HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-05-05, Page 12*a '�wELVE THE WCKNOW SENTINEI ,, LI CKNOW, ONTARIO **4wlN**********ltN***** • • • ATLAS"BATTERIES, . AND. DUNLOP ,TIRES. AT REASONABLE PRICES I�IIe Have Purchase Precision Wheel Balancing Equipment TO BALANCE ALL' WHEELS FROM .13"' TO 18 i • •• • • • • • SeeUs For Wheel, Balancing And Wheel ' Alignment' r Repairs . To All Makes Cars And Tractors ' 2 LICENSED MECHANICS • .. CHURCH NEWS .vie, Ki:ngarf, Kinloss,,.' Kinlough (Presbyterian a n d Pentecostal) Churches and ' the ' Kinlough Ev ST. PETER'S : W.A. ening Workers:. Mrs., Jim Smith The 'April. ' 'meeting of St, •Pet- i resided and welcomed' the lad- er'si. .A: was. held in the Parish..P W _ .: les • The WA: hymn.. opened' :the, Hall on Monday, April 19th. The meeting.• Miss Ma :: ; Boyle : read meeting. opened: with a hymn, ;fol -:Y the..scripture, .and: the. meditation lowed 'by, 'the W:A prayer and 'the was iven bMrs. Howard Thom- ' hom-,' Lord's :prayer. Mrs.Durgin •gave the Prayer : Partners ' ra r. ` ,The pson,.' Mrs: � George .Graham : and P ye _prayer. Mrs. Tom . Hodgins received. the scripture was read by Mrs: BMole.. offering. Mrs: Ernie . McComb The devotional was taken from from • Bervie gave a reading. the Living Messagewith all talo ..Jean;Sutton favoured . with a'•solo., ing some ,part. Mrs. Roberts gave . ; Mrs ; : Donald'. Chadbourne ' gave„ a a reading: reading 'Mrs... Tom Hodgins in Thank you cards were read and troduced the speaker, Mrs. R: W an n invitatio" from Kinlou h ' WA'. Stump, who:' ave a. splendid ad - was,. g g 1? received: to attend their. Eas- dress on Christian responsibility. ter week :meeting. The roll'call, Mrs'. 'Harold - Haldenby thanked was ' answered by a. Bible' verse the speaker and. " .presented, her containing the word Risen. The with a gift .in 'appreciation.': Louise meeting closed with a, hymn and Husk of Kinloss sang a solo, fol- ra .er. byMrs, Roberts the .hos- :lowed ;b . a ,reading byMrs; Wil - toss, Y. .��;. Y g Gess Mrs. .red M � uillsem- fred Shantz. Mrs. King and Mrs:: lunch k w , h . Pritchard, of . Lucknow ' :favoured. with a lovely • duet accompanied by . Mrs F. `.Mc,Quillin. Jean Sut- ton sanga solo. The' closinghymn. was "I . know that my Redeemer lives", and . prayer. Miss ; Edna.; Boyle was, organist..Refreshments were 'served ' and a 'social. ;:time enjoyed, ' • Hackett's U.C.W., '. 'The April meeting of Hackett's .United -Church Women was'.lteld in the church on Thursday.-' The. theme being. Hands., Mrs.• ' Cliff Menary opened the meeting with a hymn, followed by the Lord's prayer in unison'., Mrs: ' Donald: Hackett read the :scripture ..lesson. Luke 24: 36-47 ;and the commen- tary, "Behold my hands,' that is I Myself," was taken by` Mrs.' Ralph Cameron, followed by pray- er, by Mrs. Alvin ''Alton:, The rollcall:. was answered by 12, members with an Easter verse. Mrs., Alex, 'Hackett' gave ' a • read • ing Praying Hands... Mrs. . Blake Alton fav red us with a •p iano number, "The wholeworld in His . Hands." . ' Mrs. Kaiser gave 'a reading, ' "Open ' your : Hands-:" • The May meeting will be held DUNGANNON (Intended' :For Last' Week) Dungannon.. U.C.W. The: U.C.W. met Tuesday even- ing in the Church basement, with twenty-four members present, the theme .. being Easter.. Mrs. : W. Brown opened the meeting with'ga reading , and prayer.. ' Mrs.. Cecil. Blake had '. charge of devotions. MGs. Arnold .Stothers read the.. scripture lesson.'and • meditation. Two films. of ` the aster' Story at . he. • home � of ...Mrs.: 'Frank � :Al � - _ -ton, were shown. Mrs. Harvey ' Alton ton, with a sale, of �liaking and Y plants. The meeting was dosed ; with an Easter ,:hymn;' ' followed by prayer.' Two quilts. were tied fol- lowing the meeting, and a social time '.enjoyed. • I(INLQUGH (Intended , IFor' 'Last Week) Easter Thankoffering• The W.A. Easter Thankoffering meeting ' was ' held ,: in the church. on. Thursday , afternoon. Guests were present from.'Lucknow, 'Bet- Lorne. Hasty., read The Legend of the Dogwood Tree. The roll call was ' answer- ed by; ' a . scripture . verse contain- ing "Risen." Mrs. » Lorne Ivers gave the .offerixig prayer. A, "May Fantasy" • . will be held . en , May 12th. featuring an .antique .display,'° candy : store, bake table and tea. Most of the sewing and knitting for the Children's Aid has 'been sent ' in: 'The mizpah benediction closed the meeting. Mrs '.Jack Alton conducted contests &. lunch was - served ;by ' hostess Mrs. Will Petrie,; Mrs. Jack Alton and Mrs. ANt RIPLEY MEAT MARKET: Cuslom Butchering A4ondays ' --' .Hogs, in by. 4:00 p.m. - CATTLE, CALVES and LAMS EVERY DAY, • EXCEPT, SATURDAY We do 'Curing and . Smoking . Beefy Pork and Larnb. Sold. Whole, Half or Quarter: •.• For \Better..Service, And Lower . Prices Call Ripley .100. ' CLAS. 11O0ISMA— ' Prop.• Area C.f)Orches_:::.At. Erskine,W.NL$L. (DUNGANNON N EWS'); (Intended For Last Week) On ":.Friday, Ap'rl 23rd, the W.- MS.. of Erskine Presbyterian Church, held their annual Easter Thankoffering meeting with a. good. attendance ,from Ashfield,. South Kinloss, Lucknow, White- church and Dungannon. • Mrs Andrew Gaunt of Mite - church sang a lovely solo. Mrs: Bill Ross of 'Ashfield gavee a read- ing suitable . for the Easter . seas- on. Mrs... Morgan -Henderson , of Lucknow also gave a 'reading. Misses Linda and' Peggy Hodges, Wanda : Wilson, Dorothy • Taylor and ' Mary Lou McAllister sang the ,(lovely old hymn "The Old Rugged Cross." Miss Dean McLeod of South Kinloss was 'guest speaker.: The 'theme of her talk was "How to Maintain ' the •`Flame of Mission- ary 'Enthusiasm • In Our ' W.M.S. Work." After a very', interesting meeting, .refreshments were ` serv- ed in.. the basement -of -the -church: HITECHUR.C'H ' (Intended For Last ' Week) Mr.. and Mrs. Wallace Conn and Mrs. Ronald Coulter spent .Friday in London and visited =with .George Connand.' 'Murray Coulter, stu- dents tudents.at Western University, this week writing .exams. , , Visitors with ': 'Mr. . and' ;Mrs. George Currie on Sunday . were Mr.. and .: Mrs. Frank McConnel; Debbie, Allan, Wendy, Carolyn, ,Heather, 'Mr. and Mrs. Jerry St. Marie,Shelley, Jackie . and ''Kim- berley, all, of London.. Little Donna Dawson celebrated her ' 4th: airthday on Saturday by having ,a •,birthday . party „with with guests• Doreen . Taylor,: Margaret and, Douglas .,.Arbuckle, Marilyn Congrain, Linda Machan, Brenda Nethery, ' Carol , and ' Kathy" Gal- braith, Darlene Coulees During,, the afternoon the little folks en- joyed games' and cdntests.=The' birthday tea table was enhanced with ..a birthday cake with' can- dles. The:, guests presented Don- •na with gifts. • • Mr. and Mrs. McT;nnes cif H nlyrood visited on ' Sunday with. Mr.. arid Mrs. Orville Tiffin. Mr. and Mrs: •Ross'. Smith and Cathv .returned. from: ;:Florida and;. spent 'the.' week -end with Mr. and Mrs. s. Russel Chapman. Bradley Smith who ' had visited, with '.his grandparents while Mr'.- and .Mrs. Smith were at. 'Florida, .returned he-ne to Toronto with them.. Miss `:Jean Tiffin . attended a chewer.. on Wednesday. e venins Teeswatertown hall, held in hon nr of ,bride-to-be Mits. Bessie Mofr: fat.. ' . Children of Chalmers Church On Sunday the Children . of. the Church of Chalmers Presbyterian' Church' met; during church;' ser .vice in • the • church :school room. Th'e leader, Mrs. Hugh 'Simpson, gave the, • call : to. 'worship. a poem, God. is a Loving • Father'. The wors hip song was sung: The elec- tion of officers was. held nr.es- ident Ruth Elliott. secretary Mary Lou Wall, treasurer 'Irene De Boer, pianist Darlene Simpson, Robert Watt received the offering and the prayer was given by Ce- cil 'De . Boer, The. new Study :Book `Neighbours' was ' started. The first, §~'tory, •The. New Home, was the lesson and told about a Dutch family who had come to :Settle in Alberta. Eileen ..De • Boer. brought along with her' many ar- ticles which she displayed that had' been .sent her from' her friends in 'Holland. Prayer was, given by Linda MewhinneY Mrs: Earl Cas- tick conducted .a.• contest, People of ' the' 'Bib'le A hymn was. sung and the 'meeting°, Closed by re- peating the Lord's Prayer, .in ung, isdn. ; • . . Those ' attending t h e WAILS. Thankoffering service at Dungan- non Church on Friday from Whitechurch ,were Mrs'. Earl Cat - lick, Mrs:. Donald MacDonald, Mrs, Frank Coulter, Mrs; Andrew Gaunt, Mrs. Johnston Corin and Nits. Victor. Emerson.. Mrs.'s" An-, drew Gaunt ' sang a. solo accom- parried by Mrs. Johnston Conn on the piano. WEDNESDAY, MAY Stli, 1965 by Bill Smiley FRIGHTENING, ISN'T. IT?. Are • you ' frozen with terror, these days? : Youre ' not? Then wake up, you, vegetable. You're supposed to be. Haven't ` ' you noticed the.' • rent= less campaign toscare , the living daylights out of us; ordinary. ,souls? There Seems to be 'a con-' spiracy, in the communications. • media, to put you and me and: our . wives and ' kids into a per- petual state of fear. Advertising is the most prev- alent, though not the most ` pow= erful, weapon of. the . scaremong err. It • is suggesed . that if . we. have `greasy :hair eik a greasy sink, we're sunk; that if we don't, use a certain soap, we.., stink; that if ' we don't drink a. man's beer, we're a bunch of you -known whits. • Well, all this is enough to • set up a ,certain nervous tension. in the ordinary, amiable chap: What man 'wants . to admit. he's ::a fail-. :ure 'because he can't rush :out . to his friendly neighbourhood . deal er :•and snap up.: an 'all-new" Super AuroraBorealis Shooting Star Sedan, with safety belts? Or has dandruff? But this is 'for the, .morons: Yon. know, all :. the people who don't read this . column: If.. they -want to 'wind, up • with acid' stomachs, upset .nerves, migraine' headach- es : and 'irregularity., as constipa- tion. is . now known; serves' them: right. •Anybody : who is frightened by that kind of advertising de- serves it. .. But • it' is not : on •: the humble commercial -watcher that the big guns •of . the • horror -brigade are. trained': It iv: on the serious, read- er -viewer. 'They have moved, lock, stock and ' frightfuls, into the. newspaper,, magazine, book . and. "serious" TV .field. 1 ;, Every time l pick' ' up, leaf through, or 'switch on one 'of. these media, somebody is • trying frighten-/ : the' wits out of • me:abo(it ,. sonriething.. It's a bit` hard for .a fellow to 'cope with: Black }headlines ' or . 'graphic pictures suggest .that I'm sup- posed to be shaken rigid about Communists and, 'cancer-. ' birth •control and' bingo; high . school drop -outs and homosexualism. Simultaneously, . . I'm • •supposed to Abe. stricken' by integration •and insulation: If I'm not in favour of the .former, , ';there'll 'be • a ter- rible bloodbath: If. 'I'n. agin the my heating .billwill: soar. Sometime during the day,. I'm supposed to be .whimpering in'.a corner "because • of: high-priced funerals; the computer, which' is going to put me :out of a, job;: the unfulfilled housewife and all that leisure time hm going . to have next, • "year,. 'when automa- tion takes ,'over,' You'll notice I haven't even mentioned nuclear fission, Which. is old hat, nor the squirrels :in' my attic who at this, moment, according to. an .article, are chewing 'my wiring to. starta fire in which we 11 all be �creinat. .ed, - and db whe .have.::enough incur. ance? If .,.people werer+'t °basically . so tough, sensible, and m,i ffl they'd all 'go to bed and pull the covers over, ..their-.,heads.._Fortunately, we're as sensitive as; .an oldrub- ber boot. But, in case the scare- aist, ibutors are boteri.you, let me give you a , formula that is guaranteed', to steady ' the ner, yes. One .thing 'at' a time. Communists- most ' of us •are.'. twiceas scared ,Of ' our wives as we :are, of. the. Red menace. . Juvenile .Delinquents hit them on the 'head.: Hard. Cancer = --you; want to -live -for,„ ever? Creeping ,Socialism ; - - better than the galloping : type. The Computer —,,so who want- ed .a .job in the first,' place? Leisure Time" - : be , happy, to have' a chance to sit on your butt. Unfulfilled Housewives.. fill. them., • Population . Explosion — see Birth' Control also Nuclear •Fis-, §ion:. ' .High -Priced Funerals - 'you don't, have to pay. • 'And so on. ASHFIELD (Intended' For Last Week) Mr. and: Mrs.' Stephen,'' Elliott and`Billand Barbara.. visited with Wm. MacDonald: last : week. •. Misses Anna and"'Charlotte Mac- Kenzie of Weston spent a: few `da �s sPy with their sister, Mrs. Earl How- es. Mrs. •D: R. MacKenzie' cK, enzie' visited with,her brother. ,in Lendesboro recently. . 'Mrs. George Leadbetter:'. spent Easter week ' with, her mother Mrs. Colin MacGregor. ' • Rev; ` MacLean of .; Clinton. was, guest- preacher in Ashfield. Pres- bytmily erian NChuightrch last Sunday. Fa An annual event of Easter week was held on Monday ` evening when.. Miss Sadie •Johnston, .pres- ident. of the W.M6. `conducted Family Night. Mrs. Alvin 'Robb. read the ::: Scripture Lesson .and meditation.. The children of' ` the Church . gave 'the Offertory Pray' . •er in unison.. Mrs.. ,Jack MacKen-' zie sang a. solo: and the Explorer; group a chorus. The . C:G.I.T. girls. sang a :chorus and• Florence Mac- Lennan • a ' solo. ' Miss • Sadie John- son led in prayer. Rev `,:Neil Mac- Combie• showed`. a film and lunch" wag served in the kasement Think twice , before you : speak.. ' if you: intend to . say what you think. ILDING ,SUPPLIES , a Plywood, Prefunished . Wall .Panels, • Flame Resistant Ceiling Tile WESONT. LUMBER • LUCKNOW PHONE '528.2969 MONUMENTS For sound counsel a'nd a fair priee on a monument correctly designed from quality. rhaterial',, rely on SKELTON MEMORIALS Pat O'Hagan, 'Prop. • Established Over Suety Years Walkerton r :: Phone $$'1.-0234 Ontario