HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-04-07, Page 7WEDNESDAY, APRH..7th," 196 THE 4UCNNOW . SENTI.NE1'., LUCICNOW ONTARIO.' .PAGE. SEVEN. • • LOCAL CALLING -- no Long .;,Distance. charges :- now ,in effect between Lack - now ' 'and .Dungannon and; between Dungannon and '•Lucknow,. This wider local calling has been brought to you through the cooperation of the Huron :.and Kinloss;, Municipal Telephone : System and the Bell 'Telephone 'Company. A, 'REMINDER to.. Lucknow and • :Dungan- non telephone', users:. When ;calling friends. in`: these two 'communities, simply, dial, the full seven figures • o1 the number you ' want to reach These communities now form part of the ,:same .local 'callingarea, and Long Distance charges • no longer 'apply. NOW IS ALSO A GOOD TIME. to bring your Personal list of telephone numbers ° up- to-date! Jot', dowat the ` full : seven -figure numbers of _friends and `associates you ;call. frequentlyand for "Long Distance friends'', 'include the Area Code when it is different, from .your own (519Y. Builr, managed and owne d by Canadians THURsr, Fin, SAT. .• APRIL. IN, 9;110,, 196 = f• G. PRICE,EACH SALE PRICE • CO.OP Nicer $ 14.75 . (OOP Fencer `Battery (6 Yost) Mulkey -Hoy 0• eitor • 8 Foot extension for above Stainless Stoel Dairy Pail 16 qt Stainless. Steel•Pail 13 qt. Stanlo's Stool Milk Sfrainer' • - "Qutik'OW Wiro Stretthor'' ti pc. Combination •wroath set 1 lismith*' 3' H.P: No Tiller Stanley's 16 oz. Steel dammer ' 13 Gauge JACK 'POST. • 12 Gauge .JACK `POST ."Stonley" Born Door Track (per ft,j Farrowing Crate'•. Fuse 1$;:104 ;25 K 30 amp. sta-,RITE" Sump Pump▪ • . - IL1CkDOW 4.'0 89:50. 31.00 .' :23.50 13.88., • 19.50 4.25 15.25`'. 129.95 5.00 8.9'5 9.95 ,.a1 52.00 • 49.50 $ 10.97 3.99 79.97' .27.97 18.47 - 9.97 15.97 3.47 10.41 109.97 •3.44 6.97 7.67 .36 45:97 10 far .47 34'1 Phone 528-2128 Lab: Technician Reids Corners W.L •' (AMBERLEY NEWS) Reids Corners: =W.I.- held their- March heinMarch meeting on • Thursday of last . week . in the Sunday School room of •Pine' River United Church.. .-There Was an •attendance . 'of :twenty Mrs, . William Ferguson presided. After ' the- .opening .ex- ercises items' of business were discussed._ Mrs. Kelvin Henderson gave the .treasurer's report,' and all joined, in . singing' the' United Nations hymn which was accom- panied by :Mrs. 'Bert Irwin:. Ah interesting highlight. of the even- ing .was' the guest Speaker, Mr. Peter . Bythway, lab , technician. of Kincardine General Hospital . who gave an informative as well as,. a humorous' " address. He explain- ed how Important it is to attend the Blood Donors Clinic. He also' Mentioned 'the function of the red and white blood 'cells and the nee- essity 'for blood plasma. :A• film was also ' shown' on blood trans fusions; ' Mrs; Prances Gemmell of 'Rip- ley; ' who is .,District president, brought greetings from ]Ripley W.I6 The meeting closed with the ode and grace, Lunch was serv- ed. by the committee in charge; •LUCKNOW DUNGANNO I BOWLING Jane Treleaven •'rolled the high •triple in Group "A". with 629 flat, Bill Stewart had themen's triple* with . 890 and Grant Chis- holm had a single 'game 'of 260, with. Jessie Joynt having the la- dies high single'of 258. In Group "B" frank: and Shir- ley l f awtherne had triples of 790 and 651, with Frank's high game, -bung, 285. and Shirley's 272. Group , tA":: Coons 12, Beavers 10, 'Tigers 8, .Lions 7, Cubs 6 Raatgaraos 5, Group "B"; &bras 140Volver- ices 11,' Gophers 8, •Poie CAts 7, Chipmunks 6, .Squirrels • kers .installed`. At Annual Meeting: (St.' Helen's.' W.1.)" The, Annual 'meeting of,, the St, Helens Women's Institute w a s held in 'the hall with the Presi- dent Mrs,. Ross Gammie ' : presid- ing. The roll call was answered by paying of fees and oral. sug-' gestionsfor. the .corning .year. Mrs, Allan Miller,_: Mrs, 'Harvey Webb and Mrs; 'i arold Gaunt ,were ;appointed to loop after all arrangements covering " the SIM - shine Sister banquet.. Its was ' decided to. donate $19 to. the Lucknow Agricultural Society. • ` Mrs. E. 'W. Wee contributed a solo and readings were given • by Mrs. Wm. Rintoul, : Mrs. Harvey Webb, and Mrs.' Jas. Aitchison.; Mrs. Lorne 'Woods read an article on the . history •of soap. The secretary treasurer gave her annual report, also all the standing 'committees. Miss Isobel Miller presented : the report of . the nominating committee; of the of- ficers, for :1%5; Mrs. Green : instal- led . the officers , for the coming year. • '• The . officers are as follows: President; Mrs: Harold Gaunt; 1st Vice -President, Mrs. Jas Ait chison; 2nd Vice -President, Mrs. Allan 'Miller;. 'Secretary-Treasur-. er, Mrs: Frank McQuillin; As_ sistant, Mrs Ross . Errington/ Pianist,:Mrs.. Wm. , Rutherford', Assistant,- ' Mrs. Andrew Gaunt; ' Distract Director, ;Mrs, Ross. Gamr x,. mie; .Alternate,. Mrs.. Chas., Mac- Donald; Auditors, Mrs. Harold • Cooper Mrs. E. W. Rice, ' Standing Committees: Citizen. and Education, Mrs, WM: Rin °foul; Agriculture. and . Canadian, Industries, 'Mrs, Gordon Struthers; Home Economics . and. Health, Mrs. E. '.W .. Rice; - Historical Re-' search and ' Current Events, Mrs, Ernest Gaunt Resolutions, Mrs. •Lloyd' Hunter; Public Relations,, Miss Isobel Miller, Mrs -Harold ° Gaunt .tenderd:, a,,, vote of .appreciation, to the :�. tiring 'President Mrs. Ross Gam- mie forher' untiring efforts •dur.- ing the last three years. Mrs. •Mewhinney, conducted n contest. • Luneh was served by hostesses Mrs. Andrew Gaunt,. Mrs. Harvey Webb and. Mrs., Wm' Purdon. BRQWN.IE NEWS: •(byCoree Passmore) Brownies was opened with the fairy ring. Two tests were given.. One for balancing for the. Brown - les working. for ,:their ' Golden Bar and for skipping by ; theBrownies working for their : Golden ' Hand.. The meeting was then closed with the singing of chimes., Mr, and Mrs. 'George ' Book of Loreburn, • Sask., 'who recently vis- ited in this ' community, write: that it was quite , :warm and sloppy upon their return . home but then turned • cold again down to 15 :and, 20 degrees belowzero. • • omplete close -to -:nom rt Iize.r Senn Whateveryour fertilizer needs;' now you can save time and money by contacting .your regular c -I -L dealer, You will benefit from the dependable products and services avail able from your near -by C -F L Fertilizer Service Warehouse: Products: • SUPER FLOW Fertilizers in'butk or bags' •• C -I -L Anhydrous. Ammonia in 2 -ton n lrsG tanks (applicators available) • Special Turf and Garden. Fertilizers (GOLFGREEN and EVERGREEN) Service •. C -i -l. Bulk Spreading Service ' • Truck bulk spreaders • 800 -ib. "Lely" and 4-ton`pull-type spreaders '• Soil Testing Laboratories • Farm Advisory::Service ���71L1ZER SER\JICE •ANDEKSON FLAX PRODUCTS L:, 'b., : LUCKNOW .S28.2026 SON & HOWSDN LIMITED, cARGI'LL 166,2225 C HOWSON &N • INDUST,RIES LIMITED., TARA' 208 I)