HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-04-21, Page 9WEDNESDAYS APRIL Zlsl^_ 1965
operation '.f or appendicitis, ••
Mrs. Wm. Congram " of :Holy
rood, the: former 'Mary Ann Scott,
died:'suddenlyat her holne; at. the.
age of 64.
Attending :No 9 Ashfield werre:
Clifford. Kilpatrick, Walter Clare,
Bernice Blake; Jack Curran, . Jim
'Curran, Mary ; Hackett, Mary
Clare, Dorothy Curran, Winnifred
Blake,, • Beatrice Culbert, : Verna
Kilpatrick, Keith ` Johnston, Olive
Blake, Alma Curran, Clifford
Blake, Harvey Kilpatrick. Teach-
er was M. lVlacCailum.:
20 YEARS AGO •-=' i945•
,April Sth, 1945
.Mr. and Mrs.. Wm. Robinson of
East. Wawanosh • celebrated their
60th :.wedding'. anniversary.' -Mrs.
Robinson was the former Annie
Campbell, p
Ten , new " •members, . • were re-
into ` the Lucknow • United
church.. on Easter. Sunday' -- J. C
° Drennan, Keith. Kilpatrick, Char
les Durnin, Bobby McNay, Eunice
Reed, Shirley Robinson, Mrs. Er-
---nest----Button--(by-certificate),' . Er-
nest Button, Ruth . Anderson, Rus-'
• . _' sell Button. '
, The .'High .School . band was or
ganizect for the first time ' under
the direction of P. W. Hoag. Mem
bers of the band by sections, were:
cornets, Everett Lane, Bill Chin,
' Jack Treleaven, John Crispin;'
bass; George Crispin, Ivan Lloyd
clarinet, sAlan Mahn, Ranolph
-`1Vforrison ,
rombone;-Harold °Henry, .' Alex ,' Maclntyre, : Wilfred
Black; saxaphone, Allan 'Stewart;
alto, Albert Chin; bass drum,
Joe •Agnew; snare drum; George
Parrish. , .•
Rod ' Finlayson, .son of , the late.
Mr .and Mrs. Dan ;Finlayson, Was
killed overseas. Before enlisting
he ,taught , in'. his ,home .'school' at
Lochalsh and later in Toronto.,
Wes. Huston: purchased thea lad-
ies' ''.and gents' wear 'business of
.Mr. and Mrs., Ben ' Pearlman.'who
bad •• conducted the ' business ' for
many ;years, . Wes had '•sold;. his
barber. business . to' Jack •'Camp-
Mr., and Mrs G. H. Dicckinson
and her parents, ` Mr., and Mrs.
Elliott'- left . Lucknow 'to live in
.`London. Mr. ' Dickinson was, plant
manager at the . Maple. Leaf Air-
craft ' •plant in. 'Lucknow . While
here the Dickinsons .• tenanted" the
home ,of the late Mrs. G. A. New
At • the :: Easter Thankoffering
• service at the South Kinloss 'Pres-
•'.byterian Church, the • choir were
gowned., for. the first tune,
F.O..: Stuart/ Collyer arrived. ov
. ersea B. ' Nf.n.. a mTi e r
S S. , Kenneth . Cameron
was confined • to hospital in Ger-
Rev: E L. Ripley of Mount For-
est, formerly of Lucknow •as-
sumed his duties at Bethel Pent-
ecostal ,Tabernacle at Stratford.
Rev, Ripley had been ..instrument-
al in the establishing of new chur-
ches at Kincardine and Kinlough.
Deaths f Wm. ,. E. MacPherson;
79,Lucknovv Gilbert ';Henry > Bark -
well, ,60, -Huron Township; Robert
Levi Lott; . 78, Wingham Mrs..
Levi -havens, • Ripley, formerly of
Wawanosh. .
40 YEARS AGO 1.925
April 9, 1925
A ninnber of.:farmers had some
grain. sown about the 1st. of. April.
Mrs. T. W. Cosens . was elected.
president of the • Methodist Wom-•
en's Missionary Society.. :
J. M. Buckingham was teacher
at St.. Helens School, No. 4, Jun-
ior ..'Room • Pupils were: . Gordon
Lyons. Isobel • Miller, McKinley.
Ramage, Helen ':.Thom,: ' Verna
Smith, Neely Todd . Christina Mc-
Farlane, Veronica Gaynor, Dick
Weatherhead',.• Ronald Forster,
Myrtle McQuillan, Calvin. Purvis,
Pearl 'Everett, Dorothy Miller,
Florence .McQuillin, Goldwin Pur-
vis, Roberta S_ mith Jean Thom,
Eldon Miller, Gordon' Morrison,
Walter . McFarlane, Henry Ever-
ett, .:•Edith' Durnin; •• Dorothy. Mc-
Donald, Annie Watson, . Ruth.. Mc-
Quillan, Charles .McDonald, Dav-
id Swan,, .Mango ., McFarlane, .Jack
Gaynor:: .
G H. 'Rattle purchased ; the
hardware • ''business. 'in•, Ripley o
Duncan Munn.
Douglas Young ' of. Kincardine
:visited Ripley in 'connection with
the ' organization.' work of Ripy
Boy: Scouts..
April ;i16, •1925 •
Fire . of . unknown_ origin' destroy-
ed the roof and'.much of the wood-
work of •the Lucknow .Waterworks.
Victor.' Durnin' succeeded in .getting
:into the .' engine •. room. and got the
pumper working ;to 'give •firemen'
water. pressure from -,•the very`
building ;that was on. fie.
Eliza Winnifred Hunter, eleven
year` old daughter .of Mr. ,and .Mrs.
George Hunter • of Zion, died .: in
Wingham ,Hospital' 'following : an;
Seed Grains
Warwick Seed Corn - Co -p Seed Corn
•'Gross Seeds.
ow District C
Phone 528-2125
No.. 7 Kinloss had pupils Frank
Mc Tall, :Katherine.. • Campbell,
Katherine MacInnes,'•Evelyn' Mac-
Dougall, Leonard 'MacInnis, Les-.
ter_ ,MacLeod,-T--Malcolm—Stewart;.
Jim McNall,: 'Harold Stewart, . Rob
by Campbell, Lawrence MacLeod,,
Roy Watts. Jennie, MacDonald'
was . teacher.
•60 YEARS AGO~ 1905
April' 6th, 1905 " '
The Maple Grove !Football. Club
.was organized' at . a meeting at
'Zion. The officers were, honorary
president,: Rev. W. A. Smith; , pres-
ident, Charles Ritchie;` vice-pres-
ident,. ,W.
ice-president,.:W. ' G. ' Gardner,--secretary-
treasurer,. C. McDonagh; captain,'
'Robert . Andrews: managing: Com-
mit4tee; . W',;. T. Gardner, :Robe. Rit-'
clime, . Richard .Gardner,. Robt. Web-
ster: •
Two farms in .,the Goderich . dis-
trict were
is-trict.:were quarantined :because' of
scab that 'had appeared on. sheep..
It was `reported. ' .that the':. disease
was brought from "St. Louis on: im-
ported stock. "
Officers of thebowling
club were
elected'` ata meeting in the Sons of
Scbtlar d rooms. President, . R. R.
McLeod; vice-president, 'J. G. Mur-
dock; treasurer, G. H.: Lawrence;
secretary, . John Murchison; 'man-:
aging _committee, ` James ' Bryan,,
John . McGarry,' P. A. Malcomson,•
Alex McPherson, AV. Murdock.
Moorehouse Mitchell presented
a•petition to council . largely`signed
by village residents on:ingles .and
Ludgar.d Streets.. 'It . asked that a
granolithic sidewalk be . built fromto
the corner of -Campbell Scree t
McGarry's Hotel ;along 'the east
side of Inglis;Street, to Ludg
Street then: east tojoin with the
walk on Havelock. Street. It . said.;
that there :.wasn't''. -a decent foot of
walk on the six blocks.' • '
John :..F .., MacKinnon ,. a. resp.
i respect-
ed citizen of .Lucknow::. for several
years, died: at hisHavelock
Street home at the ':age of 84.:
Wm. S. McOrostie of St. Helens'.
was presentedwith a-''go1d ' watch
in appreciation of his service to
the ..Presbyterian Church, partic-
ularly in the .: capacity _of choir
leader. He was 'givingup the pos
FOR .YOU'' PHONE..S28'.4134
• (Intended' For Last Week)
and 'sunny •days'.the "phew is fast
.disappearing, so Spring Must soon
be here:. The robins are hack,
the snowdrops and early crocus
Mrs. „Harry Oberle, Preston,
was a recent visitor with .Mrs.
Patsy . Schumacher spent a few
days in the Children's War Me-
morial' Hospital, London. • .
Mrs. Catherine O'Neil is again
hospitalized in St. Marys Hospi-
tal, ,Kitchener. '
Little Gregory ,and Sherril He-:-
therington, Children' of Mr. and
Mrs, LlOyd Hetherington, Toron-
to, returned horde Wednesday' af-
ter spending' three' weeks with
, Mrs, Frank Brawn has •return-
ed: home after holidaying . with
Mrs. Adolf Bumke; Waterford Mi-
chigan. '
erley Wall, Exeter,, spent ' the
week -end tinder the parental roof.
Donnie Wall and Arthur Stan-
ley.; Kitchener, were at' their re-
speCtive: homes Over the week -
Mrs, Bob Fischer, Shelly and
Robert,-; Kitchener,. spent Some.
time with Miss Mary Collison.
On Friday evening 'several freni
the cornmtinity attended the .,te-
'eeption hi- the 'Kincardine Pavil-
ion for* Mr, and •Mr8; Jack Nel-
ustani Butchering
Mondays ' Hogs, in Isy 4;00.' p.m.,
We ' do Curing and Smoking .' ,Beef,' • Pork aria Lamb..
'Sold Whale.; • Half or Quarter '. ' . For Better Service,'
• And Lower " Prices . ' Cali Ripley 100.:•
(Intended For Last Week)
Mr. ,' and .Mrs. Elgin Weliwood,
of ' Caledon visited recently with
Mrs. Cassie , Falconer and •'with
Mr. and 'Mrs. Orville 'Tiffin..
Mr. and; Mrs. Don Campbell,
Bradley,: ' Scott, Robert and Brent
of Belgrave, `. Mrs. Robert ' Gal-
braith ' and • Mrs Gordon Elliott
of Wingham. were Sunday visitors
with •Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott.
Mr, . and Mrs. John 'Jamieson,
Barr 'and : Brian _ •
. Y x n' .visited. Sunday
with Mr and Mrs: " George ' Turn
bull •.of Jamestown:..
Calvin -Brick U.C.W. '' will hold
their. Thankoffering , meeting. Sun-
day evening in. the .church, 'when
the congregation' and Messengers
are, invited • to attend .' and hear
the message, :and .view the ' pic-
tures to be shown by' the guest
speaker, Mrs. Arthur MacDonald
of Teeswater, :whose ' subject will•
be' . Trinidad. •
On Saturday ;'Mrs. Gordon Mc•-,
Burney, • Mrs. Alex Robertson,
Margaret and Marilyn and 1VIrs..
Dawson . Craig attended ` a trous-
seau tea ' held at , the home' of
Mrs. Wm,. :Peaeock of Bluevale,
in honour of the approaching' mar-
riage of her daughter -Anne. Dur-
ing ing ,the afternoon Mrs. Gordon
McBurney .: a n d •• Mrs. Dawson
Craig, : aunts of . the. bride-to-be
poured tea and Mrs'.': Robertson,
Margaret '- ' and ' .Marilyn assisted
with gift displays. • .
Had To •Lower". Water Level ,
Albert Coultes and Ernest ; Bee-
croft : made a. trip Sunday even-
ing after, the ' heavy : ram to .low-
er the . water . level at the- dam
on Silver Creek on the property
of Carman: Denton of Woodstock
on the River • sideroad Planks
were pulled f r m. the spill.' ways
m order' to ,save the fish which
were going over' the ::dam on ac-
count of the high water.
Little Debbie Coultes, daughter-
el Mr., and Mrs. Jack Coultes ' of
Dresden, .:underwent surgery on
Monday in Wingham and District
Hospital.. Mr. and Mrs. ' Albert
Couites. and Mr, .and Mrs., Mer-
vin 'Pipe :of'' Brussels are grand
parents The community wishes;
her, a , very speedy recovery:
,;.Mr. and Mrs. Earl'. Caslick. vis-
i:ted Sunday, , with Mr. and Mrs.
Russel Ross and family.
Stewart. Scott. :of •Langside, Mr.
a n d Mrs.: Douglas Conley' of
Wingham •' were Sunday . visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Conn.
Mr. and °Mrs.- Wallace, Agar of.
Wingham . were Friday ,' evening
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Al-
bert Coultes; ' . ' • .
Sunday evening visitors with
Mr. and' Mrs. JohnstonConn were.
Mr. and ' Mrs. Wallace Conn and.
family, Stewart 'Scott of Lang
Side,, Mr, and Mrs. Doug. ;Conley.
of •Wingham,
Miss Marilyn Cameron of Kit
chener• visited on Sunday. ' with; ,
her aunt 'Mrs. D. MacDonald
H. •D. MacDonald, who is em- '
ployed .with.. Warren Paving Com-
pany of Toronto, spent the week-
end at ' his home `here. ,
Jim. Ross of Wallaceburg, spent'.
the* week -end ` at: hishome here.
Visitors on Sunday with Mr..
and Mrs. Gershom Johnston :were
Mr. 'and Mrs Charles: Wood and
Sylvia of Seafortk• Dwight Smith,
.Doug Hann,Brenda Belling and
Denise Catnier,' all of Kitchener.
George Grigg has gone to No-
ble Greenways . to assist with time'
farm wdrk.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry' Moss, Su-
san• and Janie of Ptatitsville,, de-.
companied by her parents 'Mr.
and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan. who
Were returning home, visited with
Mr, and Mrs. Carl McClenaghan,
The new owner, of Allan :pat-
i tison's farm has been making es.
, tensive aiterations . to' the farm
' home during the p a s t,' three
Observed' 80th 'Birthday
'On'. Sunday Mrs. Maud Haggitt
Celebrated her ' 80th birthday at.
the ': home '` of her brother Victim,
Emerson and Mrs. Emerson. Pre
sent for the occasion was her.
sister Miss . Lila/ Einerson, Mr.
and :Mrs, . Fred Tiffin, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles. Tiffin, Mr. and .Mrs.
Russel, Ritchie.', Mrs: Hag itt re
ceived `several gifts..
On .. Monday George ' ' Walker
commenced his duties, as 'warble,
fly inspeetor•.-for East Wawanosh:
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw ; and• :'
Janet` and. Her..b. ';Laidlaw, were'
'Saturday... evening guests. at ,the
home. of: Mr. a n;d Mrs. Fred
Moore to celebrate Blaine's. fifth •
birthday. ,
Record` Hop . • '
. ' The: ' YP.S. held a: Record - Hop
in 'Whitechurch . Community me-
morial shall . on . Saturday evening.. ,
George Watson of Belgrave . sup
plied the: music with his, record .:
player, and '. a 'good : 'sized crowd
.was : in : attendance.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw, .
Janet1 and . Herb Laidlaw.. were
Sunday visitors,. with Mr.. ' ;and'•: 1.
;Mrs: Jack Kerr. of' Bhieyale. •
Carl Weber,. Anne, • Marlene,
-Clair' visited . with Mr: , and: Mrs..'
Robert • 'Chambers of. Harriston ' on,
'Saturday 'and enjoyed.. the after-
noon in - the sugar. bush. •
Reports are that James H. Cur-.
rie.. has sold his farm.
Chalmers . ,, Presbyterian • :*Church . •
will hold their Thankoffering meg-
ting in ..the.. church. The :leaders
are Mrs.' Russel Ross and Lila
':Emerson. The group to assist are
Mrs.. `Donald Watt • and • Miss A.'
Laidlaw. .The guest speaker, will
be Miss _Sadie -Johnston -of 'Ashy:
Richard Coffin •of Kitchener
.spent.' the week -end with his Mo-
ther .Mrs,. Emma Coffin .and John.
Bradley' 'Smith: of Toronto . is
visiting with. his grandparents Mr.. ,
and Mrs. .Russel Chapman.
Mrs: Olive ,Ros's of Wingham
visited . Thursday ',and Friday at
the ':home of Mr-. and Mrs.. • Al-`•
bert. Coultes..
• . Calvin -Brick �. are' holding 'a cro-
kinole party, for. the Sunday School
at Curries School on Monday •ev-
ening,. April 19th; • '
Anumber of `. Calvin -Brick
U C,W. members attended ,the
Belgrave U.C.W. Thankoffering
meeting held Sunday ,.evening.
Some of the Wingham'' High,
School . . .bus drivers :;reported on
Monday Morning that roads were
blocked due- to „the..heavy rains
of Sunday ' evening alpng . with' •
melting snow, producing f, Dods. .
Mr. and Mrs.. Hugh MacMillan,
Paul, Brian and David of Sarnia
visited on Sunday with Mr.: and
Mrs. Wesley Tiffin and Mrs, Myr-
tle Dawso
Mr. and
Mrs.. David Henderson
Sherry ,and Lois, and Ed Voisin,
of • L' istowel, visited' Saturday ev-
ening with Mr, and ivIrs,: Wesley •
Tiffin and 'Mrs. Dawson. .
Mr., '
and ,'Mrs. George 'Pdcock
of Lambeth visited Charles Lea-
ver and other• relatives in the dis-
trict. :. ' •
• Mrs. Gordon Rintoul and Gail
'visited 'Sunday „With her mother
Mrs, Robert Purdon of Belgrave.
George McGee and 'Gilbert Bee-
croft visited Tuesday. with Roy
McGee, still a patient' in. ,Pitch-,
ener-Waterloo Hospital, •
Rintoul brothers the' peat week
have been busy getting their supe'
ply of wood ready for nett win,••
ter in their 'Wood dot. f,