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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-05-05, Page 4
• It PAG POOR drN • THE LUCKNOW • SENTINEL, LUCKNO ONTARIO WY • W.EDNES©A 407,/1r' :.ate --171c4; A 4 !r 1�iir�r"rr,o'rl� . M. MYw. • M. " F•OR SALE ':C M...girl's bi- C cle�,' Allister MacKay, , R.R. Y Alli ....t yr Ripley, phone\ 128-r-25. FOR °'SALE. - Table and`. seed. ‘potatoes. ' John: ,Rutherford,, phone 5284744. „'• FOR SALE kitchen cabinet, dresser and writing desk. George Whitby, Lucknow, . phone 52.8.-3813. . FOR SALE •22 rifle, model 60, repeater, • Weaver scope;, complete Guide uniform., Mrs, Gerald Wag; ner, Lucknow, . phone . 528.3505. FORM SALE . —/ straw and;' cob corn,.delivered in truck load. lots. Frank Diepenbeeker, R.R.7 Luc - know. WOOD FOR SALE Hardwood or° softwood . slabs, in 10 cord loads. ' We Oliver. Borten i,itt,. sawmill, hon 892-9T ,. °water, VACUUM CLEANER .:SAL' SALES •and 'SERVI>E For' all makes, — Filter Queen Sales, Varna, phone .242-5859. FOR SALE a..,:nurnber of:, win dows .suitable for; barn,. $100 each. Contact Jack : Farrish,” Lucknow,' phone 528-3711. FOR --SALE'' — Large sizecold •wall' ,Frigidaire. refrigerator,in. good condition. Wm. Fisher, Luc know,L phone 528-3321. AUCTION SALE Allan Macintyre Licensed Auctioneer. Lucknow - ..Phone 528-3519. '.. • FOR , SALE ,': — square baled' hay at LangSide. Apply to Allister Stewart, Kincardine,. • phone 110-r 19:• FS.OR SALE i•'1964 Mercury, truck like new, .low mileage; : also quan- tity uantity . ofpoultry crates. ' A Brown, phone 181 Kincardine,: after 6:00 p.m. PROPERTY FOR SALE ' House, and 'double lots for sale on Stauf- fer tauffer St,, Lucknow. Apply to .Sandy:. MacLeod. FOR SALE Ford tractor, hy- draulic 3 point plow and disc, set harrows, heavy duty chains, $550:. Phone Ripley 38-r-4::.. STOVE FOR ' SALE 22" Beach electric stove Jim McNaughton, Lucknow; phone 528-3040 after 5.`30, FOR ' SALE -- Raspberry canes, Willamettes, heavy yielding :with. large flrm fruit. 00-' a ' hundred. Mrs. Leonard, Chisholm, Dungan- non, '.phone 529-7205. • HONDAS FOR SALE $50:40 down, $12.00 per month. P.L. and P.D., Fire and Theft $37.00. CUNNINGHAM MOTORS, Honda Sales & Service, Walker -- ton' 881-0740. ' FOR SALE - 2 brooder 'Houses,: sizes 10 x 12 and 10 x 14; , one el- ectric,. brooder. ' Lloyd::: ••MacDoug- all, R.R. 6 Lucknow;;• phone .Rip- ley 126-r-30. "JUST THINK .:MR. BERTON" (a little harder),: the; church'sre- buttal ,to ' "The` Comfortable Pew" is available. from Rev. J. R. King of Lucknow for $1.50. Those in=. terested in securing a copy should get in touch with Mr King. FOR SALE — Westinghouse hea- vy ;dutyelectric stove:: Mrs. '.Q11-; ver *Charles, R.R. 3, Lucknow, phone;. Ripley 4-r-4. '.FOOT TROUBLE? . Aching:feet, pains in legs, hips FOR SALE 55 .Dodge, 6•, cylin , and 'back, may ,be caused by un- der automatic, 51:. Pontiac; light due• pressure on your' feet. Why trailer,`• .with new. tires. Priced • not under no:obligation contact for :quick ' . sale. _ Apply ` . Joe, G. J. A. Vickers : F.C., Hanover. Charpentier, Kinlough, • Ontario. PLEASE NOTE: as of nowall business. ,:done;' by appointment„ SEPTIC .TANKS 'CL'EANED .. ONLY...Phone Hanover ;: 364-2280 Septic 'tanks, cess • pools, etcor write care of Box ;.387.. ;pumped .and cleaned with modern equipment.: All work; guaranteed:. CUSTOM 'BUTCHERING • Louis Blake, R. 2. Brussels,' phone ., Beef.and ..pork sold in . any quan- ity. Custom butchering in Govern • ment licensed abbattoir. Pigs every FOR SALE Frame : house,, 2 acres land. °in Ashfield, hydro, wa- ter and . 3 piece bath, 2 miles from Lake, 5 miles west of Dun- gannon.. 'Donald H. McKenzie, R.R. 1 Dungannon, phone 529-7155. FOR SALE Red Clover . seed, will trade for alfalfa; also: Herta barley suitable for seed, will trade on . oats; Selkirk spring wheat eat cleaned and. treated; alab 60 thicken feeders. Frank Alton, phone 529-7218 Dungannon. FOR'' SALE Diston Chain Saw, three . ' foot >blade,-, nen'chain; a number of. cement forms;used lumber and • planks; a : number of timbers. Contact , Jack Parrish, "Lucknow, phone 528-3711. 41, TRAVEL -:ON SALES 8 RENTALS FOR. SALE or .RENT New and used •tent trailers New Lakesider, sleeps 6; $399.00 Special -- On used C 10 model, Tagalong, sleeps- 4 $-199.00 "APPLY GORDON STEEPE, .R.R. 2 CLINTON SEED FOR `SALE Price per lb., ' Alfalfa 45c, Red Clover 30c, timothy` 30c, Empire type Birdsfoot trefoil , $1.00. All home grown, grade, 1• seed. Fo'r a good ;hay crop try, 8 Ib. alfalfa, 2 Ib. Red Clover, 5 lb. timothy, 4 lb:. Brome grass,' total 19 Ib., cost per acre $6.82. Our complete stock of clovers and grasses all. • at equally low prices. For your seed grain and grass seed re= quirements. See Roy Cramim and Son at . Pinkerton.. Phone 'Cargill 366-2394. • Tuesday:. Beef from M. o n d a .y through Thursday. BUTTONS MEAT MARKET CHARLES McLEAN R.R. 4 Brussels Agent' For Smith -Roles,. Sask- atoon and Guelph, Manufactures of Comet welders, air . compres- sors, electric motors, electric drill,, drill, fill augers, etc. • PHONE BRUSSELS 489 W 13" ASEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Vacuum cleaning and pumping of septic tanks, Ronald Forster, Lucknow, phone 528-3002,; manu facturer of cement septic tanks and well tile. GOOD HOUSE FOR SALE with all conveniences, new fur- nace, new• 3 -piece bath, built-in cupboards; situated at Lurgan. (across from Anglican church) known as the Les. Ray `property,, worth the ` money, good . terms. Thomas Harris, ,Ripley, phone 1.41-r-1 • FOR SALE . Hoose . on Ludgard St:, 4` rooms andbath, side drive, extra . lot, good value at $4,300..• Several choice building lots at reasonable prices. • 50 acre farm :on Highway, 86, 31k miles east bf ,Lucknow, brick s , .. �� S. c :hon e, oil furnace,, large 'barn, •$6,500. STAN KAY Phone 528-6493' ' AGENT • FOR Wilfred Marilee & Company Ltd., Walkerton, 'Ontario COMING EVENTS NEW CASH: BINGO Legion . Hall; . Lucknow, . every Thursday evening, .8:45 .p.m. 15 regular .game $f0:00-° each. 4 Share-The-Wealth:.games with jackpot included • .. in . each game.. NEED A NEW CART Jackpot this week $80.00 ori 56 calls. If you are intere seed in ' buying , . ' a .new or used car, contact John- ston MacLeod 102 Ripley, phone 102' TheGODERICI�I LIONS. BINGO : • The Goderich Lions will hold r-20. a• .bingo ' . on Wednesday, . ' May: 12th, 8:30 p.m. at , the ` Harbour lite :Inn, ` seventeen ` regular games at •$10,,;one share -the -wealth,. one $50 jackpot. and the 'new acceler.' ating jackpot up to $250. and -2 door prizes. Admission, $1.00. HAM AND', SALAD SUPPER • A Ham 'and '.Salad : Supper will be held at Nile 'United Church . en Wednesday, May 19th,.,. at 5:30 p.m : Adults: $1:25, School.• children 50c.. LIVESTOCK, . FOR SALE Ten GARDEN PARTY. SUPPER ` Hereford:cows with' ten calves 2 Tuesday,.. May•',25th .; months old:at � foot; twenty good from 5:30, p;m. to 8:00 :.p.m year' old Hereford cattle. Allister • Lucknow .United Church' Stewart, R.R. 2.: Kincardine, North Auspices : United Church. Women ' Line,' phone . 110-r-19.. :Turkey & Ham. ' Pies. & Cakes Adults •$1.50 Public .: School Children:.,75c. SAL 'DRESSES'. FOR SALE ; , three e formals, one .: turquoise size. 17, one yellow•' size 14, one pink size 14, all have • nylon. overskirt. Phone Lucknow .528-3005. FOR SALE - . 32 weaned pigs; 13 Holstein. yearlings, ° willingto ` keep until. -they can be putout for grass; hammermill with belt. Jelle de Jong, phone 26-r-11 Rip- ley. MAY 5th• 1965 5283134.. Teachers Wanted' :TEACHER .WANTED• The"'.Kinloss. • Township. Schgol: Area will, require for .September* 1965: • Male Principal For 4 -Room 'Central ' School ' One. Teacher, Grades 18, • For One . Room School . Apply stating, qualifications,- ex- perience . and . name. of .present in-• spector • to Allister Hughes, secre- tary.-treasurer, R.R. 3 . Holyrood. • TEACHER WANTED W e s: t Wawanosh .Township 'School Area '. requires a teacher for • ublic School, S.S. No 3. • Du �: s o commence September, PLANNING A PARTY? 1965. the intention or this For serviettes, . placemats, cows- board to d a new "Central ters, paper tablecovers and `-paper School... A,p ,y stating �qqualif ica lates for' all occasions see tl the tions andsalary expected, on or. p _ urY p selection . at . the Lucknow : Sentin- before Saturday, May 15th, 1965, el, phone 528-3134: ; ' to • Mrs: ; Joyce Stothers, secre- tary -treasurer, R.R. 6 ' Goderich. • RECEPTION A Reception will be held in the' Lucknow Legion Hall, on Fri- day, May 7bh, in honour : of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Foran (Trudy Thomson). Boyd's orchestra. Ev- eryone welcome: . MOTHER'S `;DAY' SERVICE The Mother's Day :°-Service of. the Lucknow 'Presbyterian' Sun- day : School will be held on Sun day morning, May. 9th, at 11:00: o'clock. Class members are asked to be present ' at 10:45 to march to ;the : church auditorium for the. service,. when awards for Sunday,. School and • Church 'attendance will be presented. SPECIAL AUCTION' NOTICE McLELLAND SALE; BERVI.E Cow, heifer and calf sale every Friday evening at. 8:30 Choice: • calves, • 9 days ` . to a month old, delivered free inlots of 10 or more. • ,Cow and 'calves can be bought on•, time. Interest rate as low as 6%. FARM FOR, SALE 150 acres, all workable, concession. °'12 Ash- field Township,' 85 acres . plowed, rest in hay and pasture, water pressure in barn and house, ' oil in ember 1965. 'Tenders .wi'll. furnace in house, barn 40 x 60;' be lee ivied h: the" 'secretor up new drive shed 32:"x:50. Howard . " y y to 'Saturday; May:.29th. Barger;; 12th concession of :Ash- Mrs. 'Joyce 8 others Secreta fill 1.Stothers, ry p /. Treasurer, R.R. 6 Goderich, On- tario. ENE. TENDERS WANTED' W: e s t ; Wawanosh Township •School Area. Board requires trans- portation;for approximately eleven pupils from S.S..No. 2section .to S.S. No. 17. section, commencing CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES COBBLER SEBAGO •1TAHDIN KENNEBEC GREEN MOUNTAIN D. R. FINLAYSON Phone 528,2903.' Lucknow FOR SALE : Chef • deep : fat fryer, for :,propane gas, never. used;, 2 General wood lathes No 260, 12", excellent condition; con- vector hot water heating 54" 'x 8' ` x 32"; 4 sections. of ' rolling wood; counter .shutters; forge . forge ex- haust fan.. May be seen and pur- chased at Wingham .District' High School: ' 'FOR SALE 14 • foot boat, . motor and: trailer; 1954 International' (184). cab . and. SOCIAL EVENING . 'chassis;;.' twenty 12" cement tile; St.Peters W.A. will . hold a so= air compressor and motor; sumpcement., cial evening in the' Parish Hall pump; D44 Allis ;Qhalmers ' with on ' Tuesday, May . 11th, at 8:00. industrial' loader; , Casecrawler.. p.m.'. Mr.,. T. 'Ramautarsingh will With loader and. scarifier; 1953 In- show 'slides': Everyone welcome. ternaina G180). with platform. dump, truck and, P.C.V. ; licence; . . , Y FANTASY � ; P ' MAY Plan to attend the "May Fan- . 1957 Mercury .pickup. Jack ' Far-. Fan- tasy„ 'at Dungannon U. n i t e;d rish, Lucknow; phone' 528-3711. Church on Wednesday, May 12th,: NOTICE NOTICE Beryl's Beauty Salon in Luck - now will be closed until further notice. WANTED WANTED: grass.;,for- 20 . g lin year=' Frank Diepenbeekerenbeeker R.R. p , 7. Lucknow. WANTED scrap metal; :goose and duck feathers new and used,• bags. 'A Brown, phone 181 Kincar- dine •:after 6:.00 p.m: - GOOD HEAVY FOWL WANTED - cash on. the farm. Call, The Ronnenburg • Insurance Office, Brussels, :Tuesday .:and Friday be- tween the hours of .10:00. a.m:' 5:00 p.m. WANTED milk -truck driver and gravel truck driver,' immed- iately. Coiling Brothers, Ripley; phone.Apply 163-r-16 ' — • • SALES HELP WANTED — MALE 2:30` to 5:00 pm. The; U.C.W. will.. FARMS FOR SALE. HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY . 95 acrefarm, lot ja2bicennfo...r2Kin-havehomebakmgh°candy:-.an- ...:Rawlei hbusinesssnowlossTownship; suias- gtique display',and a tea table' pre Up available in Bruce ' County. Write pared for you. tore or crop.; This property has for information Rawleigh, Dept. a . number of acres of cedar E-271-922- 4005 Richelieu -':�St. • St: swamp' and has agood su lof � y ' Henry,' Montreal. - � gravel suitable fon, crushing.• 15• acres, Lot 58,' Con, 1 Kin- WANTED -- two ' wheel trailer loss; ..Township; • 14 ,.miles north with high racks, in " good condi- of Lucknow on . which" . is si oat d tion. Don r Carter hone 528-3001, a six • room ' insul r c'- /t e. thr u. h P ...-3931 after .. ., b k house, o g the day or P. 528 garage and barn, Contact -•Mrs. .six. Arthur Clark, R.R.: 5 Lucknow, phone 528.2184, . •' COTTA�G•E A1131 • WA ` .nne . having a cottage to re982 t A'yatli. tAm• berley or Point Clar for the •B lastruce Jtwo n' weeks, ston'` ofBox July, contact er, Ontario. LOST LOST power take -off shaft off`. rake between Langside corner and ; .2 miles ` west of Lucknow, on ` 'Highway 86. Finder please phone 529-7465, T. Vander'velde. FOR RENT FOR RENT —' front apartment, self contained, ideal •for couple., Apply Lucknow Fruit . Market.. FOR RENT grass •farm. Wil- Liam Stothers, Dungannon, 529.; 7945, APARTMENT FOR RENT –2 in, Lucknow,• ideally located, • 3' rooms and bath upstairs, 3 rooms on main ,floor, partly furnished, available April 15th. W. L. Mac- Kenzie, Mrs.. Jessie Allin, phone Lucknow 528-3201. BRIDES-TO-BE ' — The Lack - now Sentinel • has the most • com- plete selection- of wedding invi- tationsand accessories' in the dis- trict. Three • sample albums ' to choose from in the privacy of your home ifyou'wish.' With each order of invitations or announce- ments you receive a Free . year's subscription to the paper and a Free • engagement announcement. Give us a calland you'll be wel- come to take the samples over- night to your home; The ' Luck - now Sentinel, phone 528-3134.: ADDITIONAL CLASSIFIED ON PAGE THi,RTEEN tl"tl CUCUMBER GROWERS 'WANTED Ricks of Canada would like more' acreage • of cucumbers.. ;Of. • fering five dollars more for 'N'n" Free3 and No. 6. Highest prices paid. • pickup at gate. • Write or Phone • . !licks Of Canada Dubn, Ontario ,Phone :30-rli3 Dublin John Van Rooy R.R. 3 'Goderich Phone -529-7438: Dungannon, Ont, or