HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-04-07, Page 9-WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7th, 1965.
• 20 YEARS AGO -- 1945
.March .22nd, 1945
The mercury soared to 70 on
:St. 'Patricks .Day.
George Whitby, son of Mr. and
Mrs, Joseph Whitby 'was the win-
;._ ner, of --the Military Medal --for -dis
:tinguished service ' overseas.
A trio of. farm transactions took
place ' in. the area.. 'Wellington
Webster bought Orville Elliott's
farm on the boundary a couple
of miles west of Lucknow. (This.
was formerlythe late Claire Ir-
' win's farm.)- Orville purchased
the farm ':of Charles' Congram; two
and a half miles west of Holyrood.
Mr. . Congram's other farm was
purchased , by . W ; ; S. Eadie of
Holyrood..'. Wellington had. sold
"his farm previous to . this to Frank
Fair of .the. Purple .Grove Dis-
Two accidents , in • the • town''
Kenneth Webster, son • of Mr. and
`Mrs. W. G. Webster :had to
roll on :his; legs,. pinning him
down, at the . Lucknow Sawmill
Company where he 'was employ -
..ed. No bones were , broken. Roy
Collyer had ^ a .22 bullet enter. ,his
leg, at the knee when he slipped
and droppedhis gun, causing .the
gun to . discharge. ' , He . underwent
surgery in London.
Students of the .Grade 13,: class
at ,Lucknow HighSchool ,were
BillChin Harold .Henry, Ruby Ir-
win,, R. 'Johnston,'. Everett Lane,
Alan 1VIeKim, Catherine MacLen-
nan, , Helen Salkeld, . `. Murray
Thompson ' ,
"Wi The Troops . Column"
Roy Havens, son :: , of Mr and
and s.. Alex Havens, arrived 'in
England . with the' army.' Elmer,
Culbert- of ; Ashfield, 'sonof 'Mr,
and Mrs. Andrew Culbert, arriv-
•edoverseas with with. the : army. 'Mel
Johnstone, son . of Mr... and Mrs:
James Johnstone , ,received ;a
shrapnel wound in his hand in
Belgium. Pte. James ' H. Hamil-
son of Mr: and Mrs. Robert
Hamilton was ill: 'ina hospital.` in
Britain. Lieut.. H. D. Thompson,
who • was in Germany with, the.
• :.Canadian_Army met again with a
- number of boys. from . home Rob-
ob ert Montgomery, son of Mrs. ' J.
G. Montgomery, ' Dungannon, ar-
rived overseas. Alex Smith who
was with the Air Force returned
home after . being .• overseas for
over four years -
Twins, Wm, A. Johnston of
-Ashfield and ; John: "Jolihston " "of
Bellingham, • Washington,; observ-
ed their` 90th. birthday., Members
of Mr. ,and Mrs. Wm. Johnston's
family were: 'Mrs.' Wilfred Far-
rish and Mrs.. Russell Bissett of
Ashfield Wm. on the home farm;
:Noble 'of: Lucknow Mrs. . Ewart
McKeith of Vancouver . and Mrs,
David ` Semans,. •Sask. .
Deaths.. Fred Hunt, 70, . God-
erich; William, Ferguson, West
March 29, 1945
.The valedictory address' at the.
Lucknow °High School .Commence-
. ment was given' by Helen Salkeld.
'Malcolm • Stewart bought • the.
.residence of; the ,'late Mrs. Don-
ald 'Paterson on, "Standpipe
Dr.': James E; 'Little purchased
the residence .of, Nig , arid' ,Mrs..
Wes Huston , on Station • Street . a-
cross from the Bowling Green.
A -.record temperature- wag .. -set
when the temperature--" went„ to
73 Seeding was in 'full swing .on
many farms. The maple syrup
season was. abruptly ended : and
trees vvere in:."bud.
Rev.: John, W. Donaldson rector
of. the Lucknow, Dungannon, ,Port
Albert and '-.Ripley Anglican . Chur-,
ches, for a little . more •:than. three
.years was 'appointed • to Hyde
Mrs. D. C. Taylor 'sold. ' her
' building . on.' Main St. to :: Rexford
Ostrander which ' he. •was. trans-
forming. into' a theatre building.
• The Clansmen held a.: , spring
Salvage, the_; proceeds of which
were used to send cigarettes over-
seas to; the Lucknow and district
boys •
'Mr. and . Mrs., David. Sproul,
Goderich, • celebrated their 50th
wedding- anniversary. Mrs. Sproul:
was the . former Jennie : Drennan
of Ashfield.:
'.Elmer. Bushell of ,Kinloss, Town -
Ship '
own -ship' had his °'right' arm and leg
'badly mangled when _ he was
thrown_ against a -power buzz saw,
Ashfield Township Council set'.
the wage of • labour at 40c . an hour
for men and grader men at 45c.
A ewe belonging ,to Eddie
Moore,Boundary East,, gave bir-•
th to four , big healthy ' lambs,.•
Jack MacDonald,.. son ; of'. Mr, •
and`' Mrs. John. MacDonald of
town, who was with 'the Canadian;
forces in Germany, was on fur-
lough in. England,
Pte, Lorne Pollock,. age 20, son
of Mr, and Mrs . E. M. Pollock
of�..Huron._Township.....was:_ ,ined.
action in Germany.' '
Freddie . Button, 11 year old
son of ;Mr.', and Mrs. Harold But-
ton of ',Dundas, suffered• painful.
burns about the .legs from. heating
pipes., .
, Deaths ;:Mrs. Wm, Gallagher,
Toronto (the former Mary Jane
McConnell) ; William Wall, 79,
Culross • Township.
40. YEARS AGO - 1925
March 26th,'': 1925
Douglas. Bros, bought the • big
barn whichfor years had been in
connection with the Cain House
Hotel. They would .use' ;the • prop-
erty . as a livery and 'feed barn.
-Will Douglas ;also bought, from
the Aliin Estate, the residence a-
cross . the street from. ,the Cain
barn; then occupied by' : R., Web-
ster and family.
At A congregational meeting of
the Presbyterian Church, -arrange-
arrangements were made.. for the taking
of the vote on Church Union. The
question on which they : were vot-
ing . was "Do you : wish this con-
gregation to enter the Union -of
Churches on June 10th,' 1925, in
terms of the United Church of
Canada Act`' (14-15, • George' V
(Can..) `Cap: 100)x:
A Rebekah' lodge was :organized
with about'., 40 members.
A numberof friends and neigh-
bours gathered to honour Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Struthers, Ashfield,, be-
fore . they moved to Guelph.
Richard Elliott of Holyrood "was
hit : on the bead by a limb . and was
unconscious for a number of days.
It •was . expectedfarm work
would be speeded up . somewhat,'
in this locality, a number of hor-
ses ' were being purchased.
Death = , Thomas Johnston, 65
April 2nd, 1925
R J. Button—notified' the the Public
of a ; cut in ::.the price of milk
'cream. By baying tickets ' you
got 25 pint tickets for one dollar.
Top Quality. at .Reasonable' ,Price
Wheel Balcrncinge and : Alignment
Shockabsorber 'Service'
2Licensed: Mechanics
Mr. and Mrs. Angus MacKin-,
non of Lucknow celebrated their
50th wedding 'anniversary
. Officers of , the. newly organized
Rebekah : Lodge were: Noble
Grand, Mrs. Temple Clark; Vice
Grand,. 'Mrs: Robert . Fisher; 'Rec-
-ording : Secretary, Mrs.' Thomas
W a•t` s o n, - Financial Secretary,
Miss Annie Johnston; . Treasurer,
Miss : Alma McKay; P.G. Mrs. B.
Andrew;Chaplain, . Mrs.. W. L.
MacKenzie;;, Warden, .Mrs. . Hor-
ace- -Aitchisen:
orace--'Aitchisen; Conductor, Mrs.
Allin Turner; I.G.. Mrs. E. Aitchi
son; O.G. MrsJ. MacKenzie; R.
Miss : E. M. Orr;.. L.S.V.G.,
Miss' Jean Johnston; Pianist, ;Mrs:
A. , D. MacKenzie; R.S.N.G., . Mrs.
'Robt:' Johnston; L S N.G., :-Mrs.;
W. Henderson.:
'Those: ' 'attending S.S. No. ' :16
Ashfield were Aldon .Hasty, Clif-
ford Crozier, • -Tom, -:Anderson,
Frances Crozier, : - Jean Ander-
son, Eileen Treleaven,; Beth • Mc-
Connell, Alex Gawley, .Colin Cro=
zier, Anna May Treleaven, Ben-
son Sebackleton teacher; Ada J.
Helm. .
Deaths Dr..' Alexander' .Tay=
lor, 79,• Goderich; Wm.: C. Smith,
71, • Ripley. area; George ::Kraemer.
71,, Kinloss Township:
60. YEARS AGO :'=-.'1905
-March-23rd, '1905 •
The. .newest, thing in, -shoed'om'
;was the men's patent tan' laced
shoe sold:by `r W. J.,.' Little. •
Miss Harris opened a';_new mil-
liners .shop in Lucknow . with,
Miss • McCall as her . leading mil-
liner. .
The fifth annual "At Home"`.of'
Court. Lucknow Nor 454 Indepen-
dent Order of Foresters was held.
The committee . in charge were
A. V. ••;Murdock, R. N. Mathiesorr
and T. E. Lawrence.
Pupils at S.S. No. 6 Kinloss
were Grace Macintosh, W. John-
ston, A. McIntyre, Alex MacDiar-
mid, A. McDonald, Harry Loc -
hart; . Eunice McIntosh, Pearl.
Middleton,. E. Elleston, Alda Mac
Intosh, ' Jno Lochart, Wm. •Macin-
tyre, Nellie Graham', L. Ham•
mond,, Wm. Stinson,, Margaret
MaeDiarmid, A. McLeod, George
•Lochart, Gertrude, Macintosh.
Rev. C. C. Kaine pastor of the
Methodist Church in Whitechurch,
Bethel and - Tiffin's 'was asked to.
stay .another year. _He had been
there for three years. '
Deaths Mrs. Jas. McCaug-
hey, 75, Clinton•; Mrs. Wm. Bar-.
bour, 'St. Helens; C: Smith,
Lucknow. '
March- 30th,. 1905 •
" School Inspector Chisholm in-
spected the Lucknow Public
R. Moody was offering. 3,, pack-
ages of flower seeds for 5 cents.
'Peter. Kennedy purchased ,the,
farm belonging , to Dan' Nicholson
on . the .6th concession of Kinloss:
Dan` McKinnon, son of Mrs.An-
gus McKinnon, who lived ` just
Wirth of Lucknow, was ' killed at
Niagara Falls. He was .a lineman
and it was supposed •his death
was caused by electric shock.
Rev. A. MacKay arrived home
from Scotland after being absent
over nine months. He preached
every Sabbath while away.
Deaths Mrs. Mary McCon-
nell, "92, London, (formerly of
Kinloss); , Alexander McKenzie,
89, Kinloss.
80 "EARS AGO 1885
March, 1885:.
Kinloss . Council paid' ' $7 to an .'
;undertaker for. burying an ' hid&
gent ,person of the, township.: •
.Students . at : Belfast Public
School • were: • .Robt Somerville,
Joseph Alton; Albert Harper,: Neil
McMillan; 'Wm. Bowles, Albert
Alton;' 'Wm. J. ,
Agar, ,Lavinia
•Lougheed; William : C. iutchiso
-Mary : McMillan, Agri s• Alton,.
Louisa Phillips, : Jenny` Mullin,.
ecca 'Phillips, Samuel Hutchison,
HenryIrwin, ,Kennard
Maggie Lougheed, Robt., Agar,
Hannah ' Thompson
The cheese ' factory between.
Kirilough .and Kinloss was moved
to, .Emerson's Side • Road on. the
Durham ,Line, : a . more central lo-
Simon Corrigan was getting 'an `•
abundance 'of saw -logs at his' mill
at Kinlough
Dr. T. A::. Slocum of New York
was advertising a positive cure
for 'Consumption. Thousands' of
cases,: of the. worsh kind. 'had .beep
Auctioneer ' John Purvis was ad-
vertising sales for • William ;Mc -
.Pherson and ' Rory. Cameron ' of
Kinloss:. • .
Public School teachers in Luck
now• were' D. • D.m
Yule,: ; Miss Ha
ly, Miss --Hunter,' Miss •axwe ,
-Miss MacGregor.
1139 policies were in force at.
the:. sixth annual meeting of the •
.West Wawanosh Mutual Fire. In
surance Company. ' Robert' Mur-
ray. of St. -Helens' was secretary;
;Robert 'McMath opened a car-
riage shop in the building adjoin-
ing Percy's Hotel on Stauffer
'Contract for completion' of the
Lucknow Methodist. Church was
awarded to Mr. 'Large of Listowel. '
Steel Murdock of Lucknow was to
do stone work. 'and Mr. Reid of
Goderich the- '. brick' work and.
plastering Thebuilding when.
completed : would. ' cost over $8000.
The ' by-law to raise $4500for a
new town hall was carried by . a
majority of 76, only 16 voting a-.•
gainst it,
Mr. and Mrs; Danny Grum-
meal,'proprietors o f Danny's
Drive-in- Restaurant at Wingham,
have purchased Lime Kiln Lodge
at inverhuron.
Lime: Kiln Lodge has been op-
erated as a summer - resort for
,34 years, starting. out in a small
way and expanding to its . present
main. dining. •room, 23 cabins and
coin . laundry. • •
In ' addition . to these facilities
there 'are-: badrimiriton and tennis
.courts and a dining patio,..'spac
ious lawns and lovely flower gar-
dens. •
The main
rin, in> the •attraction- is the old
garden which was op-
erated for over half: a century
and was still in use as late as
1920. The limestonewas gathered
from the beach and'the kiln was
fired with' driftwood, supplement
ed by cuttings from area bush -
ush land.- The limestone .was burned
for two days and; nights, under
constant watch, and then " cooled'
in the form of lion which was.
sold by the busheland used ins
many nearby foundations. T h
kiln is • the only one remaining' •
on the lakeehore.