HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-04-21, Page 8PAGE EIGHT . 'THE LUCKNOW..rSENTINEL. LUCK.NOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, APRIL: 2100 .965 WHITECHIJRCH....an DISTRICT (Intended For Last Week) • ittie' Karen Gaunt, daughter of • Mr. and .Mrs. 'HarleyGaunt,. was this . week discharged from Victoria,•'Children's Hospital, Lon- don. We, are happy to: report her health • is much, unproved, 50th. Wedding Anniversary WS,. . Hugh. Sinnamon,: Mrs : • Ro- be rt . Sinnamon,; Mrs....E; W. Bee- croft were at 1,Westminster Hos:. pital, London, on Thursday. Mr. and. Mrs_; !Hugh Sinnamori were celebrating their 51st wedding ,an- niversary-Mr. an niversary. Mr. Sinnamon has been. a ';patient there for,. two years. Calvin -Brick, held ' a very successful bake sale in Wingham in the Oddfellowsrooms .on Sat- urday Mrs: George Webster and. John left from 'Malton . airport . rt, . for their home in Halifax on Tuesday af- ter ;a: five weeks 'visit, with •.rel -f atives .here. • Donald . Watt, student , 'preacher at 'Knox . College, returned to Tor- onto. with Murray 'Gaunt: ;Barry Tiffin of Water -loo. visit ed Sunday ;with his parents . Mr., • and Mrs.; .Dan Tiffin,"' . and, Paul Geiger.- .who_ .spent•L;:the ,.weekend. 'with Mr. and ` Mrs. Carl. McClen- aghan,.;returned home with him. Mr. and Mrs. Dann Tiffin and Orville Tiffin' ,spent Sunday in- Goderich ' and'visited with. Mr. and , Mrs:. ` Alex. ` Butler . ' and Mr. andMrs:. Gordon Jamieson. United Church h .. ur eh Messengers . The United' : Church' Messengers held their • April meeting .in the school , room - of the: church on Sunday, April, • 11th, ...during church service.:: The call to worship was given by Mrs.Clarence 'Ritchie. All repeated the motto in unison. A . hymn; was . sung. The scripture lesson ' was psalm 1.48 repeated in ` unison.: -Joyce Tiffin ` : led in prayer. . Linda, ; Purdon received the ; .offering and Earp Thompson gave ' the 'Offering prayer, The roll can was. answered by an.. at., tendance of 17. The minutes were read by secretary . Charles Thom- pson. Themembers were given, mite boxes., John ' Gibb• was. ap pointed press, secretary, as Di- ane Swan who was the .secretary, has moved to Bervie. Joyce Tif- fin was also appointed • 1st vice president, to replace one, moved away,.' The Thankoffering will be held, May 124th when :the C.O.C. of Chalmers Presbyterian Church and the : Baby Band will be in- vited, The next' meeting:. will be May 16th in `: the . Sunday School, room,` All then ' went to ' their clas- ses. The Senior leader • is Mrs. Clarence ,Ritchie , 'and the Junior leader Mrs. Elmer Sleightholm, Percy McClenaghan, Bevan Tif- fin ' and Mrs. 'Lillian MoClenag- han on Sunday visited . with Miss Mildred MdClenaghan of Milton,,. and in s. the afternoon accompan- ied by Barbara Milne, all visited. Mallon airport. . Currie's School ..Euchre Party On Friday 'evening the teacheer, Mrs. Garniss, and pupils of .Cur rie's school held a euchre party in ;the , school to aid _their _.funds_ for , a bus trip. There 'were • 16 eta bles enjoyed the game. Those re- ceiving high .' scores were . Mrs. Jim Coultes, Belgrave, & Harold Congraxn ' The. ' low, scores . were' received , by Mrs.', Gordon Mc- Burney a n d Howard .Walker.' Those . winning .: prizes for having a birthday , nearest the ' . date of the party . (April 9th) :'were 'Don Don- ald Pattison and ' :Joan'. Currie. Lunch was served''by. , the teach- er ' and :pupils. . Whitechurch Safety Sisters Whitechurch' Safety . Sisters held their ' meeting. on Tuesday' even- ing at the., home of ' . Irene .:De Boer. The meeting opened '. with the president, Paine a King, pre- siding. • The ' meetin opened . by all repeating the 4 ' :Pledge in Sh9.wer-H,eld, For Mildred Waidell' (AMBERLEY• NEWS) '. '''(Intended .For Last Week) • A community shower, was held in the Sundays Schoolroom of Pine. River , United Church :.on Thursday evening of last week' in honour of Mildred , Wardell.. . Mrs. Delbert Wilson was chair. lady " for the • occasion 'and the program 'opened ' with, instrumen- tal 'music by Mrs, Jim Nesbitt. Songs by ' Brenda 'Henry, Shirley, Reid,, Brenda Humphrey, Corinne Lowry ' and Peggy Fry were ac- companied by Eleanor Emmerton. After.--a-reading by -Mrs, -Carrick Coiling, Mrs. . Bill ' Scottsang two pleasing numbers which were ac- companied by Mrs, Robert Court- ney, Mary, Maithel Lee, , and Debbie Wilson sangtwo: eriloyable num- bers, and a 'contest of T: V. per- sonalities was conducted by Mrs. Delbert Wilson. Carol Irwin , and' Barbara Wilkin -escorted Mildred to her place of honour and Mrs. unison.'• The 7• girls present an; swered the roll -call by stating a Traffic Law, each had .learned." The . minutes were read by Mar- lene Weber..:Pamnla King invited the Safety Sisters to hold the next meeting 'Tuesday, April 13th, at ' her home.: ` The .discussion was.° based on Rules for. well ,planned meals which . do not. cost too much. A menu for. -breakfast, . a. carried' lunch,, a' ;home: aunch and a, supper was prepared. All learn- ed to judge first 'aid ;kits. ;'-:In struction , Was given on 'writing, a, club' story. Hosie' assignments were •plan and lirepa. re a meal. for .your . family .'if: possible ' and record it .in your Record Book; complete First Aid Kit and Rec- ord : Book. ,The . meeting ;closed with the ' repeating, of the 441 Creed. ee 1.uicknow Monday;X ACCOMODATION' FOR 400 .'HEAD $2.00 PER HEAD ommunit. xis :Robert:McIntosh PHONE 164-11 _pley,, 528-9912 Lucknow E. MacLENNAN, A, MacLNTYRE. AUCTIONEERS John Scott read an address to the bride-to-be. Messages accompany- ing the gifts were read by the bride and girl friends. Mildred made 'a fitting ' reply, •'• thanking.' everyone who had a part . in, ar- ranging her shower. She invited them to her : home to view her trousseau.. Lunch was served and a social tirrie •: 'was enjoyed; Yo;ir. Subscription Renewed? t . . H . .. KffVlO�1G ... Untended For;: Lasts °Week)' !Linda' Evans . of • Downsview spent a few':' days. with her grand- parents Mr. and .Mrs. 'Bert Nic- holson:. William. Haldenby. attender the National` Grocers Open. !House'' at Brampton.; 'He accompanied. Mr. and Mrs.. Clare 'Sperling. , On Good FridaY.the . service in the 'Anglican Church will be held 'at 2 . o'clock. A . cordial invitation is ' extended, to , any;, who wish to, attend. The many friends ' of :Mrs.. 'Karl . . Boyle, • formerly' of here,' who un. 'derwent major surgery °,'on Satur- day .. last ., at 5t. Jotsephs Hospital, • London, are pleased to know that she is making - favourable 'prog- ress. Her room number is 436.. " Mr. and Mrs. mot, Brooks --of Wingham spent the week -end with,. • her. parents Mr, and. Mrs. Perry H -do. gins. -Mt.- and '.: Mrs:' ,. Roy Schneller spent a day in London. Mr. - and Mrs.. Scott Walsh and: Children of ` Carlsruhe; . visited; , on oth: . . Sunday . with his mer ' Mrs.. Gertrude .'Walsh.: ' The Anlcanservice.next Sun, day will be at., 11 o'clock. • Mrs.:: Frank Maulden visited with Mrs. Margaret MacPherson,. 'Concession 10. Friends; are pleas- ed ,,• leased:� to know that Mrs:. iMacPher- son: is. steadily .improving. • Mrs. Frank Maulden and 'Keith, ; spent the :week.end " with Mr. and Mrs:. ;Arthur , Philips , and '.Peggy' at Fonthill , • . USE SENTINEL WANT -ADS • • �ccessful Darr: avings account Like almost everyone; ,else,.., you use. your' local chartered bank : as O safe. and handy place to build the savings reserve that is so important to your financial ;future. In doing so` you do more than build,; a solid founda, tion for financial plans.' 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