HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-05-05, Page 2'4 ii'• PAGI TWO 1141 LUCKNOW SENTINEL, 'LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • .1 OR •N•*EIREPRE •E !.' I9eSIGME ODERICH - HIGHWAY`;8 1'4, MILES`EAST OF TOWN ° • . i•. • • . tl• • • • Flipper:•• • Both in Colori:: • i MONDAY, TUESDAY; WEDNESDAY, MAY . 10-11.12 • Doris •Day, John Gavin and Oscar Winner, : Rex Harrison BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 8 O'CLOCK NOW THUR ; FRI•, 'SAT., MAY 6,-7.8 7F.red MacMurray and Polly. Bfcgef Kisses for .My President•, Chuck' Connors and Kathleen McGuire "Midnight Lace" Color * *. avid Hemming and Jennifer' Moss ;Sing �.. ,find Swing"`.: THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, . MAY 13.14.15 Rock Hudson and Martha Hyer "BATTLE. HYMN" * * * • Tommy Steele and Angela Douglas "THE DREAM: MAKER" Both in Technicolor • • • i. ••. • i.. • •. • •` • • • • • .. •: •••••••••e •••••••••••....•••••••••e•••••• the music on Sunday, April 25. Music Recital AMB:ERLEY Sunday, the:' finest day of Spring this. year, broughtmany cottag- ers . to : their summer homes for the day;also to . enjoya dip in ., p the lake and boat rides.. Traffic. was fairly heavy from early mor- ning and throughout the day. With continued good, weather, 'farmers are. looking_ forward to, seeding ;op- erations. The warm sunshine , brought . ssppowdraps, 'crocus. 'and daffodils •out in 'bloom, ,sand here and. there - patches:.of lovely wild P`'urple' violets a r e a . welcome - „sight after, the cold spring days. Mr. and Mrs. RussellWeir '.of Collingwood ,•• visited. ;on Sunday with =.Mr : and :Mrs. Don ..Courtney and family. .A 'large crowd; attended ' the . , re ceptiqinKincardine BeachPa - v`1rofon Friday evening g of last week for Mr. and, Mrs. Jim ' Far- rell, 'newlyweds. . 0 . MrS'.: Leonard ., Courtney .and Mrs: Melvin ~henry` of : the second concession of, Huron .were ,recent hostesses. to the Hobo; tea group. of ' the: ,Evening Unit; of ,Pine Riv er. `United. 0 Church. Shirley Steele,' who is organist for the junior choir at Pine 'RRv er United . church, had. charge of • A rectal' of ; sacred.. music was given :: by •the ' students `of ;Huron West School on Sunday evening at Pine River United Church. 'Miss '. Jean' Campbell; music ;sup- ervisor, : directed t h e numbers, which ; were. enjoyed ' by the :.aud- ience. : On .The . ,• _!'. (L.D H S. News)`'.:•' The ". first of .May is here, ' and with it comes the biggest social. event of the year .= the "Spring Formal. May 7th is the date get fir ..the ;occasion and the theme is "On the Carousel". The big question for the, boys during.:. the last couple of weeks has been "To Ask or, Not to Ask." .Invita-, Invita- tions have'abeen sent out and, de-: corating plans ' will be fulfilled this. week. .The big moment- dur- ing .the "Prom" . will be . the crow- ning rowning` of 'our new "King and Queen:" : Mrs. Alvin Robb of : ' Ashfield is substituting in 'Home Econom- ics classes for Mrs. Jack Hewitt who broke her : hip during the Easter vacation. ' Get . well, wishes: -are sent .to . Mrs.. Hewitt from all "back:.. home." •.•G.•••w••BtE••EEB.•i.•BGGR•PBGG.GiG•BNt F' RIC .THE SQUARE !" GederiCb NOW . THURSDAY, FRIDAY,' SATURDAY,:. MAY .674.' ' • James' Darin, : Pamela Tiffin and Marilyn Maxwell • 2 AT; THE • • • • .The Lively. Set•• is • .. ••. • Pius „Disney's "BLUE . MEN.• OF. MOROCCO" 0 • • •• ! MON., .TUES.; WED'.,- MAY 10.11-12 adult entertainment :• •; Ja mes Franciscus, Suzanne • Pleshette, and Genevieve r Page 0 From Herman Woulk's original novel, • a roiinantic drama' • • • • • "Youngb'lood Hawke'Iv • . • } Color •:!, • 'THURSDAY, FRIDAY, 'SATURDAY, MAY .13.14-15 : : Peter Ustinov, Melina Mercuri and Robert Morley 1, An Academy Award performance features this Eric. .•' is; Ambler • • crime -comedy•- • • TOPKAPI"' ' . is • _ TnrCo1o• r • • r • • • COMINfs'. "The, Young Lovers" with Peter 'Fonda •• • • . 0e44611.40410•ee•e1,eeeioe••oss•Otil• ie06414e 4• : i : West. lUwi nOSh Let Gravel Contract The regular April meeting of the West Wawanosh :Township Coun- cil was held oir: the 13th with all members present, The minutes Were adopted " as read on, motion -by Couneiilors. Lyons and Smyth. - 'George . Smytk appeared :before. Council with regard to the pur- chase of the remains . of an'.. old,. horse-drawn ' grader. Councillors Lyons, and Jefferson made mo- tion ` to sellthe grader at ' the scrap price. of $5.00. Three gravel. tenders , were op- ened and "discussed: On a mo- tion' by .Councillors ..Smyth and Errington the tender of Joe Kerr Construction of Wingham for the crushing and hauling of approx- imately 9000 cubic yards of grav- el at 76c per "cubic yard was accepted. • The motion carried sub - jest to approval.' by' the • Depart' Ment of Highways of Ontario. Council , was informed `of the three 0 day 'school' for Road' Sup- erintendents to be held in; Guelph A request fromHallett :Town- ship in . connection v with . the pro- posed Central : School in. Hullett' whieh .had been , set aside at the March meeting, was :re=discuss-: ed. On a motion 'by Jefferson and. 'Smyth,, .. tentative'" approval was given' to Hullett to ' issue deben- tures for the building "of a Cen- tral School:.. The treasurer was', directed to purchase a new Canadian., flag for the Township Hall, on a 'ma tion by Councillors Jefferson and. Smyth. : The Road Accounts were pass- ed for payment...`on a motion by Councillors., Smyth and : `Errington: On a emotion by Councillors Jefferson.. and Lyons thefollow- ing general, accounts were :order- ed paid: • • • ,City of •;Toronto, treasurer,wel, fare, $21.57; George;. Humphrey, 3 'fox . ,bounties, $12.00, .Herbert' Finnigan 0 sheep 'claims, .$220.00 HarveyMcPhee, S livestock • in- spections, , $12.50; ; . Village ; of Luc linow;C; 2 fire' ,calla; ' George . Ken- nedy and ',Gerald er ' � Van Aaken , $150.00; Blyth District Fire Area,. (Roy' Hanna), $26.00; Mai tland Valle 'Conservation Authority, le vy for. 1965, $352.19; 'Goderich. Signal Star, warble . tenders, $4.- 90; : Joan, C. Armstrong, arch . fil- es; $3.45; The Municipal World, treasurer's .. supplies, $10.75 Ed- ward ,:Coal Company, welfare ac- count, $31.00; .Pinecrest . Manor;. indigent patients account (March) $122.25;• ' MacKenzie Furniture, chair, $66;95; Solomon's Green- house, corsages, $3.50; Mrs. Lorne Durnin, " sundry expenses $8.21; Schmid's .Jewellery,, . gift, $44.20; J. F. Foran, telephone . calls, $2.- 60; J. F. Foran, salary, $150.00. .1fCouncil Adjourned' to , meet on May' 4th, 1965. Road . Acounts: Harve Culbert Salary; $ sala 44.85 `• : Norman ' McDon- ald, cDon ald salary, $228:85; Russell Phil- lips, salary, $142.00; Leslie Schul- tz, sanding, $26.00; ' Imperial Oil Ltd., • fuel and tax, 481.80; . Grant Chisholm, :motor "oil,1/4$2L63; Daily Commercial News, gravel tenders advertisement; $15.90;• Dominion Road' Machinery Co., repairs to: maintainer, $412.87; Reg Hamil- ton, snow plow 'repair, . $47.50; Lorne Iver's, , telephone calls, $2: 30; Roy- Hardy, snow plowing, $422.50; Gus Devereaux, bolts, $8.- 014 George Smyth, chain, Weld- ing, $142.55., ' Joan C. Armstrong, Clerk. Dies :Suddenly ` .. From Heart :Aftack� (WHITECHURCH . NEWS) Tiffin relatives received word Thursday morning that their cou- sin, . Mr. Jack Hayes Jr., had. :been admitted to Detroit Hospi- tal Wednesday`. evening . with a heart attack, a n d :had passed away. His daughter Barbara's wedding was planned for Satin. - day; ,,May lst,and prior to being $pi taken , to hospital, her father told her that no matter' what happen- ed, to go • ahead with her wed- ding as planned. Mrs, Russel Rit- chie, Mrs. Fred Tiffin, 'Mrs, Char- les Tiffin and Mr. Victor Exner- son left by bus on Saturday to attend the :funeral', oti Monday. .rBeNeaer■r■■seer i WEp 1ESDAY ::...MAx 5th `1965'. ■mYr!,.... „... Mother's : Day Plaques GLOVES PURSES -- BOXED ' TOWELS - BLOUSES SLEEPWEAR NXLONS .: CHINA ' JEWELLRY.. pedal for. Mott GREEN OR WHITE COFFEE MUGS,REGULAR 25c 2 for 39c :PHONE . 528-2129 LUCKNOW Tea Shower: Fo Marlen� iIartin' (WH;ITECHURCH NEWS) Mrs: 'Don Martin, 12th Conces sion West . Wawanosh, helda trou- sseau tea for her daughter '. Mar lene --on.. Saturday afternoon and. evening ,The'table was., decorated with various coloured: 'mums and the wedding cake. Pouring tea in. the, ,afternoon were Mrs. Hodgins London, andMrs. Lawrence,. Mc - Lead, Langside,; and 'in the': even ing Mrs. Robert; Stewart, Lang - side. The two grandmothers .Mrs.' Mark Johnston, ; Holyrood, and Mrs: Swan, Lucknow, also :assit- ed with evening.: pouring' tea :afiterno'on and • , . Mrs: -Martin,! Marlene, and Mrs.; Gordon ' Struthers welcomed . the guests at the door.' Lois :Struth- ers escorted the gueststo the rooms where , the . 'shower gifts from: Loiidon. and ' Whitechurch, wedding gifts, 'and..Marlene's hope chest . were shown. Nancy Scott displayed the trousseau. Others assisting in displaying gifts were :Linda Martin, Mrs, Jas Young; sisters of Marlene Peggy ,Bris- bon. and Carol :Bernard: Beverley Wall, Donna and Antie Rintoul served lunch; . `L' Lois ' Struthers looked after the guest book,' . • On Monday, evening. a shower was .held for Marlene. Martin, in Whitechurch Community .Memor- ial Hall, with over 101 guests pre- sent.'. The bride-to-be was ushered to her seat of honour by her sis- ters Linda. and Mrs. Jim. Young,. to lnusie played by. Mrs. Garnet 'Farrier. Community sing tig tvas enjoyed, with' Mrs. Emma Coffin song leader. The readings were given, ; by Mrs. ' Ernest .Gaunt, Mrs. Walter; Arscott, .Murray Mof- fat gave 2. .accordian''solos .and Vera MacDonald' sang ' a . solo. Janis Farrier,' 'Sandra Fisher and Edna ^ Wall sang,accompanied by ,•••••••••••••••••••••••, HANOVER IVE-1N THEATRE TONIGHT, WED MAY. 3tli ••A 'SUMMER. PLACE" THURS.,' FRI-, SAT., M Y 6-78: The::Grect Escpe _a Steve ;McQueen, James Garner Color Scope CARTOON �. E' tertainment Hight -Light., .,• of . 1r the year. ;. MON:, TUES., WED. MAY 10-1,1-12 Shock Treatment S. Whiteman, C .Lynly Adult .Entertainment an in the Middle. ' Suspense .and Intrigue. CARTOON: THURS., FRI., SAT„ MAY 13-;14=15. "MUSCLE.. BEACH' •PA. RTY" :arid . "BULL.ET- FOR A BADMAN ••e•••••••enie••• •••••e • • Mrs.; Garnet Farrier. Several 'con- tests were enjoyed, ° after which Linda • Martin and Mrs. ': • . Young assisted Marlene. in opening the many beautiful` gifts, and reading. the :accompanying cards, • Arrang- •. ing the gifts display were Sharon Rintoul, : Louise MacDonald and Brenda . Webster. .Marlene , thank- ed :the guests, for their ,gifts and 0 kindness: Lunch was served un der the supervision of Mrs.: Bill Rintoul, Mrs, `Angus MacDonald, Mrs. George Fisher. and 1VIrs. ' El- wood Barbour. i•B ■•aaeahaaB,aa•wac a■••amacm ac is.cia..eeaenj ■ EIJM-Wingham • . WEDNESDAY,. THURSDAY, FRIDAY _' MAY. 54.7 ,,;The Outlaws ,4 , Cain;n . n ▪ • Starring: The Three Stooges The, fastest kooks in. the• west meet the fastest guns— 'of . fun. i ■ the result is a loud explosion ■ i 5 o 0 • . . a a 5 • •a SATURDAY MATINEE MAY .8.• "THE ;OUTLAWS. IS COMING"•• I, 5: a SATURDAY,,.MONDAY, TUESDAY MAY 8-1.0.11 w. "Spencers Mountain"e ,., MAY � a . m Colour - .Cinema.Scope' ■ . tarrmg's Henry Ft da, Maureen .O'Hara, Wally, Cox . , a w • A wonderful. story about ,a wonderful' family. A ;fine hook 'e '0 i becomes a great motion picture,. r• WEDNESDAY, M a TFIURSDAY,�FRIDAY MAY 12.13.14 s' Poc ..etful. Of MfrIes" , . a MiM_■MArA■hrkla�■��MIIdNIm�I>rltr■ _ :. _._...,... ��Afl a • ,l