HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-04-07, Page 12THE LUC.KNOW SENTINEL.,
Watching. • the • world .lately,
Sid it hard„ to. believe .that ..:man
kind has progressed very far since
`the day Cain that
Abel' and'
.began a fad: that ha never lost its
lobularity -- inurd'ering : 'one's:
-Whether it's Alabama, Ham
.Bmg or. Havana, Quito or Quebec,
tate pattern ' is . the same:.. clubs
.singing, • women screaming,
skulls cracking, blood spurting;.
Hammering one's fellow citizen
'With a billy -club: is one • of the
.heading outdoor. spouts of this • gen
eration. •
'It's difficult to believe that ,all
the • hatred and viciousness . a-
mong men is .based on; Color, 'or
religion. ,The , Pakistanians and.
Indians loathe , each other. They-
're the same color, different re-
ligions; The Viet' Nams and the.
Viet, ' Coags`' murder, each • other
with mutual. relish. Same color,
same religion.
In 'South . Africa, . 'whites kick
blacks.; around. 'In : North Africa;
blacks kick;" whites arouiid. In
both .cases, religion • is , ammater.
ial. _ •
South . ' America, the . rich
;111ck..the poor around, & they all.'.`
go to the same .church. In . North,
America, ;wiveskick their a' bus
'bands around. Same color; same
religion; different sex.
If it isn't • racial or religious or
sexual, what then is the basis for
all the' pounding of other.:people?
is it simply fear. that ,if' you don't
Smash the other fellow's 'skull
first, he will kick you in'. the groin?
Or' is .. it ; something more sim-
ple, and primitive; just a savage
iov in the letting' of blood, in pain E
and cruelty?' ••
It's' hard to know An arthro-
poligist'`wil1 skv',one thing,, a' p
chologist : another:. And a g
:bartender . could : probably co
as close to the truth as .either,
It; is my experience that the ten-
sions ` of: race, creed ' and• color are
completely artificial., It : is only
when they are,, fanned by .signor
ance, fear or ,malice that they
burst •.into. `flame: Ignored,:. they
dissolve . and vanish.
The ' other •., day., 1 was supervis-
ing :an examination •:'For some-
thing •to, do; I' looked down .'a cou :
'pie: of. rows . of students and check-,
ed off ,their national' origins.
They were Swiss, Polish, •Dutch,
:German, "Italian, Norwegian, An-
glo-Saxon.. There were Jews and
'Roman ,Catholics and Protestants '
of all 'denominations.
They. didn't • even look as they
should have;'' A redheaded ',Ger-
German, and a red=headed • Jew. A
. couple of swarthy, black -haired
Mediterranean types called• Smith
and Jones. ••
And, I happen to knowthere is
no hatred, no tension over race
• ' . or religion• or pigmentation, in.
this'group, There is only the nor-
, mal clash • of personalities, based
entirely • on , individual, likes and
In 1943. . I trained • at a R.A.F.
station in England. On my, Course
were pilots from half a ,dozen
European countries, from Can-
ada and the U.S., from. Africa
and Australia, from Trinidad
and India, and from all over the. 5
British Isles.
Color ranged 'from silverblond'
Norwegian, through, coffee -heed
• Maori Indian from New' 'Zealand
to coal -black West Indian, Relig-
ion raja the gamut from agnostic
• •to fervent R.Cd,•, from Baptist to
Moslem.'We were like brothers '
On lily .'21st birthday, having'
sprained • an ankle badly in a rug-
ger game, I' couldn't walk to my...
own birthday, party. 1 was . 'car-
ried to the, pub on the shoulders
of a magnificent turbaned' Sikh'
?from India, a Polish county 'an
'Australian dairy farmer, and the.
. ' scion of 'a fine old Belgian . fain -
,It Was my finest hour, when
my brothers dspOslted me •gent-
ly at the bars. •
And ° it .helped convince me
that •'race religion • and color
have very little• to do with man'a.
nihuinanity, Or • • humanity
Albert' Fish of Guelph installed'
the , :1965' 'Office Holders of the
Grey -Bruce , Real ,Estate Board.
at a dinner meeting . in •the . Hart-
le , , ' House; Walkerton, Mr. Fish
was introduced by ' Director Rob-
ert' Skalitzky and thanked bye
President 'Wm. .Crawford. . , •
The : guest speaker' was R. 'E.'
Sanderson of Port Credit, a past
president of the Ontario' Associa
tion of •Real Estate, Board's, who
spoke' on : "What the Association.
Does for.. Its Members". ;He en-
lightened the members ' with a
very instructive address. .
He wask introduced by Director
Frank .Hicks and thanked by Reg:
Armistrongr;.. Mr. Sanderson was
welcomed by all members,' as he
was the speaker at the .inaugural
meeting of the Board, in October'
There. was . an excellent' atten-
dance of over forty : members : of
the Board.
• (Intended For Last. Week)
Skating Party
Mrs. Olive "Kennedy,teacher, at
Fordyce School; • and her• pupils
attended. a skating party at Luc-
know arena on Friday afternoon.
Mr. and, Mrs; John. Gaunt were
in London, `on Sunday and visited
with their grandaughter, Karen,
daughter :.of Mr and Mrs. Har-
leyGatmt, and a patient in .the
Children's ..Hospital. '
Mr.. and .. Mrs. Irwin McClenag
han,,Mary I.ou, :.Ronnie and Nan-
cy of SL Thomas, and 'Mr,. ' and
Mrs. Harry Moss of Plattsville
were Sunday visitors ' with their
parents Mr. and ,Mrs.. Ben Mc-
Clenaghan and. Mr. and Mrs. Carl
McClenaghan. Mr. • and Mrs. Ben:
McCieiiaghan . returned' home with
Mr. and Mrs. Moss for a :visit:
While' out horse -back riding his
ponies, Carl ' •McClenaghan reports,
seeing pussy.' willows . in bloom,
robins' and'. kildeers, all, sure
signs of spring being near at.
hand. . . '
. Mr. and '' Mrs. Albert Coultas
and Diane were Sunday visitors.
with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Sch
wichtenberg and family : of, Port.
Elgin.. • . -
Mr.' and Mrs. Norman Coultes.
and his father 'Mr. George Coul;•
• WEDNESDAY,, APRIL :Rho 1965 •
tes were Sunday visitors, with
Mrs. CoUltes ,.at Pinecrest Manor,
Lucknow. ' ' • •
Mr. and Mrs, • George Fisher
and " Doris " spent the week -end
with Mr and Mrs. Gordon Fisher
and family of Guelph.
Mr. and Mrs,, Ivan Laidlaw and
Janeet. and Herb Laidlaw were
Sunday visitors with 'her parents
Mr. and Mrs. John '(row.ston.
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Coiiltes,.
-Debbie : and Kevin of - Dresden
were week end visitors ' with Mr.:
and 'Mrs. •Albert Coultes, having'
spent the first of the week with
her parents' Mr. and. Mrs. Mer-
vin Pipe, Brussels;
1VIr. ;and Mrs., • Ivan, Laidlaw
and Janet, and Herb Laidlaw
were . Saturday evening ' visitors
with. Mr. and : Mrs. Jack. Kerr
of Bluevale.
United- Church:
The Y.P.S. 'held, their . meeting
in the 'Sunday .'school room : of the
United Church on Sunday even-
ing.. Mrs'.. George Mitchell . was
pianist for the . evening. ' Elgin
Sleightholm, . and: Billie Wall . had.
charge of the meeting; givingthe
scripture, lesson and meditation. `
Billie Wall gave the comments
on The Comfortable . Pew: The
next . meeting will be held April
(intended' For Last. Week)
On Sunday evening Iucknow•.
Presbyterian 'young Peoples . Soc-
iety were 'hosts to the. South Kin-..
oss Presbyterian .Young Peoples •
Society. The two groups joined to-
gether, to hear guest • speaker, ..
Miss 'Dean MacLeod.
Miss MacLeod spoke -on. "What-
WhatCan a Teenager do •to prepare
for the , Lord's .Service?" Her
topic was based .on,, thescripture
verse,„, Take 'the foxes,. the little .'
foxes' that 'spoil; .the :r vines, for our
vines have tender grapes. Some
of the more prominent, points
that Miss MacLeod, spoke of were:
a small number of the little ' fox-
es that pierce the 'minds of teens,
selfishness, pride, etc. ,
Prayer, Bible Study, . Obedience
and Witnessing are • needed, for.:
growth: High School studies ben-
'a great.deal for life work: In
closing Miss MacLeod stressed_.
what makes. a Young Peoples
Society a ::success.
1s,' Your : Subscription . Renewed?
13th. Rev: George Mit heli clos-
ed' :the meetin ' with ra r. There
g ..P•
Were 12. in `attendance.
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