HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-04-28, Page 13WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28th, 1965 W.. R Hamilton OPTOMETRIST +tNEXT TO'LYCEUM THEATRE WINGHAM PHONE 351.1361 •THE: LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNQW, CARD 0F, THaNKS Members ;of the ' Lucknow. • Boy Scouts ' and. Cubs wouldlike to. ,thank all thosewho contributed in Making the .recent paper drive a success. ,The help of, those who. supplied: . - trucks and assistedin any way , was also very 'much appreciated: • .,,,; . HA.RPSER- CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Phair :and Acheson CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1 ,MUNICIPAL AUDITORS 55 57 South Street,, ,Goderich Box '663. Telephone' ; 524-7562 JOH'NS'TONE',S RAL HOM TUNE... E :Modern .and Convenient Lucknow; Phone' . 52$-301'3. . Day 'or Night , Serving All. Faiths • .According to` Their .:Wishes. Moderate, 'Prices • •Established •.1894 . J . A.:..R. DU. VAL C. Chiropractor :Physio and Electro:. Therapist Wingham f. Phone 357.3580 '(Office located on John St, West ;text ' to .Toronto . Dominion ` Bank). A I.NS NC FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE • and . LIFE',., Te Protect .Your. Jack, Insure .With: Jack. Today. J A. McDONAGH:' Lucknow, Phone 528-3423 R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL; ONTARIO 1•N LUCKNOW Every Wednesday' and Saturday Afternoon Office in the ' Joynt Block Telephone . Lucknow 528-3116 • CRAWFORD and: HETHERINGTON J. `' 14. 'CRAWFORD,,, Q.C., Wingham . and Lucl,Enow •'IN. LUCKNOW MONDAY .. end WEDNESDAY. Located ' in Kilpatrick Block • Phone W inghain Office 3574630 i— • . Res.' 357.2330 Phone 55 Kincardine Hpdden's Studio PORTRAITS Weddings and Children GODERICH, ONTARIO 118 St.. David Street Dial 524-8787 IMPERIAL • OIL 'PROQUCTS for prompt service, and quality products, Contact: . GRANT .CHISHOLM Pliene Collect Dungannon 529.7524 > . 1"Always Look. To IrnRerat' For The Best" .• kWiIIiams,OD. ./ Optometrist ' 9 Patrick. Street W. • WINGHAM Phone 357-1282 WI.NGHAIsA , E .. CRIAL • SHOP M, MCS S O. THE " BEST GRANITES Along With • EXPERT DESIGNING AND' WORKMANSH.IP Prices Most ."Reasonable Cemetery Lettering" a Specialty. JOIN MALIC:K J: • P:O.. 'Box : 158 PHONE.` 357 1910,' ,WIN:GRAM MacKenzie• MemorialChapel . FUNERAL SERVICE. Services .. conducted according to• your wishes; at your Home your. . Church, or at our Mem- orial . Chapel at no :'additional , charge. Lucknow, Phone 528-3432 • Day or.' Night . • CARD OF THANKS I wish to express ' sincere thanks, to friends . and relatives, for the beautiful flowers and. cards of sympathy in the recent bereavement of my beloved hus- band. Special thanks to Doctors, ,Corrin and McKim and Doctors; and Nurses • of ' Victeria Hospital, London. Florenc e Mansfield.Holyrood I wisho sincerely t cere y, . all, 'neighbors, 'friends: •and. relatives, who se kindly remembered . me with. cards; treats, and visits' while in. hospital. Special 'thanks to all. deeply ap- preciated. R ',:Stuart Mrs,' P. A. • Murray .wishes. to express :sincere .thanks : for' gifts, cards, letter•8, • fiowers and : visits she received while she was a pa- tient • in Wingham . Hospital:. : Mrs. Lloyd Hunter wishes .to sincerely thank all, m who reme tiered her. with cards . and visits, while' she.was in Wingham and District Hospital. ' •• Mrs: Frank Pentland 'wishes. to ,express sincere' thanks to all who remembered. her in various ways. while 'she. was .:hospitalized. Spec- ial ..thanks to . those . who, helped at, her . home " I' would like. to thank everyone ho remembered .me while .1 was' yin Westminster Hospital,'London.; These . emembrances: were much. appreciated: Nat Thomson Doctors Corrin and McKim, nur- ses, . on' first floor ,and those who made' transportation possible •for my family to visit me. .These K:l. MacKENZIE, O.D. Optometrist NOW IN RIPLEY EVERY 'WEDNESDAY' Office; lours 10:00•' ,a.m. , to • .9i00 p.m. Phone Roy' MacKenzie, • Ripley; 96-r-24 for :appointment. - R. W. :.B ELL R.IST GODERICH. OPTOMET . • F T. Armstrong 'Consulting Optometrist' The.Square (Phone 'JA, ckson 44661) . kindnesses were . TED COLLYER... Registered. Master Electrician ELECTRICAL. CONTRACTOR Specializing' In:. • Electric Heating', Electric Wising;' and Repairs and • ai A •All Electric Appliances , p{? . Lucknow Plione • 528-5182 . Caviller and Ward.. McIntosh CHARTERED' ACCOUNTANTS Resident Partner, �I. F, Kennedy," C.A.' Opposite Pest Office Phone 881-3471 Walkerton • Mr and 'Mrs.. Ewart Jamieson wish to 'express their sincere thanks to all, who so kindly', rem- embered ,them with ::flowers; cards and :visits,while' they were hospitalized, . IN MEMORI, SANGSTER; In' loving memory of a dear son' and brother, . John -Duncan Sangster, who died , ' April 29th, 1964. Mr. and 'Mrs. B: T.• Sangster `and Allan, Islington,'' Ontario. :DRENNAN • In :loving memory of a dear husband, ' father and grandfather. Elwood Drennan who passed away . suddenly, three year ago,' April'. 28th, 1962. This 'months comes with . deep re- gret, It , .brings', back 'a day we will .never forget. ` fie fell asleep. , without ,good bye, But memories of him will. never •Lovingly• remembered 'by his wife, Isabel, family .and grand- children.. randchildren. ' BRIDES-TO-BE The: Luck- now Sentinel, has . the. most ' com- plete 'selection of wedding invi- tations and accessories in the dis- trict. Three' sample' albums to choose fromin the privacy of your home if you wish. With each. order of invitations or announce- ments you- •receive a Free year's subscription to ` the paper and a Free engagement .announcenient. Give us a. call and you'll •be wet- corn,' to take the . samples, over- night to your . home: The Lock- now Sentinel, phone 528-3134. ONT7IO Gershom Johnstons SQ Years Married • '(Whitechurch News) Oh Wednesday, April 21st, Mr. and Mrs. Gershom. Johnston of East W.awa nosh celebrated , their r 50th .Wedding Anniversary • with Open House,in the afternoon 2 to 5. and evening 7 to •9.. Mrs:: Johnston was a daughter of ' tle late, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elliott of the , '`Brick Yard" • near Glenan- non and 'Mr. 'Johnston :was the sonof the late Mr. and Mrs; Jack Johnston of Kinloss, ` 2 milesnorth, of Whitechurch, • whose farm. was the : one now .' owned by Russel Ross. • • . • ,They. have a family 'of '5:daugh- ters„ Mrs, Ted (June) .Robinson, Donnybrook, .Mrs. Clarence (A hi c e) •' Ritchie, Whitechurch, Mrs. Charles (Aerial) Wood, •Eg mondyille, Mrs. Ross ,(Lois.) MC - Michael, Seaforth; Mrs. Stewart' (Donalda) Smith, Kitchener, and 3 sons Jack of : London; ' Jim of Listowel and Kenneth .'of, Clinton:' Two .sons,, Elliott. died at ,the age of .38 and Billie aged 11. All the: family'. and most of .. the in-laws. and : grandchildren were . present for `' the' : occasion. They: have . 31 grandchildren and 4.:_great :grand- children. Mrs. Clarence: ` Ritchie rand. Jack Johnston received. the guests. • T h e . .grandchildren Barbara Ritchie and' Dianna Smith served lunch in the afternopn' and. Linda' McMichael, Marilyn'' : and 'Marie Johnston served,in the, .evening.: Among the , gifts received were a chrome set f ram the family. Murray ,Gaunt 1VI P: presented . a; plaque from the government, a-: long with several other •gifts. The serving table Was enhanced with a beautiful 3 .tier , wedding cake, a piece of , which ''was ser - ed to 'eyeryone,;_:attending,: Despite 'rain. and fog a large crowd • did honour, the •happy couple and this community adds,, their Congratu-• lations and Best Wishes for' 'many more ;; years of health. ; Held Family 'Dinner On Satt rday evening" • White, church Women's Institute: catered. for a 50th 'wedding dinner for Mr. and ' Mrs. 'Gershom" 'Johnston, put on by -:their family:; Present for• the occasion were, Mr. • and Mrs: Gershom; Johnston, Mr. and . Mrs. Stewart. Smith, .:Dianna • a n d Dwight of Kitchener., . Miss . Bren- da belling,: Kitchener,, Mr. and Mrs: ` 'Charles Wood,' Rickey and Kenneth; `.Egmondville, Mr,' and Mrs. Kenneh Johnston, Marie, Marilyn andDebbie; Clinton,. Mr. l Lin and' ,Mrs: Ross . MichaMc e .. , ,da, ' Larry, and Brian,. Seaforth, 'Mr. and Mrs.: Ted Robinson; Bill, Jim, and Judy, ` Donnybrook,. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Johnston, Paul, Ruth Ann: and .Carol •.Ann,. Listo- wel, .• Mr. and Mrs. Clarence') • Rit chie, 'Brenda and Barbara, .Mr.. and. Mrs. Jack Johnston, London. ' .:During the dinner the :toasts wereproposed. by Kenneth •Jahn- ston: The, lucky chair prize was won by Larry McMichael. Danc- ing to music supplied by ',Jack Johiiston's . record player and pro- grmessive, euchre were enjoyed. Stationery Values The Lucknow Sentinel has/ some real bargains on `.display in boxed ,writing paper, writing pads', en- velopes, , hasty notes, etc. ' WE WERE ABLE TO PUR- CHASE, A T' CONSIDERABLE SAVINGS, A •CLEARANCE OF. STATIONERY BY A MANUFAC- TURER. WE ARE' OFFERING MANY BARGAINS. Up To 50%. Off • on many items OTHER ITEMS AT ONE-THIRD OFF L'ucknow • 'Sentinel • 'PAGE THIRTEEN •••••••••••••••••••••••••41• • • • • • • WE LL R TA 10'. SE. URAL .ON �' �R ; s .. IOPEN T O ALL. RS • Brand ,.new attractive red brick i bungalow with . attached: gar -w ' • age. Located • close to 'shopping ♦ facilities. This new deluxe qua-♦ • lity •built home will" appeal .toy , ♦ the .. inner 'wants' •of . a careful* •home' buyer. Oversized rooms, w • 4 pc.. bath, bright, basement. * which lends itself well , for a•• • recreation room with attrac • •tive ' fireplace;' This. home is' • • insulated and heated by hydroa. heat • • i• : acre farin with 450. acre! • of topnotch level workable land. • • 2 solid up to.' date. homes with all Modern—conveniences. Maim • • .barn 56'. x 74', second barn L• :shaped,. .both' 'with, water 'and; • hydro.. Two deck cement blocky •t broiler barn 40' x 100'. Allsteel; • • drive :.shed 30'x50'. .First silo j 42' x 14', second 36' x,12'; . plus; • •a' self feeding bunk: silo • 32' x-= 100' Terms' can he arranged.;•. • $4,500 _ full price ' .a rid. easy _terms for this'•i% storey .6♦ :room: home : plus 3. pc. bath: Situated in. Whitechurch., ; • '. ::PAUL S..STARRI. .VANDALS AND. THIEVES In conversation with a Tees - water • ees-water, resident, we learn that members' of a Teeswater Bow- ling : League whocome to Lucknow : once a week .have. been plagued with vandalism and petty thievery to their per- sonal propertY.. er-sonal.property.• . �. Twice; car doors have been kicked -in. ' in a senseless . xnan • ner,, cigarettes and 'groceries have been stolen. from their cars and• other items have been lifted ' while . they were bowling The • Teeswater teams have enjoyed their weekly ,bowling at Lucknow this .:year and have been treated well by the . •LucknoVv Bowl. It is unfortun- ate for them and for the man- agement of the bowling alleys that these • incidents .have ocW curred. Petty thievery of this type • is •hard. to pin down, but it is our hope that the presence. of ` a police . officer in the tri1� lage again will eliminate these problems and . put the culprits �. where they belong "over their parent's knee and under a good strap.," •& .COMPANY'.LTD::.REALTORS• W`INGHAM, , PH'ONE 357-3840* Prize winners for the ' :euchre, were high lady. Mrs. Gershom Johnston, low Jim :Robinson (play- ing ' :as a lady); high man. Clar- ence Ritchie, low' Bill ' Robinson; Lone hands, :Mrs. " Ted ' Robinson: and Clarence Ritchie. The public school age ..enjoYed games of Flint stone • and Old Maid. Prize . win- ners bners at :thesegames were Brenda Ritchie,' Ruth Johnston,, Judy : Ro binson, Marilyn, Carol and .Deb- bie Johnston., Jack Johnston, with his movie camera, took several .pictures of the relatives;. at the dinner • table,. of has parents' at the • head table, of the friends during •the' .dance, and of . the caterers: • •. • i • • • ••. •• :•• DON'S TV •••.., • SERVICE s. - • Experienced ' • • All :Work Guaranteed : Prompt Service 1 Reasonable Rates • • PHONE184, RIPLEY • • io••••••••••••••• •••••• • Dead Stack Removal Service.. We are •licensedto remoVe your dead or crippled farm. animals fo'- sanitary disposal. GORDON.. YOUNG; Elmira Phone Collect .to: • MRS. GORDON TAYLOR. ' 528-5950 Lucknow 2,f -hour Service Licence Nob 21,;C63 and 22R63 Dead. Animal Removal For DEAD o"'r DISABLED ANIMALS 7 Calf COLLECT Daring and Company of ' Canada Ltd. Clinton . HU -2.42b '' , Dead Animal License No4 °3SO4C4S