HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-04-21, Page 4f;# • PAG* 'FOUR THE• LUCKNOW`SENTINEL, LUCKNO.W, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAYS APRIL '.21st, 196S iv /,1'S'I ..`"'.,, . APL.; -3134 FOR SALE ---.,.set• of'' 32 . plate In- ternational • discs.' Marvin Scott, R.R.' 7 Lucknow, phone 529-7187. SEED FOR SALE- `fted Clover seed.. Irwin Campbell, Belfast, phone 529-7116; • PIGS ' ma, SALE York, chunks, 12 weeks old::Reid.:Brothers, Dun- gannon, phone 529-7418.: FOR ' SAVE ,- .4 . speed,, Silver tone . record player;, Apply . to 528-2422 Lucknow. FOR ' SALE' yellow and white baby buggy. Mrs. David .:Kirkland Lueknow; phone 528-3325.' CAR ' FOR' SALE , 1956 -- Ford, 2 door; standard V-8, good tires. Phone 16-r-3 Ripley. AUCTION SALE. `Alian..'Maclntyre Licensed Auctioneer Lucknow Phone .528-3519 F011. SALE • °, 5 crossbred heif- ers, eif ers,'`Hereford, and Holstein,: weight about 500` lbs: Alex 'Farrish, , phone Dungannon ' 529-7305. CAR FOR ,SALE 1959 :Stude- baker .Stationwagon; , runs , good; needs , some body work. Donald Straughan, ' , R.R '1 ,: Lueknow :Phone '528.5352. VACUUM' CLEANER' SALES and ' SERVICE For all makes . - - Filter > Queen Sales, Varna," phone 262-5350. SPRING '•SPECIAL Ladies. Home. Journal, 24. is:- , sues, "$3.00; ' 40" issue's; WOO Two Years For The Price Of •One..' The Lucknow.' Sentinel 11 SEP7`IC TANKS ':CLEANED; Septic" tanks;. cess : pools, etc., pumped :sand' cleaned ,with modern equipment: All work guaranteed. Lows Blake, R. ' '2 Brussels, phone 4222w-6. FOR SALE - ' Red ' Clover seed,: -.will ` trade' for alfalfa; • also Berta barley suitable for' seed, will trade on "oats;; Selkirk, spring wheat: cleaned .';and 'treated; , also . 60. •chicken feeders. Frank : Alton, phone 529-7218 ;Dungannon..' FOR . SALE Diston Chain Saw, three • foot ,blade, new' 'chain; . a number .of' cement :forms; used lumber . and planks; a , number' of • timbers. Contact Jack Farrish, 1 Lucknow, , phone,' 528-3711: FOR- SALE: girls red $pruig coat, size. 10-12`. years; grey • cot-, ton .twill ;dress with. red and white trim, „size 10-12 years; blue and white •stripedt•blouse size 12'years; blue dress; 'size '10 ,years. Mrs. Lloyd Hunter; R.R. 1 Lucknow, phone 528-5355. THOUSANDS OF GALLONS best, trades; Sherwin ' William, Canada- Paint, Martin-Senoiir, Lowe' • Bro- ther, Meteor, C.I:L•. etc: in liquid- ation, 2: gallons for $6.00,,, 12 gal- lons $24.95 Cash $5 — Balance Order . • to : Quebec and ' Ontario. Paint', Supply, 408 Blvd. St.. Joseph: East, Montreal. SEED .FOR SALE , Hay mixture No. 1 5 lb, alf- alfa, 1 f -alfa, . , 5 lb. timothy, ' 2 ' lb. Red -Clover, '4 1b: Bronie grass; 2 lb. Meadow Fescue, total. 18 ' ib,. cost- ing ,only ;,$6.47 per apre. 'Hay ture No. 2' — 8 lb. alfalfa, 4 ib. Red Clover, 5 lb. timothy and 3 'lb. Brome grass, ,'total 20 lb., costing Only $7.14 per acre. Or a good permanent pasture mixture -- 5 lb', Empiretype trefoil, 5 lb. alfalfa, 5 lb. 'timothy' and 3 lb. Brome -grass, total 18 .lb., cost - in $9.59 per acre. All mixtures Cost- ing- e1, new ..crop seed. All or- ders mixed 'free. We offer 'all. varieties of Alex M, Stewart's seed • grain for sale; 'For 'your seeding requirements see Roy, Crainir. & Son. at' Pinkerton. FOR SALE - rose color .girl's coat, size 8;.' full Guide. 'uniiforn% (new . style) • size 121. Mrs. Gerald Wagner, Lucknow; ,phone _528-3505. PLANNING A •PARTY? , •' For. serviettes,: placemats, coos - telt, paper tablecovers and paper plates for all. occasions.: see the, selection ' at :the Lucknow • Sentin- el,' entinel,, phone 528-31.3.4. TARPAULINS; Don't ` get caught in the spring shower 'without cover. Order . a tarp,' any size or. weight : at.' your Co-op. Name and Address , on: at no • extra • charge. Lucknow ' Co-op,.: phone 5282125.. • STANDING AT STUD KINGS ''FLASHY ' . MARVEL: Re- gistered ' , Hackney pony 13-2, bay with white ' markings, exceptional blood' lines,good disposition; pro- ven sire, inspection' invited. Or-, ville McCormick, R.R. 1 : Kincar- dine. SEPTIC . TANKS; .CLEANED Vacuum cleaning and. ' pumping of septic tanks, Ronald Forster, Lucknow, phone .528-3002; . menu facturer of cement .septic 'tanks. and well tile.: GOOD ; HOUSE , FOR SALE ."— with all 'conveniences, new fur- nace, :new 3-piece:'bath, . built-in cupboards, situated at ; ' Lurgan (across .'from Anglican church) known.' : as the Les. ,Ray property, worth :: the -money, good. • terms. Thomas;' Farris, r• Ripley,. phone 141-r-1. CUSTOM'' BUTCHERING . Beef and pork sold in any quan ity. _ Custom : butchering in' ;Govern- ment : licensed . abbattoir. ;Pigs every Tuesday. Beef from Monday through: Thursday. BUTTONS ' MEAT MARKET READER'S . 'DIGEST ' .SPECIALS New Subscribers ' may purchase 15 " months of Reader's Digest for $2; Renewals: subscriptions' ac- cepted ' at; the rate, of ` $2.97 per year. Leave. your _=orders 'th The ' Lucknow. Sentinel, phone 528-3134.'. • FOR : SALE 100' acres near Wingham, 6 'xoom house with bath, • barn, 50' '' x . 60',' attached" pig pen ' and hen house, silo, litter carrier. "$11,000. 200 acres near , highway, good ' 4 bedroom house, large barn, silo, suitable for . beef or dairy. $13,000. STAN. KAY Phone' 52.816493 . AGENT.' FOR Wilfred Mclntee & Company. Ltd., Walkerton, Ontario FOR SALE $188.00 BUYS ING EVENTS •': NEW .' CASH BINGO Legion. Hall, Lucknow, every Thursday evening, 8:45 p.m.. '15 regular games -T .$10;00 - each. 4 Share -The -Wealth' games With jackpo't' ' included in each, game,. Jackpot this: • week .$95.00 on 59 calls;; ',GODERICH LIONS --,BINGO. . The 'Goderich . Lions' will hold. a bingo ;on Wednesday;. .April 28th, 8:30' p.m: at the Harbour - lite Inn, , seventeen regulargames at, $10, ;•,one share -the -wealth, one $50 jackpot and the. .new...acceler ating . jackpot up t $250. ' and ' 2 .door prizes: ,Admission $1.00. N. • KA.IRSHEA 'CALICO BALL,: Thee' Kairshea . W.I... 'Calico Ball. will beheld in the Legion Hall, Lucknow, :Wednesday . April . 21st. Boyd's orchestra,:' lunch counter, .homemade pies. There will be' 10 prizes of $2.00 each for. five . cot :ton ready made and five :cotton. home sewn dresses. Judging' will be; done while •.dancing: is in pro-: gress, commencing• .. at 10:00 o'clock. _ Admission 75'c, OPEN ,HOUSE Plan , .to :attend Open House at Kinloss Central Public School on Thursday, ' -April 29th' from .8 ; to 10 p.m. EVENING. OF CHORAL"' -MUSIC` IN WI.NGHAM'.D.H.' SCHOOL You:. are invited to•an- enjoyable ' evening of- choral music ` .by the Earle, Terry' Singers and: St. And- rew's Boys Bell Chorus: 'in' the Wingham District'.High School on Tuesday,. April 27th at ;8:30' pm ,'• sponsored by the Business .and Professional • .Women's: Club . '' of Wingham Admission:. Adults $1.00, students 50c. Tickets' avail- 'a'ble.ut; MacKenzie , Furnitilre,, Umbach, Pharmacy •. or at 'the door. • . SHOOT and' EUCHRE R A Shoot and Euchre : parPAty willTY be held , on. Friday, April 23rd, at the Parish -, Hall •at . 8:00' p.m., sponsored .by the • W.A., SPRING TEA AND SALE OF CRAFTS • tween `'the hours of 10.00 , ain; ~ - FOR SALE :FOR S'A'LE .' cook stove, Whig .-.ham °'make,: 'in 'good ' .condition.:. Phone 2329 Bervie. FOR SALE -' International B 275. Diesel Freeman loader. Peter MacDonald, Lucknow phone .528- 2029, Hardwood 'WOOD FOR SALE wood or softwood slabs, • in; 10 cord loads. We .deliver. •Borden Litt, sawmill, phone 392-6895 Teeswater. FOR SAE — 700 or"800 ' balesf mixed'` hay, alfalfa.and timothy a seed. • and one bushel, . of alfalfa James Little,' R.R. 7 : Lucknow, •phone '529-7562 FOR SALE -, 2 choice Holstein eows, carrying ' their second calf,' due now,.. bred. Holstein.'Duncan Farrish, Lochalsh, ,phone ;4=r-8' Ripley: CUSTOM ' SPRAYING Midair Limited, Aerial .Apphea- tors.. Fertilizing grass seed on Fall wheat and barley. Alex Far- rish, R.R. 7 'Lucknow,' ;hone "Dun- gannon 529-7305. FOR SALE 14 foot boat, motor .and trailer•; ' 1954 International .(184).' cab ` and chassis; twenty 12" cement tile; air compressor and: motor; ' sump pump D44. Allis :Chalmers with: industrial.. loader; Case ' crawler. with„ loader, and .Scarifier; 1953 In- ternational .(180),' with .platform; dump °truck ; and P.C.V. licence; 1957 Mercury pickup. Jack Far- rish, Lueknow, ;•phone 528-3711: • al. nov- elty. PENS,PENCILS : c endars ov elt y . iems ' with . �' otir' name' Print, y yP ed on for. all ''types of businesses: are available, right here, in 'Luck- now. ucknow. froth. the Lueknow Sentinel, Phone .528-3134. Let . us gave you ala • estimate, • nc NOTICE The. 'meeting 'of the Ladies ,Aux-' iliary to the; Canadian Legion, will be held; next :Tuesday,.' April 27th. It. will. be; ;appreciated if articles - for ,,the fall bazaar *are brought to the meeting..• • AUCTION 'SALE • AUCTION SALE AUCTION . SALE.` of ' livestock, Machinery, .Hay and .Grain will be. held. for'. Harold . Walker, lot 38, concession 12, .East`Wawanosh. Twnship, 2' miles south . and . 2 miles 'west' of Wingham" on Tues- day, .. April- ' 27th, ' eat :1 p.m. See bills for list.: Terms ccs ; Harold r, proprietor, rietor ' Walker; p p � Allan "Mac° lntyre, : auctioneer: AUCTION SALE AUCTION , . ' SALE. of Livestock, Implements, Hay and Grain will be held for. Frank •Johnston, 'lot 7, concession 9, Kinloss Township, 6I/4 'miles. north and .1 mile west. of Lucknow' on Monday,, Ap` il. 26th at 1:30 p.m. See bilis for list; , Terms ' cash; ' Frank John- ston, ' proprietor; 'Allan ' MacIntyre, auctioneer:;' AUCTION SALE Auction sale•of farm imple- ments m le- P.. ments will, be held' for. Harry Wat- kins, Lots , 8 and 9, Con::' 6 Goder- ich Township, •2% -.miles south •of Goderich, �14'.mile off 'No : 8:. High- way an Saturday, , April 24th at 1:30 p.m • Implements include: ' ° Ford tractor, . Dearborn •, � plough, tractor. chains, Massey Ferguson - 24 plate 3` point hitch disc, (brand, new), . harrows, ..Ford cultivator, Dearborn 6 foot power 'mower,•. Dearborn :side rake, power driven George White" . 32 foot elevator, Massey Ferguson. forage chopper : : or pasture clipper . 2 years :old, WANTED � _rg, GOOD . HEAVY FOWL WANTED cash on ' the, farm..• :Call, The Ronnenburg ` ' ";-Insu Bance 'Office, Brussels, Tuesday' and' Friday; -be Spring ;Tea and Sale of Resi- dents' : Crafts to Abe:. held'May 5th 5:00 p.m.. at " Brucelea Haven, ' Walkerton, from 2:30, to 5 in. , the afternoon and 7 to 9 in 'the ' evening, Every- one welcome. PAPER COLLECTION Lucknow Bay Scouts. •will.: .con- duct a • waste. paper collection: in Lucknow and. Dungannon tomor- row • afternoon (Thursday) April 22nd: 'Anyone wishing paper' tied' and. handled contact' Scoutmaster George Whitby. or. Bill Johnstone. FOR RENT . , ,Group includ- 7 -piece Livingroom' • mg 2 -piece . Suite, 3 Tables,. ‘2 APARTMENT FOR RENT rear apartment : on corner of Havelock and' Willoughby Streets, Lucknow, living -room, , kitchen, ' 2 bedrooms and- bath: • 'Mr4. Elmer,Farrish, •, phone Fordwich 26-r-12.' Gorrie hon Lamps or ,, New Refrigerator or New 7 -piece Be d r. • r P d ;,a.0•,.�rrG cup ' :or New' Automatic 30 .in. Electric Range GODFREY SCHUETT ' ' MILDMAY ' Furniture , Showrooms Free 'Delivery • BRIDES-TO-BE ' The Luck- now Sentinel has, the most com- plete selection of wedding invi- tations and accessories in the, dis- triet... Three sample albums . 'to choose from. M the . privacy of your hopne if: you wish. With each order of invitations invitations or announce- ments _:..., you receive -a: Free ear subscription to the . paper and'. a Free . engagement announcement. Give Us :'a call and you'll be Wel-• conic to take the samples over- night. td your your }homey The Luck now, Sentinel, phone 528-3134 APARTMENT' -FOR RENT in Lucknow, ideally • ideated, 3 rooms and bath` upstairs; 3 rooms on 'main' floor, partly ' furnished, available ,April 15th.. W. L. Mac •Kenzie.; Mrs; Jessie Alan,. phone Lucknow 528-3201. • FOR '. RENT — .front apartment,- self contained, ideal ' for couple; Apply Lucknow. ,Fruit Market.,, FOR RENT -� , 100 acre. pasture farm,, running water,- plenty' of , shade.: John Ritchie, R,R.: 3 Lucknow. phone 529-7547 .or Blake L Alton, . R;R.. 2 ° Lucknow' phone 529-7117: ADDITIONAL •CLASSIFIED • ON PAGEE ,1'H'IRTE'EN' WANTED TO RENT ''house in Lucknow or farm house'in' White- church - Lucknow , a r e a. Apply. Wingham, Box 167, phone 357-3007. WANTED 40 eight-week ' . old pigs. : 'Donald Murray, R.R. 2 Lucknow, phone ;528-6130., WANTED '-- milk truck driiver for ' Pine River ::Cheese- Factory run...Apply' Coiling Brothers,`.;Rip-. ley. HELP .WANTED • Steady. man for 'mill work, forty-four• hour. week. Apply Treleaven's (.Luck- now Feed Mill :Ltd., phone' 5g9- 3000: SALES HELP WANTED MALE Splendid' • Rawleigh : business a- vailable in Bruce . County. • Pro- ducts well known. Opportunity unlimited for • big sales •.and` big profits; Start your, business ` on Credit without' . experience. ,' Write' today for full details Rawleigh, Dept,. D-271-224, 4005. Richelieu St. Sts Henry, Montreal, ` CUCUMBER • GROWERS WANTED . Bicks of Canada would • like more 'acreage ..of 'cucttmbers, Of- fering five' dollars 'more for No. 3 and No, 6. ,highest prices -paid,- Free pickup at gate,. • Write or . phone' Bicks Of Canada • Dublin, .Ontario Phone 30-r-3 Dublin or • -John . Van Rooy". • . R.R. 3 GoderIch ?hone 529-7438 •Dungannon, Ont. See the new ,selectins; of ' Serv- iettes, place mats and coasters at. the Lucknow Sentinel rubber tied. wagon and rack ' snow blower, grain auger, -man are :, spreader; McCullough Chain Saw, bench • saw,fence wire, water trough, extension ladder,': stone boat;.; trailer•. hog feeder, 25 tube type. hew' feeders, . 2 ' range shelters,. pig .troughs.: De La ` Val. 2 unit milking machine, • some household ',furniture, numerous toolsand small articles: r 'Te ms 'Cash', =- F'arzYi Sold Allan MacInty. a Auctioneer: AUCTION SAI,E AUCTION '' SALE of livestock, implements and ' "and 'household ' effects will be held ' for John McIvor, lot 11, :concession• 10, Huron 'Town- • ship,: 2: miles' North-East of RIP - ley on •Thursday,'.. April'. 29th, at 1:00 p.m. ' See bills for list. Term's Cash. John Mcf vor, • proprietor; .' Donald B. Blue, auctioneer. :., AUCTION: SALE' of CLEARING AUCTION SALE livestock, implements,' grain' , and hay. will 'be held for . Victor :}fu- , ston, lot 63, . North"Durham Durham Road, 2 miles east of 'Bervie, on Fri- day, April 23rd,- at 1:00 Pp: Terms Cash. Victor Huston, pro, prietor; ,Donald •8 . ,Blue; auction- eer. • AUCTION SALE ' CLEARING AUCTION SALE .of farm property, stock, implements,. hay •Wand: grain, will be held for Roy MacKay, lot 9, concession 13, Ashfield Township, one mile south of ' Lochalsh on. Thursday,April 29th, ' at one ,o'clock, See bills for: list and terms; Real Estate The farm, consisting' of 98 ac- res more or less, will :be +.offered for sale at 3:30 'p.m, subject to reserve bid; .This is. •a . good,. fariii, well drained with a' large 'bank barn, . drive shed, hydro and ores-, sure system, Terms on. farm, 10% day of ,sale, balance iii. 60 days,• Roy Mae'Kay, ' proprietor; 1iriF. ile ' MacLennan; auctioneer.. •