HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-04-07, Page 8Oji PAGE' .BIGHT matoirsimisimsk THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW; ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, APRIL. 7th, 1965 ' armers Lucknow Areu YOUR SUPPLY OF PURINA; CHOWS AND' ',SANITATION PRODUCTS FROM iorl o c A :Johnstone IN LUCKNOW T THE JOHNSTONE SEED. CLEANING PLANT. PHONE:; 528.3710 ♦ i • • DUNGANNON (Intended For. Last Week) Dungannon U.G.W. Dungannon ' U.C.W. held its March : meeting in the church basement with .;twenty-three lad- ies .'; present.. lairs. Wilbur Brown opened the meeting' with a eall to ' .Worship, prayer • , and.:: hymn. Mrs: ; C. Blake was pianist. ,Mrs.. Jac k Alton : had charge' of, devo- tions, • assisted by Mrs: Fred Young. Rev. Mr. Veldhuis,; 'min- ister ministerof the church, .was •guest speaker 'and gave a : very, inter- esting nter ct� s i . . ' book talk:on the. study God,, and His :Purpose. The roll;' call ` was:: answered by .a' scrip tare verse containing - Compas- sion. The offering was: • taken. and.. Mrs. E. Rivett ` gave. the prayer. Material and yarn to be made into mitts , and pyjamas '' for the chil'drens aid,, was given :out 'to;. theladies, The .smorg dinner will be.., held: in the church basement on March 26th from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m Mrs,'` C. Blake ' announced. that Wayne Brown, who.. is, home from . Egypt, ' will . show :.Pictures in : the church' on Monday,'. March 29th, at 8. p.m. The U.C.W. will cater to 'the Lions' 'Club dinner' in • Lucknow on April, 12th. Mrs. K. Dawson,. -finance convenor; 're-. ported two rooms :' w the church had, been redecorated. s The April: meeting .:will. be • ; In 'the evening.. Rev. Veldhuis closed, ; the meet- ing ; with prayer ` and.: hostess Mrs; F. ' Young,' Mrs; H: McWhinney. and Mrs. S. Reid . served 'lunch. HOW: TO ..COUNT. MORECHICKENS AFTER THEY'RE HAYCHED Feed your young, chicks your own home-grown grains fresh -mixed with profit -proven National. ,' Chicle, Concentrate! It'srich in• meat meal protein, , so it forms a perfect balance with the vegetable' :nutrients. Whether you have your, owns grains or we 'supply them,. we c'an•;ct.tom blend the finest .. fresh -mix, ydu can .buy.,,rigllt here at.�helll1,-- usingNational .Concentrate •, a ` � of �eourse. (P.S= ask about National's profit -proven Chick Starter Crumbles, 'too=plain or' medicated) NATIONAL. CHICK CONCENTRATE Il: P'RdDtth 0'F• CAN,AD1AN S'NDU$i Rn ks, Liatmo ' FINLAYSON Lucknow. REPORT FR QUEEN'S` PARK BY MURRAY GAUNT' M.P.P. *HURON -BRUCE Thefourthand fin • � 81 report of the 'Select Committee., on the Mun- iciple Act and: related Acts, was tabled in 'the' Legislature last week and is a sweeping-- endorse- ment of regional government. If the recommendations are im- plemented it would mean the'end for most' County Councils, many Township Councils,: Police Vil- lages, Planning Boards,' Public Utilities Commissions: and other Boards. . • Premier Robarts and -leading Cabinet Ministers have increaS- ingly come out in favour of re- gionalism in Provincial' affairs es- pecially during the. past .year. It is felt, , among ,other- things, that fragmentation of `' local Govern- ments . has been as" much: at fault as ;anything for the difficulties of carrying: out ' shim, clearance, ' ur- ban renewal, town planning, pol- lution control and 'area .develop- ment No ' legislation. is expected in' this, connection ' during this ' ses- sion.. The. Legislature is now in the process of dealing. with the estim- ates of the Department of : Labour and the Department of • Reform institutions In the Department,of Labour es- timates the problem of automa tion was debated at considerable length;' 'The next 20 years will -see some .dramatic ' changes : in this field. „Preparation for this ra- pid change must ' be : started soon. On April 7th all..members of the Legislature will be . taking one of two tours. The : one tour is to go to ,the Children's 'Psychiatric Research :,Institute at Byron .and the • London: Vocational Centre, The other . tour is to be taken . to the ; Douglas Point • Nuclear Power Plant. The House will not be sit- ting on `that date. Thank Auxiliciry For Local Canvass The ' following' letter of thanks. was -received --by the Ladies' .Aux ilary .to • the : Canadian Legion for' their 'Work in conducting the 10-• cal' March of • Dimes canvass. Mrs. A. Johnstone; Chairman, March of Dimes Com- mittee, :: Ladies' ' Auxiliary, Canadian • Le- gion, Very' pleased with your collec- tion in the amount of f $250.00 re=. 'ceived with your- letter and . Cap- tain's record yesterday, .A few of ' you did a tremendous,job in, spite, of the bad. , weather. You had good workers, and Lucknow people were .:most generous. I ° am wondering if another year you would; like to follow the ' plan of Tavistock which is about. the size of Lucknow., The Women's Institute is our sponsor there, and, they plan their canvass ' for the: week leading. up to `blitz' night. Canvassers go ,out as weather a n d tin'ne permits during that week and bring ' their collections in to headquarters on `blitz' night. Those who .work, but there tell `for .their town this is a: much better plan. You in 'Lucknow can think 'about the idea. Under seperate cover I am for- warding"-a--momento-b ing-senttto'- our . Chairmen from ifrovincial 'of- fice, a small token , of apprecia- tion for.. the tremendous job being clone by ,our volunteers. This little bracelet Was made in Bentworth Workshop, Toronto, by disabled workers, 'and I know you will be happy to wear it for the March of Di ,q. es. • . • 1965 campaign is proving to have been most ' . successful and please take to the ; Ladies' Auxiliary, Canadian Legion, with particular thanks to you and your co -Workers, our deep '`appreciation for Lucknow's' successful Cam- paign •.. , • Frons your campaign secretary,. personal` thanks for your dedi- cation and your efficientcarrying out of all details of campaign, .Dorothy.. Clark Secretary, G.1.1 ebrate 5Oth . Anniversary: (Intended For Last Week) The E•,q.I,T, celebrated. their 50th anniversary b gathering with, their .mothers : and friends in th e Lucknow • Presbyterian c h"u r c h " on Tuesday evening, Mardi, 23rd, 1965 at 8 p.m. The !room was decorated with blue and white streamers and. pendants." The `tea table was cen- tred with a birthday cake . on which Was 50 . blue candles. The girls -repeated the : call to. worship, "And Jesus increased in Wisdom and Stature and in fav- our with God and ` Man." The C.G.I,T. hymn . was sung. • 'The purpose was' repeated in unison and Cathy McLeod, the .president, welcomed t h e Iadies. Beverly 'MacDonald gave the bible read- irig followed': by hymn 322. Janet Carruthers read the ' meditation followed, ,by 'prayer by Marie. Far rish.' The roll call ' was, answered by the ,girlsattendance at church, Sunday School•. and' C.G.I.T : • The business period followed: The ;pro - led' this year was. to . purchase new . communion linen for '' the church and • the offering received at' this meeting is to be ;used for this purpose: The ': offering ' was received by Donna . Mullin, and Patsy ' Marriott: Peggy . MacDon- ald accompanied by Shaun :Mow- bray sang, "My Task," Eleanor 'Whitby .read "what is . the C.G.- LT.?' .G.LT ? Mrs. Stuart Jamieson 'and Diane Jamieson sang, "Under the Shadow :of the Cross. ' PRESENT CORSAGE • The' girls. 'presented corsages, to .the ladies who had ` been . leaders over the - years .-= Miss. ' Gladys MacDonald Mrs. Virden ,Mow- bray, Mowbray, Mrs. , Stuart Jamieson, Mrs. Jack ' MacDonald, :'. Mrs. • Morgan Henderson and Mrs: ,Milton Ray= ner. The. girls ' were thanked by Mrs. M Rayner. In appreciation' of the' :former. graduates' ''work thefollowing were'. presented with corsages .-. Jean Mullin, :.Betty Mathers,' Di- ane Jamieson and Marlene Coi- ling. _Mrs. H. MacKenzie, ^: Pres- byterial Secretary, spoke to the girls The girls sang, "The Lord is my. Shepherd." Cathy McLeod expressed, a vote . of thanks : to all those present. Hymn: 671 : was. sung followed by .the Mizpah ben- -ediction--r-epeated_in_unison_, 'The • :girls.. served a candlelight' tea. Mrs. Noble' Johnston and Mrs: Morgan Henderson 'presided. at the tea table. A vote._ of thanks was moved by. Mrs, G. Whitby and. was' , capably replied to by Mary Finlayson.• Wayne Brown Shows Slides tl (DU• NGANNON NEWS) (Intended . For Last Week) :. Members. of Dungannon W.I. thoroughly enjoyed the, excellent. pictures' and interesting cominents. given by Wayne Brown at the regular meeting. Waynehasjust returned from a tour of duty, in the Far East and this travelogue of his experiences was education- al as well as entertaining: Mrs:. W. Zinn thanked ' Wayne and pre- sented him with a gift. ' Mrs. I. Crozier presided ..for a short business period. Plans were completed . for 'a turkey banquet',.. Cancer ' campaignpackets were handed out to canvassers. Stand- ing committee convenors gave their, annualreports and nomin- ating omin= atin. g comittee presented • the slate vR BEAUTY KNOWLEDGE IS MOST COMPLETAYlITHPARIS STYLISTS WE CAN COMPETE GL,ADYS' BEAUTY SALON M.► 5-3078 L.UCKNOW IC) T_ of .'officers 1964-65. Sick and shut- ins. will, be . remembered ‘'by insti- tute at Easter. Projects, were dis- cussed:.;for ,centennial. year ' 1967: 'No definite. action was taken. Mrs. W. Stewart reported on motto ``As ` time draws pencil. lines about ' the , aging face, . let- us grow in Virtue,;. Kindness and Grace." Mrs J Dauphin convened the lunch__ and. Mrs. K. _-__Dawson was. hostess. PLAYING CARDS double and single decks,. large : 'assortment to choose from, drop l; in and look them. over, The Lucknow Seat nel, phone 528-3134. • Jones; : MacNaughton Seeds have provided residents.: to Western On- tario with reliable and dependable results . for , years and years. • Long • experience With the soil types and: Climate . peculiar to this area, ;has made--the:-Jones; MacNaughton ex- •-- perts completely., familiar with the strains that are best suited to these conditions; You can •be .sure of successful results from all Jones, MaoNaugh- ton farm seeds, true to variety and. high in germination. They know your needs and. fulfill them exactly And 'Jones, MacNaughton have always enjoyed the reputation of offering full . value the best qtialitY seeds at : fair, low' prices Always demand seeds from Jones, MacNaughten 'Western. Ontar . io's'leading seed specialists, FROM. `YOUR LOCAL DEALER' OR Jones: acMaughton. Seeds EXETER 235.0363 CREDITON ` 234-6363. ►�•••••••••i•i4•••••••• RIPLEY MEAT MARKET Custom Butchering Mondays . Hogs', in by 4:00 pan. w. CATTLE, CALVES and uMBS REVERY DAY,.: EXCEPT. SATURDAY We do Curing' and Smoking Beef, •Pork and Lamb. ,sold ' Whole, Half or Quarter. For Better Service, And 'lower Prices Call Ripley; 100 VRAS 11OO1SMA ProP4'