling convention in London;, .on Mon- day . of this week. ' The ' greatest abitity' is. ' depend- ability. ' "MOTHER'S DAY" (By Wm., Buckingham) Never a Mother's Day .goes by • Without a loving thought,.. , . n Of all the kindly things you've done . •The 'happiness you've brought And never a Mother's Day• goes by ' ' Without warm wishes too, For happiness not just to -day But every Day for You: / It is only now and then 'Mom That You ever really hear, The loving thoughts and: special thanks ` That go tb You all year, So here's hoping You'll remem- ber• Until Mother's: Day 'again, 'That Yoit're loved, and rerrmm. bered every Day w And. not ,only now and then.. A loving wish for • all the joy That Mother's Day can hold, May all you're dearest dreams • come true , A;s future years tld. fast, who has :been employed, at. Ashton's ,Ladies, Mens and : Chilr drens ' Wear, : commenced work in Hall's "Red and White Store on Monday. • THAT . Mrs.. ; .Russel Alton, Ash- field Township, has been assist ing in Dr. J. ; E. Little's den- tist Office: Mrs. Alton, :the form- er Elizabeth. MacDonald, work-. ed there previousto her mar THAT Monday's sumer temper atures were m.appreciated when • the mercury : rose to19 degrees, but it ' makes you wonder if it was Worth . IL, Monday nightthe thermonieter sank to • 39 de- grees, a difference of 40 de- grees in, a few: hours.' THAT the annual 'Masonic. church parade will be held this Sunday when • . brethren of •Old Light Lodge will march to St. Peters • Anglican Church here. ''THAT • a notice of: temporary clot- ' ing' for Beryl's Beauty Salon'. in • Lueknow, was to have. appear ' ed.' in last week's Sentinel' .but. the ad• "disappeared 'into thin air" and we , have yet to find, out where the copy • for the ad went. We hope it did not , cause Beryl and • her customers . too. much inconvenience. THAT Rev. Rod MacLeod of the Lucknow; Presbyterian Church attended the 91st annual meet- ing of ,the Synod of Hamilton, and London of the Presbyter ian Church ' in !Canada, which was held -the first••of this week. in `Windsor, Rev. MacLeod is convenor of the Presbyterian Record committee. THAT Lucknow Lions Club is planning a father 'and son- ban- quet to ' honour participants in minor sport and the banquet' will be held in conjunction with their regular meeting on Mon- , day. Paul. Henderson will be • present and possibly Larry Jef-, fray if present plans are com- pleted. A niovie on last year's Stanley 'Cup will be presented. THAT Tony Johnstone of Luck- now conducted church ices at South Kinloss and i .',gan- non on Sunda afternoon in the. ;absence ctfev. Rod MacLeod who participated in another ser- vice. e. 'he Sentinel • THAT •Marlene Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Martin' of.'. West Wawanosh,, is employed ' at Lucknow ' District, Co-op as a bookkeeper. She was previously employed' in London.. THAT .Lucknow • Branch of the Cans dian Legion . recently, .dons- ted a new Canadian ' flag. to the Lucknow Cub Pack for. their meeting rooms. THAT Leonard Ritehier of Luck - now has been off work ' for about . a month . with .a crushed "little finger"... on his hand, The injury oceurred- ` at, Lloyds fat fort' in 1 Wingham where . •Leon- and is employed: The .•finger was `crushed and. required' sev- en stitches when; it ,became pin- ned while., rolling in a load of :' door `:panels on.: a dolly•. TAT Mrs; Arnold :Alton and . dau- ghters . June,.. • Nancy, R u:t h, Grace and; Mary moved Easter week from . Ashfield to Luck now, to make . their home.:They are . residing in .: the . Farrish house, Havelock Street, / south,' known to former residents as. the "Sherriff 'house." ; .• THAT' Mr. and °Mrs: : Art Wood cock, who were living . at the:. "Griffin"° place 'north of. the-. CNR' `station, recently moved to the Ashfield. 'f arm: home of Keith' Blake,' :known . at t h e "Steve Stothers ,place" THAT 'four members of local Wo- men's Institutes • are. this week attending the Officers Confer ence at the University of Guelph May: 5th' and 6th. `Mrs. Allister Hughes, Kairshea W.I.. and Miss ' M. Rutherford; ' St.. Helens WI. `will :in the group for . Tweed- smuir weed smuir history curator,; Mrs. G Whitby, Lucknow, :Pres. group. 'Mrs. Harvey Houston, ,'Kairshea W.I. and Grey :Bruce Area Pub .• lie- Relations Gfficer will be lea-' der for one of .the discussion groups• for P.R.O:. • • YOUR "LOWEST ' PRICES" KRAFT 16 oz. Miracle Whip Dressing SAVE TO Ac. DISCOUNT ` 100 x 2 CUP' SIZE SAVE TO 16c Tea Bags Super Sale, cello pkg. : 69c KAM 12' oz. Luncheon Meat Sa e• SAVE : TO 13c 2tinS: 85c LIBBY'S 20 oz r SAVE TO ' 17c Pork&Beans—SaIe4tiflS89i. SCHNEIDERS Pure Shortening Sale:: TREESWEET, ALL 48 ;oz. Sale Orange . Juice ' SAVE . TO 9cc • SAVE.. TG 19c ins99c-. WUTTICH'S 8's SAVE 6c Honey -Dipped' Donuts: k only 33c FLORIDA LARGE Gropefrutt :REALLY SAVE O. for: 59c WITH . $5.00 .CASH.: PURCHASE . HoIf-Gdlon Ice Cream SAVE' `2 y onl�-�= :HEADQUARTERS: FOR.. ALL GARDENING • We Sell For Less. 1. . •ita ues .Effective•' Phone..Lucianovy► .K2$ 3420 MAY. " 6, :' 7, 8.• NEEDS., THAT ; Mrs. Don Carter is em- mer Anne MacKenzie the dau- , • ployed at The Bank. of Montreal I, . ghter of Mr. and Mrs. , Hugh in town': Mrs: Carter ` is the for- i s .'Mackenzie of . Ashfield. PAINIS SEMI. GLOSS CILTONE and BLUE DIAMOND IN SHE LF COL &IRS FOR WALLS AND WOODWORK SUlin Latex Special Spatial 51.95.qt. 15.95: gal. REGULARLY -PRICED UP TO $3.35 ,QT. $10.55 GAL. Ciltone and Blue Diamond IN SHELF COLOURS FOR LING • NAND WALLS S' Special �5 qt Speckil $5.95 gal. REGULARLY 'PRICED UP .TO $$3.25 QT. $9.95 • GAL.. HURRY! HURRY! WHILE THEY LAST • ►T'',YoUFt'. SPRING• DECORATING. CENTEE (.t, PAINTS • FI4ONEr 5284434 ec SUNWORTHY• WALLPApE ... RS�.' LU WOW . • •