HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-04-21, Page 11WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21st' 196
t Whitechurch. • News) '
On ;Tuesday evening Mr . ,and"
Mrs, .Lester Falconer .entertained
with, wedding dinner Mr,. and
Mrs. Alden; " Purdon Wingham,
Mr.. and Mrs George, Tiffin Luck-
• novr, Mr ,and : Mrs. Hugh McMil-
lan Sarnia, Mrs, Cassie -•Falconer,.
Wliitechureht, Mr ,and Mrs: Jack
1VIcIntyre; .Mr. and Mrs. " Wesley
;Tiffin; Mr: and :Mrs -.-Robert
art and.. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Cleg-
;'horn ':of Wingham:' in' honour of
their 40th. :wedding anniversary..
Mrs. Cleghorn 'was brides maid.
-_ .for-Mrs:-Falconer—The-groupre=-
'sen'ted themwith a°
. floor lamp,
• : and other gifts.'. The community.
'extends: best wishes for many
more: years; qf health and " happin-
°ess. • . .
On • . Wednesday • evening the
neighbours and • community ..gath-
• ered at S.S. No. 2 Culross to. cel
ebrate . with .;Mr; . and Mrs.. Lester.
Falconer .the occasion. of : their
40th wedding `anniversaary..A pro-
gressive euchre
party was . held
with 14 ..tables of : `prayers partic-
• ipating., Those winning high
.:score werelMlirs.- George Marshall,
Lester Falconer. Low scores and . Mrs: Wallace
were e
won by
,Mrs, Frank �
RGauntareto ' �: f �'
Russellook a ter
wick and• Mr: "Donald McCormick,: the bus" • trip. .(All agreed to the'
Lunch was. served'along with a ruling for the'trip if','you.put
cake decorated 'with. pink .' and your name. in to goyou must
white and bearing the" greetings either find' 'sortie onelse in your
Happy, Fortieth Anniverasry place if you, find you. can't go or
After lunch Mr. and Mrs, .Falcon pay the fare.) ,The treasurers" re-
er were brought to the > front and' port of • $73;00 • balance Was ;given.
'Tillie ,Caslick. read an' • address Mrs. Coffin read the auditors re -
when the'following gifts. were port sent by Mrs. Albert Coultes.
presented -- coffee " table, end' Thank you notes were received
abler. smoking stand,, flower from Mrs. Willa Laidlaw, Mrs.
centre piece"for the coffee -table, :Root.; Ross, .,and Mrs,' Jas. McZn::
throw. 'cushions • and -magazine nes. , Mrs. Bill Arnold . '"'District
table. The party was. arranged curator, was . „Present and, showed.
py_:Mr• nd._Mrs, Billie .Caslick the District - Tweedsmuir - History
and, Mr, and Mrs... Joe King, ,Mr. with the assistance of Mrs; Dore.
Falconer:,; thanked .all ..for :Mrs.: Arnold' gave a m st •in tee
. , , :i
::,..,o to st ,
lovely`..lifts; sponsoring the : party,:ing' humorous commentary dis-
giving them. ,such' a ha
ppy time. aclosin'he�acts.�----Rthe, first•°W;Z.
end 'fog thnk�ng 6f �themr`in tis 'pins were. available 1906,1927 the
kind way.. Federated Standing Cmmittees
Whitechurch W.I. Annual were farmed,' 1939 •the ; first Of-"
The :regular meeting'of White- ficer"s Conference at :Guelph, 1956,
church Womens Institte was held : Bruce. Cyounty' Rally. organized,
at the"home of Mrs,'. Victor Em- '.Mrs.. ' Arnold was thanked 'and
erson ' with •an .attendance Of. 13 presented with gift by Mrs."Cof-
members 'and : 4• visitors; • The:. fin. The. annual :meeting was' held
President Mrs. Emma • Coffin .with : the minutes • of 'last annual
)resided `and". after the opening „meeting' read by the'secretary:
excercises welcomed the Mein. The 6 , Standing Committee Con-'.
hers 'and guest speaker: It was. venors , gave. ".their • reports and
decided to not participate in the `Mrs. Albert ,Coultes reported: 'for
Senio S p . Sunshine and . Cheer, 31get well
r Training; School. It "was. ,de , ,
tided if a ,bus/ could be obtained 19 sympathy, .3 baby, 24"Christ-
mas cards' and 16 boxes of treats:
for May11th .to 'go . to Collingwood , out. .
-insteaof 1Re u -lar. Maysent'. out. Mrs. Russel .,Gaunt' pre-
' meeting .. , p
Conn and Mrs; sided for the ::election•: of officers.
Thee nominating,, convenor. ,
Dave, . Gibb. gaveher `report. Of-
ficers elected . were: Honourary
President,. Mrs. G . F rrier,, ,,Past
President, Mrs. Dan Tiffin,' Pres-
ident• *Mrs. . Emma. .Coffin,, lst
Vice Mrs. Bill Evans,. 2nd Vice.
Mrs. George Walker,; Secretary •
The ' Pine "River Bethel. Lur,,
gan C G.I.T... celebration. of the
nation-wide SOth anniversary .uas
held recently. On Friday . evening,
April. 19th, . the 30, . members -pre-
.sented a 'concert under the lead-
ership of , Mrs Gordon Elliott and
her assistant Miss Aria "Smeltzer;
The concert 'consisted of songs,
skits, a play by the senior 'girls.
nand - a-Hootenany--byTthe ]iw or
girls. . •
The . seven graduating, girls were
presented ': with . J. 'B.: Phillips'
translation of the New Testament
by Pine River and Bethel U.C.W.
and I.aurgan Guild. The girls re-
ceiving these were Aria Smeltzer,
Barbara Wilkins;. Shirley Steele,
Nancy Elliott, Mary Wilson, Joyce
Thorburn and Phyllis Bradley.
Rev. , Harold Pillen :was called
in., for a few' wgrds'and, congrat-
ongratulated the ' C.G,LT, and 'compli-
mented. ':the group ' on the large
number' of graduates. The con
cert closed with 'songs around the':.
campfire and modelling of uni-
ni forms" and camp outfits down
through the years. "
On Sunday morning the C.G.I.T,
took over the church: services. in
Pine. River and Bethel churches.
The Seven • girls who w graduated
this .•year prepared .and took, part
in the service ` while the other.
members sang in the choir. As
their anthemthey sang the C.G.
T T;, hymn!. Nancy Elliott read , the
scripture; Joyce Thorburn presen-
ted a sermon. on "The Real Stuff
in Life to, Cling To" and Shirley
Steele . played the organ: Ushers
were . 'Barbara : ;'Wilkins, Mary*
Wilson : and Phyllis. Bradley. Aria
Smeltzer presided over the ser-
vices. Mary
er-vices.:Mary .Anne Funston,, Carol'
Irwin, Marilyn Thompson, Maithel•
Lee Wilson, contributed a quartet. ,
number accompanied by Anne
After . the service at ; Bethel. the
girls returned to Pine River where
• the ladies of "; the churches • • had
prepared ,a lunch . for :the. present
and ' former 'members and lead=
ers.' Mrs. Tom :;Bell, now , of " Tor-
'and' a former leader of , the-
hegroup . .for :"seven years, cut the
50th •anniversary cake. ' A social
hour was enjoyed by everyone.
PLAYING CARDS double and
'single decks, large assortmentto
choose from,, drop 'in, and look
them,- over. ' The. Lucknow Sentinel,
phone 528-3134.
Church ,Sentices
Hold Concert
Treasurer, Mrs. Victor ' Emerson,
District Director, Mrs. Dan .Tif
fin; Branch • Directors, 1Mrs,. A.
:Coultes,: •Mrs. G. Fisher, Mrs. E.
'.Scholtz," Mrs. R. Ross; Press re-
porter, Mrs. V. ", Emerson Pian
ists, Mrs. G Farrier,' irs., -D. Tif-
fin; • Auditors, Mrs. K. Coultes,
Mrs, J.. McInnes; Program Comp.
' mittee, Mrs J. ',Currie, Mrs. R.
Ross; Mrs. D. -Gibb,_,Mrs .F._Ross,-
4 -MTS. Scholtz; : Sunshine and
Cheer. Mrs. H.' D. MacDonald,-
acDonald,-Mrs. A. Coultes, Delegate to Dist-
rict Annual. 'Mrs. Emma Coffin,
Mrs. D. Tiffin, Mrs. B. Gaunt,
•Mrs. • D. Gibb;.. Delegate to Con-
vention Mrs. Geo.. Walker; Al-
ternates Mrs. D: `Ross, Mrs. • D.
Gibb. The' president Mrs, Coffin:.
returned to the :chair and remind-
ed all, members: that: each . is res-
ponible for a table of . players for
the. euchre party April ' 28. It was
also decided to .hold a dance Ap'
ril . 23 .in the hall : with Tiffin's Or-
chestra!' $5.00 : is to :: be sent to
_help with Bruce County. _ 'Tartan
expenses.. 'The, meeting closed
with the " singing. of the . Queen and.
Ilent ridIn€,total performs
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. i�r �iuis
Institute* Grace. The' hostess .Mrs.
Wallace Conn and Mrs. : Russel •
•Ross served lunch .
Young People's .Society Meet
• -On' Tuesday evening . Whrte-
church; Y.P.S. ,'held- their 'meeting
in the: United. Church;' Sunday '
S p.
The . resident Bar
School � room. T
bar.a Purdon opened the • meeting.
The. Worship Service . was given
by Alma Conn And H•ymn
Moore. An Easter Hymn ' and`
Scripture reading . was• -read . by
Miss .Moore and' Miss Conn .gave
the Meditation , and 'prayer. Diane
Coultes read' a• story, Easter: Jan-
is' Farrier gave the story .Easter
in 'Brazil: A' hymn was 'sung • and
the meeting closed with the re-
peating of . the . 'Mizpah" ; Benedic-
tion.. Pianists for the meeting
,v ire Miss Moore and' Miss Far-
Safety Sisters Meeting
Whitechurch" Safety Sisters held
their meeting Tuesday evening
at ..the home of the. President`
Pamela ,home
with 7 sisters in at-
tendance:" Miss . King', opened . the
meeting with all repeating. the '
pledge in unison. ' Each answered.
the roll call, answering the ques-
tion' • Is . Your Record . Book Up TO
Date?, Discussions! the girls de-
cided 'to buy their lunch on A-
chievement Day, May' 8.. All rec-
ec ord' .books are to be left at Willis
store by April 19 for check up by •
leader' Mrs1 Rintoul. 'Practise for
Achleyenient Day skit is at Pam-
ela'Rings Monday afternoon. The
next meeting is Aprit 22 rat , Mrs,
Leroy-Rintouls. Diane and Pam-
ela, , King prepared a humorous
skit -- Safety" in the home. 'Dem-
onstration All learned to, udge
First. Aid Kits., The meeting was
closed with the repeating of the