HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1965-04-07, Page 1$4.00 A: Yeo* In Advance $i.00-:. Extra 1 U.S. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • : WEDNESDAY, APRIL:. 7th, x965 WEDNESDAY, Single .Cope 10c. •16 Pages` :.Y.. • A $23,000 bridge, construction work.' to several streets" in ,the village, anaccess road to . the. rear of mainstreet'business ..pla •ces are; all � part of an extensive .. rdad programbeing :carriedout by the municipal council of the village of Lucknow this summer. Construction of the bridge was .started last week by Owen King Construction of ; Wingham. T h e bridge is • .located on Willoughby Street and crosses the rive% just west of Jack MacDonald's Gar- age. Total cost of the bridge and approach work is $23,000': of which the provincial government pays <v village e of Luck - now ck 80%. Cost to.. the g now' will be $4600. NEW_.. ACCESS -ROAD.' • . A,., new °access road' is planned running north off Willoughby St. in the . general location of the new bridge. It will rim to the rear of the business places on the south side of main street. A service road• will run east off, this road to , the river. This move is aimed at alleviating truck unload- ing- on . Campbell Street. It •is the plan of council to pass a bylaw - in 1965 calling ' for parallel park= ing' on one side (the,north side.) of Lucknow Main Street.' This . is being done on • the recommenda- tion .of the Department of Trans-. port.. The area .of the access road will, be streetlighted as added' po lice ° protection and will offer'bet- ter better' access for fire protection pur- poses. ' • STREET WORK • Storm. sewer work, construction and paving work is planned in 1965 for three particular areasin: the • village: Willoughby, Street running from. Ross Street to •Have; lock (fronf Allan Hackett's resi- dence to George Whitby's, .resi- dence); res i- dence) ; Wheeler St. from Have- lock to Ingles Street (Public School to Johnstone's Seed Mill); Albert. Street (the 'street' west of the Factory running past Bryce Elliott's residence):. M. L.. .� [[Sanderso9s: Justice:f0 e ecM. L.«M..ike".. Sanderson' .: of Lucknow' has been appointed as a Justice of the Peace for Bruce County, . and, as : a . resident of Lucknow, will : serve the village a n d surrounding Bruce County area. The appointment is : made through the Dept. Legal Offices at Queens . Park . in Toronto. The late Robert Rae held the.. Justice of the'. Peace position in Lucknow and no :onehas been serving this office since his :.death several months ago. • D. Jack McKim.- Heads I n. Cub Cu Dr., ':Jack . McKim of:. Lucknow 'has been elected as president, of they Lucknow Curling ;Club for the next year. • lie., succeeds : Vernon Hunter. . . Other oficers are 1st vice presidet, Frank Alton;executive. committee, Bob Finlay, Mrs. Bob Finlay, Mrs. James Boyle, Larry :Salkeld, ` Henry • MacKenzie and Alex Hackett. • Appointment of a secretary- treasurer was left over until a later date. Glen=Walden-- is;pres- �-ently : serving this office: = The election was made at the" annual ` social evening of • the club • in the town `hall ,last week -end:• Joe Mac Intyres. 25 Years Wed A surprise party was : held for Mr. and Mrs. • Joe Maelntyre. ' of • Brampton. ;and formerly of ; Kin ~toil, ' on . the occasion of their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. The event was arranged by their family last Saturday ' at the home, of 'Mr, and Mrs. ''Lloyd Collins, Kintail;;' A lovely buffet luncheon was served, along with a wedding cake, •to 'twenty-five guests from 'Hain- ' Ilion, Ilam -•Ilion, Toronto, ' Brampton, Under- . wood and ; .Kincardine. They. - re • eeived : many lovely gifts„, Shorth�rn B Make US. -Sales Two •prominent . district 'Short-. • horn cattle breeders:. have recent- ly •.made , .sales to , Francis .Barry' of Cheville'_ Farms, Aledo,: :Illi- ..ois. •� Andrew Gaunt o .. e tNawan- os h a Township' 1 ° three cows, a . heifer and a bull „calf, • • Maple Emblem Farms of MM- . ` gannan, . operated by ° W. A.• Cul - heti and eo Bill , and. 'Howard, .sold 8. head of females to the U.S. buyer.' The, C were , Culbert females we aonle of their show cattle.. One of 'the, • cows. was by Princess Mary '(imp,)• that topped- the breeders' sale at Toronto at $1500. 9 Y�arsarra M ed. Mr. and Mrs.: Robert' Fisher of townui l q et y observed their49th wedding anniversary on Monday, April 5th. .They lived in : Lucknow until : :1941 when they moved . to Hamilton. In 1962 they returned to Lucknow - -where they built .a new home on Hayes Street (the street behind . Pinecrest •Manor ). have one daughter hter Mrs. They... g George (Mary) Newbold of .Luck- now '; and three grandchildren..' Mrs. Fisher is. the former Alice Huston 'df Lucknow. She has .three brothers William of Florida,, Wes `of Kitchener and 'George of Mel- ton and one sister .Mrs. Levine Brabson, Windsor. Mr. Fisher. has, one brother Wil- liam of :Lucknow and 'four. sisters Mrs: Rod (Kate) Campbell, a m pbell , M r s Robert(Annie)...5truthers Mrs. . Philip (3ean) Stewart, all ofLuc- know,:Mrs. A. E. (Marion) Rey- nolds,. eynolds,• Toronto. . Farm • M�cCharles Sold On Tuesday• The 200acre farm of Mrs. John.. Maccharles on the. 2nd ' .conces-.' Sion .of Huron Township has .been purchased by Bob Rutledge of . the. 12th of Huron: , ` Mr. .MacCharles'� death .occurr- ed.recently `from.' a....heart attack and the farm and. equipment was auctioned " by Emile . MacLennan on' Thursday of• last week. The sale ::was a .•very ,successful one.. The farm didnot go' the day 'of sale, but. arrangements for com- pletion of the sale • were • made on Tuesday of . 'this week. Mrs.; Maccharles plans to move to Ripley to. reside CARRUTHERS BROTHERS• SUFFER HEART 'ATTACKS:' John Carruthers of West Lorne has been a patient in St. Thomas Hospital for the past two weeks following a heart attack, : He is manager of the Bank of'Montreal at West Lorne. His brother Irwin Carruthers is at his home in 'Goderich and is not,. able to resume his work at the Salt Mines as yet. : He suffer ed a coronary attack some time ago and was hospitalized for`• two months. John 2nd. Irwin air ° sons of `Mrs.. John' Carruthers of : Ripley. Fire Damages` Ray; Leddy, Heme Extensive damage was done to the roof of the house of Raymond Leddy of Lucknow last Saturday about. Thealarm noonwas turn- ed ' in by . Mrs. Leo Huber who lives across the ''road from, the Leddy's:. after ' her son • Francis saw smoke and flames coming from the roof of the. Leddy house. A : spark from .the chimney star- ted the roof • on fire and • burned through to 'the attic. Lucknow firemen quickly doused the flames ,working from _the{.roof :outside Anil a -hole into • the attic,,; inside the house .. The__attic . floor—was lined - with an insulation which was ` be- lieved to help" control the fire. Vote V Moray .On Property owners , of the Village of Lucknow will go to the ."polls next • Monday, April 12th to.'vote on the following _question. • "Are you, in favour of the ren- ovation•and : extension to the. Com- munity Arena at " .a. net costa of $35,000 after taking into account .receipts from other sources. Mon ies. -to be raised by , issue of . de- bentures to be . retired over e , period of twenty years: at an es- and a light ° truck entrance. The D.H.O. ditch at the west entrance . . will be closed in. with a box con- crete tile to provide.' an off -the- highway . parking area with the new entrance at the west . endof the arena. The west end °entrance'. Will eliminate traffic congestion and hazard as ., it presently ex - lets, •'If the renovation plan isturned down, it will still be necessary for council to' spend a ', minimum of $10,000 in repairs to : the . arena as is with renovation, interior and exterior painting, r o of repair, dressing room and rest room im- provements and: assembly 'room repairs. This is regarded by coun- cil as a "make do",: program. The renovation program being. voted on is regarded as a per- manent plan that will provide year round accomodation for summer and 'winter. activity. rena Renovation If the : plan ., is approved; ' the arena would be renovated to in- clude a new : `.addition at the west end with modern : glass, front lounge; hockey and skating rooms, lavatory a n d. shower, facilities, complete" • interior and, exterio painting, and repairs to the struc- ture. It will also' include new bleacher seating . at the east' end with under the seats ' storage area timated annual cost of $3000." Voters will register a "Yes" or "No" vote on the .'question plac ing their "X" -beside one or the other. Only, property. owners (includ- ing ;joint owners): are eligible :to vote ' on, this money bylaw. • A questionnaire w a s recently circulated by the Lucknow' Lions,. Club . to secure opinions ofrate payers in regard , to the ' arena, renovation. Council did not feel that the • questionnaire presented' a conclusive opinion because of about 100 property •owners who did ..not express an opinion and along with the fact that the ren- ovation could' be classed as a luxury item, and - the uncertainty of a local industry at the time,, decided. to put the '.question,: to 'a vote; Mange This Week �wnersfiip Of LucknoW Sentin�i Arrangements were completed. this week whereby Donald Thomp- son of ' Lucknowbecomes.. owner. k u_ of The L c n aw Sentinel. '' For• the •information of those readers at w distance . the . new; ..s owneris, w the son of Mrs. 'Camp- bell' Thompson: of. ,Lucknow and the ; late Campbell Thompson whose death, occurred last. Sep- tember . after'. 35 years as editor and ' since 1941, owner : of the pa - Per. Donald commended work at the paper: on:. a' part': time basis while. attending school and in 1953 com- menced full time employment working for his father' :Five ' years; ago, he p uirchased—a-- half• interest in the business. • Since the death of his. father. -seven—months ago, he has con- tinued to operate the . paper in co-operation with his mother un - The °.,Ledd s, were unaware of til this past yv. eek when Niel ' ar- • ,. ti Coangements were made' :or the the fire .until; a child- came t . their door to tell them. : • ' sale. ,The' Leddyhouse,' formerly: own' The changeover, is. merely on ed' by Andrew : MacDonald .• and' paper and The Sentinel wily'con- previous to that by Con • Decker.," tmue .to operate as before with is . situated on . Havelock Street employees Mrs. Campbell Thoma-' across from the Public School son, Mrs, Don ,Thompson,. Allan McQuillan and Tony Johnstone. The ;Lucknow Sentinel '.was foun- ded in 1873 and presently serves the village and . a large rural area with a ,circulation of 2300 papers' weekly. Hoare ' - .Ashfield Foriti., Fre Levels The farm hoine .of Roy MacKay of Ashfield • Township was by levelledfire' on Tuesday .morning. .Nothing remains of the: . • brick house located on the Lochalsh sideroad, just south .of Ash- field I're . ey sb terian Church. . . • . . The fire broke out about 9 a,m. Mr. MacKay was.'.at the - barn at the time and Mrs. MacKay was 'alone in the house. Gene Martin, pi ci al at North Ashfield Public School; noticed r . n P . the 'roof -on fire and went to the MacKay farm to tell them. When .he ' arrived,. - .Mrs.: MacKay was on the phone summoning - aid, reritl noticed the fire about the same: time. When aid, They .aPPa , Y . a noticed the fire the upstairs was full. of smoke. Mrs, MacKay Cause. of the fire is not certain although it is believed that a spark from the chimney might have caused the outbreak.,The MapKay's heat, with a Wood. furnace; . •. Lucknow Fire Department was summoned' .and. an insufficient water supplyP hampered ered fire fighting efforts. After the water on the truck /was used up;_ the fire got into the partitions and the nearest water supply was from the Maclntyre ditch which.. runs a considerable distance from the house. Everything was removed from the downstairs portion' of the 'house but 'everything upstairs was lost. The , only clothes they have are what they •were wearing, •.. Fire Department were „also called in to fight the fire le DRi Y , Phours2 and firemen were on the scene 'for about five untilOt) •, ' lo -k hi the afternoon, Firemen were forced to.*fight thefire, i , miserable weather. It .rained steadily they e•• in, iii lied quite �white ..were at the scene, ' .. • ` w ' afire life,Navy . Ro: has resided on •the: same farm £or his e i Roy. born there... Mr. and Mrs.. MacKay .had no immediate Ina been timewriting Tuesday. They were at the home of plans a ht , of wi g ...... itchard•in . Lucknow. The walls of ,,. � .. titer Mrs, Tore •.l'ri , ,.. .remains _ . their brick the brick. home •wei'e pushed in ani nothing remains of the, home,. . High. Engage. Tecicher Mrs. David MacDonald of Loc- halsh has been engaged. to •teach at Lucknow District High School next term. Mrs. MacDonald ' is presently teaching at the Ripley District High School having gone there in a 'supply, capacity ' •be= cause' of the illness of a teacher in Ripley. . She' will finish this term at Ripley: ' k .. With the hiring of Mrs. Mac- Donald, the staff' is presently coal plete.• Three teachers•' • have re- signed and four have been ivin en- gaged g g giving. the s chool the+•e+ttra teacher required for next: term: Thompson. Ramautarsingh has resigned h i s teaching position here to accepta position in Georgetown, It will be effective the end of the _year.. 'Mr. Ram autarsingh came here from Kin- . car fine � last'. September, He lies been teaching. History and World Politics.• local Man Heads Walkerton Bcttery • Ca t..'G. • H. Tanner" 'of , Walk p 'erten is retiring asofficer porn - mending the.97th .Field 'Artillery Battery there and .will be ,succee- ded by Maj.. H. 'D (Bud) Thomp- son, .of.• Lucknow. Cpt. Tanner ahasbeen with .the 3 isi gunner unit 2 e rs m :.ro • � ��'�.°.a � ��?�:. Jag f., � . to comtmaiidei . He has 'been in charge of .. the only 'militia .;.. 't in Bruce'County or 'thepast . f three years. .. • Maj. Thompson , h. been with the 21st. FieldRegiment, of which ' the 97th battery is a: component, for• 15 .'years and during •the •. war • served overseas with' `the' 19th Field Regiment. He fir'- 'superinten- dent of . Brucelea Haven in Walk_ ertorr: A ' officers' mess `dinner was' held in Walkerton to , .mark, the'• .change_of_command' It was also the first. social func- tion tion . at .the. unit there attended by Lt. Col. J. D. ,Harvey of Seaforth since he took over command of; the regiment from Lt. Col. L.'. A. • Vickers:, of Listowel. The. regi- ment comprises batteries in Walk- erten, .Listowel and .Wingham. WAWANOSH' FIRE SATURDAY ' . Lucknow Fire Department made a ° run to the farm of Jerry Vane Aaken in West Wawanosh on Sat urday , afternoon: —A—spark 'from the chimney had ignited the roof of the honie. The fire was under contaol when fire men. arrived, The Van ' Aakeri farm is loc'ated on the "Cyril .Boyle, sideroad"' just south of the 6th of West Wawanosh.•' • Suff�rS Fractured• Hi...... 'At age '94 MNs'. Wilson Irwin, former Luc - know Luc know. resident and presently mak_ ing her home at Brucelea Haven in Walkerton, ' suffered a broken hip in, a fall ' there - last Thursday evening.` Mrs, Irwin, who i5 94. ret.#eni,ly was h 0 nottred ata' birthday party at the • home of her son Spence in Lucknow at which time Were generations of `'her •' family were' presents She• was,''taken to Walkerton Hospital where V her .condition is regarded • as satisfactory,' Mrs. Ire winhas been able t get around using a wheel chair. She has riot walked ,for` somfling, me, • • • Rl