HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-04-28, Page 1,00 -A, ' Years In Advance
$1,00 Extra .10,
tIegaj,;1.IejJ':JO:Se1Oft Fireworks
The VUlage Without Permit From=
Polite Chief And Fire Chief
'published ° in this -week's issue
is Bye .aw ' •.No. 7, : 1965 of : the
Corporation °of the Village of 'Luc-
know, a by-law rejecting the sale
and use of fireworks within the.
village limits.
In short, the By -Law prohibits
the sale • °of fireworks within the
village and prohibits the setting
off of fireworkswithin the : vil
lege linniits,: :
Irresponsible actions .in the set-
ting -off of fireworks in the • past
has caused this action to be tak-
en. A recent meeting of the Bruce
County . Mutual Fire Aid Associa-
tion decided to recommend to all
.municipal councils in the county
that such by-laws be • passed in
an effort to ::curtail the damage,
both .to persons and to property,
that each yearresults • from im
proper handling' of fireworks. .
The by-law provides f or. a` pen
°alty of up to $50 'for its disre-
Provision'. is made 'in the by-law
for permitsto be issued for ; pub-
lic fireworks displays. The res-
ponsibility for issuing permits has
been left :• With the Fire Depart-
ment . Chief and the Chief of Po-
lice who must be ' certain that
.the location of the display and
the type of display willnot offer
any danger' to • persons or prop-
erty: To' obtain . a licence, appli
cation, must be •.made with the
municipality at least 15 . days be-
fore the date of the .display. The
person ' in charge of such . a dis-
play' must be certified as compe-
tent and, responsible by the Fire
Chief and Police Chief.
Wanda Henry To
Teach In Ashfield
.Miss .Wanda. Henry,; daughter ,of
Mr. and Mrs. , George .Henry. of
Ashfield Township, has been en-
gaged,' by the . Ashfield Township
School Board to teach in the area
next term. She is : presently at-
tending Stratford Teachers' Coll-
Other. ; items of news from ` ,the
Ashfield School Area are: retire-
ment : age for teachers has been
set at 60 for women and 62 for
men; . all teachers' are `required to
have ' a medical ex:amnination • ev-
ery two years.
Cedar . Valley School, . formerly
S.S.: No. 17, has been sold to.
John Pentland, R.R.1 Port •Al-
bert. The school is. onhis farm.
Former Residents
Visit Lucknow
Mr. \ and . Mrs. Ted Brewer of
North Bay were visitors', the first
of ' this week with Mr. ' and Mrs.
George Joynt. While residents of
Lucknow- Ted was accountant at
the Bank of Montreal. He ; is now
manager of thebranch. at North.
Bay. Their., son Jim is in his first
year medicine. at .Western:Uni
ty, London, . their daughter
Brenda - is . employed in thge bank
at Windsor and 'son Bob, is work-
ing with his father in the North
Bay bank.'
Mrs, Brewer suffered a ver
bad ::ve.
and � painful accident o �Y
year ago Ted and ,Dorothy` were
'in an accident, (a '5 car pile-up),
on ,their way to Florida. ,• Dorothy,
was the only one injured. She suf
fered a badly broken • foot and was
confined to bed for. six 'months
arid then on . crutches. Since De-
cember she has been ' getting
around'` without the aid of crut-
Ches but , still with:. much ''diffi-
culty and distress.
Mrs.' Jack Hewitt
Broke Hip In Fall
Mrs. 'Jacky Hewitt, home econ
omics teacher at the Lucknow
District, High -School, had the mis-
fortune to fall and break her. hip
=while attending the Ontario Edu-
cation Association Convention in
Mrs.' Hewitt tripped'. on some
uneven pavement. She is a-.
atnt Toronto General Hospi-
tal where a pin . was put in the
fractured ' hip. It is believed she
will be in hospital in: Toronto' for
three weeks.' It is expected Mrs.
Hewitt will'. be unable, to teach
the balance. ;of the •term.
The : Ili h ; School Board have
hired. Mrs. Alvin Robb 'of Ash-
field .to teach ,for Mrs. Hewitt.,
Mrs. Robb, : who . had •been teach-
ing on a temporary basis at Turn -
berry Central School nearWing-
has had home ".economic.
A, good crowd attended the Cal
ico .Ball, ;sponsored by the Kair-
shea Women's Institute,,.•last Wed-.
nes ay evening in the :'Lucknow :
Legion Hall. •
Prizes were givogin to •the .fol -
'lowing: :' ready madE. .cotton dress,
June Ackert, Holyrood, Barbara
Nelson,. Ashfield,. Grace MatDou
gall; Kinloss; Mrs. Ron. Forster.
and Mary Finlayson, both of Luc -
know; home sewn •Cotton dress,
Elaine . Murray • and Connie ' Mac-
Kenzie of. Kinloss, .Mrs. Alex' Hac-
kett, ,Mrs" Cliff Kilpatrickand
Mrs. Harold Campbell, all of Ash
Thejudges Were
, g
Holm. and Mrs. ' Larry Rosevear
of 'Walkerton The ' judging was,
doneduring the evening while
dancing was in • progress
Cam MacDonald of Lucknow
was floor 'm'anager • for the even-
Agree, On Teacher Salary ;Schedule . :
At �,ucknow District, Hig�a School.
Agreement has been ' readied
between Lucknow 'District High
School '.113oard and teachers • at
Lucknow District High School on
a. salary schedulefor next term.
The schedule agreed ' on is bas-
ically what the board offered the
teachers several' weeks 'ago and
which was published at that time.
The 'minimum, salary` in category
a and 4 has been advanced $100
from the board's offer .as it ap-
peered in The Sentinel, ' .
,The agreed on schedule ,is con-
siderably less than, the teachers
proposed 'and' which was publish-
ed :Previously'
Min. Max.
$4900.` .m $8400
$5200 WOO
$5960 • $9600
$6000 $1.0,000
Cate or.':l
Ca � �.
ry 2
Category 3
Category '4
Allowance Far, Experience
','Secondary' S c h o o l Teaching,
$300.00 'per year` up to 10'„ years;
maximum $3,000;, •
Elementary School Teaching.
$209.00 per :year up • to 8 years,
maximum $1,600: '
Teaching experience other. than
Secondary or elementary, •up . to
$1,000,00, ,.Busi►less and or Indus-
trial' experience related directly'
to sub"ects `to' .oe taught
by Coal-
ied c�tea teacher„ up to • $1,000.00;
(Maximum $1,500.00 for BOTH).
Fringe Benefits.
Annual', Increment, $300.00per
year to . maximum; .Cumulative'
Sick new the
Under, ew sleduland.
s .e e, , a d
taking into considei anon the
nual incremeft, • each teacher " at
the 'school 'will receive a salary
f ether $400 or
increase i5
WEDNESDAY,,, APRIL ' 28th, 1965
The once proud animals of
the farm, on which .farm
work w-•a:s mainly centred
around, can once again. hold
their heads ` high.. Good horses '
are riot . readily- available the
way they once were , . and the
value of ..: the animal, ; has int
'creased' ' sharply;
At an auction -sale for Frank
Johnston of the Holyrood dis
trict ,on Monday; auctioneer
Allan Maclntyre sold two good..
Clydesdales belonging to
L.' ' Husk of the Kincardine
area ; payed. $271 for one and
the other was purchased. by
Richard , Elliott of Holyrood.
for $235.
Seems like the farm hors-
es of today have come up ; in
the world, . living well, eating • 4
well' and, they certainly don't
have to "work : like a horse"
like they once did before pow-
er .Machinery took over op
' the . farm.
Heavy ;Damage In
Two Accidents
A ,couple of. car accidents in 'the
village recently .,caused minor in-
juries ' but considerable ' property
damage. • ' -ri
• Cars'' driven by Oliver'' Glenn of
Lucknow and . Peter Steer; of Kin-
loss Township were in collision at
the : "Sppertest. corner" of . Have-
lock and • Campbell ` Streets about
9 p.m. on .Wednesday ; night • of'
last t 'week
s •;•
Provincial Police 'at Kincardine,
who investigated the. accident,
stated that ; the Glenn car; was
proceeding • south on Havelock
Street and making a left 'turn' on-
nto Campbell Street. The • Steer car
was •proceeding h east 'pan:: Highway
86 (Campbell Street).
The `. two cars : were in ' collision.,
and the Steer vehicle veered right
& . 'struck ' the front of the .Luck
Bowling. Alley. About $75 damage
was done to the Glenn` car and
about : $500 to the Steer car. Dam
age to the Bowling Alley was es-
timated at about $150. '
Kincardine. Policeinvestigated
another . accident ' in Lucknow about.
4:30 a.m. April 18. .Cart driven
by Donald; 1V1acLeod, who resides
a half, mile ; north . of 'Lucknow,
'and James 'Mathers , of Lucknow
were in •collision at ' the corner
of Stauffer and Hamilton. Streets:.
Police . said the Mathers car vas
going east on•Hamilton Streetand
making a turn onto .Stauffer.. The
'MacLeod- ear w a s proceeding
north on Stauffer.' Estimated dam
age :to the MacLeod' vehicle was
$500 and to the Mathers car, $250.
' Mrs.. Ken Mowbray • is a pat-
ient. in ' Wingham and District
Hospital. She was admitted on
Friday of last week.. f
h lives _ I.
Nat Thomson; who on
the ilolyrood Road north of Luc -
know, returned to' his, home last
Wednesday...was a Hepatient in
Westminster Hospital in London,
for three weeks where he under-
went surgery. ,
e York Cfty.
iraser Ashton . flew b � lane.
I' Y p..
from Toronto' •to ,Bermuda on'Mon-
day, He was accompanied by his
University roommate, Mel - Mc-
Leod 'from. near Ottawa, and a
friend' Bobby 'McCrimmon of 'Ot-
Theywill sped eight days 'in
a ' and � en
f� to � New
Bermuda b Y will City where they will spend
.four ,days. While in, New York,
they will attecd:theWorld's Fair.
Fraser hasompleted, his fourth
and last year in Microbiology at
C'nivcrsity of Guelph and will
start work in Ottawa the end
:of, May for • the Federal. Govern
..dent under the Department of
National Health & Welfare.' He ,is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Aghtoi of town.. , •
Single Copy 1
To Re-examine Lucknow S�wage
Proposal' After .Meeting.Wjth,' Council .•
The a itire Lucknow Council, Reeve' George' Joynt ,and''Coun
cillorsw M. L Sanderson; Harvey ebster, Omar Brooks and 'Bud
Hamilton 'met . with Dr. Vance" and members of the Ontario Water .
Resources Commission in Toronto. last 'Thursday, in regard to the
Commission's proposal that Lucknow proceed with . a sewage dis-
posal system to "clean up" the downtown area where drainage
problems exist. •
The delegation presented the meeting with the feelingsof
the, local body and . stressed that under the present system of
grants on such a project, it is not practical for small ,assess.
ment municipalities . to be expected to . participate in such a ma-
program. Reeve Joynt had previously` ••stated through'the
Sentinel that he felt some, slide -rule method of •, grants •was a
necessity' in order to make it practical., Reeve Joynt feels that
the time has .come when a resolution should ,come from a mune
icipal body (such : as the Ontario Association of Mayors and
Reeves)• calling for' ' -a : re-examining of the grant structure on
.sewage projects by government. . •
• The Reeve feels that government must have the support
of municipal bodies in such a move and, feels that it was.'tinie
"the voice of the people" be : heard.
Council and , the OWRC discussed the project locally as . it
has taken shape from as far . back as 1958 and 1959. Reeve Joynt
has . made it', known locally that such a sewage project would
cost in the neighbourhood ' of $200,000 to : $250,000: This figure is
based on 'results of soil tests in relation to bridges built in the.
municipality in the . past' few years. Mr: Joynt informs,. the` Sen-
tinel that, he has -discussed ' the proposed sewage project with the
village's consulting engineer, B. M. Ross of Goderich, and his.
thoughts on the project in regard tocost are along this line.
'Resulting from the meeting, Ontario Water Resources Com-
• mission are sending their . engineers back. to Lucknow to deter-
mine if some other satisfactory means of correcting, the pollu
tion` and drainage ; problems ; in: the downtown area can be
solved. •
Favourcible Report
For LDH Board
A . report ' has .been-: received by
Lucknow District High ' School
Board':from the Ontario :Secondary
School ' Teachers Federation rela-
:tive to a survey of em lo. ent
ctfntlitions "at Lucknow ` District
High' Sc hool.
The' survey has . been conducted,
for a number of years at all
schools in the ro nc
•Lucknow Board has received,: a"
very. favourable rating: Attitude
toward educational improvement,
Excellent;. Staff -board relations,
Excellent; conditions of : , work;
T � e Lucknow District High .
School Board has hired Gilles G.
J. Morissette ,to teach French,
commencing in September, Mr.
Morissette was 'employed by ,the
City of Montreal asa social work-
er from 1956-1962 and. from 1962-
1964 did supply teaching .in Mont-
real., Heis presently teaching at.
Iroquois Falls,
Mr. Morissette will' replace .Miss
Betty Ann McCall .who has sub-
mitted her resignation to the
Board. 'Miss McCall has taught.
one year in. Lucknow.. and will
teach at St. Marys District . High
aut ..
,. Syrupc �
Nets $300
Although ' a. final tabulation
of resuits had not been made
on' Monday night ,When this
was written, it is believed that
LucknowBoyScouts i ll have
the vicinity sof $300, profit,
", from their•, maple syrup ,mak-
ing, project carried on this
Trees 'in the villa e Were
, g
tapped, and although the
son' was' a long drawn out
•one, :and could not be 'onsid-
.:.ered the best, about' 51 gal.,,•,
long, of syrup were made at
Anderson Flax Products .Limy
ited. The syrup sold' at $6'
per gallon.
The money from this fund
is earmarked d for send i g r
resents aces from, -Luck-
now, Seouts
on - the ., District .
trip to Eastern' Canada, The,
World's Fair and United Sta-
tes in Canada's Centennial.
'Year, 1967. '
L : E Goyette, principal of the
Lucknow District High :.School, at-
tended -
tended the
.Headmasters • Conven-
tion •at the Park Plaza in ...Tor-
onto during the Easter week:.Mrs.
Goyette accompanied' Mr. Goy-
ette to Toronto:;
Mrs. ' Tom MacKenzie and Mrs.
Jack Hewitt, . members of t h e
High •Sltoolstaff.,-. attended the
Commercial Teachers' Section .,and.
the Home. ' Economics_ Teachers'
Section, respectively, of the On-
ntario Education Association; .Con-
vention at the Royal' York, Tor-
Mrs. Robert MacKenzie : repre-
the Lucknow Public School
Board at the Ontario School Trus-
tees and Ratepayers Convention
at the King Edware ,'Hotel, Tor-
onto.. .Mrs. MacKenzie s secretary
of the 'Lucknow. Board. •
New Crest Store::'
Opens • This INeek
Tomorrow -(Thursday) will• see
the start,. of a three day :official
opening: of Lucknow's newest .bus-
iness :place, Crest Hardware, o
erated' by . Charles Webster and
Donald- MacKinnon. • ,
• A fire, :several weeks before
Christmas last year,, completely
destroyed their former'. 'store and
along with it_ Gordon- Fisher's. Bar-
ber `•:Shop' and 'Joe, MacMillan'
Meat. Market. Gordon has 'since`
been barbering in the same., shop
asHarold :Ritchie and 'Joe has
quit 'business for•'himself and has
been employed at Button's; Meat
Market ..
Charlie and. Donald . decided to -
replace the• store and 'work •com
menced in late winter. The new
modern well lit store is. a credit
to .the business section. of the vil-
lage. la e. Its s
g p tilos' interior provides.
the buying, public with self ser-
vice counters and display racks.
,A number of free draw pores- are
being offered during. their open
in; 'sale. •
Owners of the IIardwa: e through
. g
the years have been Th'emas Law!'
.rence, David Lawrence. Mr. Ford,
1301 and Jt wso•,' ,Bell and McLeod, -
M• :Lead and Joynt. nee and Por-
teous and 'Webster. arit1 'MacKin-
nr•n. The new hardware will' con
tiiiue to be associated with the
Ci est chain. a province wide group
of associated hardwares w i' t h
some n:l.mtership in Quebec.
C e pis til;r. associated cv'ith Mar-
s, all<, Wells in 'Western., ,Canada
and' Gamble in United States. This
intorte tional affiliation of' over
3000 stores .is the largest retail
hardware group' in, the world.