The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-05-05, Page 10f T3' 7:1,111!!!!..475101111Q4MadflUiteseWitiff= 11117,7 44. THE LOCKNOWSENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO In ; the 'dedicated, service of all, Salvation Army workers make no distinction of race or creed.They are alwaysy ready to assist victims of poverty, rt , P e Y;.,,. per- sonal tragedy and disaster. Delp The Salvation Army to give aid and comfort whenever it is needed. EN YOUR HEART TO T IELD APPS t.IICKNOW LEGION WILL CANVASS IN .SUPPORT OF THE• RED SHIELD' 'APPEAL::THIS ; THURSDAY,' MAY 6th.' T. HELENS Mrs. David Gilmour and. feray of Toronto spent ' • a days with her 'parents, ;Mr. Mrs. ;Harvey : Webb. ,Mrs.' Roy Hawley and Leslie Anne of Oshawa have been visit- ing for awhile : with 'her 'parents, Mr. 'and'' Mrs, Lorne Woods. +Roy. .-Hawley :spent the week -end at :the. ,Woods. home.. . ;The May meeting, of the W.I. :wilt be held /on Thursday, May '6th.' at 2:30, in the hall. Mrs. M. Rayner. of Lucknow will ' be guest, speaker: At. this meeting the Pen nies for Friendship Bags. will be collected; Sale of bulbs & plants. Jef- few: and Benny :and `Billy Thompson. of London are . holidaying' with their grandparents : Mr: and Mrs. Gor ': • DOUGLAS POINT OPENS The Information -.•Centre at the Douglas Point` . Nuclear Power Station re -opened ;the 1965 season on Sunday, April 19th. The : Centre will be open on: Sun- days only until • May 22iad : when daily ' 'operation , from 10:00 a.m. to 5':30: pini. will begin. Mr David Slater will be on hand to describe the •work\; being carried out at Douglas Point. This is .the.• fifth' year of: oper- ation of peration.:of . the Douglas Point In- formation Centre which .'has been visited •• b nearly 200,000 :people since it was opened in: 1961. Vis- itors to is-itoors;to the Centre will see a new:. film on construction of.. the `sta- tion:. and be :,able to •visit .' the dis plays and. models at the Centre. Jori' McPherson t:Is Your Subscription Renewed?. • LOCHALSII4 Sympathy: is;. extended to 'Mrs. Duncan Farrish in the death of her Mother Mrs: Robt Johnstone. Of Detroit. Mrs. . Johnstone.. was, buried in Ripley ;en Friday—Sym- pathy' ,also riday...Sympathy'.:,also ` goes to Donald k`. MacKenzie as Mrs, Johnstone, was his sister. Mrs.' ?rank MacLennan has , re- turned home from. a trip to. Mon-• treat. f A. very successful auction' sale was held' for Mr. and. Mrs, Roy. McKay ..on Tuesday. Mr. Donald Simpson' purchased the farm.. The McKays recently dost their , house by fire. Several from the area., attend- ed the reception . in Kincardine on Friday night in honor of Mr.: • and Mrs. Jim •Farrell. Mr. Rod MacLeod: has return- ed to 'his home in Medicine Hat, Alberta, after spending the 'win:. `ter` with his brother Kenneth :and;. sister Margaret, here: Spending ` some time with Mr. and .Mrs.. Bill Farrish is Mrs Elizabeth Cook' of Batavia, N.Y.. Mrs. Finlay MacDonald a n d George spent. the past week • in Detroit, with relatfues. M r8 Oliver MCCharles held , a meeting at her . home . on Tuesday afternoon:. for members .of • the Lucknow. Agricultural Society, who were . responsible. for . finalizing plans .for the Centennial Fair prize list. A- . shower for 'Miss Alice Van. der Veen, :was , held recently ..at Mrs. Ewan' MaeLean's . home by friends of -the 'bride-to-be A social time. was .enjoyed'.. a, n d : Alice thanked 'her friends to r ' their• thoughtfulness. 'Mr. Oliver' Barkwell has .return ed. home .from hospital, much proved in health;. •Back . in the community are, Mr. and Mrs: Jack McCreight who spent the winter in Detroit Friends in . this district .of; •'Mr. r' Herb Ensign will be', sorry to learn :.he is a patient in Wing ham : hospital A • number of grade ;13 students from ' -this area ..were in London:. recently; attending the play "'A man for all Seasons at ' London 'Little Theatre Among•: them' were Phyllis 'Bradley, . Esther. Gibson,. Joyce Thorburn, John McCharies' and Rod'. .Finlayson.' • Visiting . his parents •: Mr::. and Mrs.: Lloyd Cline, is their son" Angus who is stationed with the RCAF,:in Germany. ' Angus, is° pre- sently taking a short course in. Centralia, :. CARBON 'MONOXIDE The motorist who sits in his parked . car. with :the • engine' run- ning should make sure that the windows are open, . even if only for; . a few "inches. The ' fumes of carbon. ' monoxide . could . permeate the car and. asphyxiate the driv- er aiid passengers if this danger- ous angerous . invisible, odorless and taste=, less gas is inhaled, NEDNESDAV, .MAY' .Sth, 1965 r • 1963: DODGE SUBURBAN 8 Cylinder, Automatic And Radio 1963 DODGE 8 Automatic, 4 -Door; Orae: tOvMer 1961 PLYMOUTH 4 -DOOR: . 8 Cylinder, Automatic 1961 VALIANT SUBURBAN 4 -Door 1961 FALCON STATIONWAGON -1.960 METEOR 4 -DOOR 8' Cylinder, Automatic .> 1960 DODGE 6 Automatic,' .One' Owner; 1960 DODGE"' 4 -DOOR ,/ ; Sedan, 6 Standard Shift / 1959 ; CHRYSLER 4 -DOOR :. Sedan. 1959 PLYMOUTH FURY 2 -Door Hardtop, :8 Automatic, Radio 1957: FORD . STATIONWAGON 8 Cylinder, Stick 1960 'BEDFORD VAN 4411.1 )TORS Your ;bodge Plymouth ; Chrysler '' Valiant Dealer: ' JOSEPHINE. STREET WINGHAM . � PHONE 357-3862 Bruce.(otifltyF�lkt School At. Wiarton Bruce County.. Federation of Agriculture sponsored one of their ` most : successful .'. annual Folk Schools . which was held at Bruce: Motel near' Wiarton during. the Easter vacation. This was the opinion of the 22 participants who attended. Three delegates from. Greys County . joined: the ' . •Bruce members, Victor Morrow, secretary -field-: man .. of • 'Ontario. Folk. School Council was full-time leader.. .He .was .assisted- by, Darrel. Flaunt of Guelph University who led a dis- cussion on "What are • the farm'- er's goals?", He 'stressed that in farming . you :are more apt to gradually accumulate. more • as- sets than at most ' other . types of EEDfNG PROGRAM a concept in hog feeding .�cuts feed costs grades :.: increases profits! nderson Flax LUCKNOW' CUT FEED REQUIREMENTS by up to 5Q ib. • per hog with. "the anew SHUR-GAIN Limit- Feeding' Prograr . a . MORE . GRADE A's MARKETED because the limited energy feeding with the SHUR-GAIN Limit Program helps control the development of excess fat, 'allows hogs to grove more lean meat... Y OCKIET THE EXTRA DOLLARS :available from.' lower feeding costs per 'hog, extra . returns from more 'A' Grade hogs. 'marketed.. , limit hog feeds,• phone 2840426 occupation ` off the , farm. Mrs. Donna • Mae Holm, home econom- ist, and Mrs. Les. ;Pilgrim dealt. with . food and clothes buyman- ship, It is wise to keep exact ac- counts of ' household .expenses .to. get a clear picture of where your money goes. Mrs:'' Hugh :.McIn : tyre.,' gavea thrilling address on; Canadian .poets • and • made the- members . appreciate our own' Can- adian poetry This culture 'theme'. was.. enlarged by a musicteacher of Wiartdn who had the topic' -.Two panels started good dis- cussions; "Attitudes•'' towards lei sure':and retirement" was ° led by Jim powers,. Harold Wolfe and Duncan •Convay. We; • . need .' a strong. faith in people. and ln God!:" ,4 We, need to be,. interested: hi people. "Attitudes towards Lead- ership" wasled.. by 'Bob. Misch, Alf ' Brunton,' 'Duncan . Conva ., Y, Alex ' Leith, ._ Miss Wanita Diebold' and Mrs. Ronald Slade. Leaders are not 'wholly responible for a& tien..but . members are: All, these 'sessions• developed the ., 'general ' theme z'Living Life to the Fullest." A trip to the .:'Cape ' croker. Reserve helped the part- icipants 'to• appreciate out • In dian :culture,. The ..group- was inet by Chief Wilmer- Nadjuvan and'' toured the ..factory . where: the In - dins :are learning woodworking skills and using. these :skills to make picnic 'tables and other; native handicrafts. A second trip to a, large maple syrup' • Blush -was an interesting experience., This is an old industry -which' the while ,man ;learned from the Indian: , As usual Fun Night, planned and staged by members; was a, tremendous success. Jerry Kreut- er '`led the evaluation •'discussied when ' members went over the• past four days'', program. ' .Mrs. Ronald Slade was registrar and ' • in charge of arrangements, Tota Convoy and ' Ernie 'Ciuley were appointed ' to attend, the Folk on Schooltoon annuMayal 6. meeting in Tor - Once' again, a Folk School col* posed of ' .teenagers, -Men and women had provided a means of learning 'new skills, gaining in= formation and training in how to. use.. sk" is at home as well as good recr ati n, All felt adult oduea, tion can be anenjoyable expos* ieeanreneingaSfervilll asagesa nieaz1s of . . .