HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-05-05, Page 6PAGE SIX • 'IFAMQRE AEYEN . *IfEAT 1$ Ye /R ELE'CTR/ ' NEATING: YOU SHOULD • WE'VE THE ELECTRIC HEAT ''KNOW- HOW" POLLOCK. ELECTRIC PLUMBING -WIRING PH.190 RIPLEY Sid 45. Lorindale Ave -2 Apt. .301 • Toronto, March 27, 1965 l Mr. p. Thompson; Lucknow, ` Ontario Dear Mr. Thompson On :page 9 of ; your .recent :Sen- tinel, we note the following, March 15th, 1945. "Wm. Akin driving :a. log truck; an s accident ' to: Harry Carter's son, his 'horse took, fright,. and the son killed:" .' Who is this Wm Allin you . men- tion? My father, Mr. Wm/. , Allin never . drove ; a truck lie was in business in Lucknow. for 50 years, and.: died in 1922. My , sister and I would like you to ': put this 'straight. • Itcertainly. could, not be our lather, as he : had . been dead for 23.. years:. ' Sincerely yours, Bertha Allin Editor's Note: What . the 20 year ago item actually Said was that Harry Carter, son of Mr. and . Mr. ' .Peter Carter, Kinloss, was seriously hurt ' . and the horse he /'was riding; : killed :' His horse took fright when meeting` . a. log. truck .:driven' by Wm •Allin . and plunged in' front' of the truck. The Wm. Allis referred to did live in Lucknow and :' did . drive "a ,truck in recent years and was "known - to the writer. The Wm. Allin that the: Letter .Tit The" Editor.: refers to was of an -earlier: generation and • as ' the letter .says died `. in 1922. We believe most: of the rea- ders are.. familiar : with the' Wm. Allin referred to in the article. TNI. •LUCKNOW SENTINEL,. LUCKNOW. ONTARIO Reids Corners 11� : Elects Officers 'CAMBERLEY and; DIsirgtc ); Mrs..; . W}lliaun Ferguson;. presid- ed • for ..the annual meeting' of Reids Corners, Women's• Institute on . Thursday,; • April 290. .There was an attendance of twenty- four; After the opening exercises the • roll call .was answered by giving a • `Resolutioir to make .life easier," and by. payrnent of lees, followed by the treasurers .report.. Mrs. Kelvin. Henderson .read .the. minutes " of the annual . meeting for, 1964. Mzs. William . Ferguson conducted a quizthe. different levels of; Insti'ttite officers, : also a quiz on • prominent men, . of dif- ferent , countriesofthe, world. ,Mrs.: Cecil Holland, . District Director. who attended the meeting which was herd at Belmore . recently, gave her report. A debate, con- vened • by Mrs • Bob Courtney,. "Resolved that a woman's place. is in home rather than in bus- iness." Mrs. B. Courtney, , and Mrs. Bill_,_+Kempton . upheld the positive and a Mrs. Len Elms and Mrs. positive. Henderson : the neg- ative. Many good' points •were brought out and humorous ideas from the, 'audience were enjoyed. Mrs.. Cecil Holland presided for the' installation` of.. officers for 1965.. President, • Mrs. William Ferguson; 1st vice-president; Mrs. Chester Emmerton ' • 2nd vice-pre- sident,, ' Mrs. ••.Cecil ''Holland;: re-. cording secretary' and • treasurer? Mrs -Cecil Humphrey; correspon- ding secretary, Mrs.. Murray Wal- den; district director, Mrs. Cecil Holland; alternate district direc- tor, Mrs. Gordon Ernmerton; Branch: directors, .Mrs. Eldon, Lowry, Mrs. Noriss Messenger, Mrs.. Sam Gibson 'public rela tions, .Mrs. Arthur :Courtney; . pi- anists, Mrs Bert Irwin,, Mrs. R. Campbell,• auditors, Mrs Mer- ' vyn. Funston;' Mrs: , C. Emmerton; Tweedsmuir History, curator;. Mrs; William ' Courtney; 'assistant -cur- ator, Mrs Donald Courtney; Cit-. izenship :and, .education, .Mrs. E1, don Bradley; Agriculture & Can- adian Industries, Mrs. Sam Eno-• blen; Historical " research,•Mrs ° William 'Courtney; Home '.econom- icsand; health, Mrs:. Leonard.. Courtney; Resolutions, .Mrs. '•`Kel- vin Henderson; ` Cultural ' •activi- ties, ' Mrs: Melville Henry; Current' events, Mrs..John Reid. Mrs. Ro-' bert ' Courtney • and, Mrs William Kempton sang .two pleasing • num-: bers, and after the ode and grace;. lunch was served by' Mrs. Cher-' ter Einmerton and committee charge: Your Subscription UTE MODEL USED CARS Of...tOst. Weeles 1964 BUICK "Le SABRE" 4 -)Door Hardtop, Automatic, Power Brakes and Steering, Radio,' Whitewalls,,Washers, Can't Be Told From New 1961 CHEV "BISCAYNE" Sedan, Automatic, Radio, One 1961 VOLKSWAGEN '"DE LUXE", A Clean 'Oni ,1959 cHEvRoLET "BEL AIR!' Sedan, Has Been Completely Reconditioned', Try. It; You'll •Buy It• • 1963 G.M.C.' Ion, A Sharp One; "Hurry For This One" • 1510 C'HEV 'DELRAY" Coach, Cheap Transportation .195/: CHEV. "SEDAN!,!, AwaY Above .Average a:n 1-9th..Artniviticify LETTERS TO THE EDITOR, NewMar,ne Post O.fflc� .At Thorold Ottawa;, April 30, 1965. • The Editor, Lucknow Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario.; Dear. Editor, The , enclosure ' is a photostatic copy of the reply which, I re- ceived pursuant to .representation. made on behalf :of sailors -in the County of:Bruce ' ,who. were ' con ceried 'with,' .the ; closing -'of: the Port iColborne Marine, Post Of • fice:. The announcement 'to provide a .delivery.: service to be located at Thorold, Ontario' 'will 'be. 'ap- preciated' by those. concerned.. With -my kindest :personal re- gards, ';'. ' Yours sincerely, • John Loney, M.P. Federal Member for Bruce ,Ottawa 8, •Ont. . 21st April 1965 Mr: John Loney; House' of Commons Ottawa .4, Ontario Dear Mr. Loney This ,has .. reference to .your .con versation of the • 13th • April with Mr. ,Bosa :and to: your letters of 'the sanie date; with respect to the recent decision to close '. the Marine, •Post. Office at. Port ' Col borne, .:,Ontario ,I would first like .= to stress -that we want .to, ensure that there is no 'misunderstanding,' not only with respect'. to ..the Unavoidable closing 'of this . Post :Office but, also, ::regarding • our • approach to; the question. of postal service gen erally on the • St. Lawrence Sea- way. We are very valet.'" aware .of the problems 1.and • difficulties. .that are: encounteredconcerning postal service by . the 'seamen and; vessels trading bothin • the Wet- land''the.' St.. Law rence . Seaway. In fact, this mat ter has been of . concern to us for .some time and, only' recently, was the subject of 'a comprehen- sive .Study with a view. to •improv= ing the situation. It should be explained that pos- tal service was available at the Port Colborne. Marine Office' : 24: hour s ' per. day: Service was pro- vided•. by. employees , of the St. Lawrence .Seaway Authority who, 'although, •they were, engaged for performance of other duties, were able to provide the limited ,postal service whenrequired. However, following a reorganization of the Welland Canal ' System by ' the Au- thority, the employees who,. prev- iously were in a position to pro- vide' ro-wide' any services required, were transferred to other duties: However,` since :the decision was taken to' close this office we, have had a considerable_ . ammount..of' cor- respondence and- discussion with interested parties which indicates that the main cgacern and cause for complaint ° ihvblving the loss of the Port . Colborne Marine Of- : fice is the ''delay, in delivery ' of mail to employees of theships that are using the 'Canal System., In . view of the foregoing, we againtook this matter • up with the St. Lawrence Seaway 'Author- ity, in .*order to determine. wheth er ,it would be practicable 'to es-- tablish delivery facilities in lieu. of those formerly provided at the Marine Office. As a result of this subsequent . ` discussion and study and ' with the complete co-opera- tion .of the St. Lawrence Seaway Authority, I am. pleased to inform, ygu 'that arrangements have now: :been concluded to provide a de- livery service to be located at Thorold;'. Ontario. . This proposed new office .will provide forthe delivery of mail,. both ordinary, and registered, and will also provide for the posting of mail. Postage stamps will be 'available through stamp vending machines, The. office will be known as "Thorold Marine and it, will ' be opened as soon as .'acs commodation can• be .provided which is expected to be by the 1 Seed Grains arwick Seed Corn ..; BI osts Huron Presbyterial At the • executive meeting of Huron 'UCW Presbyterial held „in Blyth United•Chureh, April 5, with the President Mrs.' Gilbert Beg - croft in:.the: choir, an .invitation to hold the 1966 Presbyterial in, Clinton was accepted. Apprec- iation of the work and devotion of. retiring executive. menibers was expressed. - .PlanS are being made to again hold a day Of. retreat for 'the re- newal of faith at the Gederith Summer' Sphool and for a half- day of the October Rally to be. a workshop for, practical help At ;Mrs. Arthtir Jackson revieWed and. re'coirrinended far reading `.`The Cross arid the Switchblade' by Rev. David Wilkinson. and Out- reach, a resource book, for Inis- Local UCW's will be' asked to appraise proposed changes of pro- cedure regarding the Unified' Bud- get Fund. This. fund will be sug; present but the Contributions at the congregational leVel' would be channelled tO the Unified Budget Fund together- with., the contribu- tion .ftom the congregation as a whole, Procedure would be set Up to keep, accurate and separate re; cords within the congregation and regular reporting te •Presbyterial and Conference. • Appointments were made' to the various committees: Christian' el..' tizenship and. Social Action: Mrs. Mrs. H. Currie, Hensall, Mrs. W.. Mothers,. Blyth, Mrs. Edwin Mil- ler, R.R. 3. Exeter, Mrs, Willis Van Egmond, Clinton. • . Co:operation in. Missionary and Christian Education, Mrs,. Nor - than Clairmont, Goderich, ;chair- 'Mrs...Nortnan Holland, Olin - have written to us on this Sub. jeet as well as all whO are known to have . an interest 'in this ser- rangements will meet With . the opproval•of 'all concerned and will overcome the difficulty of. mail You sincerely, Alexi Caren - ton. Presbytery manse. commit- tee, Mrs. Allan McTaggart, Brus- Finance, Mrs. Robert. McKer- cher, Dublin, .chairman, Mrs. Ge- orge Michie, Brussels, Mrs. Brock Olde, Clinton, Mrs. Alvin McDon- ald, Brussels, Mrs. G.'. W.' Tiffin, Wingliain,. Mrs. Gordon. McClin7 obey, Auburn. • man, 1Virs. Earl, .Rowe,, Hensall, Mrs. - Elgin McKinley, lurich, Mrs. , Allan McTaggart, ..Brussels. Nominations,. °Mrs, Stan 1.e.y Bride, Fordwich, Mrs. Jack, Rea - vie, Wingham, Mrs.. H. Phillips,. Blythi Mrs: N. Reid, Walton, Mrs. S. E. Lewis, Exeter, Mrs. Allan , Delegates tO the' Alma :College - 'School lor Leaders are Mrs. G. Beeeroft, Mrs. J. vReavie Mrs. L. Porter aS alternate and 'te regional conference /at Mclylos-. ter 'Unixersity;,' Mrs: 'G. Beecroft and IVIrs,'G. Michie. KINLOSS • Margaret MacIntyre, daughter a Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mac - Zayre, underwent a tonsilleetomy 'operation. -in -Winghain District.„. 'Hospital On Thursday. Carol Stanley' of Stratford' ig en- joyirig a vacation' at the home of her .parents Mr„....and Mrs. .Harold Stanley. ' Carol has accepted 'a nursing position in a Calgary hoi- . pital, starting there June ist. There were more fishermen than fish on May 1st in thiS atea, The' vireather. was wonderful but the water is still very high'. in the trout Streains. Archie MacDonald of Kitchener nand Stewart MacDonald of Harn- • ilton were up fishing and visited at the home , of Mr. and Mrs, Ira Dickie, . South Xinloss .Y.P.S. met ,Sun- day evening at the home of gr, and Airs. Cur.rie Colwell, The Bi - We Study ivas based on St, ,Paul, the first 'foreign. missionary. All members took part in the stady, quiz and discUssiOn which follow - Tractors are beginning to roar day and night as farmerS rush to get ..the • spring seeding. done. It is' an exceptionally late start thit year,